how to manage mobile seo

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt, has recently proclaimed the fact that mobile searches are increasing at much higher rate than of desktop computer searches.


How to Manage Mobile SEO

Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt, has recently proclaimed the fact that mobile searches are

increasing at much higher rate than of desktop computer searches. Mobile devices are becoming

fundamental way to access the internet these days. And thus, there is no other ways left for the

companies, who want to survive and succeed in the market, than conducting mobile SEO

efficiently so that their mobile-optimized websites can easily found by search engine spiders,

which in turn make their website accessible to the targeted audience.

The statistics show that around 60% of the customers browse mobile internet to look for

products, and 49% of them buy the product online using their mobile only. Businesses can’t

ignore this revolutionary change in the market. If you’re a business, a well-executed mobile

promotional campaign can make you rack in cash.

Here are the top three techniques to perfectly manage your mobile SEO:

Mobile-optimized Website – Start from the Scratch!

Search engine spiders have their own criteria to allocate page ranking to different websites when

accessed via mobile devices. The criteria include functioning of the website, quality backlinking,

web design and quality of web content. A newly designed mobile website that encompass all

major content and features of the web pages can give you much more leads than a website that

has been redesigned for smaller screens.

If you’re reformatting a web page using cookie-clutter template, it may strip out significant

content resulting in negatively impacted navigation and display of the website. Incomplete web

pages can lower your page rank leading to lower revenues. It is also a crucial thing to consider

which mobile device is used by the customer, as the display varies from device to device. It is

recommended that you create a mobile website right off the bat and make sure it boasts of cross-

browser and cross-platform properties.

Aggressive SEO Practices from the Experts

Best SEO practices implemented by experienced SEO professionals can make your brand stand

out in the market. Consider the following points while performing aggressive SEO on your

mobile website:

Mobile customers are more specific in their searches. So, use appropriate keywords in

headlines, sub-titles and text.

Web page headings should be relevant and provide precise description of every page, so

search engine spiders can scan through your website easily.

Even with the smaller display screens of the mobile devices, try to accommodate some good

quality outlinks and inlinks.

Make sure your website boasts of valid HTML coding, which is in compliance to

international standards.

Go Social and Follow E-mail Marketing Approach

Most of the smart phones allow users to configure their mailbox in their message folder, so they

can access their emails anytime anywhere on the go. Creating an informative and effective

newsletter or e-marketing brochure can improve your traffic to the website. Connect with your

targeted audience via popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkdIn.

However, your task doesn’t end once you’re done with your social media profiles, you need to be

active continuously to win your prospective’s trust.

A Bright Future Awaiting You…

Mobile devices are slowly becoming the ultimate option of accessing the internet. Creating a

mobile website and performing best SEO practices on it right now will give you an abundance of

early-bird advantage. The future of Mobile SEO is bright and yours can too, provided you hire a

good SEO consultant work for your web presence. Wait a minute, if you are a small or medium

sized business who has limited budget, you may hire a reputed SEO consultant from India.

Author Bio: The author is a founder of a leading SEO service provider firm. The company

houses some of the best SEO consultants, search engine marketers and SEO professionals in the

world. The term “SEO consultant India” has created a lot of buzz in the market today. The

quality services and affordable rates are two major factors that influence the worldwide

businesses outsource their SEO to India.

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