how to make your website blazing fast

Post on 15-Dec-2014






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How to make your

website blazing fast


Slow websites suck

40% of people will abandon a site that take more than 3 seconds to load

Slow websites lose money

Amazon loses 1% of salesfor every 100ms of latency

Google loses 20% of their traffic for every 500ms of latency

Google penalizes the PageRank of slow websites

80-90% of performance is front-end

Yahoo increased their traffic by 9% with a 400ms speed improvement

Shopzilla reduced their load time from 7 seconds to 2. Traffic increased 25% and revenue

increased 12%

Waterfall view of


17% back-end 83% front-end

DOM ready



DNS lookup

Time to 1st Byte

Content download

Initial connection

Recognize this?

3 guidelines

Make things smaller Move them closer Load them smarter

Make things smaller


Reduces size by ~70%! ~90% of traffic claims support Ignore the Accept-encoding header and use a white-list of supporting browsers instead Gzipped JS in an iframe to test

Strip white space and comments

YUICompressor JS min CSS min HTML (watch out for textareas)

Optimize images

Lossless vs. lossy Strip hidden EXIF data Use jpegtran & pngcrush / Resize for mobile devices WebP for Chrome & Opera


Move things closer

Use a CDN for your static resources

You can’t change the speed of light Popular CDN’s:




Cloudfront is the most startup friendly Use Google’s CDN to host your JS libraries

Likely local browser cache hit

Fast & free CDN

Lots of popular libraries available

Load things smarter

The fastest request is the

one that never happens

Add cache-control headers

Set your expires headers to never expire / expire in a year Rename files when you change them Add GET variables to your static resources to tell browser to download new version

Ex: style.css?ts=1311496509

Reduce HTTP requests

Setup Downloading

Reduce HTTP requests

Combine CSS & JS files Use image sprites Use data URI’s for images

Only for small images

Not supported in all browsers

Keep an eye on 3rd party scripts

Help the browser render faster

Add width / height attr to IMG tags Put CSS at the top (inside <head>) Allows for progressive rendering Put JS at the bottom (before </body) Script tags block parallel downloads Improves the perceived performance

Avoid web fonts

Avoid web fonts

Other tricks

Use multiple domains for parallel downloads Minimize use of iframes & cookies Keep an eye on 3rd party scripts Defer JavaScript Avoid 404’s and redirects

Using localStorage on Mobile

Used by Google & Facebook Gives you dedicated cache space

Get 5MB dedicated space per domain

Reduce HTTP requests Include static resources w/ initial HTML

Use cookies to track which resources you have in local cache

Using localStorage on Mobile

Using localStorage on Mobile

2.2x faster


WebPageTest YSlow and PageSpeed

Invite code: 500startups

Coupon: 500fastwebsites

for 50% off for life!

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