human resource presentation 1

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Meaning and Definition

- HRM is process of making the efficient and effective use of human resources so

that set goals are achieved.

Definition and concept of HRM

• According to Gluke “ Human resource management is function performed in organization that facilitates the most effective use of people (Employees) to achieve organizational and individual goals”

• HRM is a process that consists of Four Functions-Acquiring, Developing, Motivating and retaining human resources.

• Acquisition-starts with Planning and ends with staffing

• Development function has three dimensions-Employee training, Employee Development and career development

• .Motivating function includes Identifying the individual motivational needs of employees and identifying ways to motivate them

• Retention function is concerned with providing a conducive work environment

Definition and concept of HRM

• Managing people is one of the biggest challenges for any manager for following Reasons

• Individual Differ from each other in terms of values , attitudes , beliefs and culture. This leads to a very complex situation in an organizational context

• The stimulating and motivating factors might not be same for all the employees.

• The expectation of employees of today are much greater when compared to employees of yesteryears. They know they are valuable assets and demand to be treated as such.

Learning Objective

• Introduction to Human Resource Management

• Concept of Human Resource Planning,• Job analysis,• Recruitment and selection, • Performance appraisal, • Training and development

Human Resource Management

• Human Resource Management (HRM)– The comprehensive set of managerial activities

and tasks concerned with developing and maintaining a qualified workforce–human resources–in ways that contribute to organizational effectiveness.

– Effective human resource management is a vital strategic concern for organizations today.

Human Resource is Human Capital

• Intellectual Capital• Social Capital• Emotional Capital

Intellectual Capital -- Specialized Knowledge -- Tacit Knowledge and skills -- Learning Capacity

Social Capital

• Interactive Relationship• Sociability• Trustworthyness

Decenzo and Robins

• HRM is concerned with the people Dimension in Management.

• Since every orgn is made of people acquiring their services,developing their skills, motivating them to their higher levels of performance, and ensuring that

they continue to manitain their commitment to the Orgn are essential to achieve orgnl objectives.This is true regardless to size,business, or gov’t, health or recreation.


• HRM/ PM is the planning,organising,directing or controlling of procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and

separation of HR to the End that individual,organisation and social objective

are achieved.

Emotional Capital

• Self Confidence• Ambition and Courage• Risk taking Ability• Resilience

HUMAN RESOURCE MGT Organisation means effective utilization of man machinery,material,money to achieve certain economic, social, commercial objectives.

One of the important resources of organisation is Human Resource (Men)/people

It is the people who make success or failure of the company

People are Called Patrons

The study of people : How to attract them? : How to retain them? : How to use their full potential? This is called Human resource management.

Basic Concept of HR--- 4 Resources Basic Concept of HR--- 4 Resources --- Men --- uses to achieve objectives--- Men --- uses to achieve objectives

--- Material--- Material --- Money--- Money --- Machinery--- Machinery

HRM-Management FunctionHRM-Management Function … ….Functions are to recruit,select,train,motivate,develop .Functions are to recruit,select,train,motivate,develop the people for the organisation.the people for the organisation..... Peter Drucker- Three functions .... Peter Drucker- Three functions ! Managing Work! Managing Work !! Managing Workers!! Managing Workers !!! Managing Managers!!! Managing Managers

… … HRM discharges the above responsibilities HRM discharges the above responsibilities

… … HRM ensures adequate supply of manpower HRM ensures adequate supply of manpower (a) Proper Quantity(a) Proper Quantity (b) Proper Quality(b) Proper Quality

(c) Plan effective (c) Plan effective utilization utilization

Defination:• “HRM is concerned with policies and practices

involved in carrying out “ People or Human Resource aspects of Management function”

• “HRM is the process of acquiring training,appraising,and compensating employees, attending to their labour relations, health & safety,fairness concerns

• SCOPE OF HRM People aspect are- …. Planning …. Conducting Job Analysis & Design …. Planning Man powers Needs & Recruiting …. Selecting manpower …. Orienting Placement & Training new recruitees.

……. Managing Wages & Salaries. Managing Wages & Salaries … …. Providing incentives & benefits . Providing incentives & benefits … …. Performance Measurement . Performance Measurement … …. Job evaluation . Job evaluation …. Employee communication, …. Employee communication, discipline, counselingdiscipline, counseling … …. Training & development . Training & development ManagersManagers … …. Remuneration. Remuneration … …. Motivation & Commitments. Motivation & Commitments … …. Health, Welfare & Safety,. Health, Welfare & Safety, … …. Handling Grievances. Handling Grievances … …. Labour Law and Labour . Labour Law and Labour RelationsRelations


Nature of HRM

Prospect of HRM












Key to successHR Policies &

ProceduresLead to Corporate objectives & Plans

HR Manages - good organisation culture, HR Manages - good organisation culture, values, organisation climate, Manages values, organisation climate, Manages behaviours, leads to excellence in orgn.behaviours, leads to excellence in orgn.

• Good HR practices--- Lead to importance of HR

• Attract & retain talent• Train people for challenging Tasks• Develop skills and competancies• Promote team spirit --- Develop loyality and

commitment --- Increase productivity & growthS --- Improve job satisfaction --- Enhance standard of living --- Generate Employment

HR Manages the involvementHR Manages the involvement

HRM attends on replacement of HRM attends on replacement of labour.labour.

HRM plays important role Expansion & HRM plays important role Expansion & DiversificationDiversification

HRM meets the new demands due to HRM meets the new demands due to technological changes.technological changes.

HRM assesses the determination of HRM assesses the determination of shortage of surplus manpower.shortage of surplus manpower. HRM Plays a role in policy formulationsHRM Plays a role in policy formulations

APPROACHES/CONCEPT OF HRM Line & Staff Aspects Of HRM• Authority:- Right to make decisions direct other

work and give orders.• Line Managers:- Authorised to direct work of

subordinates is responsible for accepting the organisation task.

• Staff :-who advices and assists Line ManagersApproaches HRM: 1) commodity Concept:• Knit group• Guild systems is begining of HRM,

selecting,training, rewarding, maintaining workmen

• Seperated from owness from management.

22) Factors of Production) Factors of Production Like land, material & MachineryLike land, material & Machinery Taylor seen management treated as Taylor seen management treated as important important factor of production.factor of production.

3) Paternalistic Concept3) Paternalistic Concept Formed unions on common informations. Formed unions on common informations. Leads to collective bargaining.Leads to collective bargaining. Lead to right to protection.Lead to right to protection. Lead to welfare schemes such as health Lead to welfare schemes such as health facilities,recreations,pension plan, group facilities,recreations,pension plan, group insurance, housing, housing etc. Came the concept of depending on each Came the concept of depending on each other.other.. Employers started parenting.. Employers started parenting.

4) 4) Humanitarian ApproachHumanitarian Approach Provided benefits as a FavorProvided benefits as a Favor Human approach is on in alienable right as Human approach is on in alienable right as human beings.human beings.

It was duty of employer to protect these It was duty of employer to protect these duties.duties.

The industrial psychologists not intended in The industrial psychologists not intended in material rewards rather social & material rewards rather social & psychological satisfaction is important.psychological satisfaction is important.

Hawthorn experiments proved this.Hawthorn experiments proved this.

Behavioural Approach• Started applying to individuals and group behaviours.• Became popular/Important to motivations,group dynamics,

organisation climate, organisation conflicts.• Effort to integrate organisation to organisation be with

employee. • Focus shifted to two way communication,management by

objectives,role of informal groups, quality circles. Emerging Approach Partnership Concept … Stock membership … Workers, members in boards Lead to feeling of worker in his own … Emerged as special academic discipline and as


In Other Words


motivation maintenanceprocurement development


Objectives of HRM





Relationship other social science• HR relationship Psychology

MotivationsMotivations personalitypersonalityBehavioursBehavioursBrain Functioning --- Frame of Brain Functioning --- Frame of mindmind Clinical—knowledge, counsellingClinical—knowledge, counselling

HR-Economics relates to productions, HR-Economics relates to productions, consumptions of goods and services.consumptions of goods and services.

Associated with unemployment, Associated with unemployment, education inflation, economic growtheducation inflation, economic growth Business, finance, government.Business, finance, government.

Evolution of the personal function Evolution of the personal function concept--- status.concept--- status.

HR Politics

• Civil Government decisions• Group interactions• Decisions in corporate Business• Decision in Academics• Decisions in religions

HR- Geography:• Associated with Human Geography

• Regional Geography

• Developmental Geography

• Healths Geography

• Political Geography

• Religon Geography

Human Geography:… Reaction to environment lead to decision making

…. Behaviours

…. Countries

HR- Sociology• Study of society– People• Social class• Law• Religion• Linguistic• Caste

HR-Social Psychology• People and Groups• Thoughts, Feelings,

behaviours,interactions• Studies--- attitudes, social

influnce,Social Cognition,Cognitives dissonance.

• Interpersonal behaviours --- Agressions --- Altrusion

HR– Psychology --- Mind & Behaviours of people --- Attempts to understand mental functions/social

Behaviours. --- With perception, affectioning emotion, motivation, brain

functioning,personality, behavioural interpersonal relationships.

Importantly : Self actualization : Self Identity : Freedom to do work : Aloneness : Maslow’s heirarchy of human needs

HR- Anthropology

• Human Physical Traits• Human Behaviours• What is Group Behaviours?• What is influence of culture &

Organisations• Dynamic Relationships• Head Hunting

Approaches of Human Resource Management

• Understanding integrated talent management

• Not enough to focus on compensation, law/policy compliance compensation benefits, performance management,etc..

But focus on introducing best practices--- work force planning--- Performance management--- Competency management’--- Leadership management--- Succession planning--- Learning development--- compensation

Focusing on strategic competencies

• Indentify strategic competencies• Assessing strategic competencies• Developing compensation &

support system

Developing Process for talent Planning

• Indentify Talent Groups--- Skill---- Competencies--- Management Behaviours--- Culture etc.

Rethinking of leadership development• Build leadership Programmes• Leadership competance• Help Line Management --- Performance consulting --- Help to implement talent solution

Certain HR Inter-disciplines

I. Global HR--- management of Global work force• Expatriation & Repatriation• HR practices and law pertaining specific

countries /Regions

II. Labour Relations --- Labour Management relations --- Protected activities ---- Unfair labour practices --- Union recognition / Elections --- Collective Bargaining

III. Safety & Security --- Loss prevention or risk etc --- prevention of threat to asset --- prevention to damage the technology --- Avoiding risk from all element


IV. Staffing Management ---- Sourcing ----Hiring ---- Retaining --- work force planning ---- Recruitment outsource planning ….

Contingent staffing

V) Technology --- HRIS --- Automated time keeping --- Vendor & Software selection --- Work Place security

VI) Employee Relations --- Local Law management --- Managing Employee performance --- Developing Employee –Employer

Relationships --- Resolving work place disparitiesVII) Compensation --- Pay to attract ,recognise and

retain workes --- Designing Incentive /Overtiming


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