hola latin america part 1

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Why are all tech companies still thinking that China should be their one and only focus for Social Media and Digital Strategy?

Let me tell you about the 337 million internet users that they’re overlooking…

These mini series of articles explore the great opportunity that LatAm represents for social platforms and digital strategy, leveraging user-generated-content (UGC) focused on arts, science and culture.

Latin America has the fastest growing internet population in the world, surpassing Asia with a 50% penetration–and that number is growing. Latin America is catching up to bigger and more established markets like Europe and the United States through one vital outlet: social media.

Latin American internet users spend an average of 10 hours on social media a month, five more hours than the world average, with the majority of users fitting into the 18-44 age range. In the region, Facebook dominates as the top social site with over 200 million users across Latin America. This contributes to a growing engagement with social media year after year.

Latin America is a perfect example of the social activism movement online. With the numbers constantly growing, it’s clear that Latin Americans are vocal people who will use online social platforms to voice their concerns, opinions, and comments on current events.

Sources: http://thesparkgroup.com/latin-american-social-media/, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/impact-social-media-latin-america-cesar-fabian-garcia-jimenez

Regions Population (2016 est.)

% Pop. America

Internet UsersJun. 2016

% Population (Penetration)

% UsersAmerica

FacebookJun. 2016

North America 359,429,293 36.5% 320,067,193 89.0% 45.4% 223,081,200

South America 415,413,166 42.1% 277,023,754 66.7% 39.3% 229,242,500

Central America 168,305,081 17.1% 89,201,349 53.0% 12.7% 86,760,000

The Caribbean 42,401,541 4.3% 18,526,199 43.7% 2.6% 10,972,840

TOTAL Americas 985,612,081 100% 704,818,495 71.5% 100% 550,056,540


There’s an extra-grande opportunity here:

Already consuming content through social media

Source: http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats10.htm

Even though LATAM has 33 different countries with very different cultures and micro

cultures, there are several digital characteristics that they have in common:

Little design and a lot of virality and buzz due to the relevancy of the content –there’s no need for a grand artistic production to achieve great impact.

Phrases and content go viral by empathizing and generating emotional connections with users.

By culture, they are 24%

MORE EMOTIONALThey amplify their feelings and what they express when

it’s related to Happiness, Anger and Beauty.


Source: http://www.gallup.com/poll/184631/latin-americans-lead-world-emotions.aspx


This emotional factor –maybe not so great when making investment decisions, but for social media it’s like liquid gold. Strong reactions and feelings on the web don’t always mean better content, but when they come from a place of art, science and technology they have the power of bringing people together into communities rich in knowledge thanks to shared interests and passions.

Latin America has become a nurturing hub for creatives of every type that generate beautiful content by the minute, far from the celebrity/fitness/gossip topics that we’re so used to seeing everywhere.

Content generators have realized that they can magnify their reach through social media without having to compromise to the sensational news current.

Meet the makers and the countries they call casa.

@literaluis for @project1324

98% of internet users are connected to social media (65% of population)

UGC Main Topics

Everyday Life Social Conscience

• Lifestyle• Social Events• Vanity Subjects• Tech

• Politics • Complaints • Activism• Solidarity

40% of online time is devoted to social mediaAverage 3-4 hours a day



A very aspirational and digitally thirsty culture.


Luis Ruiz @literaluisLiteraluis


19-year-old Mexican artist &multi-dimensional illustrator.

Self-defined “travelographer” and founder of discovery and travel sitewalkingmexico.com

Fernanda Calderon @walkingferWalking Mexico



One of Mexico’s most influentialcontemporary urban artists.saner.com.mx

Edgar Saner @saner_edgarSaner


Multimedia artist & designer, world-renowed taco-eating-machine. htore.com

Hector GHF @htoreHTORE


Juan Abascal @jcabascalUn Recorrido Pelagico


Underwater photographer, obsessed with pelagic species & BF with Great Whites.

Mom, Music Director & Traveler. First Mexicanwoman to conduct in New York City.alondradelaparra.com

Alondra de la Parra @alondradlpMusic Director Queensland Symphony



Up and coming funny lad, praised forhis “Mama Watts” sketches.wattsopa.mx

Oscar Sanchez @wattsopaWattsopa


Food writer and culinary guide in New York City. I currently runs the tourism company ”Eat Mexico.”themijachronicles.com

Lesley Tellez @lesleytellezThe Mija Chronicles

Food Writer

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