how to maintain your windshield

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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How to Maintain Your Windshield

I remember when a rock flew off of a semi truck and damaged my windshield.

I was shocked and mad since I only had my vehicle for about a week.

Luckily for the semi truck had signs that said not responsible for damage from falling


So, it would have been pointless to call the company demanding for payment.

However, with my insurance I had coverage for the windshield repair, so I didn’t have to

let go of a bunch of money to fix my windshield.

From that point on though I had become a very good at maintaining my windshield, and now I would like to discuss some tips, so that anyone

who ever gets a crack or some kind of damage to their windscreen will know what to do.

Things To Avoid While Maintaining Your Windshield

On the other hand here are some tips to what a driver should do if there is damage to

their windscreen.

The first is to inspect the ding, but remember not to touch it.

If the ding is shaped as a deep circle, small star with points spreading out, or a cone

shape have the damage fixed immediately.

Without proper maintenance these dings can turn into a cracked windscreen.

Ways To Maintain Your Windshield

If there is ever any damage to your windshield there are some things that you

definitely want to avoid.

By engaging in these activities you could increase the chance of adding further

damage to the windshield which could have safety risks for you, your passengers, and

other drivers.

The first activity to avoid when it comes to your windshield is touching the ding or

attempting to repair it yourself.

By touching or trying to repair the glass without proper training or equipment you could cause further damage which could

increase the amount of money you may have to spend to fix or replace the windscreen.

The next thing to do is to avoid washing the windscreen either by hand or by taking your

vehicle to a car wash.

Soap and water can contaminate the glass, and the high-pressure could cause the ding

to expand.

Another Thing To Keep In Mind While Maintaining Your Windshield

Another tip for windshield maintenance when there is a ding is to place a clear piece

of tape over the ding.

This will not fix the ding, but it will prevent further contamination.

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