
Post on 14-Apr-2017






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How to Remove Residue and Odor from a Fire

Fires can cause tremendous amounts of damage and cleaning up the aftermath of an industrial

fire can be challenging. Smoke odor is particularly difficult to remove from industrial surfaces

and can be a real headache to deal with- even after the fire has been put out. If handled

incorrectly, smoke damage can ruin materials that could have been otherwise salvaged,

increasing your business’s overhead costs.

MEC Ultrasonic Cleaning Chemicals can stand in the gap and help you remove smoke and fire

damage from your valuable materials.

Smoke is made from soot- solid particles that leave a residue- as well as gases and oils as a

result of incomplete combustion. The odors and residues are tricky to remove because they

adhere on a molecular level and will linger long after the visible smoke has cleared. This can

leave a nasty smell and discoloration.

MEC Ultra Restore works on a molecular level to attack smoke odor and solids. By removing

the smoke particles, MEC Ultra Restore will remove smoke damage and burnt on residue that

would be difficult to remove otherwise and brightens all surfaces that can be cleaned with water.

This includes appliances, dishware and everything in between.

Using MEC Ultra Restore is easy. Simply dilute the highly concentrated liquid according to the

required cleaning power, apply to the required surfaces and rinse clean. This is our best-selling

cleaner because it works!

Plus, it’s totally safe to use. Ultra Restore is non-flammable, completely non- toxic,

biodegradable and free-rinsing. It is also authorized by the USDA and can be used in federally

inspected meat and and poultry plant applications.

Industrial fires can be pretty terrible, but clean up doesn’t have to be. MEC Ultra Restore takes

the headache out of surface cleaning with its fast acting, powerful cleaning power. Remove

smoke and fire residue with just one simple product!


Ultrasonic Chemicals

Green Cleaning Chemicals

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