how to be positive

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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How To Be


Being positive is important in both your professional

and personal life

Spreading positivity to the people around you will have a beneficial effect. It will help their

moods and it will improve yours as well

Unfortunately, it’s tough for anyone to be positive

day in and day out

Once in a while, we all have a bad day or something happens that puts us in a bad mood

To counteract this, we have a few tricks that you can use to

reverse those negative influences and put yourself back

in a positive state of mind

U s e M u s i c To I n f l u e n c e Yo u r M o o d

One of Anand Mishra’s favorite ways to stay

positive is to listen to his favorite music

The type of music for this can be anything that

puts you in a good mood

It might be country or might be rock. Whatever it is, as long as it works for

you, it’s a good tool to use

Music is a great way to lift up your spirits and get your blood pumping so you feel better about yourself

E x e rc i s e R e g u l a r l y

It is important to exercise regularly. Exercise can be

anything that gets your blood pumping for an extended

amount of time

Even if you don’t do any exercise at all, you will be

able to see a big difference with as little as 10 minutes spent per day

This can be anything from weightlifting or


something as simple as going for a walk

Ideally, you should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day


Once in a while, we all have a bad day or

something happens that puts us in a bad mood

B e N i c e To O t h e r s

Even if you are in a bad mood, there is no reason to take it out on others

By being nice to people, it will encourage them to be nice and

friendly to you in return

By forcing yourself to be nice to others, you will actually be improving your mood without even knowing it

Need more on how to be positive..Visit:

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