how humans learn

Post on 15-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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How Humans Learn

Dr Stewart Hase

The evidence

Experience, focus and practice develops specific regions of the human brain. Hence people’s brains vary as does their ability and interest

The evidence

Brains are sensitive to the culture/environment and develop differentially

The evidence

Need to shift information from working to long term memory for memory

The more places information is stored in the easier it is retrieved and used

Repeated use improves memory

The evidence

Humans learn in small chunks

The evidence

Learning promotes more learning as pathways develop and success occurs

The evidence

Personalising, sharing and using information enhances the chance it is learned as new pathways are forged

The evidence

People can pay attention to a speaker for about 8 minutes

The evidence

People operate on System 1 thinking (habitual, automatic) rather than System 2 thinking (cognitive involvement) since it takes less energy

The evidence

Effort develops human brains

The evidence

Humans are naturally curious and explore

The evidence

Learning needs to be multi-sensory

The evidence

Emotions and learning are inextricably linked

Emotionally charged experiences are more likely to be remembered and recovered

The evidence

Humans are motivated to resolve incongruity

They are pattern seeking

The evidence

Brain plasticity tells us that brains constantly change and develop in the face of new learning as complex new pathways are built

The evidence

State dependent learning-people are more likely to recover information in the same physical and/or emotional state that they obtained it

So, learn the same way you intend to use it

The evidence

The first 30 seconds are critical in any interaction in gaining attention

The evidence

Repetition using different parts of the brain is critical for memory

The evidence

Enriched environments enhance learning as do

Surprise and novel experiences

The evidence

It can take years to develop reliable memories

The evidence

When real learning occurs is unpredictable

The evidence

Humans learn best by immersion -Interaction with


The evidence

Technological games appear to enhance learning

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