helen's book online

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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I dedicate this book to my little sister Emma, and my 4 friends: Ashley, Delanie, Josselyn, and Nina…but mostly to my little sister Emma.    

Deep in the Bamboo forest of China, the sun shimmers over the land as it gently sets behind the tall, rocky mountains. High stalks of bamboo sway with the warm summer breeze. Mother Panda hides her cub in the bamboo so that sneaky predators won’t find Baby Panda. Mother Panda slowly strolls off looking for the perfect piece of tasty bamboo for her cub.



Mother Panda sees a tasty looking stalk of bamboo for her cub. She uses her extra-boned paw to tug the bamboo. She chomps on it, and it breaks in half. Mother Panda pulls the bamboo to the ground. Mother Panda uses her razor sharp teeth to crunch a little bit of the bamboo since she’s hungry. But as Mother Panda slowly chews her food, little beady eyes watch her every move. Wild Dog notices that Mother Panda is not looking after her cub, so he searches for Baby Panda.  


Under the light of the full moon, as the stars sparkle across the sky, Wild Dog finds Baby Panda and lifts her up with his razor sharp teeth. Mother Panda takes the bamboo and comes strolling back to her glorious bamboo home. But when Mother Panda comes home, she sees the wild dog carrying her baby! As Wild Dog sinks his sharp teeth deeper and deeper under Baby Panda’s skin, Baby Panda, very frightened, calls to her mother: “EEK! EEK!’’  


Mother Panda is furious! She stands on her hind legs, reveals her pointy claws, uncovers her razor sharp teeth, and roars with all her might: “ROOOOOOAAAR!” Wild Dog hears that ferocious roar! He is so frightened that he drops Baby Panda and sprints all the way back to his den in the mountains.  


Mother Panda sits under the shimmering sky, and waits for her cub to come close. Baby Panda crawls next to her mother. Mother Panda lifts up her cub and hugs her tight. Mother Panda feels very guilty for leaving her cub alone. She promises herself to never leave her cub alone again. Mother Panda cradles Baby Panda to sleep. They both sleep happily through the night  


About the Author

Helen Gjino is a 9-year-old in Mrs. Mattson’s 3rd grade class. She likes to listen to the radio. She made up a dance for the full Annoying Orange “Kitchen Intruder” song. On Tuesdays, she goes for walks to the park with her family. Her favorite book is “Harry Potter”. She loves to play with her little sister Emma. She loves to listen to the flute.    

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