humanitarian party

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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The Humanitarianist Party

Nominate Dr. Martin Luther King as President of the United States of America

Humanatarianist Party Symbol

Dr. Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King, Jr. is a 37 year old African American civil rights activist and leader. He was the son of Reverend Martin Luther King, and graduated from Boston University with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1955. He was a prominent

leader in many civil rights movements. However, he has also exhibited many humanitarian views. For example, he opposed

the Vietnam War, called the American government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today,” organized the “Poor People’s Campaign” to advocate economic justice, and

received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Political Platforms and Legislation

Darfur: The act authorizes state and local efforts to divest from companies with certain business ties to Sudan.

Economic EqualityKing would make laws that monitor business and CEOs to follow each worker and make sure all employees are paid fairly by how much they work and how proficient each worker is.

Guantanamo Bay:The act finishes all Guantanamo bay tortures. The facility will be shut down. The terrorist that have proof of terrorism will be put into a country jail dedicated to terrorists.

Dr. King would pass legislation dealing with:

Commander in Chief


Head of the U.S. armed forces. The president is automatically the highest ranking officer in the entire U.S. military


He has a strong sense of morality. He would not commit our troops to do something immoral. He would have military advisers with more direct experience telling him what he should do, but he would have the final decision. King witnessed riots in his time, so he would make sure that our troops did not repeat those faults.

Chief of State


As Chief of State, the president must serve as a representative of American society to the entire world. Similar to Chief Citizen, the president must be the role model American citizen


King was, in his time, and could still be today, an American icon. America's civil rights movement looked up to Dr. King then, and our country would look up to him today. As a citizen, he exemplifies everything that our country stands for; such as freedom, equality, and justice.

Chief ExecutiveResponsibilities:

must be able to efficiently organize and run all executive aspects of government. The president must choose people to run schools, the postal service, and other business aspects of government.


experience organizing large projects and businesses. King was involved in leading many large-scale demonstrations and events (such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1963 March on Washington, and "Bloody Sunday"). The only reason Dr. King did not succeed in government was because of his race. His executive ability, however, still remains clearly strong.

Chief Diplomat


Act as a diplomatic representative to foreign countriesDesignate foreign policyChose representatives for positions as ambassadors etc.


Thrived in a time of social separation and certain racial inferiority. In these times, King was able to talk to both sides of the conflict (white and black) and often achieve peaceful results. This experience can and will translate directly to foreign affairs. A Chief Diplomat must be able to deal with many varied interests at once, while still keeping a firm eye on the ultimate goal. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. embodies this diplomat.

Chief Legislator


Encourage Congress to pass useful lawsVeto unfavorable laws passed by congressApproving laws made by congress


Is a very talented and experienced speaker. His "I have a dream" speech is just one example of many great speeches. Such a persuasive presence is bound to accomplish great things when it comes to law making. Also, King has proven to be a very good public figure with firm beliefs. This firmness will help him in making strong and beneficial decisions for America.

Chief of Party


Represent his own party wellCampaign for members of his party


Has good judgment. He chooses his friends wisely and knows which members of his political party are reliable and smart politicians. He would be able to campaign for those members.

Chief Guardian of the Economy


Ensure that the economy runs smoothlyReduce/prevent unemployment


Is very aware of the economy. He pays attention and is concerned about things like unemployment and high taxes. With economics and economic equality both major players in the Civil Rights era, King already has experience in this area.

Chief Citizen


Provide a positive image for the general AmericanBe accessible and "real" to citizensBe a role-model


Humble backgroundFormer American IconKnown for his friendliness and open attitude

Mahatma Ghandi secretary of state

NonviolentLeadership experienceHandling other countriesCivil rights activist

Secretary of Defense

Theodore Roosevelt

Experience with leadershipGreat leader Soldier Experience in command in the navy

Labor Secretary

Barack Obama

Leadership experienceKnowledge of labor industryActively takes a stand on labor issues

Education Secretary

Erin Gruwellhas Masters degree in teaching credentials has overcome extreme challenges dealing with low-performing studentschanged students in the worst areas to become the best

Attorney General

Clarence Darrow

Experience as a lawyerFamous casesLeader of American Civil Liberties Union

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