how can the ever-changing media help nepal’s...

Post on 21-Aug-2018






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Phoebe Smith, Wanderlust editor; Travel, Adventure and Outdoor


How can the ever-changing media help Nepal’s Tourism Industry?

Major Challenges

– Overcoming earthquake images/memories

•– Stiff competition from other destinations (with no earthquakes)

•– Fallen off the radar for many

– Convincing first time travellers it is ‘safe’

•– Getting the message across without earthquake reminder

How do we overcome them?

– Investment – you need to spend to get travellers back

•This means trying to secure:

•* Editorial

* Advertising

•* Content Campaigns

Working with Bloggers / Vloggers effectively

– Find the right blogger for your product or destination

•– Do ask for numbers but…

•– …don’t be blindsided by numbers

– Ask for engagement and conversion levels

•– Ask for a media pack

•– Make post-trip reporting a requirement

Remembering ‘traditional’ press

Results from: TrueImpact neuromarketing, Canada

Creating relevancy

Combined campaigns are best

What about millennials?

The value of ‘brands’

The proof?

The results?

Key growth areasFinal word…

– HTM2017 is a great first step

– Investment must follow – ‘drip feed’ the message

– Follow up with Journalists and Bloggers to monitor coverage and impact

– Remember it takes time – 5 positive messages = 1 negative message

– Don’t give up – Nepal is open for Business. Tell them.

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