holiday engagement session 2021-22 grade -v

Post on 10-May-2022






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Dear Children,
The last year has carried us through new experiences that we
would have never imagined before. Online classes, learning
PowerPoint and Microsoft word, and making videos. Wearing
masks and keeping social distance for our safety.
The world has changed dramatically. It has been a trying time,
a painful time for those who had to battle Covid, but through
all this, our resolve to do well, our spirit of winning will come
empathetic towards all.
Holiday Engagement’!
Thank you
Let us acquire new words. Prepare a Dictionary having minimum five words of each alphabet (new words) with meaning to enhance the vocabulary. Cover it with beautiful cover and put a bookmark in it with a moral value written on the bookmark.
2. Writing
Write an incident where you helped someone selflessly (on a coloured sheet of paper).
3.Enact a skit. Take the help of your family members. Characters A. Young boy/ girl (You) B. Three Family members
You can add or remove some dialogues according to your convenience. Try to make the skit interesting and fun with your expressions and actions.
You can also enact any other skit if you want to. (Read the skit carefully before recording the video). The Catch Skit Characters 1. Three fishermen 2. A young boy/ girl. Props 1. Fishing poles (Optional) (Enters young boy/girl) Young Boy/Girl: (arrives at a fishing hole) Yay, I caught a fish. Three fishermen: Oh god! What is this young boy/girl doing? Young boy/girl: (Catches more fish) Woah! What a genius I am. Three fishermen: (annoyed) It’s just luck. We are more capable than him. (Looks at the young boy/girl again) How come you have caught three fish and we have been fishing here since early morning and haven’t caught any? Young boy/girl: Uncle, that’s because I’ve been working hard all day. Three fishermen: (Together says) What a joke? Young boy/girl: (reels in another fish) Yes, I have been working alone all day. I don’t have friends. (look at them) You all are just gossiping. Three fishermen: (laughs) Now this young boy/girl will teach us to work hard. Young boy/girl: (smiles) Goes back fishing. Three fishermen: (annoyed) It must be because of where he is standing. We are the best. (Goes back home) Young boy/girl: (continues fishing) Hard work only pays off when it meets the right plan of action.
Constructing a bar graph Material Requirement: Strips of coloured paper, glue, scale, White sheet etc
1. Let us prepare a table first
Name of class-mate Number of members in the family 1. 2. 3. 4.
2. Now cut out a strip of coloured paper as many cm long as the number of members in family.
(Suppose Raj has 5 members in his family , then he cuts a strip 5 cm long)
3. Write the names of the students on the strips.
4. Now paste these strips on the white paper
2. Division Activity: Objective: To enhance the students’ skill in division.
Materials required: White chart paper with marker, two sets of chits with the digit 0 to 9 written on them, a set of playing cards.
1. This activity will be carried out by dividing your family members in two teams.
2. Each team will have a set of chits marked from 0 to 9.
3. Five chits will be taken out by each team – for example team A picks up- 7,0,3,5,2 and team B picks up – 3,6,9,5,1.
4. The leader of each team draws a card from the pack – for example a nine and a jack.
5. Team A will form the largest dividend using their five digits. At the same time, team B will form the smallest dividend using their five digits.
6. Team A will use 9 as the divisor and team B will use 11 (Jack) as the divisor.
Five marks will be awarded for correct division.
The team that works out first gets another 5 marks.
Record a video while doing this activity.
3. Solve the following problems: a) Write in vertical form and solve:
i) 1,25,736 + 3,50,894 + 3,69,842
ii) 84,89,675 – 23,75,902
b) There are 37,536 bags of wheat, 35,380 bags of rice and 25,240 bags of gram in a store. Find the total number of bags in the store.
INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY 1: Make a model of Sense Organs with the waste materials.
2: Make a neat, clean and colourful diagram of digestive system and label its parts. (You mays take help form the picture below) Write the process of digestion also.
2. Group activity:- Fun activity do with your family members
Make any favourite food from mango (raw or ripe) like- mango panna, mango papad, pickles, mango cake etc.
Make a video of your whole process and send the pictures in the MDCP Group.
Write the recipe of your food. (You may take help from the picture.)
Prepare a balanced diet platter.
You can choose any one from each group of the above picture.
(Individual activity )
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1. Collect pictures of objects which signify speed, storage, accuracy, versatility, and paste them on a chart paper. For example : Speed (Car, Aeroplane), Accuracy (Calculator, Computer)
2. Complete the worksheet.(Correct the label)
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Devoirs de vacances d'été
Ma famille:
Ma famille est petite. Il y a quatre membres dans ma famille. Il y a mon père, ma mère, mon frère et moi. Mon père s'appelle (name). Il est (profession). Il aime le (anything he likes). Ma mère s'appelle (name). Ma mère adore (anything she likes). Ma mère est (profession). Mon frère s'appelle (name). Ma frère est (profession, most probably student-etudiant). Mon frere aime (anything he likes). J'aime ma famille.
VOCABULARY En francaise prononciation En anglaise
la famille [famij] the family
les parents (m) [pa] the parents
la mère [m] the mother
le père [p] the father
les enfants (m) [f] the children
la fille [kj] the daughter
le fils [ks] the son
la sœur aînée [sœene] the elder sister
le frère aîné [fene] the elder brother
la demi-sœur [d()misœ] the half-sister
le demi-frère [d()mif] the half-brother
la sœur cadette [sœkadt] the younger sister
le frère cadet [fkad] the younger brother
la grand-mère [gm] the grandmother
le grand-père [gp] the grandfather
les petits- enfants [p()tizf] the grandchildren
la petite-fille [p()titkj] the granddaughter
le petit-fils [p()titks] the grandson
la tante [tt] the aunt
l’oncle [kl] the uncle
la nièce [njs] the niece
le neveu [n()vø] the nephew
la cousine [kuzin] the cousin
le cousin [kuz] the cousin
1. Ecrivez un essai sur votre famille. (Write an essay on your familly.)
2. Francophone countries: - Countries where French is spoken either official language or mother language are known as Francophone countries.
Write 10 Francophone countries name and their capitals and draw the flags of those Francophone countries.
Bonne Vacances
G D Goenka Public School, Purnea

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