how i created my front cover

Post on 28-Jun-2015






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How I created my Front Cover

Tamera Lall

I used Adobe Photoshop to create my front cover and the image was the main feature of

the page.

I first put my image on the page as the background. I then manipulated the image by using a Smart Filter and putting Shadows on 10% and Highlights on


I then placed a Masthead with the font Nova Solid which I got from I then also added a strapline that originally was meant to be below the masthead but I decided to place it above. I then changed the

colours so it matched my colour scheme.

Next, I placed my footer on the bottom of the page. I did this by first creating a large red rectangle shape that matched the colour of the

masthead. I then added the text in a contrasting white font.

After that, I added in all the coverlines using a variety of fonts (either from or the ones already on the computer. I also used a variety of colours

from the colour scheme.

Next, I added in another picture of two artists. I first put a white rectangle shape to create the outline. Then, I added the actual image on top of the rectangle.

Finally, I added in the final details that are featured on all magazine covers. I placed the barcode, website address, price and date/issue on the magazine. These

are essential features to be put on all magazines.

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