how to use twitter for business

Post on 27-Nov-2014






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Is it worthwhile using Twitter in You Business? Well yes and no. It depends on having a sound business objective and using it in the right way. Watch this presentation to discover the Twitter Business Tips and see some success stories.


Annette Welsford, Commonsense Marketing

Benefits of Twitter• Communicate with lots of people at once

• Up to the “second” news and discussions on issues, brands, thoughts, desires, etc

• Find new people and build relationships

• Promote your business

• Find business opportunities

• Keep up to date with news and developments in your niche

• Find experts in your sector

• Provide instant customer service

Disadvantages of Twitter

• Primarily Social Network

• Can be very time-consuming and addictive

• Lots of tweet “spamming”

• Need proper account setup to be taken seriously

• Need to devote time and effort to building followers and “expertise” status

Twitter Success• Charity 12for12 raised $32k for kids charities through Twitter.

• Mobile Korean BBQ service - Kogi uses Tweets its van movements to inform hungry followers where the vans will be throughout during the night and has long lines waiting for them when they park up.

• Comcast handles over 1000 customer service queries a month through Twitter and has lifted it’s customer care reputation significantly

• Coffee shop CoffeeGroundz has built a huge loyal patronage by holding regular “tweetups” and providing coupons through tweets

• DellOutlet made $2m in 1 year, promoting refurbished stock exclusively on Twitter

Get Setup Professionally

• Choose a good username – it’s your brand

• Add a real photo or brand image

• Enter a compelling bio

• Customise background and “look”

Follow a Business Process

• Determine Your Business Objectives

• Research Your Market

• Build your Followers

• Engage with People

• Manage the Process

• Measure and Fine Tune

Use Tweeting Account Tools

Use Automation Tools

Use Analytical Tools

Business Strategies

6 of our 25 Powerful Business Strategies

1. Instant Customer Service

2. Crisis Management

3. Spy on Your Industry

4. Event Promotion

5. Product/Service Promotions

6. Find Sales Opportunities

Twitter Business Blueprint – Silver Twitter Business Blueprint – Silver PackPack

• FULLY ILLUSTRATED 46 page guide covers everything you need to know to get the most out of Twitter in your business

• How to reduce your Twitter time and increase your Twitter effectiveness

• How to find people and businesses related to your industry

• Case Studies of successful business users

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Twitter Business Blueprint – BonusesTwitter Business Blueprint – Bonuses

BONUS 1 – Starting Out. 40 Fully Illustrated Pages on Account Setup, Tools, Etiquette, Language, Getting Followers

BONUS 2 – 25 Powerful Business Strategies. Discover what the big companies (and creative entrepreneurs) are doing with Twitter

BONUS 3 – Facebook for Business Ebook. Facebook Fans, events, advertising, groups, applications and more

BONUS 4 – Developing Content Skills Ebook. Tips on

developing content for your website, blog or social media pages

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Twitter Business Blueprint – Gold PackTwitter Business Blueprint – Gold Pack valued at valued at $340.80$340.80

• Entire Silver Pack and bonuses

• Professionally designed Twitter background and customised Twitter account colour theming

• Custom 'Follow Me' button added to your website/blog

• Twitter Automated Updater for your Wordpress Blog


Starting Out

BONUS 2 – 25 Powerful Twitter Business Strategies

BONUS 3 – Facebook for Business

BONUS 4 – Developing Content Skills

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Twitter Business Blueprint – Gold PackTwitter Business Blueprint – Gold Pack

Commonsense Twitter Business Blueprint

Professionally designed Twitter backgroundand Customised Twitter account colour theming

Twitter automation tools installed

Start Using the Commonsense Twitter Business

Blueprint Now and Reap the Benefits

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