how to develop your natural psychic abilities -...

Post on 28-Jul-2018






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How to Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities ____________________________________________________

2 Ancient Ways Mystery School |


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Why Do We Have Intuition, And Do We All Have It? .................................................................. 9

Why Hone My Psychic Skills? ..................................................................................................... 11

What Is Intuition? ......................................................................................................................... 13

Intuition Defined ........................................................................................................................... 14

How Do You Know If You Are Being Intuitive? ......................................................................... 15

Two Step Intuition Process ........................................................................................................... 16

Types Of Psychic Abilities ........................................................................................................... 17

Predictions..................................................................................................................................... 26

Divination Tools As Training Wheels Or Aids ............................................................................ 28

Ask Very Specific Questions ........................................................................................................ 28

Staying Objective .......................................................................................................................... 30

Traumatic Memories ..................................................................................................................... 31

Knowing Your Place ..................................................................................................................... 32

How To Develop Your Own Psychic Abilities............................................................................. 33

Remove Your Doubts ................................................................................................................... 34

Establish A Need For The Psychic Ability Or Feat ...................................................................... 35

Things To Be Aware Of And How To Handle Them ................................................................... 36

Expansion Or Tightening Sensations ........................................................................................ 36

Visuals ....................................................................................................................................... 36

Hearing Voices .......................................................................................................................... 37

Taking On The Pain Of Others ................................................................................................. 37

Unseen Forces ........................................................................................................................... 38

Restlessness Or Unbalance........................................................................................................ 38

When It Concerns Your Own Life ............................................................................................ 38

Use Psychic Abilities Benevolently .......................................................................................... 38

What To Do About Psychic Attacks ......................................................................................... 39

Protection .................................................................................................................................. 40

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Can Mind Altering Drugs Aid In Psychic Development? ............................................................ 40

Psychic Games To Play ................................................................................................................ 42

Color / Number.......................................................................................................................... 42

Dice ........................................................................................................................................... 42

Cards.......................................................................................................................................... 43

The Envelope............................................................................................................................. 43

Telephone .................................................................................................................................. 43

Psychic Exercises .......................................................................................................................... 43

Exercise 1: Getting In Touch With Yourself ............................................................................ 44

Exercise 2: Becoming Aware Of Senses ................................................................................... 45

Exercise 3: How Can You Tell If You Are Seeing The Past, Present, Or Future? ................... 45

Exercise 4: Making Use Of Polarities ....................................................................................... 46

Exercise 5: Learning Your Own Symbols................................................................................. 47

Getting In Touch With Your Intuitive Vocabulary ................................................................... 48

Exercise 6: Useful Questions For Finding Out The State Of Another Person .......................... 48

Exercise 7: A Group Exercise ................................................................................................... 49

Exercise 8: Awaken Your Psychic Centers ............................................................................... 49

Exercise 9: Psychokinesis Exercises ......................................................................................... 49

More To Know About Your Psychic Abilities ............................................................................. 51

Spirits And Guides ........................................................................................................................ 51

Doing A Psychic Reading ............................................................................................................. 52

Your First Reading ........................................................................................................................ 53

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 54

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 56

How to Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities ____________________________________________________

4 Ancient Ways Mystery School |


The extra‐ordinary powers of the mind known as “psychic abilities” are an inherent gift to all of

us. Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips tell us in their book The Development Of Psychic

Powers (1988) that psychic powers are our birthright. Some people more naturally express these

abilities than others. For the others, psychic abilities may be developed through study and

practice. It is also called “intuition” or “psychic abilities.” In more conservative circles it is

called a “hunch” or “gut feeling.” The term ESP, “extra sensory perception,” was coined by the

late Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine. He was a

professor and head of the

parapsychology laboratory at Duke

University. Dr. Rhine was ridiculed by

some and admired by others, and he was

working with parapsychology at a time

when it was considered taboo.

It is a good thing that the “6th sense” is

gaining a revived recognition of its

usefulness. Laura Day says in her book

Practical Intuition: How To Harness

The Power Of Your Instincts And Make

It Work For You (1996), “As the end of

the second millennium draws near, the

limitations of logic, rationality, and the

scientific method as the sole means of

guiding our lives are becoming all too

painfully clear. Increasingly our world is

turning to modes of perception and

understanding that don’t rely on

evidence presented to our senses, modes such as intuition and faith… The early Greeks [Greece

being the birthplace of logic, philosophy, and the rudiments of the scientific method] recognized

that rational thought is incomplete and needs the support of intuition.”

Belleruth Naparstek goes further by saying in her book Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking The Power

Of Your Intuition (1997), “We’ve entered a new stage of our human evolution, a time when the

development of our psychic capacity is essential to our survival. Without a new and stronger

kind of psychic attainment, without a deeper sense of spiritual connectedness to the whole, and

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without a much larger sense of self than we as a species has ever attained, our planet could easily

die from out‐of‐control aggression, territoriality, and greed. So it’s no coincidence that we find

ourselves in a time of great interest in psychic phenomena, of widespread longing for connection

to our virtual core. More and more people are looking for ways to join with the mysterious, the

wider perspective, the divine, the world of spirit.”

People who are by nature very devotional and feel a close connection to their spiritual natures are

most prone to having spontaneous mystical experiences that transcend the limitations of time and

space. Specific examples of natural states that mystics and saints have been known to reach

include levitation, ecstatic trances, and the ability to live on very little or no food. In India, yogis

can slow their breathing down in meditative states so that their vital signs all but disappear. They

are also able to generate amazing amounts of body heat during meditation. Tibetan monks have

been known to meditate in the snow without adequate clothing, and they do not become cold.

Many spiritual adepts lived on little or no food, and yet live healthy and vibrant lives.

In religious history, the Catholic Church has documented accounts of saints demonstrating

special powers (called siddhis in

India) which are very advanced

psychic abilities. Once consciousness

can bend space and time, this is the

ultimate psychic ability. One of these

is called levitation, which is the

experience of floating slightly above

the ground. Levitation happened

usually when priests were caught up in

the deep reverence of officiating the

Holy Mass. St. Francis was a saint

famous for levitation. He was said to

float from the ground when he was in

ecstatic states of communion with

God. There are also descriptions of

priests and nuns who spontaneously

have bled at the hands and feet.

Spontaneous bleeding of this sort is

known in the Catholic Church as

stigmata. These locations correspond

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to the wound sites where the crucified Christ was nailed to the cross (although some mystics had

visions pertaining to the exact location being in the wrists rather than in the palms of the hands).

The occurrence of stigmata in the upper body being more correctly located in the wrists is

referred to by Eileen Freeman in her book Touched By Angels (1993). Here, she writes of a

contemporary saint, and she declares that “in the twentieth century, the stigmatic Therese

Neumann had a comparable experience.” These feats are also seen in people who can bend

spoons and forks, or move objects. This is called telekinesis.

There are others who are quite accurate in psychic tests. They have participated with in‐depth

experiments in the past 50 years. Children are said to be

exceptionally intuitive until they lose their abilities as they

grow older. Young children are believed to be closer to the

spirit world and spiritual abilities because they are not

completely entrenched in the ways of human physical

reality. Remote viewing is another well‐tested and proven

psychic ability that even governments and authorities make

use of. Police departments have also been known to make

use of psychics, or intuitives, in solving crimes. A psychic

or intuitive is someone who uses their intuition consciously,

rather than unconsciously. Most people use intuition

unconsciously every day. Some have learned to use it with

precision and accuracy.

As to the nature of psychic abilities in general, there are many schools of thought. Some believe

it is by higher functioning of the human brain that psychic abilities are possible. Others believe

that it is by God’s grace that these higher powers are possible in a human. However, ultimately,

psychic abilities can be said to stem from the limitless nature of the larger Mind, synchronous

with Universal Law. Because all of us are aspects of this one force, this larger awareness is part

of our experience even while we focus our consciousness in the “limited” material plane of

duality and identify with it. One way to describe our relationship to the Cosmic Unity is through

what can be called the subjective or subconscious mind, which functions as the repository of

memories and feelings. The subconscious perceives by intuition, and obeys the conscious mind,

according to Dr. Joseph Murphy. In his book, The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (1963)

Murphy states, “The subconscious sees without the natural organs of vision... [and] has the

capacity of clairvoyance and clairaudience.”

How to Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities ____________________________________________________

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Intuition is an ability you already have and use every day. Exercising intuition makes it stronger,

and making it a conscious process makes it more accessible. Laura Day says in her book

Practical Intuition: How To Harness The Power Of Your Instincts And Make It Work For You

(1996), “Intuition is a capacity you are born with as a human being, like the capacity for

language or thinking or appreciating music. Intuition is not a power one acquires. It’s an integral

part of every human mental, emotional, and psychical process. Each moment ⎯ right now ⎯ you

receive information intuitively, you’re simply unaware of the process. You use your intuition in

practical reasoned decisions you make every day, from choices as mundane as to what to eat for

dinner, what to major in,

or who to marry. The

trick to using your

intuition more effectively

is to bring the

unconscious data it

supplies to a place where

your conscious mind can

interpret it.”

“You may be wondering

why, if intuition is an

innate ability that you use

all the time…’why,’ you

might ask, ‘should we

make ourselves work for

what we already

have?’…until now, using

your intuition may have been a hit or miss proposition. The skill comes in knowing how to

access and apply it effectively. Learning to understand the information you receive intuitively

requires structure, Just as thinking is improved with the structure logic provides. Whatever

intuitive skills you’ve retained from your childhood, you can develop them, like any other skill,

with guidance and some practice… Training intuition [enables] you to use the different

capacities together more effectively.”

We use our intuition all the time, but we don’t realize it. Why don’t we recognize intuition if we

use it every day? Laura Day continues on this subject, “At a very young age… we learned to

distrust our intuition. As we grow up we learned to judge data as real or pertinent or objective,

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and to weed out what is not real by society’s standards. Over the years, this mental censoring

becomes an unconscious, automatic process… Another reason you don’t recognize intuition is

that it speaks a different language. Intuition is often symbolic and fragmentary. Only on rare

occasions does it speak in complete sentences. What’s more, intuitive information often does not

make sense, especially when it involves the future. As a result, we train ourselves to dismiss it.”

If you doubt the validity of intuition, you can either allow it to prove itself or you will prove it

doesn’t work yourself. Your belief in whether your intuition works are not, or the information of

others works, will affect the outcome of your experience. If you are skeptical, your experience

with intuition will most likely be a disappointment. If you’re optimistic, and approach with

curiosity, you will most likely receive positive results.

Most people are skeptics. Many people do not believe that intuition can find answers, and even

those who wish to develop their intuition may be skeptical about their abilities. However, as with

all new skills and abilities, to pretend is where it all begins. Set‐aside your rational mind and

your doubts about your own abilities, and just pretend that you are able to use your intuition to

find answers to anything and everything for a little while, and see what happens. You are always

welcome to go back to a rational belief that you do not have these abilities, but for now give it a

whirl and see what happens.

Laura Day expounds on the value of pretending in her book Practical Intuition: How To Harness

The Power Of Your Instincts And Make It Work For You (1996), “As we become older and

‘mature,’ many of us lose touch with this important ability to pretend because of the

overwhelming social pressures to be logical and sensible. Even young children are encouraged

not to make things up. What’s more, our ability to pretend and to create has been replaced to a

large degree by technology, like videos and television and advertising, which gives our brains

most of what they need to keep entertained. All of this is too bad, because pretending performs

some very useful functions. Pretending is also a valuable ability when learning a new skill.

Before we master something, it helps to pretend that we’ve already acquired the skill… even

modern science is based on pretending… pretending often precedes faith. Indeed, pretending

often generates faith, and, before we know it, we no longer need to pretend.”

Intuition is not limited by space or time. Intuition does not require that you know anything about

the subjects you’re inquiring about. It doesn’t even require that you understand all the

impressions that you receive. This is the beauty of intuition. Even though you may know nothing

about refrigerators, a refrigerator repair man may come to you and ask you why a particular

refrigerator is resisting repair. You can find out through intuition, by describing feelings, pictures

or words coming to you about the dysfunction of the appliance. The refrigerator repair man can

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then use your clues to determine the problem. You can know the answer to any question. You

have access to all the answers. It is not the same as knowing everything consciously. It is a

different kind of knowing.

Intuition plays a part in all your decisions. Feelings are emotional senses without explanation,

and we tend to dismiss feelings as unreasonable and untrustworthy, but feelings are facts.

Feelings are often what overrides the rational mind in the decision‐making process, and in fact

can be a very trustworthy steering mechanism through your reality. It is not uncommon for

someone to delay a trip based on a feeling, only later to find out that a disaster had been avoided,

or an opportunity would’ve been lost if they had left. Feelings, or gut feelings, can be very

accurate indicators of the right choices for you.

Why Do We Have Intuition, And Do We All Have It?

A scientific hypothesis is that intuition is first and foremost a survival tool. It gives you

information instantaneously that you might need in a survival situation. The ability to be in tune

to the surrounding environment was a life and death situation in primitive times. People who

were more intuitive had a better chance of survival.

Laura Day says in her book Practical Intuition: How To Harness The Power Of Your Instincts

And Make It Work For You (1996), “We tend to rely on our more advanced and civilized senses,

but remember that our most reliable senses are the ones that developed first. Our sense of touch

develops before our sight, our intellect last of all. Nature tells us what we can count on to

survive, and we were given intuition for a reason. Most of your life questions related in some

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way to the future, and intuition, being foremost a survival tool, is especially adept at addressing

the future. Most likely it is the sense (or collection of senses) specifically geared to gathering

information that is not available in your immediate environment. For most of us, this process

takes place unconsciously and with much interference from our logical minds and emotional

patterning. In becoming aware of our intuitive information before it’s fully assembled and before

we have unwittingly acted on it, we bring this valuable data above our emotional consciousness

to the level of our intellect. As a

result, we make better reasoned


Everyone has intuition. Even those

who think they don’t, yes, they

have it too. How often have you

thought of your friend, and lo and

behold, your phone rings and you

know it is your friend? Have you

ever had a dream that came true?

You have at least once blurted

something out and your friend said,

“Hey! I was just thinking that, you

read my mind!” Haven’t you ever

“known” without knowing how

you know something? You have

had intuitive experiences galore,

but you might not have realized

that was what they were. Most

often these experiences are

dismissed without thinking much

about them, or we chalk it up to


Everyone operates in their life not even knowing how much they use their subconscious abilities.

It is actually a two way street between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. The

subconscious not only communicates with the conscious mind, giving it privy information now

and then from the realms of the “unknown,” or psychic hits, but it also takes direction from the

conscious mind. What you’re conscious mind projects as a desire, your subconscious goes about

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creating, giving you information along the way as to its workings. Joseph Murphy explains this

in his book Psychic Perception: The Magic Of Extrasensory Power (1971), “It is best that you

have a healthy regard and respect for your thought. Thought is the most powerful force in the

universe… Your subconscious mind could be likened to an iceberg—90% of it is below the

surface. It is your subconscious mind that does the work according to the orders given it by your

conscious mind. What you think with your conscious mind you produce with your


In other words, your subconscious mind knows at least 90% more than your conscious mind

does, if not more. Your subconscious mind works with the mathematics of the cosmos, all

probabilities and all outcomes. It knows the future, it knows the past, and it knows all the

possibilities for your life. It is one with the universal mind. It knows who will be standing on a

particular street corner at 2:20 PM on a particular day, and will attempt to arrange that chance

meeting you need to have with that stranger who will soon become one of your closest friends or

business partners. The subconscious mind will nudge you to take the bus that day instead of the

train, or give you the idea to take a different route home than you normally do. This is how

psychic hits work. There is a constant rapport between the conscious mind and the unconscious

mind. If you realize that this is not such a mystery, and learn how to “hear” your subconscious

when it speaks to you, your life can have some very magical unfolding’s based on following the

directions you are given from within yourself.

The attainment of psychic abilities is the direct attempt at learning to tune in to the subconscious

and using it consciously. Although the human mind will never be able to hold all that the

subconscious does, it can definitely be trained to interact with and take direction from the larger

self that is directing your life. The advantages of being able to do this are limitless.

Why Hone My Psychic Skills?

One question that might come up is, “Why hone my intuitive skills if anyone can do an intuitive

reading, and everyone has this ability?” Laura Day gives the answer in her book Practical

Intuition: How To Harness The Power Of Your Instincts And Make It Work For You (1996):

“While anyone can generate intuitive information, it takes an experienced practitioner to

interpret the information in a useful way. The skill is in knowing how to ask questions, and how

to interpret the intuitive responses.” The real challenge is in the interpretation. This is where the

training is needed. This is why one must practice intuitive readings and then check on the

accuracy in order to know that the interpretation of the symbols has been accurate. Not very

How to Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities ____________________________________________________

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many people check the accuracy of their intuition, and this is why not everyone can give a

reading without any training.

Having exercised and practiced using your psychic abilities gives you an advantage that you did

not have before in moving through your life. Now you can access more information when

making your decisions, and use more of your senses than only five physical senses and the

limited human intellect. You can use the viewpoint of the Universal Mind to make your

decisions rather than the human viewpoint without extra information.

Shakti Gawain says about learning how to use your psychic abilities in her book Developing

Intuition: Practical Guidance For Daily Life (2000), “Quite simply, [it is useful] because it’s

probably one of the most valuable things you will ever do for yourself. It actually takes

relatively little time, and the potential rewards

are enormous. Intuition is an important resource

that can greatly contribute to our success and

fulfillment in life… once we know how to

follow it, intuition is a very accurate guiding

force in all aspects of life. Without it, we are at a

great disadvantage.ʺ

Enid Hoffman puts it even more simply in

Develop Your Psychic Skills (1981), “We

develop our psychic skills for the same reason

that we developed any other skill—because they

enhance our lives.”

Some people fear that developing their psychic

skills would change their lives too much, or interfere with living a normal life. While having

psychic abilities can greatly enhance your life for the better, there are no true disadvantages to

developing them. There are adjustments that must be made however. For instance, you may

become aware of disembodied spirits that no one else can see, but whom you have a working

relationship with. Another example would be that you may be quite aware of someone who has a

serious illness, and yet you must say nothing unless you are asked by that person to expound on

it. It is not appropriate to be telling everyone that you are seeing this or that in their energy.

There can be some frustration involved when you know more than the average person about the

people that you meet. However, you must be aware that you may not always be 100% right about

what you are seeing, especially in the beginning. Either that or you may not be interpreting it


How to Develop Your Natural Psychic Abilities ____________________________________________________

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Eileen J. Garrett says in her book Many Voices: Autobiography Of A Medium (1968), “I am often

asked if my psychic experiences ‘disturb’ my daily life. On the contrary, they enrich it… I have

heard people with similar powers speak of themselves as being in the grip of something that

leaves them helpless, that others find them difficult to understand… This has been true of great

writers and thinkers through the ages, but I have never felt myself set apart. One simultaneously

lives a separate existence, aware of a tenuous level of experience as one rubs shoulders with

one’s fellows, while underneath there is the pattern that plays unconsciously and perpetually, a

web many‐colored and delicate, but filled with the awareness of what is happening to each and

all below the surface.”

Living with psychic abilities can add more layers to your experience than you ever thought

possible. Imagine what it would be like not only to hear the words being spoken in a

conversation, but also being aware of the energy patterns of the person’s aura you are conversing

with, the emotional tones, the history, the mental processes, all of it in a deep way that you have

never experienced before. Some might say it would be like living in an altered state all the time,

and yet have more lucidity and clarity than any mind altering substance would facilitate.

Joseph Murphy says it quite eloquently in his book Psychic Perception: The Magic Of

Extrasensory Power (1971): “For every man and woman, the cultivation of the intuitive faculty

is of great significance. Intuition offers instantaneously that which the intellect or reasoning mind

could accomplish only after weeks or months of monumental trial and error. When our reasoning

faculties fail us in our perplexities, the intuitive faculty sings the silent song of triumph… If you

will only believe, and not just pretend to believe, that Infinite Intelligence is guiding you in all

your ways—in your thoughts, words, and deeds—you will be led along the right road… Your

subconscious mind is one with infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom… It can provide you

with the right idea and can free you from limitations of all kinds.”

What Is Intuition?

One might ask what the difference is between intuition and psychic abilities. Actually, there is no

difference. The word psychic seems weird and “far out” to some people, whereas intuition is a

word that is more acceptable in conservative circles. The words psychic and intuition are used

interchangeably and synonymously. However, one might say that intuition is a precursor to

having psychic abilities, or becoming a psychic. Developed intuition leads to psychic abilities.

Intuition comes from the right hemisphere of the brain, the “primary brain.” According to Enid

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Hoffman in Develop Your Psychic Skills (1981), the right brain “knows,” and the left brain

“guesses” and theorizes.

Shakti Gawain says in her book Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance For Daily Life (2000),

“Intuition is a natural thing. We are all born with

it. Young children are very intuitive, although in

our culture they are often trained out of it early

in life… some of us consciously develop this

ability, while a majority of us learn to disregard

and deny it… Fortunately, with some practice

most of us can reclaim and develop our natural

intuitive abilities. We can learn to be in touch

with our intuition, to follow it, and to allow it to

become a powerful guide in our lives… the

intuitive mind… [has] access to an infinite

supply of information, including information

that we have not gathered directly through personal experience. It appears to be able to tap into a

deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom—the universal mind.”

These three types of psychic skills are involved with intuition:

Clairvoyance: clear seeing, usually having to do with images, pictures, symbols.

Clairsentience: having to do with sensing, or feelings, knowing.

Clairaudience: having to do with hearing, actual words that you literally hear, also

celestial music or whooshing sounds.

Intuition Defined

1) Intuition Is A Nonlinear Process.

This means that intuition does not reason and it doesn’t need to. It simply knows, instantly.

Reasoning goes through a process of analysis and deduction, and then draws conclusions.

Intuition does not follow these steps. It gets glimpses of bits and pieces in the form of


2) Intuition Gathers Information Through A Non‐Empirical Process.

Empirical means: based on experience or experiment, and sensory information through your

five senses of taste, touch, hearing, sight, and smell. The empirical process of gathering

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information is based on what has already happened. This has to do with past experiences,

facts of reality, and other concrete parameters. Intuition, being non‐empirical, does not

perceive information through your senses. However, information received through the

intuition becomes empirical, and can be used by the reasoning mind as such.

3) Intuition Is Interpreting Information.

Intuitive impressions must be interpreted if they are to be useful. The information received

through intuition is symbolic rather than literal. Intuition works with internal language. Very

rarely does intuition speak with the spoken language. The symbols come in detail, more

economically than in words. We all know the saying, “A picture says 1,000 words.” This is

true with the language of symbols.

4) Intuition Responds To Questions

Intuition must be set in motion by a question. The question focuses intuition in the same way

that a captain or pilot needs the longitude and latitude in order to pinpoint the location of a

mayday call from a stranded boat. When using intuition one is tapping in to a vast array of

information. Unless a question is asked, intuition does not know what to pull first, for in

every human there are millions of questions every day. Intuition must be directed as to which

one of these questions to answer. Laura Day says in her book Practical Intuition: How To

Harness The Power Of Your Instincts And Make It Work For You (1996), “Intuition responds

to questions, even the ones we haven’t consciously asked.”

How Do You Know If You Are Being Intuitive?

Many people who are just beginning to

develop their intuition are not sure whether

or not they are just protecting their own fears

or hopes, have made something up, or are

making a lucky guess. This is a valid

question. The answer is that you don’t really

know until you have practiced for a little

while and received feedback on how

accurate you have been.

However, there are a few ways to know

when you are in the intuitive state. These

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will become your signposts that let you know you are ready for the reading you are about to

begin. Next time you are in an intuitive state, take notice of how you feel when you are there.

There might be a sense of lightness, heaviness, changes in your perceptions like heightened

hearing or heightened smell or touch, warmth, coolness, a still mind, heightened intelligence,

peace, different breathing… the list is endless. Something will be different than your normal

waking consciousness. This will let you know that you have entered an altered state. Write down

these impressions when you experience them, for these are your signposts that will let you know

when you are in an intuitive state.

Another way to know if you have been using your intuition, “is the extent to which the

impressions you received during the reading are confirmed by experience,” according to Laura

Day in her book Practical Intuition: How To

Harness The Power Of Your Instincts And

Make It Work For You (1996). She also

advises, “Practice applying your intuition

often. Each time you consciously access your

intuition, get feedback by comparing the

impressions you received with ‘reality.’ In a

very short time you will learn to distinguish a

genuine intuitive impression from your

feelings or projections, particularly your

hopes and fears.”

Two Step Intuition Process

The first step is receiving the symbols, the

language of the inner self, and this is a nonlinear process. The second step is interpreting the

symbols and putting them in a language that the human mind can understand. This is a linear

process. The same way that a translator works, for instance one who translates German into the

English language, this is how intuition works. The logical mind makes sense of the fragmented

images and feelings that the intuition perceives. Assembling intuitive information is a talent in

itself. The practitioner needs to find the meaning of the messages given by the unconscious,

through symbols, of the inner self.

This process of learning to translate the language of the unconscious can be laborious, difficult

and may take a little time at first. However, “This process becomes instantaneous once you’re a

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practiced intuitive,” according to Laura Day in her book Practical Intuition: How To Harness

The Power Of Your Instincts And Make It Work For You (1996). She also sums up what intuition

is with this statement: “The intuitive state is simply one in which you gather information without

relying on your senses or mental processes. Instead of blindly relying on this intuitive

information, you must then assemble, verify, and interpret in a rigorous fashion. In that sense,

intuition is a two‐step process, not unlike the event of first having dreams and then waking up to

interpret them.” To add to what she is saying, one impression usually suggests others. Intuition

works much like dominoes. The first image is shown, then the next and the next. Very rarely

does intuition show the whole picture all at once.

You are already intuitive, you just need to practice with it and become comfortable with this

ability. Even at an early stage, you will be amazed by your intuitive abilities. The trick is to go

with your first impressions, and not second‐guess what you’re getting. This is most important.

However, if you’re going to use your intuition for something like betting on horses, choosing

stocks, business risks, or other financial gambles, make sure you have practiced long enough to

know that your intuition is working correctly, before you invest money based on what your

intuition tells you!

Types Of Psychic Abilities

First let’s clarify what specific psychic skills are called. You may have heard many of these

terms, but now you will know exactly what each of them means.

Clairvoyance literally means “clear vision.” It

refers to visual insights which sometimes

override the field of vision in a spontaneous

manner. These experiences may also be invoked

through meditative states. For example, Dr.

Judith Orloff is a contemporary psychiatrist who

has learned over the years how to appropriately

use her natural gift of clairvoyance to help

clients. As she describes in her book, Second

Sight (1996) regarding the ability she learned to

cultivate, “It was a gradual process, but I became

adept at staying attuned to many different levels at once. Intuitive impressions would often

spontaneously pop up in the middle of a session. Sometimes there would only be a single image,

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sometimes many. I discovered that it wasn’t the number or complexity that mattered—simple,

straightforward impressions can be the most potent.”

Clairvoyance also pertains to the ability to see auras. It is not unusual for a psychic to be able to

see auras, if not with the physical eye, at least with the inner eye.

The way in which Dr. Orloff first learned to develop and “tame” her natural gifts was through

her early experience in a paranormal phenomena research laboratory. This was located at the

Neuropsychiatric Institute of the University of California in Los Angeles, and research

psychologist Dr. Thelma Moss ran it in the late 1960’s. In her initial interview with Dr. Moss,

the art of psychometry was introduced to Dr. Orloff, which is a process whereby objects

belonging to a person are used to help induce psychic intuitions about them. By holding in her

hands the house keys of Dr. Moss, who encouraged her to shut her eyes, relax, and describe the

house, young Judith learned that her interior visionary capabilities were quite advanced. This

form of psychic ability is called psychometry. Her accuracy and detail in the process of

describing the house convinced Dr. Moss that she could be a valuable asset in the lab.

Dr. Orloff also had the chance to work with a research project called The Mobius Group in

southern California, which worked in conjunction with police departments, insurance companies

and private groups needing the assistance of psychics. There, she learned how to do remote

viewing, which was the modus operandi of the group. This skill may be described as a

concentration on a specific objective, such as the location or other unknown information about

an object or person from a distance. In her case, she passed her hands, in a light trance state, over

a map, feeling the energy change and guide her to certain locations. She was also encouraged to

draw what she saw in her field of interior vision. It was through this training that she later

learned to “read” her subjects while holding her attention on them at other levels

simultaneously, as mentioned earlier. Remote viewing is another form of clairvoyance.

Remote viewing means that a person can see what is happening in another place, or observe an

object from a great distance. Many documented experiments were conducted where a viewer

would report on what he or she was seeing in a

different physical location than where he or she was

present. This was verifiable information.

Clairaudience is similar to clairvoyance in that the

auditory sense is heightened, and voices or sounds

can be heard psychically. Clairaudience means

“clear hearing.” The sounds can be described as

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radio signals from varying levels of universal “air waves,” including our own Higher Nature.

Voices can be to warn us of impending danger, or of spiritual guidance. This psychic skill is

perhaps more commonly accessed by most people (given that we “hear ourselves think” so much

of the time) as well as the ability to be


Clairsentience means, in essence, “to feel.”

Many say that it is “clear sensing.” This can

also be called empathy. Clairsentience is

when we feel the feelings of others and

sometimes these feelings might be so

prominent that they may seem as if they are

our own feelings. Very often, healers who

work with people who are ill feel their

physical symptoms as they open themselves

up to higher frequencies in order to channel

healing energy. This is a process of clairsentience at a concentrated level. Claircognizance is a

form of this ability, which means “to know.” A person who is claircognizant “knows” without

knowing how they know.

The scientific process of assessing ESP has been an interest in the West since the Society of

Psychical Research was founded in 1882 in England. An American society was established a few

years later, with similar groups now in other countries, and what is known today as

parapsychology has come to be regarded by some as an accepted field of scientific study.

One of the most well‐known modern researchers was Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine of Duke

University in North Carolina (who coined the term ESP). Hansel reported in his book ESP: A

Scientific Evaluation (1966), “In 1934, [Rhine] published Extra Sensory Perception, in which he

gave details of research at Duke University and claimed to have found overwhelming evidence

for the existence of extrasensory perception. Further research followed, and in 1940 the Duke

Parapsychology Laboratory was formed with Rhine as its director.”

Perhaps one of the best contributions to the study of telepathy, or being able to read the minds of

others, came out of Duke with the invention of the Zener cards as an experimental instrument.

These cards, invented by Duke’s colleague K.E. Zener, were symbols that have come to be

associated with ESP testing, and they consist of a circle, a rectangle, a plus sign, wavy lines, and

a five‐pointed star (known as ESP cards). In the experiments there was usually a “sender” who

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would pick a card, visualize the object on it, and a “receiver” in another room or behind a barrier

who would be instructed to guess the object.

The process of telepathy has actual electrical impulses involved. When you have an idea or a

thought, an electrical impulse is created in the brain on etheric levels. Thought waves throw off

tiny particles of themselves as they travel, and they can travel great distances. Thought waves are

not affected by solid objects, so thoughts disregard the physical laws of space and time. They

pass through walls, cross cities, and traverse mountains. Eventually, they do lose their potency

and can no longer be picked up by a “receiver.” This is much the way that a sound wave or radio

wave loses its potency after it has had a chance to bounce around for a while.

The process of “receiving”

through telepathy comes in

through the unconscious, or

subconscious, and then is

filtered to the conscious mind.

The sending process goes

through the conscious mind.

The receiving process is

rooted in the etheric

connections the unconscious

has to the universal mind.

Because the receiving process

comes in through the

unconscious, there are many

ways the conscious mind can

become aware of what the

unconscious picks up. These include receiving vague images, feelings, sensations, fragmented

thoughts, etc. When telepathy is utilized by a trained sender and a trained receiver, amazing

results can be documented, and they have been time and time again in many labs.

Telepathy is most potent between people who have an emotional bond. It is not unusual for a

mother to know when a child of hers is in danger, has been harmed, or has been injured. She

knows when something is wrong. It is not unusual for lovers to know what is happening with

each other even though they may be on opposite sides of the world. Stress, of course, also brings

about spontaneous telepathy. When there is great need, it is not unusual for a person who has

never worked on being telepathic to suddenly “know.”

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Precognition is the ability to know the future. Precognitive dreams are not unusual, and almost

everyone has had one at some point or another in life. Knowing future events can be quite useful,

but also disturbing if they are of a disastrous nature. Some people are naturals at precognition,

and others can develop this with training. A premonition falls in this category of psychic

experiences, but it is not quite as defined as precognition. It would be more like a hunch, a vague

feeling, or sensation. Precognition is more detailed and clear compared to a premonition.

Seeing the future is a natural occurrence. Time as we know it is a human convenience. To the

eternal self, our true nature, time is simultaneous. There is no past or future. There is only the

eternal now. To the eternal self, everything happens at once. Eternity is not just a “long time.” It

is a whole different way of perception. All other versions of time are contrivances in order to

organize experiences for versions of consciousness that are not aware of themselves as Eternity.

People with psychic abilities “can leave

the time stream temporarily—sticking

their heads outside of it, as it were—to

look into the so‐called future or past,”

according to Dr. Hans Holzer in his book

Are You Psychic? (1997). This is why

psychic predictions are possible. Dealing

with probable futures, however, is a whole

other matter.

The fact that time is an illusion may give

us cause to re‐examine what we think

cause and effect is. The law of cause and

effect may be far more complex and sophisticated than we have previously believed. In the

timeless dimensions, which is where a psychic “sticks his or her head” when perceiving the past

or future, events themselves are stationary and may not have anything to do with cause an effect

as we know it. However, this is a subject for another day! Something to think about though. The

point is, the future is available to us whenever we are able to step outside of our belief in time as

explained in human terms. When we are standing in the timeless dimensions, we are able to

access any point in time as if it is happening now.

Everyone has had the experience of having a “time warp,” an occasion where a large amount of

time passed, but it seemed to only be a short amount, or an occasion where the opposite

happened. These are moments when you have stepped out of time as it is known in human terms.

One factor that is almost always involved in time warps is that there is often a feeling of

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happiness and joy when “time flies.” Have you ever noticed that time seems to move faster when

you are happy, and drags endlessly when you are depressed? Time may after all be a perception

experience more than a hard and fast physical law of the universe. Even scientists are beginning

to question the nature of time. They have discovered that time moves differently around large

masses of matter, like black holes, and other anomalies in the universe. This is still, as yet,

largely undiscovered territory. Is time itself something that will become a myth that was once

believed so predominantly among the masses, much the way the masses once believed that the

earth was flat?

Over the years, evidence from experimental research has been found for the following extra

sensory perception processes: telepathy—

awareness of thoughts without sensory means,

such as verbal communication; clairvoyance—

visuals of an object or event without the known

five senses; and precognition—knowledge of

the future without use of the five senses. These

experiences are ones of perception and

cognition without the activity of our usual

sense organs, thus being categorized as ESP.

There is another type of easily measurable

psychic skill that utilizes the mental processes

but has a paranormal outcome. It is known as

telekinesis (also known as psychokinesis). This

unusual process is defined as the ability to

influence a physical object or event by

thinking about it, such as the fall of a die

(dice). It also includes the movement of objects through space. This particular model was

scientifically researched in Russia in the late 1960’s. More on this research can be found in

Sheila Ostrander’s book Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain, written in 1967.

A direct experience with telekinesis is related by the psychiatrist mentioned above, Dr. Judith

Orloff, when she worked in the NPI research laboratory with Dr. Moss at UCLA. At the time, a

young Israeli man named Uri Geller, who was reputed to be able to bend metal objects with the

force of his mind, came to the laboratory for a demonstration. He had started out by entertaining

the Israeli armed forces and was discovered in a Tel Aviv nightclub by a parapsychologist who

was impressed with his ability to bend people’s rings from a distance.

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Geller’s successful experiment at the lab astounded

the observers, for he was able to bend, without

touching, many eating utensils into little balls—as

well as the metal contents of a large desk. As Dr.

Orloff writes in Second Sight (1966), “Uri had

defied both our expectations of the physical world

and our skepticism about the authenticity of

performers.” (In fact, she herself found out later

that he had managed to bend the house key in the

pocket of her dress and she could not let herself into

her front door.)

Related to the objectively observable outcome of

psychic abilities such as telekinesis is the ancient

art of water dowsing, also popularly known as

water witching. People who can do this are among

those who, legendarily, held a forked tree branch by

each prong and traversed a person’s property in a

systematic manner, waiting for the branch to tip downward and indicate the presence of

underground streams for building wells. Rosemary Althea writes of such a contemporary person

in her autobiography The Eagle And The Rose (1995)

when she describes a Greek man whom she counseled

about healing. She says that on his home, the island of

Cyprus, he could often find water and get paid for it, but

that she told him his true work was as a healer. Once she

helped him get started with that path she found him to be

quite successful, as “a man of uncommon humility,

devotion to spirit and willingness to give to others…”

The ability to see auras is described as a psychic skill that

many people naturally possess, especially children. It is in

the category of clairvoyance. In this experience, the

varying brilliant, transparent colors emanating from a

person, called the aura, are perceptible to the naked eye. In

this process, it is speculated that our electro‐magnetic

energy is radiating soul‐consciousness through the

Uri Geller

Edgar Cayce

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vibrational levels of color corresponding to our soul pattern. This skill is related to clairvoyance,

but has expanded to include the physical eyes in addition to the inner eye.

Many psychics are naturally able to observe auras, and have gotten used to it since childhood. In

one incident that has been written about in the life of the famous psychic Edgar Cayce, auras

played a major role. As biographer Jess Stearn noted in his biography of Edgar Cayce The

Sleeping Prophet (1979), apparently Cayce was able to forestall his death by instinctively

refusing to step into an elevator that subsequently failed. Everyone in the elevator died. This

leads us to believe that perhaps the absence of the aura is a sign of impending death. The reason

he gave was that he knew something was wrong when the doors opened and he saw,

momentarily, the lack of auric emanations around the people

within it.

Kirlian photography has been able to capture the aura in a

photographic technique that was developed by a Russian

research team. As husband and wife, Valentina and Semyon

Kirlian began their research in 1939 and were granted

government funds by Russia in 1960 to continue their work. We

in the West are indebted to the scientific advances that these

scientists contributed to the field of parapsychology.

Dr. Orloff, who worked with Kirlian photography at the

U.C.L.A. research lab, describes it as a process that records the

subtle energy field of all forms of life, as well as inanimate

objects. She says in Second Sight (1966) that this field extends

as far as a few feet or more beyond the body, and is not

detectable by most people.

In conclusion to this overview, a very large component of the study of psychic skills is the

experience of channeling information from other dimensions, which is a study in itself. This

includes the process known as mediumship, in which mediums are in communication with

discarnate souls and transmit information to the living in gatherings called “séances.” A similar

way to get in touch with out‐of‐body sources is through the use of the Ouija Board, which has

letters and numbers on it to which a pointer can go to spell out messages. Some people have

attempted automatic writing in this vein, in which they hold a pen loosely and wait for it to move

of its own accord.

Kirlian Hand Photograph

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As to the work of psychics and readers in the art of channeling, there are many types of


They range from full‐trance operators such as the famous Edgar Cayce, who was able to see the

body of those requiring medical readings while he was unconscious, to faith healers rapt in

prayer. Many psychics are known as conscious intuitive consultants, and give their impressions.

The art of channeling is varied and reflects the greater or lesser personality involvement of the

person who is doing the channeling work. Channeling is mediumship. Sources for this

information range from anonymous origins to spirit guides with names, who sometimes aid the

mediums in contacting and facilitating communications from deceased family members.

Psychic healing is another psychic ability. Many miraculous healings have happened through

psychic healing sessions, much to the bewilderment of puzzled doctors. Psychic healing has to

do with bringing through healing energies for the client, helping the client understand and

resolve karmic influences that were left unaddressed, and bringing calm, balance and peace to a

distorted part of the client’s energy. Often, those who possess the gift of healing have had no

formal training and can do this without knowing how they even do it. However, this gift can be

attained, just as all the other gifts, if a person has a true desire to do so.

The ultimate psychic abilities are great spiritual powers, or siddhis. These spiritual powers

include levitation, astral projection

(out of body experiences), lucid

dreaming, teleportation/bi‐location

and other advanced spiritual skills.

For now, start with the smaller siddhis

and move up to the more advanced

ones as you are able.

Divination sources include

pendulums, which will move in one

direction or another when questions

are asked, and many forms of the

original Tarot cards that were once read by gypsies. Also included is scrying, or using water and

glass for reading images to divine peoples’ fortune. Many indigenous cultures throughout the

world have used “shamans” for guidance and healing in their society, special people who were

gifted in understanding the mystical presence of wild animals and birds as messengers. These

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cultures have also used sacred herbs that altered consciousness for visioning, and this tradition is

gaining much popularity today.

While some of the devices such as pendulums, cards and Ouija Boards, can be used by anyone to

experiment, the path to increasing psychic capabilities should be undertaken seriously. A strong

foundation in meditation and a desire to open to higher energies for the good of all life lays a

good framework in which to avoid being misguided. The key to healthy psychic development is

in establishing one’s purpose and integrity, and examining any motives for personal power. A

clear heart and mind creates the clearest possible experience in your endeavors into the field of

psychic abilities.


Sometimes someone comes to you with a question

and you give an intuitive response, and then they

come back to you with a question and now the

response is different. Answers change depending on

the actions that the person who is getting the reading

took. This is a world of probable realities and

probable futures. Probable realities are things that

could happen, and nothing is written in stone. A

person has choices, and every choice attracts a

different probable future to it. Therefore, no

prediction can be 100% sure of happening because

probable realities are involved and all the person has to do is make a different choice and he or

she changes his or her future.

Sometimes the reading itself is what caused the person to choose a different path than the one

that they were headed on at the time that they received the first reading. When a person makes a

different choice after a reading, the next reading will have different results. Many people do not

understand this and believe that you were wrong, but their choices and actions changed their path

into the future. Predicting mass events is easier because then it takes a lot of people to make

different choices to change the future, and this is less likely than one person’s ability to change

his or her mind.

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Laura Day says in her book Practical Intuition: How To Harness The Power Of Your Instincts

And Make It Work For You (1996), “Making a prediction is viewing the strongest possibility.

Predictions tend to be accurate because the pattern of any system, including human beings, tends

toward stasis. I often hear people tell stories of predictions that scared them, such as, ‘she said I

will have a car accident in July.’ I would most certainly not forget the most obvious question to

ask: how can I avoid this event?” Predictions are not written in stone. There are probable futures.

They may or may not happen. When an intuitive predicts something, he or she is tapping into the

most probable future, not all the probable futures. This is why predictions sometimes fail,

because the people involved made different decisions and different choices, which resulted in a

different probable future being picked. Probable futures can also be avoided by making different

choices, and part of the

intuitives job is to help

the client find what

their choices are in

order to avoid

unwanted probable


“The collective

conscious works on the

belief that our actions ⎯

individually, and

collectively as a planet

and a system ⎯ create a

pattern and direction

that, unless intercepted and rerouted, is determined by the motion of the past and present. For

example, a person can roll a ball. It goes in the direction it was rolled and, if you know the

terrain its rolling over… and the speed at which it started, you can make a fair guess about where

it will end up. Then think of thousands of balls rolling in all directions. If you know where all the

balls started from, then you’ll know at what speed and at which point your ball will meet another

ball and change direction. You also have information available to allow you to alter the direction

of a ball. In fact, you have the resources to alter the direction of all balls that your ball comes into

contact with, directly or indirectly, by altering just one ball. Reality is nothing more than a


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Divination Tools As Training Wheels Or Aids

You can use intuitive aids as well as straight intuition. Some people like to use tarot cards, runes,

tea leaves, the pendulum… again the list is endless. There are multitudes of divination systems

that can assist with intuition. For some, they are good training wheels for developing intuition

but then they are discarded once the intuitive process is fully honed. The only difference with

using intuition versus using divination techniques is that intuition does not use external cues to

help find the answers. Divination tools may be very useful in the beginning until you begin to

hone your abilities and trust them.

Ask Very Specific Questions

By using your intuition, you can ask anything and receive answers. When people wonder what

questions they can ask, tell them to ask whatever they want, no limits, for they will be able to

have audience with an all seeing universe and the vast knowledge that intuition can tap into and

that will provide the answers. Through intuition you can find out about anything you want to

know, including information about any person, place, or event in the past, present or future.

It is important to learn how to ask the right questions. Much information can be lost or distorted

if the questions are not asked correctly. If a question is not phrased correctly, this may distort the

answer. Laura Day gives an interesting analogy in her book Practical Intuition: How To Harness

The Power Of Your Instincts And Make It Work For You (1996), “One of the frustrating things

about working with computers is that they do only what you tell them to do. If a computer

malfunctions, it’s because your instructions were not correct. In a sense your intuition is like that.

It answers precisely the question before it. If you want to get the right answer, you’d better be

sure you ask the right question.”

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Laura Day goes on to describe a famous example of a question put to an intuitive in ancient

Greece. “A powerful ruler, about to invade the lands of an enemy kingdom, asks the Oracle to

see whether a great battle would be won. The Oracle responded in the affirmative. The Oracle

was correct; a great battle was won. Unfortunately for the king, it was won by his rival. Had he

known as much as you now do about asking questions, he would’ve asked a question along the

lines of this: “Will I successfully invade my rival’s kingdom tomorrow?” Another example Day

gives is: “Will it rain tomorrow?” The answer must be, “Yes: of course it will rain tomorrow ⎯

somewhere!” It is easy to ask nonspecific questions, so it is good to think them out ahead of

time. Always ask people who are coming for a reading to take a couple of days and write their

questions out ahead of time, think them out very carefully, and be very specific.

There are three requirements of a good question.

1. Each question must be specific so that a precise answer is possible.

2. Each question should be simple rather than compound.

3. Each question should be directly relevant to the issue you want to know about.

Laura Day gives us some guidelines on how to construct the right question in order to get the

right answers. Let us look at the pitfalls with

common questions that are asked in readings.

1. Will I have enough money?

Enough is not specific. Enough means

something different for every person. For some

people enough money means just enough to pay

the bills. For others, enough money means

being able to buy specific stocks that have been

coveted. For others, enough money means great

wealth. A more specific way to ask this

question is, “When (or how) will I be

financially secure enough to retire?” or “When

will I be able to afford the kind of lifestyle I want?”

2. Will I be happy?

This is a loaded question. For instance, one could get a head injury that limits the ability to

worry, thereby making room for happiness. Also, there are no time limits specified as to when

this happiness will come. For instance, happiness is often achieved upon death when entering the

realms of angels and spirits, letting go of the worries on earth. It is important to be very specific.

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Better questions to ask are as follows: ʺHow do I create happiness in my life?” or ʺWhat prevents

me from being happy?”

3. Should I take the new job?

The word should in this question poses problems. Whether you should or not depends on what

you want. One must ask oneself what one is trying to experience by changing jobs. The

following questions might be more specific: “Should I take the new job if job security is my

primary goal?” “Should I take the new job if experience rather than compensation is my primary

goal?” “Should I take the new job if I want to spend more time with my family?”

4. Should I become an artist?

Questions that involve choices can also pose difficulties. For instance, one must ask oneself what

the goals are for becoming an artist. A person can be an artist without being a financially

successful artist and completely enjoy the process.

However, one who wants to be a successful artist

must incorporate this into the question. “Will I be a

financially successful artist?” One must also define

what success means, and how is it measured.

5. Will I get married and have children?

This is a double question that might have two

different answers. This is a common mistake. It is

up to the reader to separate the two questions and

answer them separately. This question should be

asked, and answered, as two single questions.

Staying Objective

Staying objective can be a challenge, especially if

you pick up particularly disturbing information. The questions a person asks are normally highly

charged, and might be asked around deep healing that is needed. People ask questions because

they have issues to resolve. Some people may come with a very traumatic past, and you may be

inundated with scenes from this person’s past if one is asking you to help with healing of certain

issues connected with those events.

For instance, it is not unusual to witness violent events from someone’s childhood that may be

directly related to an issue that is now trying to be resolved. Sometimes it is appropriate to reveal

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the events and sometimes it is not. It is usually best if someone remembers these events on their

own, and are not told about these events in detail. You can ask questions to determine the level

of this persons conscious knowledge of their past, and encourage them to remember it. Usually

traumatic events from childhood are relegated to deep memory pockets and are not conscious

unless spiritual probing and age regression have taken place.

Most importantly, however, more important than determining whether a person has

conscious knowledge of what has happened, is to deliver the message that this person most needs

to heal in connection with these past events. For instance, instead of reciting the events you are

witnessing in your intuition, ask yourself what does this person most need to heal in connection

with these events. When you receive this answer, deliver it. For instance, the message a person

might most need to hear is, “What happened to you in your childhood was not your fault.” At

this point a person might break down and begin to cry and tell you about what happened,

especially if it is conscious. They may even want to know more about what happened if the

memories are vague.

Traumatic Memories

When handling clients with traumatic or troubling memories, it is important to know when a

psychotherapist is necessary versus an intuitive. In some cases, the intuitive can help where the

psychologist cannot, especially if the questions pertain to past life issues manifested in this life

and it is a spiritual dilemma rather than a psychological dilemma. It is important to know your

skill level with counseling. You must remain in the area of counseling from a spiritual viewpoint,

rather than a psychological viewpoint. Only a trained psychologist can work with severely

abused or traumatized people when dealing with serious mental illness.

This is very delicate, volatile and difficult material to work with in a person who has been

traumatized, and if you have not had the experience yourself of healing from traumatic events,

you are not necessarily equipped to help this person unless you have had formal training in

psychology. Telling this person of other traumatic events that you see happened to him or her

may not help this person at all, and in fact may compound the situation. Again, these memories

must come to this person from within, and be remembered on one’s own. You can encourage this

by suggesting to the person that he or she do past life regression, or age regression to the

childhood, and you may tell him or her that it is true that he or she was harmed at a young age or

in past lives. However, it is not always appropriate to go into the details, especially if they were

very horrific.

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If you do feel that you’re equipped to help this person, have personal experience with healing

from similar events that this person has gone through, and would like to continue, help this

person find their own answers by walking this person through an age regression, or through past

life regression if this is the issue, and allow him or her to find out what happened. It is best when

the persons own unconscious reveals what is there when it concerns these deeply traumatizing

events. The unconscious is built on purpose to only release this information when the person is

ready to handle it at the conscious level. This is why so many people who have been abused do

not know about these events until much later in life. There is a wiser self that knows that the

conscious mind was not ready and did not have the tools to handle this information. This is a

safety valve that is built into the human psyche.

Knowing Your Place

Sometimes a person asks a question that he or she

hopes is a yes. If the answer is no, it is important to

be able to deliver this answer in as gentle a way as

possible so that the person might be able to receive

this. You may find yourself having to break hard

news to people while it is difficult to find the good

points of the answer. Your job however is to give

these people inspiration, and hope. Even if the

answer is no to a hoped‐for yes, try to find the

benefits a person will receive even if the answer is

no. It is important to deliver bad news gently and with grace. Allow your heart to open wider as

you deliver bad news. Be compassionate.

One of the benefits of being the translator between the unconscious to the conscious is that you

are allowed to edit, whereas when channeling it is best to refrain from editing the content. If you

feel that certain information is harmful or unethical, you are welcome to leave this information

out. You must make these decisions yourself, rather than the guide making these decisions as in

channeling. A higher power does seem to come and alert you, however, when you are about to

deliver harmful or unethical information. You will know when this information is to be withheld.

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How To Develop Your Own Psychic Abilities

As you perform exercises for your intuition, it is much like going to the gym and exercising your

body. Intuition is like a muscle that becomes strengthened once it is used often. Also, you’ll

believe in your own abilities more when you have more proof through your experience that your

intuition can be accurate.

The first thing to know about learning to use your intuition is to stick with your first response to

each inquiry, even if it makes no sense at all. Usually it makes sense to the person you’re doing a

reading for. If it doesn’t make sense right away, later the person reports that what you said was

accurate. For instance, it is not unusual to give a reading to someone who doesn’t agree with the

answers that were given during an intuitive reading, but a year later this same person will come

to you and tell you everything said was actually quite accurate. This scenario sometimes causes

readers distrust in their abilities. However, the first message is always the most accurate, even if

it doesn’t seem so at first. Stick with your most immediate response to every inquiry. Do not

think about your answer, or try to be clever, or impress anyone. It is important to let it flow.

Realize that you may get a lot wrong in the beginning, do not feel that you are not intuitive if you

are more often wrong than right in your “guesses.” As time goes on you will develop the skill

and get more of them right. Just as a baby takes time to learn how to walk, so it goes with

developing psychic abilities. Eventually you will be able to run with your abilities.

Shakti Gawain has a few pointers for developing intuition. She says in her book Developing

Intuition: Practical Guidance For Daily Life (2000), “Developing your intuitive ability begins

with paying attention to what’s going on

inside of you so that you can become

aware of these inner dialogues and catch

them when they are happening, or

shortly afterwards… The vast majority

of our intuitive feelings, however, are so

ordinary and mundane that we might not

even think of them as intuition.” She

goes on to say that another key for

getting in touch with intuition is

“learning to relax your mind and relax

your body sufficiently so that you can

allow your attention to move out of your

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head and literally drop down into a deeper place in your body, closer to where your gut feelings

reside. Simply letting your awareness move into a deeper place in your body in this way is

tremendously helpful in opening the door to intuition.”

Acting on your intuition is very important for developing it. As you get intuitive flashes or hits,

act on them so that you can verify your intuitive abilities. Your psyche responds to trusting your

psychic abilities. The more you trust them, seemingly, the more accurate they become. Usually,

you will only receive a piece of information, the only piece that you need in the moment. This is

why it is sometimes difficult to act on intuition, for all the information does not always come all

at once. However, if you take the step that is presenting itself to you in the moment, the rest of

the steps come later. Using your intuition, and acting on it, can sometimes results in surprising

turns of events for the better. However, it may not be appropriate to make major life decisions

based on your budding intuitive skills. It is best to test your intuitive hits on smaller matters in

the beginning.

There will be a trial and error period until you decipher how to distinguish your intuition from all

the other thoughts and feelings going on inside you. You have many voices inside you, and

they’re often in conflict with one another. It can be difficult to sort out which one is actually

intuition speaking. The first step is to become familiar with all of these inner selves. It is

important to do some subpersonality work on the self, and once you know the primary

personality selves, you will know what the intuition voice is not. Intuition is beyond the

personalities of the self.

It is important to listen to the body in accordance with intuitive direction. Often the body is an

excellent barometer as to what is happening in your life, or the life of someone you love. Shakti

Gawain says in her book Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance For Daily Life (2000), “It is

important to recognize and become aware of the intuitive impulses we receive in our bodies, and

to trust these impulses. If we are not aware, however, our bodies will find ways to get our

attention. This often happens through ‘accidents’ or illness.” Don’t forget to use all your senses

in your psychic abilities. Your physical body will have certain reactions to questions; your

emotional body will also react. You will receive images, smell smells, hear sounds, taste flavors,

feel cool or hot, these are all ways that your intuition communicates with you.

Remove Your Doubts

Removing your doubts is an important part of the development of your psychic abilities. If you

believe that attaining psychic abilities will be difficult, then it will be. If you believe that your

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path will be easy and quick, then you will attain your psychic abilities without having to spend as

much time working on it. Enid Hoffman says in her book Develop Your Psychic Skills (1981),

“The trouble with beliefs is that we so often mistakenly call them facts. Most people find it

difficult to separate belief from facts… Most of the time we are unaware that a belief we hold is

negative or limiting; we are only aware that a certain area of our life is not working well. Instead

of looking to our inner self to see what we really believe, we tend to look outside ourselves for

external causes for our troubles… In developing your psychic skills, it is imperative to look

carefully at your beliefs about reality. Remember, these are only beliefs, which can be changed,

and not facts about reality which you cannot change.”

Laura Day gives us a list of frequent ways people dismiss legitimate intuitive insights, which

hinders success in our endeavors to attain spiritual powers. These responses to intuitive

information must be taken out of your thinking processes in order to be successful with training


1. That doesn’t make sense.

2. That isn’t logical.

3. That is just made up.

4. It simply isn’t possible to know for sure what will happen in the future.

5. That can’t be right.

6. This isn’t realistic.

7. This is silly.

Establish A Need For Having Psychic Ability

One thing that is of utmost importance in attaining a psychic ability is to have a need for it. If

you have no emotional need for it, then it is not something you will be able to attain. For

instance, if you have very little interest in becoming a doctor, not even spending 8 years in

universities will make you one. You will not be able to attain the goal, for your heart isn’t in it. It

would be a very miserable 8 years if you pushed yourself to do it even though you didn’t really

want to.

So you must ask yourself what the usefulness of any particular skill is. It does not have to be

complicated. It can be as simple as wanting to prove to yourself that it is true that consciousness

is able to manipulate matter, as in psychokinesis, or that you are evolving the development of

humankind by attaining your psychic abilities.

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Enid Hoffman says in her book Develop Your Psychic Skills (1981), “Need seems to provide the

access to the psychic skills. Need provides the access to all levels of our consciousness… Need

provides the compulsion. There appears to be a great inner force that works toward fulfilling our

needs. Our inner self will attract what we must have to fulfill the need…”

Whatever it is that you want to achieve, ask what it will do for you in your life, and then pursue

it. Do not forget to establish an emotional need for your psychic abilities!

Things To Be Aware Of And How To Handle Them

As said earlier in this course, becoming psychic will change your life. It will change it for the

better, but there may be some adjustments and unfamiliar territory as you enter into this new way

of life.

Expansion Or Tightening Sensations

One of the first things you may be aware of is a sensation of tightening around your head, or

tingling when you are first opening your psychic perception centers. This is natural and is

symbolic of the expansion of your consciousness. It is much like stretching your physical

facilities to accommodate your expanded consciousness. As time goes on, these types of physical

sensations will disappear as you grow more accustomed to your new levels of awareness.


Your visual facilities may also change. You may begin to see “sparks of light” or rays or trails,

especially in your peripheral vision. This is the beginning of being able to perceive the spirit

worlds and astral planes. You may also start

to see auras, fields of color around people,

animals, plants and even inanimate objects.

This is natural for a budding psychic, and

nothing to be alarmed about. If unpleasant

images or “hallucinations” appear, you can

simply turn your attention away from them

and they will disappear. You will also find

that pleasant images will appear. You can

choose what you want to give your attention


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Hearing Voices

If you begin to hear voices, realize that there are many spirits who are excited about being

perceived by a human, and wish to communicate with the physical world through you. You can

choose to listen to these voices or not, just the same way that you can choose to “hear” what

someone is saying or “tune out.” Simply focus your attention on something else, and the voices

will fade into the background and disappear. You are in control. You do not have to be available

to every spirit who might be clamoring for your attention. If you choose to listen to them and

give your attention, pick one voice to listen to at a time so you can

perceive what this entity is trying to convey to you clearly. Of

course, if this entity is of an unpleasant nature, or asks you to do

something that is not in congruence with your own moral code, ask

this one to leave your presence and not come back. If it needs your

help, determine if you are able to help it, and if so, tell it to go

toward the light. If it keeps talking and will not leave, simply give it

no attention and eventually it will leave because it is not getting

what it wants.

Taking On The Pain Of Others

You may feel the pain or physical discomfort of others through your empathic response

to their situations. You might find yourself taking their pain into your own body in your healing

sessions with them. If this happens, work with this pain as if it was your own and ask for the

assistance of guides to help you channel healing energy into this painful area. Through your

empathic connection with the other person, healing it within yourself will heal it in the other

person. If the pain does not desist, then order it to leave, since it is not your own. As you become

more proficient in your skills, you will not take the pain of others into your own body. It is not


You may find yourself taking on emotional states of others just as you might have taken on

physical pain in your body. You may suddenly find yourself feeling angry or depressed.

Remember that feelings are contagious only if you allow them to be. Simply sit in meditation

and send this emotional state back into the ethers of the universe (don’t send it back to the person

it originated from, for you are a conduit of healing for that person). Imagine that the emotional

energy is returning to the raw state of energy that is the material the universe uses to create. All

energy can return to its raw form and be reused and recycled in a positive way. Return the energy

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to source where it can be transformed and transmuted into raw material and recycled for creation

purposes. You can also send this energy into the Earth for transmutation.

Unseen Forces

If you feel unseen forces, be at ease. They do not have power over you. If the unseen force is

pleasant, you may want to allow it into your presence. If it is unpleasant, face it squarely and

firmly and command it to leave. You are in control of your reality and you can choose what you

want to experience. You are too aware for games of fear with low level entities, so do not be

afraid. You have the power to engage or not engage. All you have to do is decide what it is that

you want to give your attention to. You have free will, and nothing can intrude on your

awareness without your permission.

Restlessness Or Unbalance

Sometimes, in your zealousness to attain your psychic abilities, and especially if you have

experienced positive progress, you may get overwhelmed. Your nervous system might become

over stimulated and you may find yourself restless and jittery. If this is the case, take a break for

a while from your endeavors and be at ease with simply being ordinary. When you feel ready,

take up your psychic development exercises again and approach them in a balanced way,

maintaining your health and well‐being.

When It Concerns Your Own Life

One thing that is commonly reported by psychics is that it seems nearly impossible to do

readings for themselves or for close friends. It seems that sometimes there is a veil over the

psychic’s own life and future, and this might be in place so that a psychic cannot evade karmic

contracts, especially if they are essential to spiritual growth and understanding. There may be

psychic laws in place that we have no understanding of yet. Fortunately, however, enough does

get through to make the psychic’s life better! Don’t be surprised if you “didn’t see it coming.” If

you were meant to see it coming, you would have. Embrace whatever happens in your life and

know that there is a reason for it to happen.

Use Psychic Abilities Benevolently

Always use your psychic abilities as you attain them to help others, bless or heal. Be sure to use

your “superhuman” abilities benevolently. If you misuse them, the karmic repercussions can be

quite immediate, swift and painful. The laws of karma still apply, even to people who have risen

above normal human abilities. The results of interfering with another person’s free will, liberty,

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or right to happiness can trigger boomerang effects that will only harm yourself in the long run.

You must never use your abilities to impose your will or take advantage of another person.

While the temptation to use your “Jedi mind tricks” might be appealing, you must refrain from

interfering with the free will of another. What you sow, so shall you reap. The larger your

abilities, the larger the harm to yourself that you can do by misusing them!

What To Do About Psychic Attacks

While you may be privy to the knowledge that using your psychic abilities in anything but a

benevolent fashion only brings harm to yourself in the long run, others may not be so conscious

of this. There are people who purposely practice black magic and attack people psychically. You

will meet many people who come to you with complaints that they have been “hexed” or

“cursed” by another who is practicing black magic or voodoo on them. These people are in a

terrible state of fear and anxiety,

and they feel helpless against the

power of this psychic attack

coming from another person.

Your job is to help people

understand that psychic attacks

only have power if they give the

other person that power. I

especially like Joseph Murphy’s

analogy in his book Psychic

Perception: The Magic Of

Extrasensory Power (1971): “All

the water in the ocean could not sink a ship unless it got inside; likewise, negative thoughts of

others could not enter… unless [we] open the door of [our] mind and give them entrance.”

Someone can have all the negative thoughts about you that they want to, but unless you allow

those thoughts to enter your consciousness, they are not harmful.

It is alright if someone is not happy with you, or does not like you, and it is even alright if

another person fantasizes about harming you, psychically or otherwise. However, you are

immune to these harmful thoughts if you realize the truth of who you are, that you are the creator

of your universe, that you are eternal self that never dies and cannot be harmed no matter what,

and if you choose to be immune to these harmful psychic attacks, you are. It is as simple as that.

If you send love back to the person who is sending you harmful thoughts, even compassion for

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his or her state of unhappiness, then you have gone a step above and beyond your duty to your

fellow human being. You have then become the source of love, and the source of love cannot be

harmed. You have risen above the occasion and you are not even present for the harm to happen.

This is different than protection. It is simply being unavailable for harm to find you and realizing

that you have the power to say no to harm if you so choose.


Many believe that protection is necessary, but the very idea of needing protection contributes to

the thought that the psychic harm is real. However, for those who find it necessary, a useful

visualization for protection is to think of oneself as a ball of beautiful love and light, radiating

from the inside out, like a star with long rays of light reaching out. This is all the protection that

is needed. Rather than thinking of oneself as being enclosed or confined inside a protective

cocoon or bubble, as if there is some membrane “keeping something out,” it is better to think of

oneself as being so bright and loving that darkness simply cannot penetrate and must be turned

into light itself if it is to be near you at all. Let go of all fears of the other person or the belief that

the other person has any power whatsoever to influence you. Simply be the light and love that

you are, and all the rest will take care of itself.

One of two things will happen to the ill‐wisher: either he or she will become harmed by the

misused psychic energy, for if it has nowhere to go, it will return to its sender, or he or she will

have a change of heart and shift into light and love.

Can Mind Altering Drugs Aid In Psychic Development?

In the 1960’s and 1970’s the field was wide open for experimenting with drugs in laboratory

situations, LSD in particular. Many psychics participated in these experiments, but the

experiments proved that mind altering drugs inhibited psychic development in the long run.

While they may have produced extraordinary perception journeys, they did not assist in psychic

training, nor did the psychics perform as accurately as they did without the psychotropics. Many

of the psychics who participated in the experiments in an ongoing format fell ill or lost their

psychic abilities in the long run. It seems that the drugs inhibited the particular faculties that the

psychic centers use.

On the contrary, those who had never had psychic abilities, yet took the drugs, suddenly had

awakenings of their psychic abilities. If they only took the drug a few times, and then no more,

their psychic abilities could grow, whereas those who continued to take the drug lost the abilities

as quickly as they appeared. In conclusion, it was found that while psychedelics might trigger

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psychic abilities in a person who had no experience with such things, continued use shut these

facilities down in the long run.

Dr. Hans Holzer says in his book Are You Psychic? (1997), “As the years went on, the dangers

of drug‐ taking had become apparent. Many psychics who had taken even small amounts of LSD

in the hope of having extraordinary psychic experiences became ill, and had to discontinue the

practice.” It does seem that there is a price to pay when taking hallucinogens in an ongoing basis.

While it may be exciting in the short run, the long run does not seem to pan out.

Another argument I would like to personally offer against using drugs to attain psychic

experiences is that your psychic abilities will open when they are meant to. Psychic abilities are

the result of rising kundalini, and might be thought of as mini kundalini experiences themselves.

Mental institutions are filled with people who have had kundalini experiences that they were not

able to understand or incorporate. There are many who are hallucinating, but do not realize that

they are simply seeing the spirit worlds and do not know how to live in both worlds in a

functional way. When using psychedelics, you can create the opening of the kundalini too early

in your spiritual growth and suddenly find yourself in a state of unbalance emotionally, mentally

and spiritually. It is important to let the kundalini open your psychic centers in a way that is not

harmful to you. This can only happen in a natural way without coercion or force from outside of

yourself. Psychedelics can make some people very crazy, and they don’t know who they are until

they have tried it, but then it may be too late. (Another issue is that the dosage cannot be

determined since most of these substances are obtained from illegal and unregulated sources, and

an accidental mega dose can be quite detrimental.)

This is not to say that psychedelic

experiences and mind altering journeys are

not useful in some sense as far as educating a

person that there is much more to reality than

meets the eye, but that is where it should

stop. In the long run these substances shut

down the brain’s functions. It is a trick to

think that you are entering higher states of

consciousness when using these substances,

and this is what the great attraction is. One

could think of it as the cheater’s path to

enlightenment, but the ultimate truth is that

eventually it leads to insanity and self‐

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delusion rather than enlightenment. It really is a peek at what it possible with the mind. Then it is

up to you to find your way to it through natural means, such as meditation, spiritual growth and

bringing your attention fully into the present.

I can tell you from personal experience that these states of mind are fully possible without the

mind altering substances, and that this is the true goal. A person who is fully in the present, has

trained the psychic centers and is able to perceive on the deeper levels than what meets the eye,

and has a fully opened heart goes far beyond where these substances can take us. These

substances are only the tip of the iceberg, but spiritual discipline will show you what lies far

beyond that. Yes, it takes more work, it takes more time, and it takes great vigilance, but the

rewards are great and the experiences are truer and deeper. Also, there is far more lucidity and

clarity, without the imbalance that psychedelics create. The mental imagery that comes from

psychedelics comes from an alteration of bio‐chemicals in the body. This can be done without

the drugs as well, and you can train yourself through meditation. In closing on this argument, I

leave you with a statement from Dr. Hans Holzer’s book Are You Psychic? (1997): “While these

altered states may mimic authentic states of bliss or even ecstasy, they are nevertheless due to

interference from outside agents rather than to genuine contact with another dimension.”

Psychic Games To Play

There are several psychic games you can play with your friends and family. You may have even

played these games as a kid. Here are some very useful games you can play when you are

developing your psychic abilities. They are quite simple and can be played anywhere, anytime.

Color / Number

Your friend thinks of a color and “transmits” it to you. Your friend does this by closing the eyes

and concentrating on the color. You act as “receiver” and pick it up as your friend focuses on the

color. You can also do this with a number between 1 and 10. If you’re feeling particularly

psychic, try a number between 1 and 50.


Another easy game is to toss a pair of dice, or even just one, and guess

which number will appear before you throw them. Another variation of

this exercise enters into the realm of telekinesis. Try influencing the roll of the dice. Decide what

number you want the dice to be, and see if you can influence them to be that number. (Tip: try

only one die in the beginning, using the numbers 1‐6 as your range, rather than 2‐12).

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From a deck of cards, draw a card, hold it in your hand, and let its image come into your mind.

Receive it through your intuition. When you have decided what its suit and value is, turn it over

and see how accurate you were. You can also do this with ESP cards, which can be created

easily. Draw shapes on the back of cards, like squares, stars, circles, crosses, wavy lines,

triangles, etc. Have someone draw these cards and see if you can guess what they are.

The Envelope

Have someone place an object in an envelope for you. You may want to have your friend create

5 or 10 of these envelopes so you have several tests for your abilities. While you sit quietly and

hold one envelope at a time in your hands, see if you can perceive what is in it. What is its color,

its shape, its texture, its purpose? Use your intuition. Don’t use your hands. Simply receive this

object into your mind’s eye. Write impressions down, or

say them out loud. Then open the envelope. You may

find that you had many things right about the object even

if you didn’t guess what the object was. Eventually, you

will be able to name the object if you practice enough.


When the phone rings, try guessing who it is that is

calling you before picking up the phone. If you were

expecting the call from a particular person, you can’t

count these as psychic hits.

Psychic Exercises

To get the most from these intuitive exercises in this course you might want to use a voice

recorder. Read the exercises into your smart phone or other recorder, giving pauses between the

instructions so that you will have time to perform what you have just instructed yourself to do.

You may also want to use a tape recorder to record your answers so that you do not have to come

out of trance to write things down.

Writing down your answers to questions is laborious and can bring you out of trance and back

into the ordinary waking mind. You can transcribe these answers later.

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Laura Day says in her book Practical Intuition: How To Harness The Power Of Your Instincts

And Make It Work For You (1996), “Another advantage to speaking out loud is that doing so

gives your reflective mind less time to interfere in the intuitive process.” The other problem is

that it is difficult to keep up with the flow of intuitive impressions while writing. Laura Day also

says, “In fact, being able to keep up with your impressions is a good sign that they are not

intuitive.” Yet another reason for speaking your answers out loud is preparing yourself for the

ability to channel if this is something you’re interested in.

Here are a few pointers for training your intuition that Day gives us:

1. Giving a reading is not taking a test, so don’t worry about whether your impressions are

right or wrong.

2. Trust your intuition. Don’t try to figure out the answer, even if it doesn’t make sense.

3. The impressions you receive don’t have to make sense to you.

4. Intuition is a natural sense, you don’t have to try to receive impressions. Be allowing.

5. Be willing to make mistakes. No student of any subject performs perfectly in the


6. Record everything, even impressions that seem like interference.

7. If you don’t feel you’re getting an intuitive response, make something up or guess. Later

you can examine it for accuracy.

Exercise 1: Getting In Touch With Yourself

Answer the following questions with your first and immediate response. These are questions you

can ask yourself any time in your life to receive immediate answers in any given situation or life

period. This is a useful way to do a reading for yourself. Go with your first and immediate

answer, don’t think about the answer, just let it come.

1. In this moment, what do you want?

2. In this moment, what do you need?

3. In this moment, what is your greatest fear?

4. In this moment, what is your dearest wish?

5. In this moment, what do you need to be happy?

6. In this moment, what is your ambition?

7. In this moment, what is your greatest challenge?

8. In this moment, what is your most formidable obstacle?

9. In this moment, how are you your own worst enemy?

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10. In this moment, with what part of your life are you most satisfied?

11. In this moment, what is missing in your life?

12. In this moment, in which area of your life would you most like to see change in the

coming year?

13. What is your mission?

Exercise 2: Becoming Aware Of Senses

No matter where you are, ask yourself the following questions and respond with your first

impressions. This exercise helps you get used to using all the senses to perceive what is around

you rather than just one or two senses.

1. What do you see?

2. What do you hear?

3. What do you taste?

4. What do you feel?

5. What do you smell?

6. What is going through your mind?

7. What is your mental state?

8. What is your emotional state?

9. What is your physical state?

10. Are there other senses that you can perceive? (There are more than the physical five

senses and the intuitive sixth sense.)

Exercise 3: How Can You Tell If You Are Seeing The Past, Present, Or Future?

Each time frame has a different flavor, and it is an individual perception for everyone. You may

notice that when you’re looking into the past there is a different sensation than when you are

looking at the present or the future. We will look at what is the difference when you look at the

past, present or future.

Write down your impressions as you go through each of these places in time:

1. Think of a moment in your childhood, observe the scene, what is happening?

2. Think of something that happened last week, observe it. What are the details?

3. Think of something you did today, only a few hours ago.

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4. What will you be doing tomorrow?

5. What will you be doing a few weeks from now?

6. What will you be doing a few years into the future?

7. What will you be doing ten years into the future?

8. What will you be doing near the end of your life?

9. What will you be doing in the afterlife?

Notice how there is a different sensation, or a different flavor, for each of these time periods. For

instance you might notice that when looking at the past, things seemed concrete, perhaps even

darker, more detailed, or some other sensation. When you’re looking into the future things might

seem vague, lighter, or some other sensation. Find out how you perceive the past, present, and

future, and then you will know whether what you’re seeing in your intuitive reading is coming

from the past, present or future.

Exercise 4: Making Use Of Opposites

Instead of giving yes no answers, for these can be rather vague and do not give a lot of

information, discover what you associate with various feelings that are on different sides of the

spectrum, or two polarities. Sometimes a yes or no answer is in order and appropriate, but

sometimes more information is needed, and sometimes more information is being conveyed as


Here are some examples of interpreting polarities.

Someone may ask a question and suddenly you get a hot feeling. This could mean there is

growth, activity, healing, good, positive, yes. Perhaps you suddenly got a cold feeling. This

could mean rigidity, death, pain, negative, no. Now use the opposites below and determine what

they might mean in a reading if you receive these images or feelings. Each reading will have an

individual interpretation of these, but for now just get a sense of what they mean to you in this








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Exercise 5: Learning Your Own Symbols

Symbol dictionaries don’t work because everyone has a different interpretation of most symbols.

There are common archetypical symbols that mean pretty much the same thing to everyone, but

these are only a few out of millions.

Learn your own inner language. For instance, what does a large body of water mean to you, a

kitten, or a car? What is the first sensation, the first feeling that comes to you when you think of

these images. These images speak to you in more than their literal sense.

A good place to begin discovering your inner language is dreams. When you wake up from

dreams write down the symbols that were in your dreams and what they meant to you, what

feelings came up around these images, and what your rational mind says they might mean in

your life.

Your inner symbols will be the language that is spoken to you when someone comes to you for a

reading and asks a question. For instance, if a person asks you a question about a possible

business partner, and you see a sleazy uncle that you have, you might tell this person that this

business partner might not be such a good idea. Your inner symbols are important to know.

Knowing your inner language of symbols helps you to translate more quickly and immediately in

your intuitive readings.

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Getting In Touch With Your Intuitive Vocabulary

Report your responses to the following questions:

How do you feel when someone tells you no?

How do you feel when you’re happy?

What do you feel when you see a positive visual image?

A negative one?

What smell do you find distasteful?

Which would you find pleasing?

What do feel when you see the ocean?

What do you think of when you see (pick a family member)?

Make up more questions on your own. Make a long list. This will become your dictionary of

your inner language of symbols. Only you can interpret your symbols. You can get answers to

questions by knowing how your system responds to particular vibrations and images.

Exercise 6: Useful Questions For Finding Out The State Of Another Person

This exercise can be used for any purpose.

What are the qualities I admire in this person?

What are the qualities most people admire in this person?

What things could this person teach me about?

What words does this person need to hear to have a happier life?

What would be a good challenge for this person to work on?

What problem or challenge has this person recently overcome?

What good change will happen for this person in the coming year?

Which people are or will be difficult in this person’s life?

What is a common mistaken assumption made about this person?

If this person were an animal, which animal would he or she be and why?

If this person was a flower or wildflower what would he or she be and why?

Feel free to make up more similar questions.

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Exercise 7: A Group Exercise

With a group of friends, have everyone write his or her name on a piece of paper and place it in

an envelope. The envelopes, paper, and color of the ink should all be the same. Each person

makes up the envelopes. Everyone picks one. No one knows who he or she is reading, but

everyone must begin to intuit the energy of the person whose name is in the envelope. It is

especially interesting to see what happens when people get their own names. Each person must

describe what they perceive about the person in the envelope. This exercise can be repeated

many times so that everyone gets a chance to read the energies of various people.

Exercise 8: Awaken Your Psychic Centers

Using your right hand, place the forefinger directly on the center of your forehead about 1 inch

above the bridge of your nose. If you would like to you can place your thumb and middle finger

on either side of the nose. Take a deep breath, maintain this position, and hold it for the count of

10. Then exhale. Do this five times without moving. Feel the energy coming into your third eye,

and the energy in your body. This exercise stimulates the pituitary gland and the pineal gland in

the center of your head. These are physical terminals of your two major head centers, the sixth

and seventh chakras. When they are in harmony with each other, the centers work together to

bring you a higher sense of awareness. Practice this every day.

Exercise 9: Psychokinesis Exercises

Place a candle in an enclosed room, free of drafts and air movement. The air must be very still.

Sit and stare at the flame, willing it to move sideways until it burns at a right angle instead of

vertically up into the air. Staring is not necessary, but willing it to move is what makes it move.

Concentration should not be effortful. It is, rather, focused attention. Effort will only deter your

endeavors. (You might think of the movie Matrix in which the young boy who bends spoons tells

the hero, Neo, “There is no spoon.” This meant that all matter is illusory to begin with, so it is

malleable and fluid under the direction of consciousness.) Another angle is to visualize the result

of the candle flame leaning sideways, even before it happens, and create an attitude of

“cooperation” between you and the candle flame so that the candle flame changes for

you in cooperation rather than succumbing to your will. Once you have fully visualized and

set up the instruction for the candle flame, release the thought and allow it to happen, make it so.

This is an important step.

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Another “mind over matter” exercise is to use water in a bowl for this endeavor. Sit and stare at a

large bowl of water before you. With your mind, visualize the water swirling around in a circle

in the bowl, faster and faster. Now release the thought and allow it to happen.

Enid Hoffman tells a great story in her book Develop Your Psychic Skills (1981) about how

important it is to release the thought: “Let me tell you a story of a student of mine, who was

experimenting with this exercise. He did the exercise correctly, right up to the releasing part, but

as he stared at the water, it did not move. The phone rang… With a sigh, he rose from the chair

feeling like a failure, but determined to try again after answering the phone. On his return, he

found that a lot of the water had splashed out of the bowl, all over the table… The interruption

forced him to release the thought because he had to direct his attention to something else… We

may think we have released a thought, only to find out later that we really haven’t.”

After working with things like fire and water, which are easier to move than solid matter, then

you can move on to things like forks, spoons, and other such objects. Another great practice

object is a compass, moving the needle from its northerly direction. Magnetic fields are easier to

influence than solid matter as well.

When you are ready to try your skills on solid matter, hang a string of bells. Using your

attention, will them to move, establishing an atmosphere of cooperation between you and the

object, believing in your consciousness being the force that can allow an object to move if you

lift your belief in physical laws for a moment. It is more a matter of allowing than efforting. You

can also bend forks, spoons and keys. Metal responds well to telekinesis. A ping pong ball is

easy to move, rolling it away or toward you with your will.

You can also do this exercise for the purpose of levitation. Use a matchstick, a plastic coin, a

toothpick or some other very light object. (You can graduate to levitating cars later!) Feel its

weight, the force of gravity on it, and its texture. Then feel the weight of the object lessening and

the law of gravity lifting from this object. This has been done, and you can do it too. Practice and

belief are of the essence. Do not become discouraged if at first you do not succeed. There may be

new neural pathways in your brain to create, and certain beliefs and thought forms that you must

adjust before you can do this. Keep practicing and confronting your disbelief in your abilities.

Relax your mind more and more, and know that you are eternal consciousness, and that even

solid matter is mostly made of air, and this is a quantum physics scientific fact!

You can actually make things disappear and reappear too, blinking out of existence for a

moment. This sometimes happens when such intense focus and energy is put on an object that its

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vibratory rate changes. Because you will be surprised, your concentration will break and the

object will reappear.

More To Know About Your Psychic Abilities

There are four main types of psychic skills that are involved in intuition: clairsentience (clear

feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), and clairaudience (clear

hearing). You’ll discover your own unique take on this ability. You will receive most of your

information through one or two senses. You might notice that you are predominantly a visual

person or an auditory person, or a person who feels your information rather than sees it. Let’s

find out by answering the questions below what you’re unique style is.

What symbols or images do I receive that always mean the same thing?

What is my preferred sense?

What is my most frequent interference style?

What interruptions give me the most difficulties?

How do I remedy my reaction to interference?

What sense do I trust the least?

Does my preferred style change when the time changes; past, present or future?

Spirits And Guides

Be aware that sometimes spirits have something to do with

psychic abilities, helping or hindering. Guides are very

useful when developing your psychic abilities. They are

attracted to humans who are trying to hone their skills and

abilities in intuitive areas. You’ll want to make sure that

you pick only friendly spirits to work with, the more

evolved the better. “Elementals” are disturbing nature

spirits who are fine in their own environment, but disruptive

in human circles. Some entities are disoriented and haven’t

yet realized they have died, and cannot connect with the

human world anymore. Some entities who have recently

discovered that they are free in the astral worlds without the

human body are enjoying their newfound abilities to play

pranks and jokes on the living. They are not malicious, but

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they are not useful for spiritual endeavors concerning psychic abilities. Of course, there are

malevolent spirits with whom you should definitely refrain from communicating, in the

beginning stages. Later, as you gain more skill, you may be able to help them, but as a beginner

you should stay away from dark spirits.

Doing A Psychic Reading

A good rule to follow is that if people don’t ask for your intuitive hits on their issues or

situations, don’t offer them. Only if people ask you for a reading, or agree to one, should you do

so. Don’t minimalize these abilities by offering them up to people who are not really interested.

You must be sure that you are acting appropriately if you want to maintain integrity in your

reputation as a psychic. You must also keep everything confidential, no matter what. Do not

discuss what you discover with anyone but the person who the information was for. No one else

should ever be told anything that came up in another person’s reading. What you discover in

readings is private, and possibly very sensitive, information.

Have your clients prepare questions before coming to you. This gives a person a chance to frame

questions correctly. Give a few pointers on how to frame

questions correctly. These questions also help as a focus for

the client so that he or she does not leave thinking, “Oh, I

wish I had asked that question, but I forgot.” Having clients

prepare questions ahead of time helps them make sure that

they’ve got all their thoughts in order and won’t forget things

that they wanted to ask, especially if they become emotional

during the reading.

Before you give a reading it is important to let your clients

know how you work. Let them know:

1. you only need the question, no other information or background story

2. you aren’t always right, and sometimes the answer is right later but doesn’t seem right


3. you’re client still needs to exercise judgment and is welcome to embrace or discard

anything you say

4. you’re not a therapist, and you are not licensed as a psychologist

5. you are not a medical doctor and any information you give is not based on medical


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If people become reading junkies, running to you every time a problem comes up, you might

need to ask them not to come for a reading for a while. They should not become dependent on

you, ignoring their own lessons and life decisions. It is important that you do not become the

deciding factor in all of a person’s life decisions. If a person comes to you more than a few times

a year, he or she is becoming too dependent.

Report everything during a reading, for even though it may not make sense to you it might make

very clear sense to your client. If you do not get anything and draw blank, this in itself might be

the answer. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes this information is veiled, and it is

being veiled by the client’s higher self. Some things are things the client is not eager to know, or

shouldn’t know. Sometimes the person being asked about, if the client is asking about someone

in particular, is doing the veiling. Do not be afraid to say that you are drawing a blank. For

instance, if this someone has asked if they should move to New York, and you are drawing a

blank, you can tell them the you’re not sure if it is that you’re not getting anything, or that you

are just not seeing this person in New York.

Speak right away after the question is asked. Don’t let your reasoning mind have time to

interfere with the intuitive images you are getting. Don’t pause very long either, unless you

maintain an “empty alert waiting space,” or your reasoning mind will have a chance to kick in

again. Also, don’t worry about using proper grammar, or even making sense, just let it flow.

Your First Reading

You will need either something to write with and paper, or a tape recorder. Tape recorders are of

the utmost usefulness, for writing is difficult and laborious if one is in a deep trance.

First get centered. Follow your breathing, give yourself verbal suggestions, observe your

sensations; in general, find a relaxed state. Whatever technique you like to use to get into a

meditative state, use it.

Next, allow the person you’re doing the reading for to ask a question.

Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax completely, letting the questions sink into your

unconscious. It may feel as if your intuition has run off like a little puppy running after a stick

that was thrown. Just sit and wait for the “puppy” to return with images and feelings.

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When images and feelings begin to arise, give voice to

them. Sometimes you must open your mouth to speak

before the images and feelings appear.

Write everything down, or make sure that it is being

recorded. Whoever is receiving the reading should be doing

the writing and watching the voice recorder. Speak until

there is a lull in the flow of images or feelings.

When there is a lull, again just wait until they begin again.

Then speak what they are.

The other person who is receiving the reading might like to

ask more questions, for questions usually generate more

questions, especially once you begin to offer information.

Do not analyze or interpret your impressions yet. Just translate, bridging the worlds between the

unconscious and the conscious.

When the session is over, make sure you do some sort of grounding exercise like moving your

body, taking a deep breath while opening the eyes, or even yawning. Some people like to do

something very earthly, like eating, or drinking a beverage, or standing up and taking a short

stroll. These are all grounding exercises.


Shakti Gawain says in her book Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance For Daily Life (2000),

“Like any other art or discipline, it requires a certain commitment. It is an ongoing process in

which we are always challenged to move to a deeper level of self-trust… It’s natural for it to take

some time and it may be a little difficult and confusing at certain moments… As you learn to live

from your intuition you may find that the process of making decisions changes. Rather than just

trying to figure things out in your head, you follow your intuitive feeling for a while and let

things unfold. In the process, the right decisions usually get made. Learning to follow your

intuition can sometimes feel a bit like living on the edge. In a sense, it’s learning to live without

the false sense of security that comes from trying to control everything that happens to us. It’s

recognizing that as we follow our inner guidance, wonderful things are going to unfold for us,

things that we may not yet even imagine.”

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Developing your psychic skills will be a wonderful part of your spiritual journey. It is not the end

goal of your spiritual journey, for spiritual powers are not a measurement of your level of

enlightenment. Your ability to be in the moment with an open heart is the true measure of

enlightenment. However, developing your psychic skills will assist you in your spiritual

endeavors to help humanity. You will help others on their spiritual path, and you will be able to

facilitate healing in a way that only a metaphysician can. In the process you will help yourself to

become familiar with how the workings of the universal mind operate, and you will help yourself

to grow even more in your spiritual understandings. Developing your psychic abilities will be a

lifelong endeavor, and will bring you great joy and adventure in your journeys through life.

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Bibliography Althea, Rosemary 1995

The Eagle And The Rose. Warner Books; New York

Day, Laura 1996

Practical Intuition: How To Harness The Power Of Your Instincts And Make It Work For

You. Villard Books; New York, NY

Denning, Melita and Osborne Phillips 1988

The Development Of Psychic Powers. Llewellyn Publications; St. Paul, MN

Freeman, Eileen Elias 1993

Touched By Angels. Warner Books; New York

Garrett, Eileen J. 1968

Many Voices: The Autobiography Of A Medium. G.P. Putnam’s Sons; New York, NY

Gawain, Shakti 2000

Developing Intuition: Practical Guidance For Daily Life. New World Library; Novato,


Hansel, C.E.M. 1966

ESP: A Scientific Evaulation. Charles Scribner’s Sons; New York

Hoffman, Enid 1981

Develop Your Psychic Skills. Witford Press; Atglen, PA

Holzer , Dr. Hanz 1997

Are You Psychic? Avery/ Penguin Putnam; New York, NY

Murphy, Joseph, PhD. 1963

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind. Pocket Books; London

Murphy, Joseph, PhD. 1971

Psychic Perception: The Magic Of Extrasensory Power. Parker Publishing; West Nyack,


Naparstejm Belleruth 1997

Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking The Power Of Your Intuition. Harper SanFrancisco; San

Francisco, CA

Orloff, Judith 1996

Second Sight. Warner Books; New York

Ostrander, Sheila and Lynn Schroeder 1970

Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain. Prentice‐Hall; Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Stearn, Jess 1979

The Sleeping Prophet. Bantam Books; New York

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