how to spot a good business to work for when job hunting

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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How to Spot a Good Business to Work for

When Job Hunting

Looking for a new job can be exciting—it’s an opportunity to head down a new career path, make more money than you did at a previous job, or just find a better work environment with a more positive atmosphere. However, it’s vital to find a business that you will be happy working for and that you can count on to be financially stable for years to come. So how do you know if you’ve found the right job for you? Well, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of being pleased with your decision.

Do Some Research

The easiest way to learn more about a company is to do some Internet research. You can start with a simple Google search to look for any mentions of the company outside of the company’s own website. You might find that people are discussing the business in forums, bulletin boards, or blogs. Definitely take the time to familiarize yourself with the information on the company’s website, too. Read up on the company’s history, research the available job openings, and also look for indications of credibility, such as a Better Business Bureau rating or other affiliations.

Think About What Matters to You

Imagine your dream job, and figure out what would make that job so special. What matters most to you in an employer? For example, you probably want a job that offers benefits in addition to a salary. Some other things you may look for might include day care, proximity to your home, number of employees, vacation time, etc. You may be able to determine if a job fulfills these needs based on the job description you are responding to or by looking on the company’s website. However, you may need to discuss some of these items in your interview.

The Interviewer Shouldn’t Be the Only One Asking Questions

Job interviews can be nerve wracking, especially when you are really excited about the opportunity. But, you often only get one face-to-face interview, which means you only have one chance to make a great impression while also finding out all of the information you need in order to determine if a job is right for you.

It’s a good idea to go into an interview with a list of questions prepared for your employer. Let the interviewer ask his questions and drive the direction of the interview. The interviewer will most likely ask at the end of the interview if you have any questions. This is your opportunity to ask your questions and find all of the answers you’re looking for.

See for Yourself• Finally, it’s essential to be observant of the work environment as well as

any other interactions you have with the employer.– Think about things that could be seen as red flags regarding the company’s

level of professionalism, such as e-mails that are full of grammar mistakes and typos, or waiting an hour to speak with anyone after arriving for your interview on time. If a company expects its employees to be professional and respectful, then you should expect no less from the company in return.

• You may also want to be wary of companies that only conduct phone interviews. Your first time seeing the workplace should not be the first day on the job.– When you have your interview at the jobsite, your employer will most likely

give you a tour of the office. If not, it wouldn’t hurt to ask if they had the time to show you around. While you tour the premises, there are many things you can take into account, like the condition of the equipment, the amenities provided for the staff, and the other employees in the office and their general mood. Do they look happy to be there?

If you follow these tips for your next job interview, you are sure to have a better understanding of the business and feel more prepared to make a sound decision for your future.

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