how marketing influence my decision?

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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How has exposure to the study of marketing and society helped me to understand how I consume and what influences my decision?

Trade operates in all World. Without it, we would be impossible to exchange goods and services between the peoples of the world.

The tool of sale, in the world of trade, is marketing. It is to study around the world for many reasons but mainly to increase the profits of big business. Marketing is a process of learning both the product and the service provider which will allow it to sell the product. It is with a marketing approach that can promote a product, convince that this is the best and most cost-effective on the market and ensure its efficiencies. And thus lead to better sales of the product. Marketing of products is the engine of commerce.

But marketing learning also allows the consumer to have a part of the control of just how they spend their money to meet their needs. Thus the consumer can realize that the use of this "tool" is all around him; when it will buy its fruit, vegetables, pens, toilet paper ... Advertising, television, internet, packaging, price, evolution of a social movement, through market studies (green marketing, social marketing...), image of a product or a brand...

Through learning the "Marketing and Society", has been analyzed, understand who, how, where, and in what circumstances the marketing interacts with our life in influencing our decisions our consumption, will be the point that we will study.

How the understanding of Marketing helps us you there at evaluate our decisions and our consumption in our society?

Honestly the Marketing and Society module was very different from what I expected. Having studied Marketing last year in France, I thought review the bases of it. On the contrary, despite the difference in approach marketing between my French teachers and English, this has allowed me to expand my knowledge on this matter. Indeed last year, my learning had already allowed me to better pay attention to the environment in which I develop (look at the arrangement of a store, its posters, understanding its consumer segment targeted by the company approach). The knowledge acquired this year made me think about another aspect of the consumer businesses. I will thus cover the theme of "marketing mix" referring first to its foundations and it is influence in the decisions making process. However I will build this test by mentioning "social marketing mix" and "green marketing mix."

"Marketing is a discipline of the mind with a strong creative component, therefore constantly to renew".


The Marketing Mix is an important part of the concept of Marketing. The consumer has always been at the center of the approach of the Marketing Mix. It is based on four foundations: draws it is this study that I began to pay attention to how and why I wanted one product over another, in a store rather than in another. The product itself needs to be defined, although marketing plays more on the perception that will have the client from this product. The first approach is to a product that is to take into account its functional side, but is that all? Not, otherwise why buy the mark 'ketchup' rather than 'Tomato' or 'Tesco'? The marketing mix is to highlight the image of the product. Analyze my behavior of France consumption is more difficult to analyze than I have here. France has habits that I have since I'm small.

Indeed, education and family habits guide in part how we behave with our purchases. When I left home and went to the university in Toulouse I have not changed my habits of consumption (the same brands, same products, the same stores). Then when I arrived here, in U.K, it took some time adapts to different stores and the various products. I then realized that the symbolic aspect and the promise that reflects the product influenced my decision.

The packaging has a function very defined in the choice of a product. This is 'stupid' published but between a damaged packaging and packaging perfect, which you choose? The perfect. So why choose this with and packaging over another? It is small thing that appear us insignificant studied his in the implementation of Marketing mix product: Technique of packaging (ecological, recyclable, practical, portable, easy conservation and stockage…), communication of the packaging technique (encourage the sale, color, logo…), legislation on packaging, label… All these small details are important when creating a product.

In France we will find bread in a 'bakery' (we choose the store because there is no brand of bread), but here the English eat bread crumb. So I took some time to fit and to choose a brand among many other. Then why did I choose Hovis: Blue, flag of England, since 1886, design history of the mark on the packaging, written very clearly, ingredients, slogan… All returned to account. However even if a product, which I have used it is for sale, I prefer to try local products and local brands (the price but also because my ethics).

The place is also part of the process of buying behavior. Choose which path the product will be made, direct, short or long channel, allows having an idea on how to consume. With regard to the food I prefer the direct channels. For the rest of the products we have too much choice with this globalization.

Trade promotion is also an important part. Radio, television, poster or internet, are formal promotion media. Advertising plays on three objectives: cognitive, affective and conation. Advertising must adapt to its target, it must affect it and please.

But the other day when I went in the city, I noticed that informal promotion was just as much present in our society. Indeed, the bags distributed to take your articles are part of informal promotion brand. With these bags you walk in the city and you made so the pub to the store.


The other day I was shopping and I saw a lady with a plastic bag H & M and I thought why not to go there. Passive or active consumption? I had not "actively" seek a promotion on H & M, but this "passive" information led to my decision to this store, because their logo is familiar and their article also. However our environment is not "polluted" too for the promotion.

Consider the example of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola had bought an advertising location of one second to project the image of a bottle of coca to the cinemas. Therefore at the end of the film three times more person purchased a bottle of coca. However this publicity has been withdrawn because deemed too "unreasonable». A product is created to meet our needs but its symbolic scope and promises, which are transmitted by his promotion, are also a very important part for sale. The psychosocial aspect of the product, we back all our principles. We are all guided by our desires and our purse.

The product aspect of the Green Marketing Mix is the evidence. Since about ten year this concern has become very much in the mind of each of us. It has become very common concern of how we consume (bio products, premises, packaging recyclable…). Green marketing is the set of actions that aims to use ecological positioning of a brand or product to increase sales and improve the image of the company. The green marketing can be based on the ecological characteristics of a product (ecological raw materials, product recyclable or biodegradable...), on green promotions (1 tree planted for a purchase) or the environmental promises of the company (Foundation, ecological actions).Just as we have 4P’s for Marketing, we have green 4P’s for Green Marketing. The products are developed according to the needs of customers who prefer green products. These "green" products are not all without impact on the environment but they reduce their harmful effects on the environment. "Green Chemistry" is the increasing interest of product development.

Consider the example of Nike shoes. I bought a pair of their sport shoe "Air Jordan" and the green label we could read in large "shoes as respectful of the environment, as adhesives and glue less harmful to our planet. And on a panel we could read "walking green with Nike”. They designed this variety of footwear with an emphasis on the fact that they have reduced waste and used environmentally friendly materials. This promotion, by displaying Green, is to encourage the consumer to keep the planet and profits in mind. This ensures that promoted delivery has a real impact. However, despite this promotion I couldn't stop to think "he talks about Green Marketing but Marketing Ethics their own default".

Indeed, at a sale of their shoe a customer found a child finger in a shoe. What thing about this? The green Marketing should be done to the detriment of other value? The fact to a Green promotion does not make me forget the "made in china". Is it not hypocritical to do to green marketing to attract customers on the basis of performance, health, or simply the respect for the environment, while these shoes have crossed the world by plane? Identify the specific benefits of the product on the product attribute that contributes to the improvement of environmental performance and ethics (moral principles and) values returned to account in my purchasing decision.


But nothing beats a small local market every Sunday without significant promotional "pollution". The Green price takes into account people, planet and profit in a way that takes care of the communities and ensures effective productivity.

But this variable of the Mix is also the only one that supply of money. Determine positioning (top, middle or entered of range) is essential. The price is an element that plays a crucial role in the Act of purchase. There is that if the price of the product is less than or equal to the value perceived by the consumer.

A salad will be less easily purchased if its price is too high relative to the value received from the client, even if it has the logo "green labeling". Finally it is the reaction I had when I came to three "bio" to 4.30 pounds eggplant, despite the fact that I am a customer who buys a 'green products'. Called it the 'Win - win' argument. The consumer demand for green products can allow for the addition of green premium.

The small markets are direct but green distribution. A green distribution is focused on reducing emissions of CO2 from transport. For example, instead of eating a mango imported from India juice I prefer local production. This avoids shipping of the product of far away, thus reducing the cost of shipping and more important still, carbon emissions resulting from ships and other modes of transport.

The theme of the 'green marketing mix' allowed me to take conscience that my decisions to purchase axis on a consumption which takes into account the environment. Businesses are adopting creativity and an insight that shows their commitment in the development of environmentally friendly products. However I will remain confused on certain products that call themselves "green". This allows me to assess the responsibilities of business to their products. Green marketing, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the objectives purely marketing for a real citizen approach.

I have seen that many brands engage in Green Marketing Mix. But where did this trend come from? The companies are creating products to meet our needs. They create products green because we think "environment" and those we want environmentally friendly products of the environment. Our needs are changing and marketing must adapt. Social marketing was also able to see the issue and the reasons for these changes.

"Social marketing is the design, implementation and control programs designed to promote an idea or a social with d ' a target group" (Philip Kotler)


The social marketing must establish a relationship with the targeted people. Core product must take into account the benefits that bring this change and resume this product all these campaigns on "respect for the environment", "an environmentally sustainable consumption" or "the recycle" encourage people to consume green products and change their daily habits.

The product of the social marketing mix is for example: "environmental values, attitude of recycling, changing family (routine, softwaste, shopping behaviour…)." Social marketing products are frequently intangible and complex behaviours, which makes it difficult, meaningful product concepts.

Many factors affect the desire of recycling or environmental attitudes. Take the case of Carrefour. When I go to Carrefour in France I am compelled to take my recyclable bag for my shopping. Because, Carrefour does not provides anymore plastic bag to avoid pollution. Or otherwise Carrefour also sells recyclable bags with slogans advocating sustainable and green images.

The adaptation of this social movement it is done through the intermediary of many factors: teacher delivering a sustainable education, youth volunteers action recycling with my school environmentally.

But also, through television, radio or advertising paper. The municipality of my village communicates much about ecology. Each house has received two bins for sorting of waste. The promotion of the message allows educating and persuading the audience that the product is worth its price.

Actual product shows the change of character. There, is that learning to recycle it is done very quickly. Not only for me but for the whole of the community has well. The price of social marketing is not 'currency'. In this context, the recycling programs to quickly change the behaviour of the target. However the benefits are not seen immediately. It is true that recycling is an intangible product but the benefits for society are important. Within a year the town was clean and pleasant. Adopt an attitude, change its attitudes may be hard published but with a good promotion and place it becomes easy.


In the South of the France there are many 'local market'. These small markets empty because of the supermarket. So to combat this, small villages and traders have decided to implement a social marketing to change attitudes. Intensive promotion it is implemented: regional news, advertising paper, regional radio. Actual product is that attitudes have changed. Low cost, intangible, societal and personal benefits is the price of this product.

Price is an important factor in the decision making process to buy a product, but social considerations in ‘Equitable Business’ can modify my decision. If for a reasonable price difference I can contribute to better life conditions of the producers I will buy the equitable product.

This is for a product under marketing, social marketing or green marketing their first effect is to collect a value, a sense and a desire. In each case the purpose is the purchase and the adoption of the product. After learning of "marketing and society", I can say that my purchase behaviour varies according to the type of marketing. Indeed I am more receptive in a promotion for a product or product green from social marketing. My consumption behaviour is rather to the 'organic' product or sustainable. The consumption of our products also depends on our education. Do I will eat or take different decisions after studying "marketing and society"? Maybe. But changing habits is a hardest task. I remains often faithful to brands, and most are aging less it has confidence in other brands. Everyone knows that McDonalds is bad for health. It is not for that people are being stopped to go eat. However this module allowed me to strengthen my opinion on how I consume. Also to have a critical eye, particularly concerning the green marketing.

However, I remain puzzled on green marketing. It is true that many facts are taken into account to classify an 'organic' product. A product have the green packaging requires it to standards. However I think that for this type of product promotions are somewhat misleading. The brands ' surf on the wave' of green marketing. Is it not a little easy and contradictory to assign the label green, while the products are imported from the other side of the world aircraft? I am more adept local products and the 'made in France'. Boredom is just manufactured product prices next to you is more expensive than the one made in China. Look for the error? At good and bad side, and globalization is no exception to the rule.


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