how do i know i am training someone hard enough and keeping them safe

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Hello, welcome to FASTER's Q&A video. My name is John and I vaguely look like the character with no hair!!!Today I am going to share with you my answer to the question -!"How do I train my clients hard enough while still keeping them safe?"!!You need to watch this video if you are a trainer, because the answers may surprise you!

So sit back and enjoy the answer, then comment below if you enjoyed it.

So sit back and enjoy the answer, then comment below if you enjoyed it.

Managing the fatigue levels of your client is important because, it can help you to prevent an injury in the session, improve the longer term physical response to training and gives you a good measurement to evaluate your program.

There are two ways to look at fatigue, as an event where you hit a point of fatigue and as a process where you manage the effects of energy use.

Fatigue as an event is similar to the way AV Hill described it. It means that due to work done, one of the systems runs out of energy or hits an environment that causes it to stop working. This includes the central nervous system, heart, lunges and muscles.

Fatigue as a feed forward protection control, is reliant on a whole number of factors. These can be chemical, psychological and environmental. Power out is controlled to protect energy reserves and homeostasis. In this system fatigue has an input and output relationship with the body.

Control of a runners power output can be seen in races such as the 800 meters and further. The runners show an initial pace, they undulate to maintain energy reserves, then finally they produce a spurt of speed as the risk of running out of energy has now gone.

In order to summarise this tells us that-!Your client will have more in the tank!Motivation is vital if you want to hit an energy system hard !The client knowing the session a head will change their initial speed!A better experienced and skilled client will be able to work harder and for longer

By getting this far, I know you must be interested in fatigue management and so if you want to learn more, then click one of the links below to get a free course, or learn about the two courses we have on fatigue in training. Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy the other videos on this channel.

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