historic resources survey & inventory redmond, …

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Redmond, Washington

Principal Investigators: Kate Krafft & Lisa Melton

King County Historic Preservation Program Office of Business Relations and Economic Development

701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98104

Submitted to: City of Redmond

Planning & Community Development P.O. Box 97010

(15670 NE 85th Street) Redmond, WA 98073-9710

Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation

1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 P.O. Box 48343

Olympia, WA 98504

September 2005

Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

This project was financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior administered by the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. The contents and opinions contained herein do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of either of these agencies. Regulations of the U.S. Department oflnterior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental Federally Assisted Programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, or handicap. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240

-4 CULTURE kll'fG C0l/HTY 1.001:UH0 T.tX

This project was supported in part by the lodging tax fund administered by 4Culture, the Cultural Development

Authority of King County, Seattle, Washington.


Executive Summary

Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

The physical development of the City of Redmond was shaped in a significant way by changing means of transportation. From rowboats to railroad and wagon roads to freeways, these transportation modes facilitated timber clearing, lumber milling and subsequent agricultural activities that were superseded by modem suburban residential development. Today, a diverse collection of extant historic properties tell the story of Redmond's history, growth and expansion.

During the spring and summer of 2005, comprehensive field investigation was undertaken in order to fully identify and document extant historic resources located within the Redmond city limits. The project was conducted by the King County Historic Preservation Program under contract to the City of Redmond. It was funded in part by a grant from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. This project was also supported in part by the lodging tax fund administered by 4Culture, the Cultural Development Authority of King County. All properties constructed prior to 1940 were examined for potential inclusion in the City of Redmond Historic Resource Inventory (HRI). The project did not include identification of pre-historic or historic archeological resources.

Approximately 200 properties were examined, of which 144 properties were recorded on field forms. Of those properties, 79 were selected for inclusion in the HRI, including 29 properties previously identified and/or recorded in a limited 1998 survey and inventory · project. Additional survey and inventory work will be required to identify significant post-1940 historic resources. Historic properties in Redmond are associated with four of the five distinct periods of population growth and physical development:

• Euro-American Settlement (1870-1888) • Railway and Logging Era (1889-1911) • City Incorporation/Roadway & Infrastructure Development (1912-1929) • Economic Depression & War (1930-1945) • Post-war Suburbanization & Annexation (1946-1980)

The properties documented in this project were analyzed to develop the findings and recommendations included in this report. The HRI data is intended to be used for preservation planning purposes, public education, and as a basis for evaluating, prioritizing and nominating properties for potential local and/or regional landmark designation and listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

Copies of the complete Historic Resource Inventory are located at the offices of the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP); the King County Office of Business Relations and Economic Development; the Redmond Planning and Community Department; and, the Redmond Historical Society.

Survey Area Map

frn Areas not previously surveyed

Sept 2005

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Survey Area Map


Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

Project Background ... ....................... .... ........ . .. ........... ...... . . ... .... . .... · ... .. ..... 1

Research Design ............................. . ..................................... . .... . ..... . . ...... 3

Historical Overview . ...... .... . . . ........... ... ............... . . . ............ . . .. . .... ........ . ...... 5

Survey Results & Findings ............................................................ . . . ........... 9

Recornrnendations ............................................................... . .......... ... .. .. .. 12


A. Bibliography

B. HRI Master List (by Site Number with Address)

Master Map



Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

The City of Redmond is located in northwest King County at the north end of Lake Sammamish in the Sammamish River valley. Redmond is distinguished by a significant .... ,,1 concentration of historic properties located within its historic commercial and residential '-l core near the old Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railway and Redmond-Kirkland Road alignments. Since 1980, Redmond has experienced extraordinary population growth and development. Today, while the historic commercial core is partially sunounded by intact early residential plats, most of the surrounding former fam1lands are now zoned and developed for light industrial uses and auto-oriented residential and commercial development. Remnant agricultural activity and historic residential properties are scattered throughout the corporate city limits.

Efforts to identify historic resources in Redmond began in 1978 when King County . conducted a countywide survey and inventory project. Four properties were identified [HRI#s 0103, 0287, 0523, 0525]. Three additional historic properties were subsequently identified [HRI#s 0721, 0780, 0842]. In 1998, the City of Redmond obtained a grant from the King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission and undertook a more

· comprehensive survey and inventory effort. However, due to financial and time considerations, the number of historic properties that were surveyed was limited and the . field survey concentrated on selected geographic subareas. Thus, numerous properties within the remainder of the city were not identified or documented. Due to financial and time constraints only 22 additional properties were recorded on inventory forms as part of that effort. The criteria used to evaluate historic properties for inclusion in the HRI were not clearly defined and numerous eligible properties were not included in the Redmond Historic Resources Inventory (HRI).

In 2000, the City adopted historic preservation planning policies, per Ordinance No. 2080, and identified 16 key historic properties as City of Redmond landmarks. In 2003, the City adopted Ordinance 2164 [RCDG Chapter20], which implemented regulations establishing a local Landmark Commission, a nomination and designation process for listing in the Redmond Heritage Resource Register (as a City of Redmond Landmark) preservation incentives, and adopted design guidelines for a downtown subarea. Furthermore, City of Redmond Ordinance 2164 included regulations allowing that an historic property listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Washington Heritage Register and/or designated as a Regional (King County) Landmark shall be deemed a City of Redmond Landmark.

Ordinance 2164 also established a Regional Landmarks Commission (King County Landmarks Commission) and adopted the nomination and designation provisions of King County Code 20.62 in order for property owners to qualify for a variety of historic preservation incentive programs not available per the local designation status, listing in the Redmond Heritage Resource Register. In 2004, the City entered into an interlocal agreement with King County to provide historic preservation services, including designation and protection services, design review according to KCC 20.62 and/or other services related to the identification and preservation of historic resources.


Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

A comprehensive citywide update of the Redmond HRl was undertaken during the spring and summer of 2005. The King County Historic Preservation Program, under contract with the City of Redmond, conducted the project.

Survey Area The survey area included all land area within the current City of Redmond corporate limits, covering approximately 9,991 acres. In addition, the survey included City-owned properties adjacent to but outside the current city limits, and one adjacent planning area under consideration for annexation. The survey area did not include the City of Redmond Watershed Park, an 800-acre undeveloped forestland. Initial field examination focused on properties located within specific subareas that were not examined during the 1998 survey and inventory project. (See Survey Area Map). All previously inventoried properties were reexamined to ascertain the current physical condition and degree of integrity. All extant historic properties that were 1dentified in the1998 survey project, but which were excluded from the 1998 inventory product were reexamined to ascertain the current physical condition and degree of integrity, and to determine if they should be included in the updated HRJ.

Personnel and Public Involvement This project was financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior administered by the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and additional funding administered by 4Culture. Dianna Broadie (AICP), City of Redmond Planning Department staff, acted as project lead for the City of Redmond. Ms. Broadie provided GIS mapping and technical information and assisted with public involvement. Naomi Hardy, President of the Redmond Historical Society (RHS), provided research assistance and access to the RHS collections. Tom Hitzroth, local Eastside historian and Redmond Landmark Commission member, generously provided assistance with historical research. Individual property owners provided invaluable information and research assistance.

Lisa Melton, Preservation Specialist with the King County Historic Preservation Program, conducted the fieldwork and inventory analysis, compiled the final HRl database and inventory forms and contributed to the Survey Report. Kate Krafft, Landmark Coordinator with the King County Historic Preservation Program, served as project manager and assisted with mobilization and field examination, inventory analysis and report preparation. Julie Koler, King County Historic Preservation Officer provided overall project supervision. Dianna Broadie prepared the Survey Area and Master Map.

HRI Repositories

• Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 P.O. Box 48343 Olympia, WA 98504


• King County Historic Preservation Program Office of Business Relations and Economic Development 701 - 5th Avenue, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98104

• City of Redmond Planning & Community Development 15670 NE 85th Street Redmond, WA 98073-9710

• Redmond Historical Society Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, Room 106 16600 NE 80th Street Redmond, WA 98052



Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

The objective of this project was to (a) examine or reexamine all extant historic properties constructed prior to 1940 within the Redmond city limits; and, (b) identify and evaluate those properties that are worthy of preservation and, which may be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or for designation as local or regional landmarks. Pre-historic and historic archeological sites were not addressed in this survey and inventory effort. Due to the potential number, complexity and expense required to identify and evaluate post-1940 properties, a 1940 cut-off date was established.

The information that was gathered for this project will be used by the City of Redmond and the King County Historic Preservation Program for historic preservation planning and economic and community development purposes. Prior survey and inventory efforts have been incomplete; thus comprehensive historic resource inventory data has not been available for analysis and preservation planning purposes.

This project adhered to the standards and procedures identified in NATIONAL REGISTER BULLETIN No. 24 - Technical information on comprehensive planning, survey of cultural resources, and registration in the National Register of Historic Places, and Survey and Inventory Standards established by the DAHP.

Survey and Inventory Methodology

• Mobilization & Literature Review Relevant literature, prior research and inventory data were reviewed to guide field examination and to update and expand the historic overview. Field survey strategy and evaluation criteria were formulated. Field survey recording maps and tools were prepared.


• Field Recording

Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

Geographic Information System (GIS) generated maps were used for the field examination. All parcels with buildings known to have been constructed prior to 1940 were keyed to the maps and further identified by address; all properties previously included in the HRI were also keyed to the maps. The initial phase of fieldwork covered geographic areas that had not been previously surveyed. Subsequent fieldwork included the reexamination of previously examined historic resources. The field examination consisted of recording descriptive information on the field forms including construction materials, and architectural features and finishes; assessing physical integrity and potential architectural and/or historic significance; and the collection of digital photography for each surveyed resource. In order to assess physical integrity properties were examined based on degree of alteration under four specific categories: building form, footprint/plan, fenestration, and exterior cladding. Buildings that exhibited a combination of moderate or extensive alteration in two or more of the categories were not recorded or considered for inclusion in the HR.I, particularly if those alterations impacted highly visible elevations. One hundred nine.ty-four (194) historic properties were examined, and 144 properties were photographed and recorded on field forms.

• Draft Report Production The draft Redmond Historical Overview (based in part on A 1998 Inventory of 165 Historic Properties within the City of Redmond prepared for the 1998 HR.I project) was prepared. Additional research was conducted using a wide range of information sources. The primary library and archival collections consulted included: University of Washington Libraries - Special Collections, the Seattle Public Library, the Washington State Archives- Puget Sound Regional Branch, and the Redmond Historical Society Collection.

• Draft Inventory Analysis & Development All field survey forms and photographs were individually reviewed and 79 properties were prioritized for inclusion in the 2005 HR.I. Inventory properties were analyzed and grouped according to architectural form/design, association with an historic theme, and developmental era. They were further reviewed and prioritized within subcategories according to specific areas of potential historic and/or architectural significance. A property record file was created for each property included in the HRI. A draft electronic inventory form with field data was prepared for each property, individual properties were researched, and physical descriptions were written. The historic overview was finalized and the draft Survey Report was prepared.

• Final Survey Report & Inventory Form Production The Survey Report and Master Map were finalized. Final electronic and hard copy inventory forms were prepared including: field data, physical description, statement of significance, and a digital photograph. HRI data was compiled in a computerized database (fonnatted in a Microsoft Access database) created by


Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

DAHP, which can be sorted by multiple categories including construction date, parcel number, owner, building type, etc. Each property was assigned an inventory (or field site) number that is used to locate it in the database and identify it on the HRI form, HRI Master List and Master Map. Properties that appear to be eligible for local landmark designation or National Register listing were identified.

The following products were prepared in the course of the project: • Fifty new Washington State DAHP Inventory Forms with digital photographs; • Twenty-nine converted and updated Washington State DAHP Inventory Forms; • Access Database; • Survey Report that includes an historic overview and HRI Master List; • A Master Map noting locations of all HRI properties; and • Individual property record files that include relevant published and unpublished

reference materials and research notes (for City only).


Euro-American Settlement (1870-1888) For thousands of years the streams, dense forests and the rich bottomland of the Sammamish Valley had provided shelter and food for local Native Americans. The era of Euro-American settlement dates to the early 1870s when the first permanent homesteads were established. Luke McRedmond and Warren Perrigo along with their families were among the first to file homestead claims along the Sammamish River, then known as the Squak Slough. The McRedmond family initially resided in a log cabin and established a subsistence farm. The Perrigo family also built a cabin, planted an orchard and began farming and raising oxen. Sometime during the 1870s the Perrigo 's established an inn known as Melrose House. In 1877, Warren Perrigo's brother William and his bride settled nearby and subsequently opened the area's first trading post. Traveling by scow or rowboat over the waterways and via rudimentary trails, additional homesteaders, loggers, miners, trappers and fisherman gradually settled in the general area.

The first school building was a log cabin built on land donated by Warren Perrigo in 1875. By 1880, the U.S. census recorded some 50 people including 11 children and several Indians, residing in the community. In the early 1880s, the first wagon road (known as Curtis Road) was constructed between Kirkland and Redmond and steamboats began to serve several small communities along Lake Sammamish and the Sammamish River. As more settlers arrived, the first post office was established in 1881 and the community became known as Melrose in reference to Perrigo's inn. However, in 1882 Mr. McRedmond successfully petitioned to have the name changed to Redmond.

By the early 1880s, the McRedmonds had replaced their log house with a new residence that also functioned as the post office and served boarders and travelers. Typical of the


Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

era, it was constructed with milled lumber, painted white and featured a prominent front porch. By the late 1880s, as timber clearing activity and the regional market for agricultural goods expanded the Redmond area experienced gradual population growth, and increased residential construction and commerce.

Railway and Logging Era (1889-1911) The completion of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad in 1889 was a turning point in local development. Timber-harvesting interests actively acquired land and cleared the thick stands of trees that still dominated the area. The new railway facilitated transporting harvested logs and milled lumber and numerous sawmills began to operate in the area. A railway depot was constructed and regularly scheduled passenger service to Seattle and to North Bend via Issaquah commenced. Subsequent commercial, civic and residential development occurred including the construction of the Hotel Redmond, which also served as the Justice White residence. During this era the first permanent general store, a meat market, new school buildings, churches and improved or new wagon roads were constructed. h11 891, Luke and Kate McRedmond filed the first recorded plat for the Redmond town site. It became the core of historic commercial l,· development and encompasses most of what is now considered the old downtown area.

By 1900, Redmond and the nearby farms and communities in Happy Valley, Avondale and Union Hill had a population of 271. During the following decade educational, fraternal and religious buildings were added to the community in conjunction with expanded residential, agricultural and commercial development. During this era, J.W. Clise acquired the former John Tosh homestead. Clise constructed a small hunting lodge, which was eventually expanded to a distinctive 28-room residence and became the centerpiece ofWillowmoor Farm, now known as Marymoor Park.

By 1905, the Campbell Mill Company established a mill town near Adelaide on the northeast shore of Lake Sammamish where it operated a logging railway and milling operation for nearly 20 years. The company town included a store, hotel, blacksmith shop, and tool house as well as homes and bunkhouses for company employees. Several other local lumbering operations were active in addition to the Campbell Mill and by 1908 most of the major timber companies continued to own large land parcels in the vicinity.

In 1906 and 1909 additional portions of the original McRedmond and Perrigo homesteads were platted for anticipated commercial and residential development. A modest network of wagon roads connecting the inland towns east of Lake Washington continued to be expanded and improved and Redmond became the hub of a rural district flanking the Sammamish River valley. By 1907, the burgeoning commercial area was clustered near the Hotel Redmond and the railroad depot and included two general stores, several saloons, a few hotels and rooming houses, a livery and feed store, and several specialty shops including a hardware store and shoe shop. Commercial enterprises were typically housed in modest wood frame buildings with false front facades. The Redmond Trading Company building was the first brick masonry structure, built in 1908. Around 1905, William "Bill" Brown opened a saloon that was so successful he was able to replace it


Historic Resources Survey & lnventory

Redmond, WA

with a large brick building in 1913. By 1910, the local population was dominated by farmers and timber or mill workers and had doubled in size.

City Incorporation/Roadway and Infrastructure Development (1912-1929) By 1910, automobiles began to be used for local transportation purposes, which precipitated the improvement and paving of the old Kirkland-Redmond wagon road. This roadway became an important transportation link to Seattle via the Kirkland­Madison Park ferry. Shortly thereafter auto stage service was made available between Redmond and several other Eastside communities including Fall City and Tolt (Carnation). A second prominent brick building was added to the commercial district in 1911. It housed the Redmond State Bank, the town's first bank.

Redmond residents successfully petitioned King County in 1912 for incorporation of the Town of Redmond, which by then had a population of 303 residents and encompassed an area of approximately 193 acres. In 1913, the James Mattson Road (Red Brick Road) that functioned as a segment of the Sunset Highway and Yellowstone Trail was paved with brick. Electrical power became available and a wood-pipe water system was installed in town, replacing private wells. A system of Eastside roadways and bridges continued to be improved and expanded and steamboat transportation to Redmond ceased. After the 1916-17 opening of the Chittenden Locks, which lowered Lake Washington, several previously navigable waterways including the Sammamish River became too shallow for most vessels. In 1919 William "Bill" Brown was elected as Redmond's second mayor, a position he held for the following 30 years. Although the town's population did not grow much over the following two decades, there were significant social, demographic and economic changes in the wider community.

Between 1922 and 1925 a prominent two story, brick school building was constructed. Later in the decade the first public library and a public park were both established and a telephone and water system were installed. In 1924, the Campbell Mill burned down and was not rebuilt. Gradually other lumber mills ceased to operate as marketable forestlands had already been logged off. These cleared lands created opportunities for expanded agricultural activity and also attracted land developers, who platted new residential parcels. New dairy and chicken farms proliferated and profitable truck farms that utilized the improved roadways became plentiful. Thus, farming became a mainstay of the local economy. During this era dozens of new residences, commercial buildings, churches and community buildings were built. Residential designs reflected a range of highly popular bungalow and period revival styles, most likely obtained from builders' house plan books.

Beginning in the mid-teens and early twenties, small automobile-oriented resorts became viable commercial ventures in areas were logging activity had subsided. Such resorts were scattered throughout King County. They were typically located on lakeshores and Puget Sound beaches and most often included rustic cabins, picnic grounds, a dance hall, and a swimming beach. During the late 1920s after the lake road to Issaquah was upgraded, numerous resorts and modest vacation homes were built along the west side of Lake Sammamish.


Economic Depression and War (1930-1945)

Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

By 1930, the present historic city center was in place, composed primarily of wood frame residential, commercial and civic buildings as well as a few substantial brick buildings. The principle areas of development, outside of the business district, were the residential neighborhoods just north and efst of downtown, a few residential plats near the western shores of Lake Sammamish, buildings associated with the former Campbell Mill operation on the northeast lake shore, along with numerous farmhouses and ancillary farm buildings scattered throughout the surrounding countryside.

During the period of the Great Depression the town continued to function as a rural agricultural hub with few significant physical or demographic changes. Additional residential development occurred in the area since large and inexpensive lots provided opportunities to produce food from orchards, kitchen gardens, and chicken coops. The homes built between 1930 and the end of World War II tended to be smaller and more modest in design than those built during prior two decades.

While the Depression put many people out of work, government sponsored relief projects under the auspices of the Works Progress Administration (WP A) helped to provide some employment in Redmond. The WP A typically provided funding for the labor to build public facilities, such as schools and park facilities, while the local community was responsible for providing the materials. During the late 1930s, the WP A sponsored a project involving the construction of several log buildings at the local public park, known today as Anderson Park.

With the onset of World War II, the U.S. Navy commissioned the Lake Washington Shipyard in Houghton to produce several submarine and seaplane tenders. The shipyard also repaired or overhauled more than 500 vessels during the war period. The work force _of the shipyard expanded from 250 workers in 1939 to more than 8,000. This level of increased employment opportunity and the need for workers significantly increased the demand for housing throughout the Kirkland-Redmond area for the duration of the war.

Post.;war Suburbanization and Annexation (1946-1980) To a large degree, Redmond retained its rural character until the early 1960s. The population was around 1,500. By then, the town had already embarked on a course of expansion. In 1951, the City annexed 332 acres on Education Hill, north of town, which nearly tripled the size of the incorporated area. This was the first expansion of the City since its initial 1912 incorporation. During the remainder of the 1950s, and into the 1960s, the City of Redmond pursued an aggressive annexation policy and more than 40 annexations of surrounding neighborhoods and land parcels occurred. The acreage of the town increased by over ten times.

The opening of the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge in 1963 and the extension of SR 520 was a crucial factor in the rapid suburban residential and commercial development and burgeoning population growth. In the 1970s, this growth was further augmented by the construction of business parks and the influx high-tech and service industries. By 1978,


Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

Redmond was identified as the fastest growing city in the state. The 1980 U.S. census recorded a population of 23,318.

Although most communities in the inland Puget Sound metropolitan region experienced phenomenal growth during the last several decades of the 20th century, Redmond out­paced them all. Today, the incorporated area is over 16.6 square miles, encompassing the entire north end of Lake Sammamish, and the population stands at over 46,500 residents. The City of Redmond is known worldwide as the corporate headquarters of the Microsoft Corporation and Nintendo of America.


Twenty-nine HR1 forms for previously identified historic properties were converted to the DAHP Access Database and updated.

Fifty new HR1 forms were created and added to the DAHP Access Database.

Fifty-one historic properties were identified that appear to be eligible for Regional Landmark Designation per KCC 20.62 and listing in the Redmond Heritage Resource Register. Those properties are identified on the HRI Master List - Appendix B.

Twenty-two historic properties were identified that appear to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and listing in the Redmond Heritage Resource Register. Those properties are identified on the HRI Master List - Appendix B.

No potential Regional Landmark or National Register historic districts were identified.

There are no extant historic properties associated with the era of Euro-American Settlement (1870-1888).

The project identified eighteen (18) historic properties associated with the Railway and Logging Era (1889-1911).

The project identified thirty-eight (38) historic properties associated with the City Incorporation/Roadway and Infrastructure Development era (1912-1929).

The project identified twenty-two (22) historic properties associated with the Economic Depression and War era (1930-1945).

The survey did not focus_on the identification of historic properties constructed after 1940 or those associated with the Post-war Suburbanization and Annexation era (1946-1980). However, one (1) previously identified property of particular historic significance was included.


Development Trends

Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

Since 1980, Redmond has experienced extraordinary population growth and significant residential, commercial and industrial development. Today, the historic commercial core remains somewhat intact, several historic buildings remain in active use but additional economic investment and revitalization efforts are needed. Intact early residential plats and close-in historic residential properties remain, however the majority of surrounding former farmlands are now zoned and developed for light industrial uses and auto-oriented residential and commercial developments. Remnant agricultural resources and historic residential properties are scattered throughout the corporate city limits. Land values, zoning changes and on-going pressure for new residential and commercial development threaten historically significant properties.

A number of historic houses are well-preserved and remain in residential use or have been successfully adapted to commercial uses by private property owners. The City has undertaken several historic preservation projects including work to preserve the Redmond School [HRI#1618], the Redmond Cemetery [HRI#2464], and historic buildings in Anderson Park [HRI#1621]. The City owns two (2) historic farmsteads [HRI#0721 and HRI#2470], which it plans to develop as public park facilities.

Study Unit Themes Represented in HRI Properties included in the 2005 Historic Resources Inventory represent the following Study Unit Themes.

Agriculture Architecture Arts Commerce Community Planning & Development Conservation Education Entertainment Ethnic Heritage Industry Politics/Government/Law Social Movements/Organizations Religion Funerary

Noteworthy Resources

Hotel Redmond (Justice White House)

14 77

1 16 2 1 2 5 1 7 5 9 2 2

This building was constructed in 1889 and is the oldest extant historic property in Redmond. It possesses strong associations with the earliest significant period of commercial, civic and residential construction generated by the completion of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad (1889-1911). Located near the railway depot, it was the horrie of Justice William White and his wife Emma; the daughter of Redmond pioneers


Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

Luke and Kate McRedmond. It served as a hotel for nearly 40 years and was subsequently used until the 1980s as the clubhouse for the Redmond Golf Links. The prominent 2-1/2 story, 14-room residence exhibits distinctive Tudor Revival style features and has undergone some restoration work in the last 20 years. It appears to have been nominated to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979, but not listed. The nomination form was inadequate in describing the historic and architectural significance of this property and included inaccurate information. This property is identified by DAHP as being eligible for National Register listing and most certainly should be re­nominated to the National Register and formally recognized for its significance.

Campbell Mill properties This project identified seven (7) extant residential properties including a former boarding house that are the remnants of the Campbell Mill operation and the company town of Campton. The Campbell Mill is associated with the earliest significant period of commercial, civic and residential construction generated by the completion of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad (1889-1911). By 1905, the Campbell Mill Company established a mill town near Adelaide on the northeast shore of Lake Sammamish where it operated a logging railway and milling operation for nearly 20 years. The company town included a store, hotel, blacksmith shop, and tool house as well as homes and bunkhouses for company employees. While the major industrial and commercial facilities have been removed, the extant residential properties represent an important period in Redmond's history and should be formally recognized for their historic significance.

Agricultural complexes This project identified five (5) historic agricultural complexes that include residential, dairy and or poultry farming facilities and former pasturelands. These properties are primarily associated with the third period of significant growth in the community (1912-1929). After the introduction of the automobile, major roadway and civic infrastructure improvements helped to facilitate local dairy, poultry and truck farming. While some of the properties have been altered and include limited acreage, these resources are fragile and threatened by development trends. Because they represent such an important period in Redmond's history, they should be formally recognized for their historic (and architectural) significance and serious efforts should be made to preserve them.

Commercial buildings This project identified numerous commercial properties within the historic commercial core and original plat of the town site. These properties are associated early twentieth century commercial, civic and economic development. Several are associated with the earliest period of significant commercial and civic construction generated by the completion of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad (1889-1911). Others are associated with the third period of significant growth in the c9mmunity ( 1912-1929) after the introduction of the automobile. Some of these properties have been historically altered and are threatened by developmental trends. Because they represent such an important period in Redmond's history, they should be formally recognized for their


Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

histo1ic (and architech1ral) significance and serious efforts should be made to preserve and rehabilitate them.

Residential properties This project identified a significant number of residential properties scattered throughout the current city limits and planning area. These properties are associated with early twentieth century residential development in the Redmond town site and adjacent farmlands. Several residences are associated with the earliest period of significant residential construction and community development generated by the completion of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad (1889-1911). Others are associated with the third period of significant growth in the community (1912-1929) after the introduction of the automobile. These properties exhibit a range of residential architectural styles including popular bungalow and period revival plans most likely obtained from builders' house plan books. However, several properties do appear to be architect designed and exhibit unique design features. Most of these properties remain well-preserved, however they are threatened by developmental trends. Because residences represent an important aspect of Redmond's history, selected properties should be formally recognized for their historic ( and architectural) significance and serious efforts should be made to preserve them.


• Conduct survey and inventory of historic properties constructed between 1941 and 1965 (i.e. mid-century Modem architecture, Nike Missile site, etc.)

• Upon·completion of a comprehensive citywide HRI, the City should develop an Historic Preservation Plan that includes: • Process and schedule for evaluating and designating individual resources as

City and/or regional landmarks • Process and schedule for preparing a Multiple Property Documentation

(MPD) for residential properties. • Process and schedule for development of public information plan and tools

for property owners/business owners, to help guide the landmark nomination/designation process and design review process.

• Process and schedule for nominating historic properties that appear to meet criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

• Process and schedule for integration of all HRI properties into the City planning program to ensure that the preservation, rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of historic resources is considered as part of the on-going planning, permitting and Section 106 review process and for economic development purposes.

· • Identification oflegal tools and incentive programs to encourage historic preservation such as tax incentives, special permit processing and fac;ade improvement programs.


Histori c Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

• The preservation of properties associated with the City's agricultural history should be given high priority.

• The preservation of properties associated with the City's industrial history should be given high priority.

• Develop a plan that addresses the identification, evaluation and treatment of potential archaeological resources. Three prehistoric and one historic archaeological site are currently registered with the State of Washington. There is a high potential for additional archaeological resources along Sammamish River and Bear Creek and some potential within the Redmond City Watershed Park.

• Collaborate with other interested parties to sponsor a "Main Street" studio project or storefront design program (similar to those conducted in the University District, White Center and Auburn) to assist and encourage property owners with potential storefront rehabilitation and restoration efforts.

Research Questions

• Conduct additional fieldwork and research related to Campbell Mill and the mill town of Campton. Document and research two piers that were recently reported to be a remnant of the mill operations, but not identified in this project.

• Conduct additional fieldwork and research related to altered historic commercial properties in the original town plat. Document the reported presence of intact remnant interior features and finishes or concealed exterior building fabric. [The former Hotel Walter/Grand Hotel is reported to possess intact interior - upper floor level features.]

• Conduct further research related to Gateway Grove Resort including buildings like the relocated Enis House [HRI #2466] that were associated with the resort and have been removed from the site.

• Conduct further research related to a group of Craftsman Style houses, which exhibit similar porch and design details [HRI# 2564-2579-2580] in order to determine how they may be associated and/or whether they may have been constructed by an unrecognized local builder.




Historic Resources Survey & Inventory

Redmond, WA

Bagley, Clarence. History of King County. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1929.

The Coast. June 1909, p. 396.

Conover, C. T. "Just Cogitating," Seattle Times, April 12, 1959, Magazine Section, Section G, p. 6

Emerson, Stephen. A 1998 Inventory of 165 Historic Properties within the City of Redmond, King County, Washington. Archaeological and Historical Services: Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington, November 16, 1998.

Emerson, Stephen. Historic Overview, City of Redmond, King County, Washington. Archaeological and Historical Services: Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington, November 16, 1998.

J. T. Atkins Company, PC. Idylwood Park Opportuntity Plan, City of Redmond Parks and Recreation Department. June 2004.

Redmond, A History. Compiled by the students of Gene Humphrey, Redmond Jr. High School, 1962-63, copies at the Redmond Library and Suzzallo Library, University of Washington.

Redmond, Bicentennial City Walking Tour of Historic Buildings. Pamphlet prepared by Redmond Bicentennial Committee, text by Dorothy White Hanscom, 1976.

The Redmond Press. Charles D. Ulmer & Sons, Publishers, November 24, 1911, p. 5 advertisements.

"Redmond Still Looks Like Country," Seattle Times, April 29, 1976, Special Supplement, Section G, 12 pages.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Redmond, 1908, 1926, 1926 (corrected 1930).

Tracy, Diana. "Tracing Redmonds Beginnings," View Northwest, October 1974, pp. 40-41.

Way, Nancy, Our Town Redmond, Marymoor Museum, Redmond, 1989.

APPENDIX B Redmond Historic Resources Inventory Master List

St. St. Appears to Appears to

Field Construe Prefix St. Suffix be eligible be eligible

# Parcel# Historic Name Current Name tion Date Street# Dir Street Name Type Dir for NR for LR

Justice William White/ Luke McRedmond House/ Redmond Golf Links

0103 7202410210 Redmond Hotel Clubhouse Duplex Util 1889 7529 Leary Way NE X X 0287 8029700040 Wiley, O.A. House The Stone House Ca. 1914 16244 Cleveland St X X

Campbell Mill Boarding Lake 0523 1318300195 House Anderson House ca. 1910 6081 E Sammamish Pkwy NE X X

Faith Evangelical Lutheran First Church of Christ 0525 1225059060 Church Scientist 1916 16910 Avondale Way NE 0721 0625069002 Olsen, Conrad Farm Conrad Olsen Park 1908 18834 NE 95th St X X

0780 2626059063 Sales Smith House Mrs. Stom - present tenant 1917 15804 NE 116th St Silver Shirt Legion Hall, Johnson, Arthur & Rubie

0842 0625069039 House Action Roofing 1920 18844 NE 84th St X X 1922,

Old Redmond School 1925, 1618 0125059013 Redmond School Community Center 1934 16600 NE 80th St X

Redmond United 1906, 1619 0125059018 Methodist-Episcopal Church Methodist Church 1926 16540 NE 80th St X X

Nokomis Club/3rd Library 1620 0225059057 Site Chamber of Commerce ca. 1933 16210 NE 80th St X X 1621 1225059016 Redmond City Park Anderson Park 1934 7802 168th Ave NE X X

1622 1225059125 Mattson, James House Sierra Construction Office 1922 16715 NE 79th St X X House at 16641 NE 79th

1623 1225059154 Little, Myrtle A. House St 1920 16641 NE 79th St X House at 13442 NE 80th

1624 1237500180 Bledsoe, Mary T. House St ca. 1905 13442 NE 80th St

Campbell Mill Foreman's Fred & Betty Peschel Lake 1625 1318300040 House residence ca. 1913 6064 E Sammamish Pkwy NE

Morelli, Gabe House/ Morelli Chicken Farm Microsoft Redmond West

1626 2182500012 Residence Campus 1931 5830 148th Ave NE X X 1627 1125059062 Morelli Chicken Farm Morelli, Martin House 1936 6056 148th Ave NE X

Page 1

APPENDIX B Redmond Historic Resources Inventory Master List

St. St. Appears to Appears to Field Construe Prefix St. Suffix be eligible be eligible # Parcel# Historic Name Current Name tion Date Street# Dir Street Name Type Dir for NR for LR

Randall Ramusack 1628 5657200040 Louis West Residence residence 1918 7860 132nd Ave NE X 1629 6421100544 Unknown Reeves, Randall House ca. 1940 7050 150th Ave NE X X

House at 8047 165th Ave 1630 6719700085 Shelton, H.E. House NE Ca. 1920 8047 165th Ave NE X X

House at 8310 165th Ave 1631 6719700205 Buckley, F.W. Residence NE 1915 8310 165th Ave NE X X 1632 7198800005 Farmer's COOP T & D Feeds 1930 16355 Cleveland St 1633 7198800025 Bill Brown's Saloon Big Time Pizza Ca. 1905 7830 Leary Way X X 1634 7198800058 Redmond State Bank Brad Best Realty 1910 7841 Leary Way X X 1635 7198800045 Redmond Trading Co. Half Price Books 1911 7805 Leary Way 1636 7198800100 Brown's Garage Underhill's Furniture 1920 16389 Redmond Way X X 1637 71 98800110 Bechtol Drugstore Ashleigh's Attic 1938 16360 Redmond Way X X 1638 7792200035 Skjarstad's Shoe Shop Town Shoe Repair Ca. 1908 7867 Leary Way X X

1639 7792200070 Odd Fellows Hall (Redmond) Edwardian Antiques Ca. 1903 7979 Leary Way X 2460 3134100071 Mullen, John S. House 1920 3451 177th Ave NE X X 2461 6719700365 Walcher, E. A. House 1922 8117 166th Ave NE X X

Woodside, Dr. James H. 2462 6719700115 House Rosetree Cottage 1925 8336 164th Ave NE X 2463 6719700310 Buckley, Frank House Buckley, Roy W House 1937 8042 165th Ave NE X

Redmond Community 2464 1225059012 Old Redmond Cemetery Cemetery Ca. 1904 180th Ave NE X X

Dudley Carter's Haida 2465 9270700130 Haida House Studio House Studio Ca. 1990 7447 159th Pl NE X X

Enis, Claude House Lake 2466 3134100145 (Gateway Grove Resort) Ca. 1925 3615 w Sammamish Pky NE X 2467 7792200040 Redmond Hardware Alpine Hut 1903 7875 Leary Way NE X 2468 0625069060 Lind, Albert Farm Barrett Farm 1945 19416 NE Union Hill Rd

Johnson, Frank A. 2469 2526059032 Farmstead Bruneau Farm 1936 16447 NE 122nd St X

McWhirter, E. J. Hutcheson, Charles W illiam Farmstead/ Farrel-

2470 3126069017 and Sally Homestead McWhirter Park 1936 19545 NE Redmond Rd X House at 8420 165th Ave

2471 6719700250 Donnelly, William D. House NE 1918 8420 165th Ave NE X

Page 2

APPENDIX B Redmond Historic Resources Inventory Master List

St. St. Appears to Appears to Field Construe Prefix St. Suffix be eligible be eligible # Parcel# Historic Name Current Name tion Date Street# Dir Street Name Type Dir for NR for LR

House at 10032 134th Ave 2472 1246700220 Smith, Edith House NE Ca. 1920 10032 134th Ave NE 2473 6719700295 Lampeart, Roy 1918 8301 166th Ave NE X 2474 1246700177 Mullen, Jessie House 1918 13216 NE 100th St 2475 1246700240 Stimson, Lisle 1936 13456 NE 100th St X

2476 0125059141 Gunnerson, Sven A. House 1932 8608 Avondale Rd X

Campbell Mill Company Carlson, N. W. House Lake 2477 1318300180 Worker's House (1939) 1910 6213 E Sammamish Pky NE

Campbell Mill Company Lake 2478 1318300156 Worker's house Jones, Mary House (1937) 1910 6006 E Sammamish Pky NE

Campbell Mill Company Bryden, Charles House/ Lake 2479 1318300144 Worker's house Brashears, Earl W. House 1910 6032 E Sammamish Pky NE

Campbell Mill Company Brashears, Earl W. House Lake 2480 1318300125 Worker's House (1957) 1910 6038 E Sammamish Pky NE X

Campbell Mill Company Gibson, C. E. House Lake 2481 1318300120 Worker's House (1936) 1910 6044 E Sammamish Pky NE

Rasberg, H. L. Farmhouse Barnhart Farm (1964-2482 3526059046 (1919) 2001) 1915 15631 NE 116th St X 2483 7792900115 Eiken, Louis 0. House 1924 7990 170th Ave NE X

Lake 2484 3134100131 Massman, Maude House 1928 3635 w Sammamish Pky NE

Martin, Russell and Edith 2485 0325059138 Huntington, Hilda J. House House 1921 9704 132nd Ave NE 2486 6421100544 Unknown ca. 1940 7050 150th Ave NE X 2487 6719700030 Neslund, A. J. House Micromedia 1923 8158 164th Ave NE X

Eagle Rim Apartments 2488 0125059022 Perrigo Farm House Rental Office 1909 17325 NE 85th Pl

Green, Lewis House/ 2489 1225059165 Brown, Eva J. House Green Funeral Home 1923 16541 NE 179th St X 2490 6719700130 Brown, William House Brown Bag Cafe 1916 8412 164th Ave NE X

Page 3

APPENDIX B Redmond Historic Resources Inventory Master List

St. St. Appears to Appears to Field Construe Prefix St. Suffix be eligible be eligible # Parcel# Historic Name Current Name tion Date Street# Dir Street Name Type Dir for NR for LR

2491 1225059085 Sayre, Almeda House 1922 17150 Avondale Way NE 2492 2526059044 Unknown 1933 16456 NE 122nd St X

A Moment In Time Tea 2493 6719700025 Wertzler, C. J. House House 1925 8110 164th Ave NE X 2494 6719700345 Julian, George W . House 1923 8290 165th Ave NE X 2495 0125059030 Syse, Simon T. House 1937 8049 Avondale Way NE

Bjorke, Hilda and Stella Ness 2496 0625069144 House Vallene House 1929 9056 Avondale Rd NE

2497 5657200040 Weist, Louis House Morris, William H. House 1918 7860 132nd Ave NE X 2498 1246700321 Cramer, M. J. House Garbarino, Louis House 1931 10042 136th Ave NE 2499 0625069054 Sincere, W. F. 1933 18611 Novelty Hill Rd X 2500 7792900180 Jones, Amos House 1940 7961 170th Ave NE 2501 2626059037 Johnson, Frank A. House 1920 16027 NE 124th St 2502 0625069009 Unknown 1922 9040 Avondale Rd NE 2503 3882320060 Farrar, Annie M. House 1933 15408 NE 51st St X 2504 3062600180 Dempsey, H. A. 1939 3214 175th Ct NE 2505 7539900150 Setsaa, Peter J. House 1918 3305 177th Ave NE 2506 1246700044 Bowman, John R. House 1939 10428 132nd Ave NE 2507 6719700285 Smith, John A. House 1918 8345 166th Ave ne 2508 3526059102 Rogers House Anderson, L. V. House 1928 15805 NE 116th St X 2510 2182500061 Hanson, E. P. House 1928 5017 NE 50th St

Page 4

[HISTORIC PROPERTY INVENTORY SUMMARY REPORT I Historic Name: Justice William White/Luke McRedmond House/Redmond Hotel

Common Name: Redmond Golf Links Clubhouse Duplex Util

Location Address: 7529 Leary Way NE

Date Recorded: 10/15/1998 Construction Date: 1889

Historic Name: Wiley. O.A. House

Common Name: The Stone House

Location Address: 16244 Cleveland St. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 10/15/1998 Construction Date: Ca. 1916

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Boarding House

Common Name: Anderson House

Location Address: 6081 E Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE

Date Recorded: 10/15/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1910

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Boarding House

Common Name: Anderson House

Location Address: 6081 E Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1910

Historic Name: Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

Common Name: First Church of Christ Scientist

Location Address: 16910 Avondale Way NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/20/1978 Construction Date: 1914, 1926

Historic Name: Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

Common Name: First Church of Christ Scientist

Location Address: 16910 Avondale Way NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/28/2005 Construction Date: 1916

Historic Name: Olsen. Conrad Farm

Common Name: John and Terry Tollefson Gordon Residence

Location Address: 18834 NE 95th St. vicinity of Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 10/1 5/2005 Construction Date: 1908

Historic Name: Sales Smith House

Common Name: Mrs. Stom - present tenant

Location Address: 15804 NE 116th St. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 10/29/1996 Construction Date: 1917

Field Site No.: 0103

Field Site No.: 0287

Field Site No.: 0523

Field Site No. : 0523

Field Site No.: 0525

Field Site No.: 0525

Field Site No.: 0721

Field Site No.: 0780

Historic Name: Silver Shirt Legion Hall. Johnson. Arthur & Rubie House

Common Name: Action Roofing

Location Address: 18844 NE 84th St. Redmond. WA 98053

Date Recorded: 12/1/1985 Construction Date: 1920 Field Site No.: 0842

Historic Name: Silver Shirt Legion Hall. Johnson. Arthur & Rubie House

Common Name: Action Roofing

Location Address: 18844 NE 84th St, Redmond, WA 98053

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1920 Field Site No.: 0842

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Styles I v,macula,


I v,marnla,


I vemarnla,


I v,marnlac



I v,marnla,


I vemacula,


I v,marnlac


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


i Arts & Crafts

I Arts & Crafts - Craftsman I

Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:21 AM


Common Name: Old Redmond School Community Center

Location Address: 16600 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1922, 1925, 1934

Historic Name: Redmond School

Common Name: Old Redmond School Community Center

Location Address: 16600 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 7/28/2005 Construction Date: 1922, 1925, 1934

Historic Name: Methodist-Episcopal Church

Common Name: Redmond United Methodist Church

Location Address: 16540 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1906, 1926

Historic Name: Methodist-Episcopal Church

Common Name: Redmond United Methodist Church

Location Address: 16540 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 7/28/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1906

Historic Name: Nokomis Club/3rd Library Site

Common Name: Chamber of Commerce

Location Address: 16210 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1933

Historic Name: Nokomis Club/3rd Library Site

Common Name: Chamber of Commerce

Location Address: 16210 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 7/28/2005 Construction Date: ca. 1933

Historic Name: Redmond City Park

Common Name: Anderson Park

Location Address: 7802 168th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1934

Historic Name: Redmond City Park

Common Name: Anderson Park

Location Address: 7802 168th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 7/28/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1934

Historic Name: Mattson, James House

Common Name: Sierra Construction Office

Location Address: 16715 NE 79th St

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1922

Historic Name: Little. Myrtle A. House

Common Name: House at 16641 NE 79th St

Location Address: 16641 NE 79th St

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1920

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Field Site No.: 1618

Field Site No.: 1618

Field Site No.: 1619

Field Site No.: 1619

Field Site No.: 1620

Field Site No.: 1620

Field Site No.: 1621

Field Site No.: 1621

Field Site No.: 1622

Field Site No.: 1623


I Vemawlac


I Vemawlac


I Vemarulac


Gothic - Late Gothic Revival



I Vemacula,


I Vemawla,


I Vemaw la,


Arts & Crafts - Rustic / National Park


I Vemaw lac


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craft:sma n

Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:21 AM


Common Name: House at 16641 NE 79th St

Location Address: 16641 NE 79th St

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1920

Historic Name: Bledsoe. Mary T. House

Common Name: House at 13442 NE 80th St

Location Address: 13442 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1905

Historic Name: Bledsoe. Mary T. House

Common Name: House at 13442 NE 80th St

Location Address: 13442 NE 80th St

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1905

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Foreman's House

Common Name: Fred & Betty Peschel residence

Field Site No.: 1623

Field Site No.: 1624

Field Site No.: 1624

Location Address: 6064 E Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1913 Field Site No.: 1625

Historic Name: Morelli Chicken Farm Residence

Common Name: Morelli. Gabe House / Microsoft Redmond West Campus

Location Address: 5830 148th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1926 Field Site No.: 1626

Historic Name: Morelli Chicken Farm Residence

Common Name: Morelli. Gabe House/ Microsoft Redmond West Campus

Location Address: 5830 148th Ave NE

Date Recorded : 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1931 Field .Site No.: 1626

Historic Name: Morelli Chicken Farm

Common Name: Morelli. Martin House

Location Address: 6056 148th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1936

Historic Name: Morelli Chicken Farm

Common Name: Morelli. Martin House

Location Address: 6056 148th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1936

Historic Name: West. Louis House

Common Name: Ramusack. Randall House

Location Address: 7860 132nd Ave NE

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1918

Historic Name: Unknown

Common Name: Reeves. Randall House

Location Address: 7050 150th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1940

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Field Site No.: 1627

Field Site No.: 1627

Field Site No.: 1628

Field Site No.: 1629


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


I Vemac, la,


I Vemacula,


I Vemarula,


I Vemarula,


Arts & Crafts - Craftsman



I Vemacula,


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


I Vemarula,


I Venraa,la,

Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:22 AM


Common Name: House at 8047 165th Ave NE

Location Address: 8047 165th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: ca. 1920

Historic Name: Shelton. H.E. House

Common Name: House at 8047 165th Ave NE

Location Address: 8047 165th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1920

Historic Name: Buckley, F.W. Residence

Common Name: House at 8310 165th Ave NE

Location Address: 8310 165th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1915

Historic Name: Buckley, F.W. Residence

Common Name: House at 8310 165th Ave NE

Location Address: 8310 165th Ave NE

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1915

Historic Name: Farmer's COOP

Common Name: T & D Feeds

Location Address: 16355 Cleveland St

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1930

Historic Name: Bill Brown's Saloon

Common Name: Big Time Pizza

Location Address: 7830 Leary Way

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: Ca. 1905

Historic Name: Bill Brown's Saloon

Common Name: Big Time Pizza

Location Address: 7830 Leary Way

Date Recorded: 4/18/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1905

Historic Name: Redmond State Bank

Common Name: Brad Best Realty

Location Address: 7841 Leary Way

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1910

Historic Name: Redmond State Bank

Common Name: Brad Best Realty

Location Address: 7841 Leary Way

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1910

Historic Name: Redmond Trading Co.

Common Name: Half Price Books

Location Address: 7805 Leary Way

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1911

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Field Site No.: 1630

Field Site No.: 1630

Field Site No.: 1631

Field Site No.: 1631

Field Site No.: 1632

Field Site No.: 1633

Field Site No.: 1633

Field Site No.: 1634

Field Site No.: 1634

Field Site No.: 1635


I Yemac,lac


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts • Craftsman


I Yemarula,


I Yemarula,


I Commecaal


I Commecdal


I Comme,clal


I c~mecc1a1


I Commecclal


I Comme,clal

Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:22 AM


Common Name: Classy Oak/Encore Cycle & Fitness

Location Address: 16389 Redmond Way

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: 1920

Historic Name: Bechtol Drugstore

Common Name: Ashleigh's Attic

Location Address: 16360 Redmond Way

Date Recorded: 10/1/ 1998 Construction Date: 1938

Historic Name: Skjarstad's Shoe Shop

Common Name: Town Shoe Repair

Location Address: 7867 Leary Way

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: Ca. 1908

Historic Name: Odd Fellows Hall {Redmond}

Common Name: Edwardian Antiques

Location Address: 7979 , Leary Way

Date Recorded: 10/1/1998 Construction Date: Ca. 1903

Historic Name: Mullen. John S. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 3451 177th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/21/2005 Construction Date: 1920

Historic Name: Walcher. E. A. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 8117 166th Ave NE. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1922

Historic Name: Woodside. Dr. James H. House

Common Name: Rosetree Cottage

Location Address: 8336 164th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded : 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1925

Historic Name: Buckley. Frank House

Common Name: Buckley. Roy W House

Location Address: 8042 165th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1937

Historic Name: Old Redmond Cemetery

Common Name: Redmond Community Cemetery

Location Address: 180th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1904

Historic Name: Haida House Studio

Common Name: Dudley Carter's Haida House Studio

Location Address: 7447 159th Pl NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 6/9/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1990

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Field Site No.: 1636

Field Site No.: 1637

Field Site No.: 1638

Field Site No.: 1639

Field Site No.: 2460

Field Site No.: 2461

Field Site No.: 2462

Field Site No.: 2463

Field Site No.: 2464

Field Site No.: 2465


I Comme,clal


Art Deco









Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman



Colonial - Dutch Colonial


Tudor - Cottage



Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:22 AM

I HISTORIC PROPERTY INVENTORY SUMMARY REPORT I Historic Name: Enis. Claude House (Gateway Grove Resort)

Common Name:

Location Address: 3615 W Lake Sammamish Pky NE, Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/4/2005 Construction Date: Ca. 1925

Historic Name: Redmond Hardware

Common Name: Alpine Hut

Location Address: 7875 Leary Way NE, Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1903

Historic Name: Lind, Albert Farm

Common Name: Barrett Farm

Location Address: 19416 NE Union Hill Rd, Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1945

Historic Name: Johnson, Frank A. Farmstead

Common Name: Bruneau Farm

Location Address: 16447 NE 122nd St. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1936

Historic Name: Hutcheson, Charles William and Sally Homestead

Common Name: McWhirter, E. J. Farmstead I Farrel-McWhirter Park

Location Address: 19545 NE Redmond Rd. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/6/2005 Construction Date: 1936

Historic Name: Donnelly, William D. House

Common Name: House at 8420 165th Ave NE

Location Address: 8420 165th Ave NE, Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1918

Historic Name: Smith, Edith House

Common Name: House at 10032 134th Ave NE

Location Address: 10032 134th Ave NE. Kirkland. WA 98033

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005

Historic Name: Lampeart, Roy

Common Name:

Construction Date: Ca. 1920

Location Address: 8301 166th Ave NE, Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1918

Historic Name: Mullen, Jessie House

Common Name:

Location Address: 13216 NE 10oth St. Kirkland, WA 98033

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005

Historic Name: Stimson, Lisle

Common Name:

Construction Date: 1918

Location Address: 13456 NE 100th St. Redmond, WA 98033

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1936

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Field Site No.: 2466

Field Site No.: 2467

Field Site No.: 2468

Field Site No.: 2469

Field Site No.: 2470

Field Site No.: 24 71

Field Site No.: 2472

Field Site No.: 2473

Field Site No.: 2474

Field Site No.: 2475


I Vernarula,


I Cornme,dal


I Vernarula,

· Styles

I Vemarnla,


I Vernarulac


I Vemarulac


I Vemacuo,


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


I Vemac,lac


Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:22 AM


Common Name:

Location Address: 8608 Avondale Rd. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded : 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1932

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Company Worker's House

Common Name: Carlson, N. W. House (1939) .

Field Site No.: 2476

Location Address: 6213 E Lake Sammamish Pky NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: 1910 Field Site No.: 2477

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Company Worker"s house

Common Name: Jones. Mary House (1937)

Location Address: 6006 E Lake Sammamish Pky NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/6/2005 Construction Date: 1910 Field Site No.: 2478

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Company Worker's house

Common Name: Bryden. Charles House/Brashears. Earl W. House

Location Address: 6032 E Lake Sammamish Pky NE. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/6/2005 Construction Date: 1910 Field Site No.: 2479

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Company Worker's House

Common Name: Brashears. Earl W. House /1957)

Location Address: 6038 E Lake Sammamish Pky NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/6/2005 Construction Date: 1910

Historic Name: Campbell Mill Company Worker's House

Common Name: Gibson. C. E. House /1936\

Field Site No.: 2480

Location Address: 6044 E Lake Sammamish Pky NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/6/2005 Construction Date: 1910 Field Site No.: 2481

Historic Name: Rasberg, H. L. Farmhouse (1919\

Common Name: Barnhart Farm (1964-2001\

Location Address: 15631 NE 116th St. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1915

Historic Name: Eiken. Louis 0. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 7990 170th Ave NE, Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1924

Historic Name: Massman. Maude House

Common Name:

Field Site No.: 2482

Field Site No.: 2483

Location Address: 3635 W Lake Sammamish Pky NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 7/6/2005 Construction Date: 1928

Historic Name: Huntington. Hilda J. House

Common Name: Martin. Russell and Edith House

Location Address: 9704 132nd Ave NE. Kirkland, WA 98033

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1921

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Field Site No.: 2484

Field Site No.: 2485



Tudor - Tudor Revival


I Vemacula,


I v,marulac


I v,mawlac


I v,marulac


I Vemawlac


I v,marulac


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman



Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman

Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:22 AM


Common Name:

Location Address: 7050 150th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/18/2005 Construction Date: ca. 1940

Historic Name: Neslund. A. J. House

Common Name: Micromedia ·

Location Address: 8158 164th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1923

Historic Name: Perrigo Farm House

Common Name: Eagle Rim Apartments Rental Office

Location Address: 17325 NE 85th Pl. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/15/2005 Construction Date: 1909

Historic Name: Brown. Eva J. House

Common Name: Green, Lewis House/ Green Funeral Home

Location Address: 16541 NE 179th St. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 6/9/2005 Construction Date: 1923

Historic Name: Brown. William House

Common Name: Brown Bag Cafe

Location Address: 8412 164th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1916

Historic Name: Sayre. Almeda House

Common Name:

Location Address: 17150 Avondale Way NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Field Site No.: 2486

Field Site No.: 2487

Field Site No.: 2488

Field Site No.: 2489

Field Site No.: 2490

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1922 Field Site No.: 2491

Historic Name: Unknown

Common Name:

Location Address: 16456 NE 122nd St. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1933 Field Site No.: 2492

Historic Name: Wertzler. C. J. House

Common Name: A Moment In Time Tea House

Location Address: . 8110 164th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1925

Historic Name: Julian. George W. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 8290 165th Ave NE. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1923

Historic Name: Syse. Simon T. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 8049 Avondale Way NE, Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1937

Page 8 of 10

Field Site No.: 2493

Field Site No.: 2494

Field Site No.: 2495



Tudor - Tudor Revival


I Vernoculac


American Foursquare


Arts & era fts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman



Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman


Colonial - Colonial Revival



Colonial - Colonial Revival



Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:23 AM

IHJSTORJC PROPERTY INVENTORY SUMMARY REPORT I Historic Name: Bjerke. Hilda and Stella Ness House

Common Name: Vallene House

Location Address: 9056 Avondale Rd NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1929

Historic Name: Weist. Louis House

Common Name: Morris. William H. House

Location Address: 7860 132nd Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 6/9/2005 Construction Date: 1918

Historic Name: Cramer. M. J. House

Common Name: Garbarino. Louis House

Location Address: 10042 136th Ave NE. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1931

Historic Name: Sincere. W. F.

Common Name:

Location Address: 18611 Novelty Hill Rd. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1933

Historic Name: Jones. Amos House

Common Name:

Location Address: 7961 170th Ave NE. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1940

Historic Name: Johnson. Frank A. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 16027 NE 124th St. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1920

Historic Name: Unknown

Common Name:

Location Address: 9040 Avondale Rd NE, Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1922

Historic Name: Farrar. Annie M. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 15408 NE 51st St. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/15/2005 Construction Date: 1933

Historic Name: Dempsey. H. A.

Common Name:

Location Address: 3214 175th Ct NE. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/21/2005 Construction Date: 1939

Historic Name: Setsaa. Peter J. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 3305 177th Ave NE, Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 4/21/2005 Construction Date: 1918

Page 9 of 10

Field Site No.: 2496

Field Site No.: 2497

Field Site No.: 2498

Field Site No.: 2499

Field Site No.: 2500

Field Site No.: 2501

Field Site No.: 2502

Field Site No.: 2503

Field Site No.: 2504

Field Site No.: 2505



Colonial - Colonial Revival



Arts & Crafts - Craftsman



Arts & Crafts



Arts & Crafts



Arts & Crafts



Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts - Craftsman

I Vernawlac




Ranch - Minimal Traditional


Arts & Crafts



Arts & Crafts - Craftsman

Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:23 AM


Historic Name: Bowman. John R. House

Common Name:

Location Address: 10428 132nd Ave NE. Kirkland. WA 98033

Date Recorded : 4/7/2005 Construction Date: 1939

Historic Name: Smith. John A. House

Field Site No.: 2506



Ranch - Minimal Traditional


Common Name: Arts & Crafts - Craftsman

Location Address: 8345 166th Ave ne. Redmond, WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1918, 1925

Historic Name: Rogers. D. M. and Laura M. House

Common Name: Anderson. L. V. House

Location Address: 15805 NE 116th St. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/19/2005 Construction Date: 1928

Historic Name: Hanson. E. P. House

Field Site No.: 2507


Arts & Crafts - Craftsman

Field Site No.: 2508


Common Name: Colonial - Colonial Revival

Location Address: 5017 NE 50th St. Redmond. WA 98052

Date Recorded: 5/4/2005 Construction Date: 1928 Field Site No.: 2510

Page 10 of 10 Printed on 10/20/2005 8:47:23 AM

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HR I properties

City of Redmond

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Sept 2005

2005 H-istoric Resources Inventory


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