how hydropower plant work

Post on 27-Sep-2015






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How hydro power plant work?

How hydropower plant work?Disusun oleh:Haryo widoseno sudarman (1415031059)I made bayu wirawan (1415031062)Gusti made arya wijaya (1415031058)M.Rifqi maulana (1415031080)Irfan maulana (1415031068)M.Rijal sidiq(1415031089)

Hydro power plant

Hydro power plant use water potential energy to kinetic energy and then change kinetic energy to electrical energy. In this era hydro power plant is very useful to reduce fossil fuel used.(howstuffworks)How hydro power plant work?The way of this plant is take water in certain discharge from water source through intake. Then with use carrier pipe, water directed to turbine. before hit the turbine water passed to penstock in order to increase power in water using gravity.Turbine that smashed by water will turn the generator in certain speed. So there convert the process of conversion of motion into electrical energy. While the water that was used to rotate the turbine is returned to its flow. The amount of energy that can be converted into electrical energy depends on the height of the water falls (Head) and so is the selection of a turbine. (howstuffworks)Inside a Hydropower plant

Hydropower plant work

Disadventagesrelocation of residentsThe environmental impactThe total initial investment is highSusceptible to dry season

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