how to be free

Post on 19-Nov-2014



Self Improvement



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How to be free?

“Freedom means different things to different people”

Being aware of what blocks your way to freedom can lend a new perspective. Freedom is about acknowledging the reality of limits and boundaries and then using them to our advantage.

1. Write down in your journal what it means to be free.2. Note, too, anything that helps create a sense of liberation. Being in a committed

relationship, for example, often creates a sense of freedom, yet for others, not being committed to one person creates the same feeling.

Know your boundaries: Deep down, we are aware that freedom is won through taking risks.Take responsibility: Your first task in embracing freedom is to lose your attachment to a belief that your problems are the result of things beyond our control. Think about who or what most influences your situation – for example, your relationship, your health, your career, genes, parents or lovers.Ask yourself whether it is really true that these things or people limit your choices and personal freedom, or are you using them as reasons not to challenge yourself or break out of your comfort zone? Remind yourself that creating freedom is about stepping into new perspectives and new ways of thinking about yourself.We have to be responsible for ourselves. Once we accept this, we stop being at the mercy of others, and then we begin to make our own choices – which is where true freedom begins.

If you don’t like it, change it. Or accept it. There is no third option. To discover what it is you want to do, and to formulate the beginnings of a plan, you need to create for yourself some serious thinking time. This could take the form of a few very long walks, long baths, long lie-ins or long cycle rides, all of which I have found to aid the thinking process enormously. Long walks can give you valuable thinking time.So the first step is, paradoxically, not to do something, but to do nothing. Resist the urge to get busy with change-your-life books and websites, and instead make time. All good ideas come from idleness. It must come from an inner richness.More time equals more freedom, it’s not more time that we need, but more focus.

You don’t actually need as much time as you think. ‘The greatest successes I have observed have come from those who devoted small, consistent chunks of time every day to pursue their dreams.’

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