how to boost e-commerce conversion rate...putting the links in the content for promotion is a great...

Post on 13-May-2020






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A Complete Guide for Online Store Owners





Table of Content1. Introduction 1.1. Current e-commerce Scenario

1.2. Conversion Rate

1.3. Why conversion matters for e-commerce sector

2. Increasing Conversion 2.1. Increasing Client Acquisition

2.1.1. SEO

2.1.2. Content Marketing

2.1.3. SMM

2.1.4. E-mail Marketing

2.1.5. Follow-ups

2.1.6. Growth Hacking

2.1.7. Real-time Chatting and Customer Support

2.1.8. Clear Policies

2.1.9. Remarketing

2.1.10. Analytics

2.2. Through Website Design and Development

2.2.1. Organizing the Website

2.2.2. Improving conversion with Better checkout Methods

2.2.3. Payment Gateway

2.2.4. Payment Process

2.2.5. Mobile-friendliness

2.2.6. Page Speed

2.2.7. User-friendliness

2.2.8. Technology

2.2.9. Design Elements

2.2.10. CTA

2.2.11. Business’s Address

2.2.12. Search Filters




























2.3. By Retaining Clients

2.3.1. Newsletters

2.3.2. Query Resolution and Support Services

2.3.3. Delivery Process

2.3.4. Contact Details

2.3.5. Review Process

2.4. Through Increased Reliability

2.4.1. Detailed Product Descriptions

2.4.2. Product Reviews

2.4.3. Comparison Facility

2.4.4. Variety

2.4.5. Swatches

2.4.6. Blog

3. Conclusion

4. References
















If you are an e-commerce store owner,the sole thing you run behind is


Wait, is it a new term (or we are going more technical)?

Let us say it straight – Suppose you want your visitors to perform some action & they did what you wanted – it is conversion. As simple as that!

This action may be clicking on a buy button, downloading an eBook, completing the purchase process, clicking a link which directs to your website or making them watch a funny video(literally ANYTHING).

Starting an online business is undoubtedly a perfect plan but if you are lacking atadopting the conversion-making tactics – You Will Fail. (Sorry for being Rude, but truth is truth.)

Finding customer, increasing sales, building a brand, getting more funds, establishingacustomer base, staying ahead of competitors and achieving customer satisfaction is as important in an online business as in an offline business. So, the very first thing to dois : optimize your business and integrate the conversion-uplifting methods to it – right from the first day. And, if you have made the mistake of not adopting this methodology yet, just remember ‘it’s better to be late than never’.

In this e-book, we will be talking about every possible method which can help you increase conversion at a fast rate, every mistake which you may make, everything which may hurt your conversion rate and every aspect which comes along. 1

Introduction1 2

1.1. Current e-commerce ScenarioEveryone is crazy for conversions and most of them have no idea about how to achieve it. It is more like a rat-race for the shop owners because of the overwhelming concepts in-volved in the process. However, if you look at the statistics – bounce rate and conversion rate are the two main things to look upon.

Conversion rate : that’s in the next section, have patience!

Bounce Rate : If your concept in bouncing off from the user’s mind, visitor will too.Technically, bounce rate is the proportion of visitors, who are leaving your website after the first page itself. It represent the single-page sessions, ended in 10-15 seconds.



1.2. Conversion RateSetting up an e-commerce company is more than getting a website ready, payment meth-ods fixed, platform built and products uploaded. At the end, it’s all about the sales you have finalized and the conversions will brought the cash to you, right?In order to increase the sales, it is important to focus on the factors which can increase your conversion rate. You’ll make mistakes and learn from them, but better is to learnbefore you make those mistakes.

The competition is every e-commerce market is increasing day by day and your every mistake in going to help your competitors in one way or another. So, the whole focus of this e-book will be on increasing your conversion rate and reducing the probability of the mistakes you are going to make.

1.3. Why conversion matters for e-commerce sectorConversion rate shows how successfully you are able to convert your visitors into buyers. It is the scale for measuring if you are making enough sales as you should, getting enough buyers as you should, and gaining enough attention as you should (or not).

Lower conversion rate directly affects your revenue, profit, popularity, and many other things that follow. Setting up yourself as a reputed brand needs that you should have a vast customer base which returns to you every time when they need to buy the products or services you are selling. It also needs regular acquisition of new customers at a constant or increasing rate.E-




Increasing Conversion2Increasing conversion rate is not possible until you understand what your users like, what they want you to do, what they want to see and what you are doing. For the same cause, there are many elements which play an important role in increasing your conversion rate. From the tiny button’s colour to the CTA copies (which you think nobody reads!), everything is equally important to consider, when you are trying to pace up your conversion rate.

Let’s go one by one: we’ll begin from client acquisition methods, which you should imple-ment. Then, the e-book will detail you about the conversion-increasing strategies to be implemented on multiple web pages. And finally, the best methods to retain the customers and balance the conversion are described. 4


2.1. Increasing Client AcquisitionFrom first day (or even before), you’ll need to get customers as this is the only required thing to grow any business. So, what’s the main source of getting customer for your online store?

It’s obviously the website or portal, you are selling through.

If you wonder why your visitors are scrolling through the pages or stalking on theproducts but not buying them, the reasons are many. May be you are not that reliable, or your products aren’t interesting, or your website is too complex for them to understand, or your prices are excessively high, or they are too far where you cannot deliver the product, or anything else.

Main methods for increasing the client acquisition rate are:

2.1.1. SEOBefore a customer visits your website, he/she shouldhave some method of reaching it and what’s better than a search engine. By search engine, we generally mean ‘Google’. So, focus on building good reputation in search engine pages. Search with location-based, industry-based and product-based keywords are attractive from user’s perspective by analyzing the trendsregularly.

Understand that – ranking well on the search engine is essential if you want to grow and compete with your

rivals. So, get your website Search Engine Optimized for

conversion beforeanything else. 5

SE 6

2.1.2. Content MarketingThe most powerful method, which can make the biggest impact on your current customers and at the same time,

can bring you unlimited number of customers, is Content


The multiple methods, you can try are:

Website Blogs LinkedIn Posts Social Media Posting – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Blogging Platforms Forums and Discussion Groups One-to-one methods, such as e-mailing, SMS and IMs. Guest Posts

Keep in mind that all the content, you are posting should interest your audience at the end. Also, do not neglect Google here.

Special Note: Posting copied content will be much like a sin. Google will punish you for that!

Ok. So, already know that uniqueness matters.

Some good content marketing tips are:

Do not write complicatedly-formatted long and clumsy posts, which even you won’t like to read. Write in small paragraphs, while making the continuous efforts of engaging you readers. Putting the links in the content for promotion is a great way to acquire conversion but be careful! Never write it like – ‘Micromax Bolt is way better than the Apple iPhone 6S’. C’mon! Who can believe you here? No spam links. You’ll harm yourself otherwise. Once written some cool content; do not forget to share it on social media.






2.1.3. SMMEvery small or medium-size, or even large-sizeeCommerce enterprise grows through social media. Search engines will undoubtedly get you most of thetraffic but social media isn’t too behind. Apart fromposting regularly on social media, there are many things which you may be missing.

For increasing the conversion through SMM, here’s what you can try:

Interact with your customer on social media - regularly and fast. Stay friendly, authentic and professional while replying. Reply people always. They may criticize, praise, complain, or ask – Be polite with them.

Connecting directly with the customer base gives you quite lot insights about what they like and what they don’t. Act on your flaws and workout to improve what’s already being liked, conversions will follow. 7

Implement SEO to help you out. But, do not stuff keywords. Use bucket brigades and backlinking.

2.1.4. E-mail MarketingMore than 70%!

Yes, that’s the share of e-mail marketing in fetching conversions. Whatever you do, needs to be conveyed to your customers in the form of newsletters and e-mails.








What to share:

Promotions, sales, special offers, customized deals, blog posts, and other important offers.

How to increase Conversion:

Write good copies : crisp, short, without spam words, with good and engaging titles. Design : Representation should be nice. If you are going to use a combo of parrot green and white, I bet you’ll get no one to read you. You can use minimal HTML email templates for rescue here. Linking : keep less links and CTAs to acquire more attention and therefore, conversion. Send the e-mails to the interested customers. For example, the people who have signed up for your newsletters and e-mails. Be Regular : Send the newsletters and promotions regularly but not too frequently. Take the example of ‘’ here. They are too frequent [avoid that if you are including as witty titles in your e-mails as them.] Conclusion : Be regular, but not too frequent. [Sending e-mail in every 4 hours is wastage of resource, money and time – it will only cause people to ‘unsubscribe’.] Send e-mails as per User Actions : Update your customers with the things, which they are most interested in.

E-mail Marketing

Tracking e-mails : Send the ‘purchase successful’, ‘payment done’, and other tracking e-mails to let them keep track of what’s happening.

Automate :

Use the automation tools like MailChimp, etc. You aren’t superman obviously!

2.1.5. Follow-upsSomewhere on LinkedIn, I read - “More of the Sales representative gives up after first follow-up.

But, the average Follow-ups needed for successful conversions are actually 5.”

Yup, you read it right.

So, if you think that someone is interested in your product, then keep following them and convince. 9

Here’s an example:

Say, someone asked you about Product X on socialmedia. Did you message that person back after some time or the next day, to ask whether they purchased itor not?



Think on it. That person was an easy target to convert. However, follow-ups were needed which youunfortunately forgot to do.

Hope, you will follow-up will more attention and interest from now on. That’s the key to conversion.





2.1.6. Growth HackingExperiment and hack the growth!

For e-commerce startups and businesses, Growth

hacking is a valuable method of grabbing morecustomers. It is proven to give back good results.

You’ll just have to find out the right tools or methods.Using them in a unique way to increase the conversion will be effective if you are good at innovating.

Just explore through the plethora of conventional and non-conventional marketing methods, or mix them up, to create a newer one. With wise experimentation you’ll surely hack the growth for your business :)




2.1.7. Real-time Chatting and Customer Support

That right corner (maybe left) of your website, which allows the customers to bombard instant queries on your support team in real-time, is the best place to look for the

conversion. It is the Real-time chat!

You’ll need to:

You’ll need to reply your customers on a supersonic speed. No reply in 30 seconds to a minute and the customer will leave (Found in a survey). Replying fast isn’t the only thing to do – be precise and friendly too. Your answer should be able to serve the purpose of communication. Take care of customer satisfaction. Think of extra sales! A person buying sofa may need sofa covers too. *Winks*.

Contact Us

? 24/7Hours Days

@ 11

2.1.8. Clear Policies

Clearly-specified terms and conditions are essential for any e-commerce business, if you want to gain the trust of your customers. [Yes, people check out this most boring page of your website before making a purchase. If it doesn’t exist or looks less authentic, they take their steps back.]

Clear Terms and Conditions make your business look credible and increases conversions. So, make sure your website has this page with good enough details about your policies.

2.1.9. Remarketing

“Wait! there are already my customers then why to put extra efforts.” – thinking this?

Well, not exactly. There were (and, probably ‘are’) your customers. But competition is tough and users have more options, then they have 10 years back. So, there are fair chances that they have found some other seller in the mean time.

Another thing is – Customers don’t have too much time nowadays. They may have

forgotten what they need to buy.

What to do?

Keep promoting your products to remind your customers that you exist and still are the best option for them. Bribe them with discounts and sales.

What else?

PPC, facebook ads, search engine ads, and e-mail reminders for incomplete purchases can significantly increase the conversion rate for you. 12


2.1.10.AnalyticsTime-to-time analysis of your website, strategies, marketing methods, products andcustomer base is very important to manage a good conversion rate. Integrating analytics to keep the relevant data and analysis it later will be helpful.

Website : Check which pages aren’t performing well and refine them for better conversion.

Strategies : Invest more in the strategies which are doing well.

Marketing methods : Check the conversion rate of currently-implied methods and take further actions on the basis of analytics’ results.

Products : Do not just keep every product, but keep the products which actually sell.

Customer base : Analyze the age, location, and interests of your customers. It’ll help you understand how to impress them and what to sell. 13

Website Design and Development

2.2. Through Website Design and DevelopmentYou are an online business and everything depends on your website at the end.

Its design and development will be going to affect the customers.

A small CTA button, which may look too tiny to consider, can drastically affect the conver-sion rate of your website. From size and text to color of buttons – everything matters.

Not only buttons, placement of elements, use of images and videos, page loading speed and many development-design aspects directly influence the conversion rate – either posi-tively or negatively. Here are those aspects:

2.2.1. Organizing the WebsiteIt includes so many things, which may eventually need another complete book but here’s a summary of what you should focus upon :

There should be appealing and clean landing pages, which are not littered with non-relevant content and images. Always guide your users with specific information. For example, adding a ‘Product Detail’ button along with buy more will convert efficiently. Placement of menus and content should be very carefully done.

Make sure the page has SSL (that ‘https’ in green) enables and visible security seals. Hidden Fees : Everyone hates it. Never add it. Confusing or incomplete error messages can tense people. Be clear with what you want to convey. Not having ‘wishlist capabilities’ : there are times when we don’t have any method to make payment immediately. So, let people save the products for later also. Allow guests to checkout too. Instead of sending them of sign-up and making them re-do everthing, it is better to integrate the sign-up process with checkout process. 14

Navigation from one page to another should be meaningful and easy to understand for the buyer. The first-time visitor is not going to buy (99% probability) but they will not mind if you’ll ask them to sign-up for newsletter or mailers. So, adding the ‘buy’ button rowd on every page is clearly not enough. Pay equal attention on maintain the client acquisition through sign-up options. Enable the highest efficiency for the search option. Your search functionality should work well and again, it should be easy to understand and use. Provide the shipping information on purchase page. Keep the important links like ‘about us’, ‘what we sell’, and more on the top. People would like to know about you before they purchase from you. Try not to confuse the buyer. Content should be powerful and everywhere.

2.2.2. Improving conversion with Better checkout MethodsCheckout page is the most (MOST) important page of your website. At this page, the user is literally one click away for purchasing what you sell. Real sales conversions occur here only. So one mistake and game over!

Read out the points and know how you can attract successful purchases by improving this page :


2.2.3. Payment GatewayA secure payment gateway relaxes the buyer. In the world, where frauds are highly common,everyone will suspect you if your payment gateway isn’t secure. Also, it’s important to implement a good payment gateway in you don’t want intruders and hackers steal your user’s data (and your data too!).

2.2.4. Payment ProcessThe process of payment making needs to lookcredible. If you site is having unlimited blinking ads on the payment page, user may feel that it could be a fraud. Other conversion-decreasing causes could be :

Lesser or less common payment options : if your customer can’t use any of the paymentmethods, how’ll he buy? Sad!

Some Process : It can seriously horrify thefirst-time buyers.

No Page to tell user if payment is successful or not : Never redirect to the home page or any other such page. Once purchase is complete, let thebuyer know it. Put a clear ‘thank you’ or ‘success’ page.

Tell them about the estimated delivery time. 16

2.2.5.Mobile-friendlinessDo you know, what is the most common thing about your customers, leads, buyers, and every other person which may purchase your things?

It is : They all own a mobile phone – enable with good Internet facilities.

People don’t mostly purchase while working from the office desktop but they purchase while travelling, eating, or resting. It means mobile is more precious for you than thedesktops.

Conclusion : Mobile-first websites or good Android/iOS applications are the need of hour.

Performance, speed, appearance, scrolling, and many such things are equally important to check for the mobile version of your website as for the big-screen version. 17

2.2.6. Page SpeedWant conversion?

First, optimize the loading time of your web pages.

Because, customers nowadays, shout in their mind : Either it should load within 5seconds or less, or we’ll leave. That’s it.

Thing to Remember : You are not a monopoly.

2.2.7. User-friendliness“A Design is good if you don’t have to explain it.”

If your website is complicated and user has to put a lot of efforts in using it, there are very less chances of conversion. Keeping it user-friendly, is therefore, very important.

Navigation throughout the website should be no-brainer. Use the obvious things and think like a customer. [No one can guess that you have put the ‘mobile phone’ in the category ‘Digital Communication Tool’, right?]

2.2.8. TechnologyNot every technology is good for every business. If you’ll choose Google’s Blogger as the selling platform, you will definitely face is fall. Go for WordPress, Magento, and othertechnologies, which are actually able to meet your requirements. 18

2.2.9. Design ElementsAs told thrice already, design (by this, I mean ‘Strong and Engaging Design’) is crucial to focus upon. To guide you better, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Don’t go for static : Your website’s look should always keep changing. It doesn’t mean that you will need to get your website redesigned every month. But, the website should have the dynamic parts where you can upload new visuals. No one would like to thenever-changing landing page.

Colors and Color Combination : Again, pick the right colors and make sure they don’t look dangerous when put together in one frame. For example, a green ‘Buy’ button looks more authentic than yellow one. So, they are fair chances that you’ll 10% more clicks on the green button.

Size of Components : Too small or too large components may cause weird shift inconversion. It should sync well with other elements of the page.

Bad Font : If you think that putting too cursive text will make your website look different and unique. Then, you are right. But you missed adding ‘ugly’, ‘distractive’, ‘unreliable’ and ‘vague’ here. Use elegant fonts, with right size and color to increase the readability. Images : Do not add too many images - and that, when it’s not even needed.Visual Content : Use pictures and videos wisely. Do not overuse.

Product Specifications : Now, this is the place where you’ll need more and more pictures. The swatches (through which, you can show a product’s multiple orientation-based and color-based views)

Sliders : it gives too less time to click the people. And last slide may have the leastconversion rate. So, either use simple banners or limit images to 3 in the case of slider. 19

2.2.10. CTA‘CTA’ or ‘Call to Action’ is the text, written on the clickable elements of your website, which instructs the user about what they are about to do.

A Misconception : People don’t read CTA Text.

Reality : People read it very carefully.

The button text, link text, images, or menus – all may participate in increasing your conver-sion rate, implied you’re doing it right.

Points to Ponder :

Keep it short and Engaging. : 2 to 3 words will be enough for a button. Precise but Clear Readable : Neither too tiny nor covering the half page. Should look clickable. Should fit perfect in the layout. It should not look like alien on earth on your website.

Call to actionAnd something that tells you why

2.2.11. Business’s AddressOnline businesses exist on earth from some 20-30 years, but people are still interested in knowing the physicaladdress of your company. They still trust a brick-and-mor-tar company more. So, always add your address(s) when you are selling online. 20

2.2.12. Search FiltersIncomprehensible or difficult to understand search options may kill your conversion dreams.

Reasons are here :

Non everything can be put on home page. The buyer may need ‘Needle of a certain brand and for a particular machine’. But, it’ll not be possible to find it if you have only one filter which is showing 1600 results, with no matching search on page 1 and page 2. User-friendliness can’t be attained without varied and powerful search filters.

What to do?

The criteria should be as many as you can add. For example – product, color, brand, size, price range. Use sorting filters. Make them powerful – sorting should be possible for date of arrival in store, on the basis of price and on the basis of review (+ more).

Important : Make sure all filters work properly and fast.






Product 21

2.3. By Retaining ClientsSaved money is earned money. Similarly, possessed client is the future client, which is potential lead too. So, it is necessary that you retain every of the client/customer, who have made purchase one.

Customer’s Secret : If once made purchase, they will surely do it the next time.

Conditions :

You have products of their interest Delivering on time Superfast and satisfying Support Pricing is good. Website functions and looks good. You keep recalling : ‘Hey there! We Exist!’ You should be good at keeping them engaged with good content.

How that?

Well, learn it here:

2.3.1. NewslettersNewsletters are the best way of recalling people about you and your products. Weekly, biweekly or monthly newsletters can be sent to the customers.

As your target in to achieve higher conversions, there are a few things to take care of :

Attractive design, and please – no cluttering! Right colors. Good spacing. Fill it with most recent and most relevant updates only. Solid linking. Good CTAs (and as less as possible).


What to do?

Stick to your (automated) words. It means, if you are saying that the pizza will be delivered within 30 minutes, DO NOT TAKE AN HOUR. Keep the timelines realistic. If you are not delivering in the particular area, say it clearly on the website or disable the purchase. Because, if a user made payment and didn’t receive product – they won’t ever purchase from you, they won’t ever refer people to you, and they will surely harm your online reputation. 22

2.3.2. Query Resolution and Support ServicesWhenever someone asks you about the products you sell, reply them instantly. There are 100% chances that they are interested in buying that product.

Also, there are 80% chances that they’ll leave without buying, just because their queries remained unresolved or unanswered. [53% of them all will surely do that.]

What to do?

Take all the complaints seriously. Help people track their orders. Resolve product related issues. Assist your customers in choosing the right product, which matches their expectations, quality demand and budget. Revert within 30 seconds and always. Try to keep the support services alive for all 24 hours of the day.

2.3.3. Delivery ProcessYes, it’s related to conversion. Retaining the customers is only possible if they have good previous experiences with you. So, to make people buy from your e-commerce website again and again, you need to implement a smooth and reliable delivery mechanism.


Simple Delivery process 23

For far places, mention the delivery cost clearly on the website. Convey the status of product to the user, so that receipt of product remains hassle-free for them.

To make the right use of this information, you can use e-mails, SMS or even calling options. If someone has left a purchase incomplete or haven’t logged in from a year, send them a gentle reminder. Tell them, you’ve got many new things in this duration, and they would to check those things out.

2.3.5. Review ProcessBefore making a purchase, every buyer goes through the ‘product reviews’ section. Notintegrating this reviewing functionality could result in downfall of sales for youre-commerce business.

2.3.4. Contact DetailsAre you capturing your customers’ contact details?

Obviously, you are!

Whenever someone signs up, they provide the contactnumber, address and e-mail address in general. But the real question is:

How are you using your customer’s contact detail? Customer’s Contacts

Product’s Reviews

A healthy review mechanism is always needed for the following causes:

It ensures your e-commerce business’s credible. It assists the user in making the final decision about whether to purchase or not. It let buyer to express the real-life experience with the product. It shows the customers that they are not the first one, taking the ‘risk’ of buying from your website. 24 25

2.4. Through Increased ReliabilityDo you shop why it is tough to sell online than selling through an offline shop, which is located in a good area?

Reason is :

They are credible and highly transparent.

When you reach an offline store :

You can actually see what you are buying, getting a quick idea about defects and quality. You can actually meet the seller. You will instantly get the product. You can bargain.

On entering an online store, people fear the bad quality, manipulated appearance, and many such things. The alternative ways of making their experience better with your digital shop are :

2.4.1. Detailed Product DescriptionsUnlike sales representatives of offline stores, the online products only have the text and images to support them. So, make sure :

Add descriptive and understandable details about the product. Divide the content into sub-sections. For example configuration of a digital appliance should be very detailed and cover all the points as the user wants to know. Every small detail should be written here. Even after adding a lot of content, the page should not look badly filled and complicated. 26

2.4.2. Product ReviewsEvery dedicated product page has a review section in the e-commerce stores. Itincreases reliable and indirectly, increases the conversion. In the product reviews :

2.4.3. Comparison Facility

If you are selling products of multiple brands, it is good to allow people compare on the basis of following (but not limited to) :

Product features Prices Reviews

Increasing the conversion rate for your online store, it will also boost the customer satis-faction rate.

2.4.4. Variety

Keeping multiple options for the same requirement of a buyer is important, if you want to increase the conversion rate. Here’s why :

It allows a person to compare and choose within your products. It will prevent him/her to compare between multiple websites. If someone wants to buy the product of a particular brand, your search filter will not disappoint him/her by telling ‘product not found’.

You can allow imageuploading, however, no

links (Otherwise, spammers will find you soon.)

The product reviews should not look like ‘paid


The appearance of review page should be genuine. 27

2.4.5. SwatchesDo you know swatches could do wonders to your credibility and conversion rate? Before that, do you know what swatches are?

Ok. Explanation is here:

What are Swatches?

Swatches allow you to add multiple images for the same products, on the basis of colors, sizes, orientation or other specific values.

How it increases Conversion?

It keeps your site clean, by preventing the need of adding all the images separately. No adverse effect on page’s speed as swatches downloads and renders the image in real time. Allows the people to see multiple images of the product, giving them a better idea of what they are buying.

2.4.6. BlogWe have kept ‘Blog’ at the end of this e-book, but it doesn’t reduce the importance of it. In fact, most important strategies are only disclosed with those who are serious. As you’ve read it to the full, you are eligible to read it :

Google crawlers love the fresh (and more) content and only your blog can do it. Hence, it is important that your e-commerce store runs a blog side-by-side. Backlinking to the store’s product from your blog will be a perfect SEO strategy. People like reading organic and non-promotional content. Adding some sponsored links in the informative content wouldn’t harm anyone. However, it will increase the conversion rate for you. 28

Focusing on one or two aspects of your business will not bring any significant change. In the digital landscape, where the competition is too high, survival is not possible is you are not considering each and every factor, which directly or indirectly affects your business.

E-commerce stores lacks knowledge about their audiences and what pushes theiraudience to buy. For attaining higher conversion rates, that’s the worst thing whichhappens.

As of now, you must have understood which areas to be emphasized for boosting theconversion rate faster and to the highest limit. So, just follow what you’ve read andconversions will follow you. Happy selling! :)




References4 29 30

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