human beings rigths.pdf

Post on 29-May-2017






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All human beings are born free andequal in dignity and rights. They areendowed with reason and conscienceand should act towards one another ina spirit of brotherhood.


Everyone is entitled to al! the rights andfreedoms set forth in this Declaration,without distinction of any kind, such asrace, colour, sex, language, religión, polit-ical or other opinión, national or socialorigin, property, birth or other status.

Furthermore, no distinction shall bemade on the basis of the political, juris-dictional or international status of thecountry or territory to which a personbelongs. whether it be independent,trust, non-self-governing or under anyother limitation of sovereignty.


Everyone has the right to life, liberty andthe security of persono


No one shall be held in slavery or servi-tude; slavery and the slave trade shall beprohibited in al! their forms.


o one shall be subjected to torture orto cruel, inhuman or degrading treat-ment or punishment.


Everyone has the right to recognitioneverywhere as a person before the law.



All are equal before the law and are enti-tled without any discrimination to equalprotection of the law. All are entitled toequal protection against any discrimi-nation in violation of this Declarationand against any incitement to such dis-crimination.


Everyone has the right to an effectiveremedy by the competent national tri-bunals for acts violating the fundamentalrights granted him by the Constitutionorby law.


No one shall be subjected to arbitraryarrest, detention or exile.


Everyone is entitled in full equality to afair and public hearing by an indepen-dent and impartial tribunal, in the deter-mination of his rights and obligationsand of any criminal charge against him.

- ARTICLE 11 -

1 - Everyone charged with a penaloffence has the right to be presumedinnocent until proved guilty accordingto law in a public trial at which he hashad all the guarantees necessary for hisdefence.2 - No one shall be held guilty of anypenal offence on account of any act oromission which did not constitute apenal offence, under national or inter-national law, at the time when it wascommitted. Nor shall a heavier penaltybe imposed than the one that was appli-cable at the time the penal offence wascommitted.

- ARTICLE 12 -

No one shall be subjected to arbitraryinterference with his privacy, family,home or correspondence, nor to attacksupon his honour and reputation.Everyone has the right to the protectionof the law against such interference orattacks.

- ARTICLE 13 -

1 - Everyone has the right to freedom ofmovement and residence within the bor-ders of each State.2 - Everyone has the right to leave anycountry, including his own, and to retumto his country.

- ARTICLE 14 -

1 - Everyone has the right to seek and toenjoy in other countries asylum frompersecu tion.2 - This right may not be invoked in thecase of prosecutions genuinely arisingfrorn non-political crimes or from actscontrary to the purposes and principiesof the United ations.


1 - Everyone has the right to a nation-ality.2 - No one shall be arbitrarily deprivedof his nationality nor denied the rightto change his nationality.


1 - Men and women of full age, withoutany limitation due to race, nationalityor religion, have the right to marry andto found a family. They are entitled toequal rights as to marriage, during mar-riage and at its dissolution.2 - Marriage shall be entered into onlywith the free and fuI! consent of theintending spouses.3 - The family is the natural and funda-mental group unit of society and is enti-tled to protection by society and theSta te.

- ARTICLE 17 -

1 - Everyone has the right to own prop-erty alone as wel! as in association withothers.2 - o one shall be arbitrarily deprivedof his property.

- ARTICLE 18 -

Everyone has the right to freedom ofthought, conscience and religion; thisright includes freedom to change hisreligion or belief and freedorn, eitheralone or in community with others andin public or prívate, to manifest his reli-gion or belief in teaching, practice, wor-ship and observance.

- ARTICLE 19 -

Everyone has the right to freedom ofopinion and expression; this rightincludes freedom to hold opinions with-out interference and to seek, receive andimpart information and ideas throughany media and regardless of frontiers.

- ARTICLE 20 -

1 - Everyone has the right to freedom ofpeaceful assembly and association.2 - No one may be compelled to belongto an association.


1 - Everyone has the right to take partin the govemment ofhis country, directlyor through freely chosen representatives.2 - Everyone has the right of equal accessto public service in his country.3 - The will of the people shall be thebasis of the authority of government;this will shall be expressed in periodicand genuine elections which shall be byuniversal and equal suffrage and shallbe held by secret vote or by equivalentfree voting procedures.


Everyone, as a member of society, hasthe right to social security and is enti-tled to realization, through nationaleffort and international cooperation andin accordance with the organization andresources of each State, of the economic,social and cultural rights indispensablefor his dignity and the free developmentof his personality.


1 - Everyone has the right to work, tofree choice of employment, to just andfavourable conditions of work and toprotection against unemployment.2 - Everyone, without any discrimina-tion, has the right to equal pay for equalwork.3 - Everyone who works has the rightto just and favourable remunerationensuring for himself and his family anexistence worthy of human dignity, andsupplemented, if necessary, by othermeans of social protection.4 - Everyone has the right to form withothers and to join trade unions for theprotection of his interests.

- ARTICLE 24 -

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure,including reasonable limitation of work-ing hours and periodic holidays withpay.

- ARTICLE 25 -

1 - Everyone has the right to a standardof living adequate for the health andwell-being of himself and of his family,including food, clothing, housing andmedical care and necessary social ser-vices, and the right to security in theevent of unemployment, sickness, dis-ability, widowhood, old age or otherlack of livelihood in circumstancesbeyond his control.2 - Motherhood and childhood are enti-tled to special care and assistance. A11children, whether born in or out of wed-lock, shall enjoy the same social pro-tection.


1 - Everyone has the right to education.Education shall be free, at least in theelementary and fundamental stages.Elementary education shall be compul-sory. Technical and professional educa-tion shall be made genera11y availableand higher education shall be equallyaccessible to a11on the basis of merit.2 - Education shall be directed to thefull development of the human per-sonality and to the strengthening ofrespect for human rights and funda-mental freedoms. It shall pro moteunderstanding, tolerance and friendshipamong all nations, racial or religiousgroups, and shall further the activitiesof the United Nations for the mainte-nance of peace.3 - Parents have a prior right to choosethe kind of education that shall be givento their children.

- ARTICLE 27 -

1 - Everyone has the right freely to par-ticipate in the cultural life of the com-munity, to enjoy the arts and to sharein scientific advancement and its bene-fits.2 - Everyone has the right to the protec-tion of the moral and material interestsresulting from any scientific, literary orartistic production of which he is theauthor.


Everyone is entitled to a social and inter-national order in which the rights andfreedoms set forth in this Declarationcan be fully realized.


1 - Everyone has duties to the commu-nity in which alone the free and fulldevelopment of his personality is pos-sible.2 - In the exercise ofhis rights and free-doms, everyone shall be subject only tosuch limitations as are determined bylaw solely for the purpose of securingdue recognition and respect for the rightsand freedoms of others and of meetingthe just requirements of morality, pub-lic order and the general welfare in ademocratic society.3 - These rights and freedoms may in nocase be exercised contrary to the pur-poses and principies of the UnitedNations.


Nothing in this Declaration may beinterpreted as implying for any State,group or person any right to engage inany activity or to perform any act aimedat the destruction of any of the rightsand freedoms set forth herein.

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