hobartville happenings - hobartvill-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · my favourite part about my job is...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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Hobartville Happenings The fortnightly Newsletter @ Hobartville Public School

16 Valder Ave Hobartville 2753 Phone : 45781110

Email: Hobartvill-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: https://hobartvill-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/

The start to this term, has no doubt, been the strangest any of us have ever encountered. In saying

that, I must thank everyone, staff, students, parents and carers for the positive way in which this

situation has been managed. Our staff have been working extremely hard planning and developing

online learning tasks and providing feedback and support to students. Most of our students have

thrown themselves whole heartedly into their online learning and have returned wonderful samples

of work as evidence that they are engaging in their work with such a positive attitude. Our parents

have been extremely understanding and have definitely done the best they can manage, helping the

students while at home as well as ensuring their time away from the classroom has been stable and

positive. The regular communication between staff, students and parents through the various

platforms being used has been paramount and has allowed this circumstance to be some what less

confronting and more manageable than it may have been.

Just a reminder, from Week 3 our students will return to school one day per week. Children of essential workers are still able to attend

school each day and will be supervised. If you would like to keep your child/ren home from school during this time, you are w elcome

to do so. It is important to keep in contact with your child/rens’ class teacher. As a school, we have a duty of care to ensure all our

students are safe and positively engaging in their online learning.

Unfortunately, during this time the Canteen and Breakfast Club will NOT be operating. For the safety of the students, the bubblers will

not be used. Please ensure students have a bottle of water, recess, lunch and crunch & sip each day.

To manage the return to school, students’ attendance days will be determined by their house colours. Your child will be reminded of

their house colours via Class Dojo. The following timetable is as follows:

Please contact your child/ren’s classroom teacher as soon as possible if the above time table does not suit.

When students are not at school, they will be required to continue with completing their online learning tasks. When at schoo l,

students will participate in explicit teaching on their designated day. Amendments have been made to the learning environment and

the way students enter and exit the school grounds, in an attempt to ensure social distancing and hygiene guidelines are met where

possible. However, as more of our students return, the logistics of social distancing will inevitably become more of a challenge.

So to everyone…. A big THANK YOU! As a community we have come together as a team and that is what makes a huge difference to

the way these situations are managed. Unfortunately, we are definitely not through this but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Staff are certainly looking forward to

the return of our students and the

chance of school life to return to

some sense of normal. Keep safe

and let us be mindful of our

responsibility to adhere to all safety


Mrs Leanne Hegarty

Relieving Principal

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday





Children of essential

workers only





Changes to morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up as students return

back to school.

To reduce the flow of parents and carers into our school, there have been slight changes to our morning and afternoon procedures to ensure our staff and students are safe during

these times. If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher please arrange a meeting via Dojo or contact the school office direct.

2020 Calendar

8th May Mother’s Day Stall Cancelled

22nd May Zone Cross Country Cancelled

2,3,9,10,16 & 17th June Longneck Lagoon TBA

23rd June Photo Day TBA

24th June Year 6 Interrelate TBA

3rd July Athletics Carnical TBA

3rd July Last Day of Term

In the morning, parents are asked to drop their children at the front gate

ONLY. There will be a teacher supervising the front gate, asking students to

please use the hand sanitiser provided.

In the afternoon, students can be picked up from either the front or

back gate. Teachers will bring the students to either gate before the bell

rings at the end of the day. Please ensure your child knows which gate they

will be getting picked up from. (Bus students line up as per usual)


Due to the COVID19 school

banking has been paused until

further notice.

Meet our HPS Staff

Miss Jemma Gordon

What is your role in the school?

I work at Hobartville Public School two days a week as a School Administration Officer.

What is your favourite part of your job?

I love everything about my job at Hobartville. I love meeting & helping all the students.

What do you like to do after school?

After school I like to go for walks with my two puppies, and in the school holidays I like to go on overseas on a holidays. My favourite

place to visit is Bali.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food would be tacos, and ice-cream.

What are you looking forward to most out of the 2020 school year?

I am looking forward to finishing my 3rd year of University (and hopefully get to go on my practical experience) as well as to spend

more days here at Hobartville.

Mrs Jeanette Jeske

What is your role in the school?

I am the relieving School Administration Manager at Hobartville Public School.

What is your favourite part of your job?

My favourite part about my job is the daily interaction with the staff and students.

What do you like to do after school?

After school I love to spend time with family and friends, I also like going on motorbike rides on one of my

Harley Davidsons.

What is your favourite food?

I love baked lamb with vegetables, and chocolate dipped strawberries.

What are you looking forward to most out of the 2020 school year?

I look forward to continuing to build friendship’s, and of course the holidays to spend time with family and friends.

Mrs Robyn Palmer

What is your role in the school?

I am a School Administration Officer (Crumbs of a SAO).

What is your favourite part of your job?

My favourite part about my job is attending to the students, staff and parents.

What do you like to do after school?

After school I love to sew and do other crafty things. But most of all I love spending time with my beautiful Grandchildren.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is coconut and chocolate, together or not.

What are you looking forward to most out of the 2020 school year?

I am looking forward to finishing the school year healthy, wise and rich.

Mrs Daisy Adams What is your role in the school?

I am the School Counsellor here at Hobartville.

What is your favourite part of your job?

I love helping children and young people.

What do you like to do after school?

I love to cook as well as spend time with my family and friends.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is pasta.

What are you looking forward to most out of the 2020 school year?

I am looking forward to returning back to work after being on maternity leave.

Ms Renee Rieck

What is your role in the school?

I am the librarian at Hobartville Public School, as well as the Aboriginal Education Teacher.

What is your favourite part of your job?

I love to see the students’ faces light up when they ‘get it’.

What do you like to do after school?

I love to spend time hanging out with my kids and swimming,

What is your favourite food?

I love to eat chocolate and Mexican food,

What are you looking forward to most out of the 2020 school year?

I am looking forward to seeing our new play equipment installed and watching our Breakfast Club students grow into responsible

young adults.

Meet our HPS Staff

Mrs Jenny Trimboli

My role at Hobartville Public School is LaST- a Learning and Support Teacher. I currently assist children (K-2) who have some difficulties with their learning. I consult with each child's teacher and assess their needs. This may include giving support in reading, comprehension, handwriting, spelling, writing and some mathematical areas. I have organised a timetable which allows the children three sessions per week. I have also co-ordinated a Peer Tutoring program, where Stage 3 students tutor children from Stage 1 and Stage 2 in reading and writing. Recently I have begun tutoring two students in the Mathematics for Life program.

I take children both individually and in small groups to focus on specific areas of their work. I enjoy having a close relationship with the students with whom I work. Watching them develop confidence and achieve a higher standard of work is rewarding.

I like going home each day to the excited "meows" from Rafferty and Murphy, (my cats) and over the top "tail wagging", from Eden and Abbie (my dogs). The photo I have chosen shows Evie, a reliable Stage 3 student, tutoring Carmela who is in Stage 1.

Mrs Gaye Taylor

My role at Hobartville Public School is LaST- a Learning and Support Teacher.

As a Learning and Support teacher, I provide support for both students and teachers. Many activities I prepare, aim to support specific learning needs for individual students. These adjusted activities are delivered in a one to one situation, small groups or

even whole class situations, depending on the students' needs. Liaising with class teachers is ongoing to collaboratively pre-pare learning support plans and student learning goals.

An example of how you could Structure the Day

Here are a few tips and ideas that can help families to find a healthy rhythm with each day. One of the most important things to

give our children is a structure each day that helps them to see what is coming up and what task or activity they are currently

spending time on.

The morning routine:

Where possible keep it close to going to school.

1.Waking up to their alarm or being woken up by a parent.

2. Having breakfast so they are ready to be alert and focused.

3. Getting dressed for school so they are able to understand when it is school time and when they finish at the end of the day.

4.Having their lunch and crunch and sip prepared like at school.


Pick something short and light hearted, e.g. the joke of the day, a short funny video.

Now pick some school work to do.


Have a fruit break, a bit of time for them to go to the toilet, a quick walk in the back yard, or a book to read.


Pick some more school work to do. (Know what your child enjoys doing and what they find more difficult and mix these up, it is

best for them to enjoy their work and at the right time to know when to persevere through some of the harder things.


Recess, have morning tea and let them go and play, choosing the activities they would like to do for a while.


Use the middle time of the day to enjoy a family activity. Ideas such as a puzzle, board game, going for a walk, make a video, put

on a play, play some sport. The idea here is to be as creative as you want to be and let the kids come up with ideas too.

After a family activity give them something to do that allows you to have some down time. They might like to build Lego, watch a

movie, do some “Just Dance”, make some craft out of your recycling, play some sport etc. This part of the day is really to allow

them to work on something they like or enjoy some down time too, but especially so you can have some ‘you’ time.


Lunch, have them sit and eat their lunch and after they have finished they can go and play.


Pick another piece of classwork, or a couple if they get the first piece knocked over. If there is not too much work to do, they

could do some colouring in, creative writing or drawing.


You could do a 5 minute reflection at the end of the day, something they learnt, something they enjoyed, and something per-

haps that was harder than they thought. (Not necessary to do this everyday, but it could be a good exercise that you can see the

things they like doing and how they think, and the things they might want some help with.)

After school-

Get them to get changed into after school clothes and let them play, have some afternoon tea/snack etc.

And get them prepared for their evening that normally occurs for them.

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