how to create sitemap by ayansh digital marketing consultancy

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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How to Create sitemap.xml files for website

What is a sitemap?

A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design, or a Web page that lists the pages on a website, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.{crawlers-process of transferring the data from the search engine(e.g google) to its database}

It is the collection of URLs(Site address/webpage address) In simple, ways to tell google how to reach a particular link on a website. For eg in Ayansh Digital Marketing Page, Index, about, contentmarketing,digital strategy are the links which the google will help the visitor to reach through the search engine directly.Note: Ideally, You need to update this regularly as you update your website.

Step1:Copy main domain url on the sitemap generator

Change frequency to dailyKeep rest as it isClick on start

It will appear like this & then click on download

You can also directly reach to the sitemap clicking here

This is your sitemap you create! See that nothing appears on res as it is a sign of error!

You need to check the following then

Open the downloaded sitemap and then check from any sitemap validator(for e.g Free XML Sitemap Validator - SEO Chat Tools) for any errors.

Open it from the local site(say from Filezilla FTP Client) then upload it on the remote site.(Note: The destined folder should be open in both local and remote site which we need to upload it or else it will be uploaded elsewhere)

Then visit the url and check for e.g

Domain name web address/folder name default

Thank You

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