i , saturday' , m. - memorial university of...

Post on 24-Apr-2018






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VO:L UlDl 16. • I ' ..

H~OB ·GRACE, llEWF01110)L.\ND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1874. ' . '


lla.rbor Grace Sta.nda.Td · ftr. J :nu'a ............. Mr. T. McCooo&D. llu<tua ...... . .. ...... ... .. G. Gushue. B.&. Y Ronua ...... .. • R. Simpaon. Pou-o&-Gun k l ., J . ~1fL ~t.co . .... ,.... •

I ax..um Con .... .. ... . " J ohn Cnoe. Cuaonu.. .... .. .... " 1. E. Pike. G a.t..."m llL'IJ'; ~ } •• ' ~ H. ·~. Haddon.

sO&Ttnllt .. . ..... . TRnnn ..... ... .... ... .. " w. Pittman.

. lUtc<l? W Sotn~o .... .. •• A. 1'illey. Cu..u.J-)i.&. .. .. .. .. ...... Capt. T . Stone. Rol'.&.naT.&. ....... ...... Mr. 1. lA\Hence. GUL'IIPOlln .. . . ..... .. " F. White. J.'ooo ............. ... .. ~ •· J. Fitq;orald. Twu.Lt!J.O.UE...... . . " J. J . P.:ar ce.

~OTall: DUU: 8.&.T. ~01rll ~UOUIL ........ Mr . .F. 1'homo.a. T"tt B .LT lu .... .,o ... " J . Cnnwbcll.



M. AILS will bo dupatebed from tho GLVJo:UL PoST OrPlCE, a o til

cl<lae oftbo Year, u follow• : For H11rbor Grace IIUd Carbonoar,

,WodnOJCfay, Frida,- ~Saturdar •. F or B rigui afid fraY llo!it!rte, T au­

day, Thuraday and ~tuN~)'. .For l'ort u!lal CoTe, oYery day, oxeept.­

in~t Sunday and Mnnday. F or Trinitv o.ud Bonaviata, South Side

o f Trinitv 11ncl BonaY~It..'\ Bay~'. and &y do Verd biatric~.eTory Woduc:ad11y.

1-'or Sal•a~o, Greenavond, Nor th Side of Bona,.iata Bay, Cat l:ln.rhor, and Mus. graYu Harbor, e 'ery alt.ernato \Veduee · d~ty, commencioe 6th May.

For To~a:~il, Bwyrood, and Harbor Maio ; Potty Horbor, B .. y Bulla. }'.,rry. land and Renews, il•ory Friday.

Vi~t HolyrooJ and t>almonie r for St. :\Iary's, Great aud Little Plat"eutia, Harbor Duffe tt, La lhncbe, M orashocn, hie Vo.len, :,l. Kyran'•, Paradiw , Oder. io and Burin, on Fnday 11ftcr a.rrinl of

H OLJJUWAY'~ PlJJLS. En~:liah Mail. By Stoamer ofery alternate Thunsda y,

or after arrival of Mail f rom Unitt'<! l.et no nne \,c lon;:cr orrre~<cd ><ith the

IIOtiun tl.:~t loi. u•:~lno1 1· j 8 iu~urnl,l.: t•llthc-e K ingdom-For Forry land and Renews r uriffine P ills ha,·o liad a fai r trial. :\ iuw alter oate!y, 1'ropat1N1f, fo r t11ightly, Bu· iJ,,.,.e will rt·ulu'" 1hc m ure ur~:<:nt ·~ uq•· rio, St. L awrence, St. Picrn., Fortune, t.ouu~. an<l tlcct'Ciun: oomplctcl.l' ~·mtrul all Harbor Bruton, Burgoo \V oat, Littlr disu111c:...J eetiuna, ruu.e tlic tvrpid li1·cr, ro- Harbor, La Puilc, Roao Blanche, and lie• a lite ol..tructcJ ldduc:, s. c·fCAuoc im· Channel, :urd by Pac~ot fron1 Channel J•Uto loloJUII, 1111d cuuicr ou · every fuuctio~u to Cod Roy, Bay SL O('()rge, Bay of hoaltltrul •i~uur. leland and Bonne Day, Froocb tihore.

Impurities of tltA Blootl. Abo on Thurtday, after a rrival of The.oe wnn1lorful l'i!lo aro •alucd at the Mail from United .Kingdom, by eteaml'r

bumblcat hen1th~ ua ..... n aa iu the huuoc ol for Bo.l' do Vcrd•, Trinu y, Catalina, comfort ami wealth. T l•cv wol'k a thoruug11 BonBtlsta, Kings Covo. Grucuwpond, p~. rific:atio~ lhrvu.lthont tho •• hole •Y .. IIcm, l F ogo, Tw11lingst.e, Bxploi~•. Tilt Co'o w1tbout dcaunlcnug ~ho nntur~l nrtt"n uf a nd Nippen Hnrbor. · any or;gan, at~d erndo~:>.t.e d.o..e I=Crl"" of

1 MA l LS willlxt closod at 9 4 All. eh:up,

complainta ,.Jc~ct. c:viUit:ll tcna of tlcuur.4lld, b N t b d \ \' t Ste wan earh• llr&lll. y or er n an es e rn .o.ment

I d. • · Bil' C } · a nd at 9.30, by all other route~ '!'be

D Jgestto~. IOU!\ omp amls ' Office tiDd re<:civing Boxee will bo shut and t>tck l1 e:tclncue. o. t cloeng timo unl it Ma1la o.ro dee pat·

Nn o~an in 1he lmmau bod~· ill •o linl>le chcd. to dPohrder a.. 1

1he .~i;cr. "~~ 01111e i~ . morc

1 Should tho English ~~ail not arrive in

~t. w co nCJt cc..,.., t.o .... 'COntu oenou• J · { d •- h· · h d d ~ Hc::nonobcr when naueea. flatulcn· I hmo or cepa ... - m~ on t e ~y "" c , or acidity on the ttomach warne 11 0 tlost

1 b?ur named fo r c~oB10g, tho Ma1ls .for

• ie llOt prooeediuJC proporh. that ! d1fferent routea w11l bo forwarded lm-




·-~-- ... · ~;0;-

THE LADIES connected 'With the Wu­loyl\n Congre~raticn of the:ahoveplt.ce,

pnrpnae (D.V.)holding a B AZ.\.\R in No­vember next, in aid of tho Now Church Building Fund. CoDtributioWI in money, or u•cfuland omam~nt:u :Lrticlea will be very grnt.ofully rooci.-ud by any of t.ho fol· lowing Lo.diet ronning tho Committ4-'0 :-

Mn. AB11.4D..UI B.~cRTLI'IT, ·• Jou:s B.utTLP.Tr, " G&OII.OE CUIIu:, .. OI!ORO!l CIIOSBY, " ' Vx. A. GIIJZ..'(,

• .. OI!OIUlll Gt!WU\JE, .. ?tl. A. G.~cRU .. 'in, " Tnos. Bun1s, ~ " Auauu )lu:snz:.'i, •. s. STENT.AcJORI>,

" Jon:s WLLcOX. " JAloi ES '\'IJEW..'i, .. STZI'UIDI ' VtrEU...'i,

BriguA, J uly 24, 18i4.

--o-~ obseno for informl\tion thnt all

tho Cotton Seine• in tbe Uoite d States are 1'4RUto-Tar ia o~ 11 hl'atin)t nature, bul it ia Ulcd lo keep out of Netting a W<l MIO enemy to tho deatroc­tlon of t be fibre, namely, tho animo.! matter tho.t adhorea to a No~ after it ia ueed, and mildow•-rot... A t)einll or Net tar:-ed, and in a dry atate, appenra hl'ittle, leading to the belief t bat it it apoilcd by tar. Thi, it an t:N'Or. lm· mcnse it in water and it regain a ita pli ancy and •trcn~:t.h. In an experience of thirty yeare or more. we ne.-er have aeen tho 6n1t Net, Soin11 or Lino' injurd by tar. Cntton ia never ao 1trong aa h<lmp, tho' amplcfo,. all p,.a~tical pu,.. pou6, but it bollia out lons:cr, and trill bear more abuse. '!'hero i•. bowevor, only ooe way to make a Not or Seino durable, namely, qocd CJJI'il.

A MERICAN NET & TWINE CO., J uly 2S. Boaton.

. ollowa~·~ Pi. lie re~eul&le every fuoctioro,


mcdiatt•ly Bftor tho sort ins of correa j[ITe atrmgtl! lll.e•err or~t~.n.lp l'<'cli ~~·rcmo·~ poodenc-o ie completed. all cau.eesuf ucJ•goaooo, lnle. and Mtk head· (i'"T.J onauro tho fo rwnrding of IIC'be. aod decl • pennaucut c:a:n-. 1 Nel'lapapen, publiahera and otbl'ra aro }'OR SALE W~ess and Dc.:b1hty. • "'quired t o py•t them before 9 o'cloclt

I n - of debility, l:t.DI(OUr and DCI1'0\Iflo l on tbe morning they aro intelldtd t o bo :By Jillard Brothers, --. geoerated by e1oou or auv kind. dc•patclted; otherwi~o they will remain Tho Britisb and Foreign Bible wbellHir mental or ph;reic11l, tho elfccta of until lbo following Mnil theM Pill• win the hi~othcot rlcgr-1>0 bracing, JOHN DELAN'EY. ' Society's renorating, and rea«ont.!i''!- l'hcy dri~e Prutmrutef'. G enilral. BIBLES & TESTA~IENTS, from the ""em the morbid eauae& of d~a- 0 p Olfi eue, ~tabli.•h the do~011tion, rettulate all en?ral oat . c:o 1 the aeeretioo.., ttrer. gdceo the oenuu• &J... 8t. J c hn 1 • 2 l•t A prll, 1874· ) io laree and • mall type. Th~ &boot tem, niM the palieufa epirir.o, and bnng Bibloa and Tcatameota aold under coat. b&ck the fra111e IQ t. pri•tine bealtb and Furniture ! Furniture ! ! ri«>ur. J ul1 24.

Tum of Life and Dropsical 180 8latrr .Strtd, 180 - - - F-0-R- SAL_E __ _

Swellings. Oppo1it4 tire M,.,.canti li! E.tahlW.me~~l ~ th S b 'be The tum of liru i• tho moet diotreNing W Jle'"'· J oA,. Mun" li.Co. .uy 6 U Sen r,

period in woman'• uiatl'nee; ia d ... troJ• T he follo .. 1·ng thoo•ud.. Tho whole or tho f.troN buncoun " collect togolhcr, and like a tide sweep away A & E p R N s r -- I bealth aad life it.eu~...u not tirudy ani! • . • A SO , n 8 Q m 8 .. powerfully ehtcket' 1 hO moet tcl't.o.in anti· .J .:;; ~ .:I 7 doto for all thecoe dan~:en ;. •JI ..tloway'• Pilla. Anned With them tho fiery .o • ..-1

• ia pa.-.ed tbrauxh, a11d the _auf ere'!' .~ ou~ more·~ to tlle ~011 ol nulmJlll•r­ed '-Itt.. v I t is b"t liule known that at tho

, - ued "tnl1l of lifo," mao aloo, uhcn ~DI oca 6ftt or fifty·fi~e, dioeo~e,.. tit at

, il.a bealth ia coto.~=-lerably dcn.nJ:c.l aud kaowa not the eao.e- a critical J>l:tiod in hia life. All peiil• t.o llutb telOIIII'O at once ~roOYed 'by roeourao to theee PiHt. The Kidneys-their Derange·

menta_wd c u!(C. tf th- Pi}~.. b. .__. •~ito: t.o the

prmtod d\rectlona, aod the 0\ritnlcn~rubb­" onr the regioa of Lb. o kidney• or at ~t half au hom:_ at. Led-time. u lt . i• fOreoa inlo meat, 1t tnll peut.rate tl e k11l· •ep a. t1d corroct any dera.ogemel!t.. St1oul.d tlto a lllictioD bo or J(f&•el, 1t~11· ~arty taat Ointment, In IUc:h ~1 ita jltdicioa.t aJIWiicaboa Ult IIIOIUoiiWIIDQ• USJ eurM m&J bci ,.,.,of,.•...,•rl.

Cabinet. )fuk~rs, Uphol&terers, Undertakers, &c.,

B EG to thank their many friend• in Hnrbnr Gnsco and Concept ion

Bay, gl1ot'l'llll}' . fo r ho palroDAgo thither­to rcc.:ived ; and would intimate t hat they bno now oo band, a varied uaort· meot of

Household FurnitUre, -CONIIITUfO 01'-

Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads, Boruu11, 'Vaebatanda, Tablee,

Perambulato r•, tlideboarda, What-Notll, Cbairt, &e.,

a ll of which thor are prepared t.o diapo1e of a~ tbe LO"'Ki POIIlBLC PBtCEI,

l tupecti Freely ha'Dittd.

Viz:-Brigantine W . Do~IILLT

" CuoLE ......... . . .. SNJU:ZY.R ... ..... . .. Tlcr~o .. .... .. ... . Schooner Bx.IOB..L'tfT ... . .. .

" ALERT .. .. .... . . .. .. J>ov.E ...... ... ... . .. D.ur .. .. ........ .. . W ILLIAll ..... ... .

"' BUlrn. .. ....... . .. BBOTJI&U •••• •• • " B e LLI •. . . •. ..• . ..

1Wo New Veaae la on Stocke

-.&.L IO -

~ 140 128 lHO 62 86 M M 44 86 M

T ons .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. "


A !.ante stock Bri ti.ah M11.n uCa.ctnred


Diod ! Died in tho w~ I,Jlo died ! Anu cny h!W"I. died with hWi, too 1

Yea died that day when I loel My IO\'O fro!U' my •training Tiow

The ahip at her mooringa lay, Solemn, and dark, and grand,

Ready to bear tbom a'flay, • Brave hcarls ! to thai cruel' doat.h-W&d.

And he o.nd his comrade• marched. I.o the full panu!o or war,

On, lhreugh that llark ahip'• aide, To tho rex!, l\.'Cl c:amp alAI'.

Tboy IOOJCned the moo~ then, Wbon thu ahip'e rich frc:~ght waa made ;

Proud Brit~nt, loyal men, And not ono hcut alnid.

lu tho .-ea.scl atoamcd away, Hut.oocl on lhto duck, and cheered ;

Tboy toU mD othl!tll joined,-Hu voico wu all I hoanl. •

Weeb pal*l ; and tho death lirt ~me. They tell me 'twu "rich and rare,"­

That bravo, doad·g&l.uy,-1 read but OIW atu ~re.

&:arlo~ and green, and blue Lay on that liold of J.oro ; '

To mo 'twas oil on.: unilwm,­'Twaa the uniform lw wore.

"l'wa.s mr iO)dicr, hl!ro, king ! . Ab ! knew when heiciasei me laat,

Ho would fAll ; Bnd tho bitterneaa Of dealh, 1 thought., 'lfU put !

But itruahod inallooding tide, With tho.t IWil6 awoog the alain !

I D id my hcut died before, ' But that d:ay it diod again.

"l'wu aaid hiJ medab wero drenched, Soakod, in llie'• torre.nt red ;

H e h!\d won them 10 bravely, to wear On tho brcaat.-of U.. MMrld d«td.

B onorod, and true, and bran ! Hurrah I my heu-t Ii.-es again;

For I am the wile, and my boy the aon Of, a hero !-<1 h<:ro M4in.

Slain ! but hia honor lina, .And we 'fli th our lil&-g:rup, claim

The 1&~1 thAt oling round the memory Of our oon1, our aoldier·a name.

.And my teara aro atilled, for 1 Mt ~ d~r·a wife puling by ;

.And my pity and lf1ill are all for her;­She, abe ia the widow, not I !

F or 'ahe baa but death in lite, N~ liO'nor, bu t bitter aha.me ;

Wbilo I havo lire from the grave, 4nd alory mv IOUi<r'• lhamc !

• I • • . . . •

So the aoldier'a 'flidow aang, .And 10 il Uto aad, proud a tory

Of many a womo.n'a hcu t , Wrung d4141p fur h~tnJ'4 ;;:ory.

Far there slccr~. by th :IL cruel GolJ COMt, Under the Afric.'n ~un,

To Drit:Un, a bm.-e, dll:\d hoat,-'l'o aomto wom&n, e3Ch man tlwt 01u:l

. I i · • ~ . tho river, I had gra.vu doubts &!I to our I and th& whole strength o( tbe arms and la.ndw, on tho other lide or~ aucc..'U in S"tling up without an Indian. {body ~erwd on the other ends to force land. ~~ell doubtd WN'e, huwc\·cr, not pJuu·C\1 I the boi:t ahood. TbiJ IIOOm.s ouy epough, Very peculiar feeli.ngl ·and fllllOtiou m by tho youngest of our party, whom And to look at "PJ>CIIrl 11imply like -the are experieneod u.odenuch oirou.mataoot. I will call Harry ; . he at.ou tly Jeclllring · mero application of u.oakille<l mBnual la- Mil I ban just deec:ribed. :W the •oodfl. that hn 'II.'Ould_ hau l th'! flat through the bour. But tho . difficulty, which tyroe twenty or moro mile. a•ay from any atronp rnp1d We should meet v.·ith. finp, lica in their iMbiJity to propel the ~UllWl habitat.iou. one (~ alm~t ~~ W e had not gone Yety far before Harry'11 boat fairly atom on to the current, IUid m the ,.,orld, none preeentaue hia Maker proweAS Md nbihty wero pu.~ t.o t.bo test · in thi.t tho ~ndinns, doubtle~~~~ from . CUll· and His works, away from Lhe tuixiou.e, fo:. ·:Ut.or polihg and }J.lddlillg abou~ I tbm_aj ,d lo_ll£'. ~t excel; whereu, ~~IIi "'orld1 a·..., ,.,r,fJeE. mil?, wn Cll;m" w a s~rung, fierc-e rapid, tl!e m rpei-ienooa-ere u likely u nO\ to doiD from troub¥ lolld. ocm~- At &gat.nSt which our uruted IUld utmost ef· tum t 1c bow of tho boat aidewaJII to the heart and mind are felt., •hich IU o6e fo~ w~ro unable t.o force our t.iny bark curre~ ~ in which eMil the force o{ the well for that eontomplat.in meditation ajtead. Nothing dauntod, however, and r:1pid~y either caWMI her to lose ht:r which in auch place& and under 111ch cir­determined t.o be up t.o h is word Hlll'TY • ·ay 6.d fall off considerably t.o lee- cumatances ia almoet auro to foT'CP it.a.w.-a.y seized the painter or tow-rope' of the vnrd~relset.o upset.. F roquently wocame on the mind : you feel bett.er'ciiepoee<l to­"Lily" and j urnped into tho water t.o on poi;te of the ther which were brofld, wnrda rill-no enmJty, no uncharitable­haul the llat along. For " abort ti me doop ef.d etill; at such plru:es the paddles neN~, uo enYy, anu but little desire to he auocoe<kod iu doing ao, but ai lut came.1,iot.o n-quieition and dro\'O the return t.o, but ruther on the .con~ a C?uld_ barely keep hia foot, and had to "Lilf.' t.head with great rnpidity. Aft.er wiah to remain away from,· the .. boclee of gn·e 1t up-not, however, withont voh&- baviJlt poled and paddled for nhout two civilisntion. These aro tho fooling. whieh mently protesting tl1Bt bo "didn't ox· miloa1 'PI•e camo t.o tho "Rattle," as it is predominAte -when in the •ooda fu from poet t.o fi nd tiro current 10 dnrned atronrr." eall~ T hia " Rattle" is a fall of about men and tho habitatious of men, with ~~this juncture of nlrains wehoud n. de- 11 oJt2 foot, Bnd tho only one on lnclilln DAugbt but nature around you-you fool ru1ve laugh, and ~king across the river Broo t. H ero a disemb:a.rkation had to a,lono with your God : auch were my wbonco tho sound bad proceeded, .,..~ tuko Jlla.co; the " Lily," with all onr gear, feelings on t.he lin.., occuion thall bmd sa~ An I nd ian al.l\nding, coolly Md with proY~ions, &c., having to bo carried myaclr so aituatod, and aimilar emot:iona ondent 11muaemont, viewing our inelrec· acroc;,k tho portage to the still water , be- have under aimiln.r circumstanoe. ~ tw•.l efforts. Tho cu rrent having a11·ept yond t he fo.ll; o.ll of which being accom- felt by me ainoe in vru-ioua }lArla of the us t.o tho edge of tho ri ve1·, wo held on plislied, .... c, after replacing o1·eryt.lung in interior of N ewfoundland. hy O\'~rhanging hough3, and had o. par- .the .i• Lily," again atartod on our w~y. Wo S}J'lnt aome daye in and about this ley "''lth tho I ndian, whh the result that But•little variety in the river or ICCllery locality- going inland five miles farther, ho promist-d to come next morning and was -n for tho ne:r.t four or lh•e miles, or until the bead of the atring of ponda go up tho river witl1 u.s. Boforo l.eal•ing the ri\·er at aorne places being • ide, deop, was reaohed. This region abounds in ua ho came to tho "Lily," and having and"'atew.dy, ll!ld at otbons DArrow, n1pid, timber of large growth, principally pine, got int.o it, by a. few doxU!rous ahovot and I turbulent; while on CRch side no- which hero grows to a goodly aiu, vary­with his polo ho sent the craft ahead thing could bo seen but trees of nrious ing from 2 to 4 feet in diameter, and from over tho rapid Llnd int.o still water. Wo dim,.nsion~rucc, pine, fir, and upen 60 to 85 feet high, 'flithout a branob. U1en paddled t.o tho shore, and, taking pre<.DDlinBting. The top of the t ree is tho only part of hia ad vioo, prepared to camp for thn ~··ard.s noon William 'llo'M frequently the pine on which the bra.nchca grow out. nigh~ believing him to be comJCt when aee!Plooking up at the aun, and at last, These branches are nearly at right anglea he said tlutt wo bad bet.ter do ao, 118 IfAr. on l eing asked why be did so, quietly ro- t.o the t-runk, thereby gi>'ing a very flal ry wouldn't be able to do all the haul- marlted tb11t be thought it was dinner- appear&noo to the top of tho pine, which ing hilllJ!elf. time, an idea y,·ith which all aoomod to ma.kes it impossible to mistake iL fw any

Our prepamtions for ellllping now en· agree. A ccordingly tho " Lily" wu other k.i:!d of tree. We (~led aome oC grossed our attention. Fi.nt of aiJ the paddled t.o t.he edg., of the river, and thl'IIO giants of the ~brest, but I regret to tont. h.W to bo got up. then a fire lighted there mndo fiU!t t.o a tree, and th,en din· to say t.hst few of tliem wero aonnd. and and the kettle put on, wood cut for tho ncr prepared, not exactly in tbn style of all O\•irlont.ly very old. W e fou.od ooe nigh(, and tea or rather supper prepared. the la~t French cookery, but it Willi en· troe on tho mn.rgin of tho uppermoe' of P utting l;IP the tent t.Qok but)ittle time, joyed tiS wellaa Bny production that e\'et theae ponds, on tho bark of which had the fire -.n.e aoon ligbtod and tea rendy, is.oluerl from the hands of any eelebrnted been cut with a lmif&-and to it wo fell with woodsmen's appo- clrif k cuitine. Tho modo of prop:uiog I. D. .tite. W o thoroughly enjoyed a nd demo!- this fC!IUt in tho woods if it ia generally i.ahed aome splendid trout caught f~ vory- primit.i'l'o, baa at least the merit of 1 7 2 8 · aile nobJe stream cloee by, scaaonod by being exceedingly oxpeditioua. A tire i.i That the date wu.&ma.fo/e I ' hare no alicca of bacon, with a relish of aomo of quickly lis:hted, the ketUo of 'lll'llter for doub~ u tho Indian traditions tend to Morton's prepo.red meau, which wt are tho tea put on, tho bacon, nniaon, or prove. tho ex.iAtenoe of the marlr::a lor O't'er o. great boon t.o travellers in tho wooJs. game of o.ny aort on hAnd at the time, 100 years. The initillls are aup~ to After tea, t ho beds had to be made, and aoon~ roaat.ed or fried, and thill., with hard be thoeo of a man named J o.bn David, &n the modo of doing so "in tho woods of brrod or abip biscuiti&Ild butter, oonati- Engliahman,andono of tho fim•ttlm in Newfoundland" would utonish many of tutlel the meal, o ver whit:b uaeleu cere- : Notre Dame Bay, and who, it ia IUJIPC8" tba guidwivee o.nd hoUJelceepens in the moniea and many forms of etiquette aro ed, mu.st have at the date m.utioned u­old country. Tho boc:l s imply oonaista of entirely disponaod with. Little time oend.ed Ind.i.an Brook •ith a 'Yiilw ol­apruce hough! cut from the troee, wbi.ch 'flU wuted over this dinner or after it ing tho interior of the COillltry, .Wbith are in plenty aro~d. Tho thick part of either, for, onward was the mott.o, and wu then quite unknown, and i» .o.t!U the atems arc t.liken o~~ and the other onward we went u aoon aa the CTU\ill8' t.o a gre.t extent. The light of ihr• porta apread on the ground inaide tho of r atu.re had been satisfied, and the cook· init.iala and of that an.cient date wu v*7 ten~ (if you have one}, IUid cl050 t.o the ing utcn.sila stowed away. suggestive of--reftectionl upon t.bo ahort fire-a kind of bed that can be mo.do u I 1V ~ proceeded for liTo or aix milea tpace of time allotted to man I What a thick aa you like, thcro _be.i~g no lack of 1 rarl.her w~th but litUe o_r no dil'ensity of puny, ~gni1i.cant., frail and ~ading plant materiAl, th.e cost of which u nil. After IICClnery ruther on the nTer or land, ox· be phy11cally 1.1, compared 'Wlth e._, the the bed is ~e, and ~noug.h "':ood cut t.o tl cept aom? ~ld emb':'lluncnts o'f Nat~·· trel_l of the forellt; for. he~ stood 0110 keep the fi.re 1n all rught, the mdiapenaa· own fuahiorung, whit:b wero seen at d1f· •hich probably hAd attainod 1te mawnty blo smoke of the pipe ensues, of course. ! ferent plo.ces on both aides of the river. a century and a half ago, and dn.rinrall Lo\·ens of thn fragrant weed have many

1 These naturo.l mounds diJcloeed to view that time hAd IUitaiued the fion:e cold> of

a timo and oft d.ilat.od on the Clljoytnent tb~ virgin aoU from 8 to 12 and 16 fef't winter, the strong blutll of the gale, and W:.ri ved from its indulge-nee. It can be det p. William 'l1t"U again 100n loolcing the awelt.ering beat of sum.meT, unmofW, and is enjoyed in m..ny waya, timei, frequently at the now dedining sun, and unshaken, erect, atately, aolemn, grand­pl~c:cs, cmd IIC3SOIUI; but I qu011t.ion if tho on• again being uked his ~n for ao a monument which record~ the bi{th res ! 6li!MlnOO of the enjoyment of a pipe, del ng, roplied that he thought 1t always and de&~ o~ many geDenltio~ u well and ,ita aocompanying grateful and aooth- w;,l to_camp an hour be~oro sun-down, 10 ~the in1irute power and ru1~ht of·~e ing uulucnce, can anywhere or under any M•to giVe t1mo for getting the t~t up, llllmu_table Cree tor. . •

(From IM Edinliurt;ll ScotmtaP~,~U?· tl.) circumstances be more thoroughly ap- plenty of wood cut, and everythmg 1n Gomg down the ltream 1.1 generally prociatod than ~ a ~ day'~ work proper ttyle for the night. William an ~y matter, and our ~ dOl\·.n in the woods, or m polmg, rowmg, or 111,>0k~ but rarely; When, bowe~e~, be Indian Brook wu no ox~on to ~liS J*ldling up atroam, when you find your did g&TO expteSilOn to any ~f ~ 1doas genero.l "!!e. .After le.~g tho ponds day'a work ended, your tent pitched, your they were generally worth bomg liStened. and gett1ng afloat on the atream, our inner man thoroughly satisfied, a cheer- to and acted upon. Therefore his sug- oounso wu ~~My and pleuant., and, ave ful firo in front of you,·and, reclining on gostion wu at once ~ed into eO:ect, at ao~e plaoea of ~II 'flater, but li~e

___, A.boat Newtoa oclload- A. Trip la­

co lbe . Coaalr J Nortb.

P.t!PEB· VI. One of tho moet rom~~.ntic and pictur- your apruoo bed t.o ease your weo.ried ~d -wo camped for _thu o~r aooond rugbt paddling wu reqwred; all that ...

eeque of the many anna o( Notre Dame frame, you gently, methodically, and 1n tho woods of Indian Broo~ neceaary to~ done was to at.eer cl~ ~ Bay ia that' known as Hall's Bay. It is with epicurean Ca.stidiQusneu, inhnlo and On our way, on the followmg day, wo tho rooks which were frequently met m aituated on tho north-w011t head of Notre ex pol the smoke from tho humble clay, ~ tbroug_b abouueven mile. of burnt the rapida. To~ ~dian, ot any illiti­DIIllle Bay and is about fifteen miles tho browned briar-root, or tho carefully· umber. Tlna wu part of tho effects of ated peraon, at.eering 111 VffTY eqy. The long, and fi.om· two> to four miles wide. coloured meenschum. This pt&rt of tho im mQJl!C 6nll'l that n&ged .through the cou~ of the ". Lilf' ,.... _aim ply alte_t'ed From the mouth up to witllin four or day's work over, nothing remains to be wooda of Newfoundland dunng the I Um· to w~chu1·er atde wu deaired by m~ly five milna o( the bead of thil bay, the done but to,pilo logs on the firo sufficient mer of 1 ~67. I n ~t Yell!' over 1,000 turnmg tho blade of the paddle ea~r ahoro on both 1id011 ~ bold, lof\.y , and to lut till tho " 6nt nap of tl1e watch" aqu~re m1les of good t.unbor wero destz:oy· 'flay. . . •

ll.n-rliPifl4 ... l1u IINtWlj ..-

· Ap ~

N .B.- The u~nT.UO~O 'BVSilf'EII alao forma pari of their oecupation, and all ord.en in t\lat department; will re · ceire their moa careful attention.

&"Partj(clar attention paid to Out. port Orden .

p~pitoue, aome verr remArkable geo- is over ; then you lie down to rest and ed _m Notre Dame llay alone. It 1~ a W o had yet one mor._rught ~ camp lOgical oocurrences beiog • hero viaiblb. sleep on tho aweetramelling -vruoo -ei· cunous faot that after such fires, wb1ch out, ho~, before apm reach~ alt Tho upper part of Hall'a Bay is oom· !enoo and darkness al~ around, th~ tall are, by the way! not unfrequent ln tbia 'flater. an~ ille ".~bit&~ of ':II~·" and paratiTely low land, which, from tho forms of tho pince aeon by tho flickering Island, wh,.re pme and spruce grow bo- on thia rugbt Wilham himlfllf mti.mlrted ahore, riaee gna.dually u it reaches into the llamea of the lire standing out. in bolu re- fol'\l birch gro•-. up apontaneou.sly after. t hat he ,.·ould make tho fire, to 1how lll1

CORnAG ~' r A R, PITCH, interior. The greater I_lllrl of the land lief to t.be dar/' background of tho woods, wards, and amongst the birch greaj how Indians did it. And a. fint he did NAI~, lRO~. &e., oedn ea;cthh aide of the bay u thiokly -wood- and naught overhead bfuht the olear, blue, q

1 u~titiesth ,ofbruptberryoodb~-bhin~d A&thr mak~~!tortheac;'~~~-l _I!earid ybarnt


BilliGaa "COfnplafntS:Sc:n.,f" la. .Blotchceoa B o,.ol Coa191aiDI1

' Dellifity l

~::r.z, r.O.' ei"Wktoffit&'l'le-Do11areu

September 27.


vn birch~~.ndspruoeprincipally,and boundlessfirmo.ml'.nto eaYen. eavmg e urn w suo . us e our ...... up. ~,.....,.. ogw ryt~pWoe lo Iota to eo it parebuert. affords a Yery ploaaing aapect.. There I n tho morning business commeneta ?Ount.ry became moro _level Alld. ondu~~ ~d bireb ~e piled on one aboTO another,

-.u.ao- are three ril'ens fto'lfing into Hall'a very ahortly after do1ylight; broolc.ffll!t ia mg, all, however, th1ckly w~cd -w1th till ~ ~~ed that b~ eot.ert&ined .omo

OOALS A. LOMB. ER' Bay-vi.%. , the Southern,' tho W~m, had, proviliona-~ up, tent etruck., pine, epruce and fir. Earll m tho aCto:- ~hali.ltlc proptns1tiea. No. IU~ ell and Indian Brook. !rho laat named 'is and allew. wed away in your boat, and noon we .rellehed the first pond on thia 1deaa, howeTOI', appeared to be m I Au


·• AND the mOlt oxtelllive, and OV!ptics itaelf "away wo ~" riyt~.r, which i» 20 mile. from alt water. mind, for after making a fire ihat.-ed

IS 'W'UftDtM to ea ro all diacbaraee ill to the bay on the north ldde, about True to h111 word, the Indian ("•}tom I On the n~ aide o( thia pon~ •e to pl~ even. him, he qu.ifltly ~yi' do'tm

fr-Omlthe Urinary Orgue, in either .Oalt and Fir Club hwo miles fr m ita bead. The river at. will call William) made h i.a ~p ranee camped, act.i~u before on the adnce of al~de o( at (the In.di.aD. willuvor • -··" _r.. • 1 n..... l ita mooth forma an oxtenaive bui.n,' a). at an ea.rly hour and ACter 1 • • our our lndian guade. . lllcep 111 a tent), and after a lnr cu OIJABKE'~ :B. 41. PILLS

eex, a.eool~ or eoo~natat1ona, unoYt -·~--.l... · ' p I .. , __ p d h · of t -'"-..:..r-~..... ' · " and pJ

01 in the "Badt, Sold .m.Bost~• r.--- -, millt ~ectly circular ~d about one tent"f'''o bejp.n the day's work. Once rom nwau on , w ere we •ere ~ve grea -.- aODU

ola. ~ Ncb, by• all Cbemilli u cl . Pa.. To ~ Sold or ~et, milo in cl.il.meter. ~r ~ tb~ fai.rly W:der weigh, a VOQ' ~ di6er- DOW encamped, a magnificent vie• of the to llleep. ( •• tent Medicinl! VendON. · basin the only means of alM:endiDg tho t nce In the rate of our Prost- compared cduntry wu bad. Endent.ly we wena I havt eaid ~ tile In.dianll ctQ.Mt

, Sole Proprietor, P. J . OLA~ Tau•Wu.r..JUon ~ fi,er ia liy canoe'or !::W"'hiCh mode of ,ith, that of the pro~u• ~1· wu soon nearing tho aummit of that lection of the ~ toaleepiia a ten~.i they ...,_.u.p... I • ·,, rir

11 • d.&QAlfl'ILE uav,igat:lon ~ be a : " , ot t.o nearly ap~t., and even BArry wu oompelled lalan~, ~d were ~9~ far from the 'flatu- t.ng eloee to the fire m the. open ain I

·AP<irJDt9-ziQ~' LIN~LN, p . I , t.he'oentre ott1iii'lat~d, or w1t.hln cme to admit {ahhqugh somewhat reluctant.- abed uutll centre. Tho OOUl}try ~d han frequently llle1'l tbem1:l:riaa 10 eJ?"

' • ' ' I "" . .... • sea- mite' a 'c!. q~r 'from \rfaero \he' - - ly) thal. WUliani'• WOrk wit.b the poio'aad ua eeemed more ltYel and tabJ.&.land.Jib to the he that I dniuJ~· ~~~ 8ol4 iA l!il•nd ~i ·.u ~e , .. , ,,. . ~ ~~ 1 .., .. ~ ter ~to aO''f to~.'!~• •,.t· pide paddle'~ more th";tl eqllal to t1ae ODit- ~n any .... had ji~ .een, iti 'fUt p}a}Da bumt to death. and cc1~ ~ r •• " ""'' ,KecljCI,D•,lJo , • Sim&W the &oetll Sid if w te ' ol\helelan[ ,• ' ed effort. o( all three of i'U, HurT• fnt.n. beiDc dP!;ted b&n~ an4 there by ~cme oftbeqa whD,o. ~ ,........~

• •• 1 ~.dger~U: ,, 1 , .. • 1

:e ..... eo~o ' ~ r . tn·}~t.e· ~872 .t ~~ t.hia \io ,clo{ppintlle ,a.wi:tbtb~tow-rope oe. riai.nC .to a~ from 3oo. t.o on4re. ~~,-~ · lrlf• l tJL lA 8P.KBCBB. ,ft . b ' tli!!<IY I l J r}v~t9r .~ti·fiiemu,..~ ~. gi"' orer hit; tboulder: incl~d~ , JWr1 opo (,et_ and 'all d 'flroodec\-:-tM • • --. .. ~ _,w..lf

-:-.; ,, l oha, N.B. . ~HO,., FFLCJ:JO, an -.oooant ot aome ol tlie 1n01t. jn~ aola~ ~im•<Uf, .bcrtfpver, 'With the zoe. greeq of tho,1IJirOOO bfsing ~y the lliaUo ~ tHI.t•y-•• . ' VBRY BllOWN .tOo•,. • I..Ataple. •-- v qfeati_\WI_~..-...~ . ..nth. t.h~bin. Jq¥.k•\!at it•(J!l~,,the poling and di,.~~bygro!" of ,t.hl' ~l,aol'fn-. ~~~~~.,~·~do"

" "" • • N.& _ ~ ._. ... ., 1 0 en~ ~r. ·;.r ~77 did ~) ~ ~ no~ iC he wu l~pua..; "'hic'h b\l'e ooUlli be een ...;..u ~· 1t,....., in ~ ~· · Bnen8ive 98al OilJt'a.Qt.Ory, ·IA ·.~ ·~t®1m;Y t:r~~ ~~ ·1~ epDci~J~ oorTec:me. ~ .~ectioq tn an .. ~eir ~~r F! ".<loDe eDCJIIIb._.m\cl,~. ~aide e. 11 · - • ~cinlrt11'3' ... 'al?~~ ina 0 '!!. ·c1q~~aotd-rp~ bt ~nf~ ~f.pncJeur. ~Ya1totlaeeut'W)ard to Ua.lre~ ~ ~t.ly

" BSOLUTB DIVOJWES' ~ 811Hinai t ...... .w~~~tb d~ .~ ~ , l·=~. ICCM~ff ~no lt- j~~"'~ ~ ~'grim,ly to la7 the nn.,. rouQ.irihg~ ~of'~ wjUa • .- ba--g( "'l-:- . jt.Mrt .1. ,.. &oa~ofdil'eren•8tat..f~r ·~l ja~ ,..,~t ~9• in the ~for cme Qf ~.- ·~ ! .. ~ ,qr. ~ • ~~~u~. ' nver •hicb we had ~ ~-- :A.tt-iWl.,.....,.a,.._ ~'"

.... . - .... .. a.1w- aired. oecGJI!I90f'1./'~· ~r.: • 1 • -...d i i..M -~ iJwD ~'3 -:...ti~ 0'''" kapidl, .,~we oould~ t&e 1 Jiua cmr.l!(o• W.ot-~~MWJ .. U tatiltWWI • "NWW--.-~( .. T"'•~··~ ~r~ ·· apeti"to · !-~~- -""- ,....,..,lr~· ·Oill. '-n ~-~rt.othieMt.·~~· ,...fwta.~'tlf-. · ~;·:l!J ., .... «rYIIbwe · -.~ · · 1 • ~. • • • ~· ~ · ~·-ti! - ' ~li ·1...~ 1'111~·:.-:~.M · ~ ··" tuf • es,trnj ••• ri ' .ib-. ' ' ' \{. I. a. DO~~· :~ ~.... ,,. -.~ Jh ~~\,=~· ~ ~~ ~ uJ~pr til . r.. az.lfti.e~ .. ·~~

.. ~ .. u •. ··~··• • ''"'2 • ••,. "'' ,, .. • """~ ,.. • ''"' s-:""'·'".~·d' J9'' ~ ...... r l•t. ,,., .. : ".~.~ -.' J -~ ' " • , J · 1 ., • ..:.J "'


., .I ~


tall, hard~~ ucl~~ ~1 Uptothe'~clf·~ ~0111~ .; fit "•cmniDI~ ~ olo ZftGI'Iftll.;_. af~~ -lbMut.;~l ,..J::n, th~wlacj .. ;.proftclth~eelftttlteir 01'fl 0, Kf.~~:. \ lftUarp &elltl at,makiDa a ~ r.PM*, aDd th.y Mft'li;j heuty '1'llie W iaUDOtioeci; U lar U l .,.. -'o~l:"r,;...:-e '-all.-; ... lt. WOI"'' t1111D.. Tbe ioform.atl""' Wll re- altolrt 2&'-.ean of ap, 'if1le a mrre bGt whelua .,.....U ia aaa4e tllaf will tioli. In them JOCl ha.,_., at 1..-. t • .• -~ :"'r- ,... ---. ·.- ,_ , • ~ -r.....;_ 1• r, d f maizltain i\ aza.clan he111eel, faiihful, and curil)' for fai~ ~~·\ .. .W.altilconr, iJ1 \he &QUIIII"I aj)Oiag) tDn~!P...O"Ar "cowatry at. larp, to.lf· eeiYe from MferU qaarten.round about bo1 It,.. alwaJI pa--C. <I 00 0 ~NV'I • , I

trut~ ~ · youfteln., , thtT an .~~~ wi\la .. A Da1D11 aDd book ol tail Ueariptiou Maj fal4 tlii ' electaft an opportunity ~cor- the ~unt11 ie "ert coochmfe OD thia ~i;~DI •ioriu of buoL aod ootle. Ae ~~· Nutcia1nothizlci"'IIDaiz::edbGtto!'rife OOIUIOD wel,.,._, by bl& abC\._.. ___, c6er a.cbu ....... Waj'pi'OiaiDID\ ~~where they ~,)!tem. bud. Ttle Eltc:tora are ll~U4fhlJ CO~IIr, wb,l!n but~ 1_.. age he _. ~~~~ ;. •• : . :..0

our t.ut, pr.et •t>• Jit iu'o the "Li11," and .ia tbt oolouy an4r muat ~ m ita fat wliereaa the olallio OOZXlmgnfty aoc1 drmina ~ cboioe ot!MD wh~ ali•e to the import nee of tbe elueion left lltt home elandeeti~ d auc- (~Vf -.-.c.o-· ,JYorU:) ftllmleour couree \o the mO)lth of the ri•: tunea for~ or niJ. No doubt tbere--:e ~th na ia ~ted, u ent.erpriaing author ever it hal pl'O•ed to have been eound eod ohhe. duty de•ohio~t upon them of ceeded in reachiog the hu~l un~ ')l...i,a.u, ioly ' S.-Britieh lodia i.e er. Nothina of note OCICU.I't'ed unW ,. yet thoee in theoommunity, who teem'- - ...Uy U.proviae whateYer (oaila oC andjadicioua. etabtlitatiog a Go•eroment which hu of the Weat, wh~ he,.a~ed lo •ery rapidlr reeo•e~ia~·(;om &he effeeta­~ed the ~formerly ~tlooecl, Yhere 'think~· only eod of 10'8111Dlen\ U. lA aDCAzlt lore he ma1 cbooee to exhume It ma• ""rhana a~ 6.m ap.,.... to aome erinred an much tarneel.oeN and eners:r hun ling anc!, trappini w1_tb aoe\JDeo at ef the g....,.t famine, . a, ltbo:t Nfetal_' .-. a ~b&rbtion had apm to·~. plao&, the m&Uitelwloe of aome f••orite doll\iD&. 'J r- r- r- 1 11 d tb · ...- · wJUch beiJw dou, aac1 the ·~Lill .. and ali tion: bu\ it will be for tlle people to aruh from the daatyatn&a. of an~u.it7, witb· per*lD.I th&t »e t.l-ei.ble and oo.t. ud in the direction of the public intereeta. Kit paraoo. Buffa o Bt , an o era. million• o( the oatiya.to the us~ CU.. par carrieil eafe!J_~ the water~ outauch n~oa.a pre~nna, and eatabl.lah out \Malighten fear .ol de~ Tbe other unwelcome ~mituta ola pn· They appear to be fully prepared for \Vbf1 nearly tweotyyean of age be trict.are ~till uncter lite "'2roteeti.os care , ihe fall, onDI! more i.&ia Tor the lui time .. lt&t6 of thingl thatab)hrork in harmo~~t .. ElccatatDIOif D' .S.IOftTt11," which ia. eral Election ~i.a..~ell ~~ lieeo the enarea and ec:hl'm~ that are likely ... captured' b1 a tritie or S!oOt }o:. of the <!onrom&J~t. "ft will"- 6e "o:iaiit we ~eel end iUdeil-riiiU;riro~· the -10th a juat ana reaaonAble oonl"iction of CKtr in a word, a complet.e epitome olSt.oloal avoi~ed ~t..su-nt;-~ W11 ha•e no doubt to be l'mplo o c ~· them af&in 11 d ia.na •. Yho proceeded to pra~tiM upoo yean before tho etrecte of thia groat­*-: · Buil1, pleu&~~tly, and gaily on true, aocial, aJJd material want., and onr IIIOf&li".t....,.... 11ot tll'fiiiM" ~ ... E,pic)6t\'f ~e Go·~~ bu ~weighed ,&.hit. eomo !lf th m 1\avo !wen cbeatt'.d ~~; hia peraon tho moet exqu,.1te. torture f~Unioe will pue away, but aLiU we t&k~ 'fie wut, homqvd.boQ:nd, "'lrith heart~ op~Uca and mean. of lmpronmelit.' 11t.lL 4~._u\hot,.. AutU, an 1rla- queatio'l•!t.be im~whidl :theJ" and e~pe · ·~ doh nol aeem to bave •hW b their ingeouit.Y could in,ent. good heart and rf'joico at tho nideoee ~~:.=~~C:1b,'r~: l'tata.:l R a reCti I • t.oriaD olblah rMk, who oompUed &.11&1'- oouhl noel ha•e uudi!.milcl. Bot. rrBoo- D WI ea upon them. Then would Ete11 lmucklo upunh_tbo hmntle WUblpdlit all aroljnd ua that better timeabare com· templatiou of the calm, poeoeful, tnnquil --,.-- eso 0 l'tewfo_._ ratil"e ol th1 uptditioa .ud ~oitlr of tioll.· ' upon preee~.t and :Probable·"foturo !ndeed ~·little exe.uM foljthe~. "ero opeD' with a koife, •• wriatl Wire a • ing. Here io &hi• pro•ioee t e pro.-*Utyand NSi otanim&ted bu~undiaturb- Ia••· Alexanclll' Ule Great (unoe dead) ; but circuplltaDoea WJJI; we thiJlk, ahow that 1t otberw11e. Tb~ lltue t11ey wtll h~te Jy mlngl~, aa were bit knoeeand other Qt'Ct for ~he crop• wu oner, bet ter. •••nr• it~ to aa 00 thia o"llr Y,. baa been tho practice of our New· Mr Talbot'l "title" hu this much truth notwithltanding aueh objectiona u may to uy to the tomiDJ[ tonMta bae bwo portJooe of hie body. TTnder thie ter- Ooptoue rain• b&Yo f•llen th.rooc~u~ tifp mto\lle YOOdi and uninhabit«l interi· foundlt.nd jwmaliats for years l*"t.. to in it.-that ~UlAif wu a favou.rite eli. be su~tod, objoc:tiona and di.Jiicultioe 01ade • mo1t ' inlt-l!i~ible and diatiott rible" torturt> he boro up like a man, and Bun ~tal and Bt>har, with t~ exception or of.liewfowwlland. gi\'e great prominence, both editoriall! civle of Epicte~ and ?Ollect~ and _pro- Of a much grav"4)1' OAtaio woliJcl ~any on,e: They_ har.• . o.tt,. to aay whether t o tbie fad he undoubtedly owca hie of a (ew pl11ce• in tb! ~icri!JilJ_ot_.C.~t-

and by COI"nlapondooef, to the numller of eervcd many of the philoeoph1callcseoD1 other cour110 thau that which baa been I or not' thAy de11re \o be the dup&ll and life.~ Bia capiora, appareotly io6ut~oc•d lA. Ample and conttoued l'lln 11 No

01.LD"Dn ro• 0CTOJIU.. people that are an.nwillylcaving tbia b · ud maxima of hia pioua muter. 1 hold ,decided. •ict!m•. :>f a aet of moo whoM chief ca- by t.l• couraKo aod nen• .b.o diaplayed, ported frop1 all &be uonlaw..a..r.D pro­land, for the "Maritime Provinoea, the tTUth in binary oi paramount impor· JJ. to tho rtlult of tho coming appeAl, JlaCIIJ 1a pro•rd to h~te beeo th:tt of our*d him until hie wouode were heal. • ioce• E•nrwbere tho aoil ia eulti­Oominion "or Ca.nada., and the Uoited tance, humbly ooncciving it right that wo thoroughly oon6do in tho eeue and f"ulturr•. and whbse chief buwinees wu od a 1d adopted him "a Ult:mber or the nted, aod in nearly oil the agricultural ::)tAtoa.'1 For this propensity wo cannot the people of H&rbor Ora.oo abould be di.aerimination o( the People to auatain the abatraclioo for pri•ate ende of tho trib,. T"o yt"ara elapeed from the dietri.:tl the eo•io~: ' bat beeo already a.ccouDt., unless it be airuply for t.ho deaire undeceived aa to the usumed authorabip and in'igorate the preMU~ Government publi~ monoy _thoy held <>n traat. If tim,. of hi~. capture before he wae able completed. Jo Qeralthpur aod Buatoe of chango; but v;•e obeom~. that lately, the or Epic., and RUided in the right ' eli· for the work that 1iea beforo it. It.t cunaht1111nt~ buo .had . t'MU$1h of ~hla to 'JIIeet b11 ~J~~eape. Ooca frtod ,fr?m tbo~rmotiog of re~ief bT Go!~rnm.cnt tondency hu ~ checked or mudiGod rection in eetimating-:u thoy are all trial eo far hal been but a abort OJIO, but aort o(. l'r~JJCe, _t}le! • .ill •c.out the un. bou~ai!O ho tur.ood upon the racn whtch hma elread1 beeo ·dt~eo~lloued aDd 14 a to 1\ grout degree. Pa&ihly the eelf~x· doubUees busily doin:;-the menta of Tal· even \hia oxperience tella powerCully in po..tora Wit~ fituog 1ud•goat1oo a ud coo. ba~ enai&YI'd h1m, and from . that da1 to f~w week• moro t~ere 1~ rea•on t~ • be..

. ~. M.. T . ~J.::.J. F. ~j 1 :l . s

• 6 IS 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 I ·u I~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 2"~ 2.~ 24

1 pallnl\tOO ones have not fouod the climat.l1 bo~'• 6nt dlloSI!ic publication. I t ruat, ita C.vour. Ita very 6nt stope were d if· tempt.- ! ,J. th11 the red mao. hu been baa roe. Ooo heye .that the lamtn~· pmched m~ll1one of their adopted country 10 agroeable, or too, tlat the people of .Wand Co\"8 Md 6cult ud erit.ical. It had at. once. thouglr I ,.,. ytar 11!:0 ln.~~ 11pr10~: Mr. Carper headed or thll 6o ... er-lan~ «Ill OD~ a,J;•l.D be-that,.~e new und has not )Jro\"ed to be Bay Roberta will take thia t>Xpla.nation supportOO uuly \ y a laro majority, \() E X t r a 0 t 8 • tl:e_ eipMitlOO . which optllled up .tho come eeJr.aupporl~o.g. . . \he country "Bov.oing v.it.h milk and iJ1 the apirit in which it i3 intended. aeiz.o by the throat the overgrown pro- ma1l ~ut.e runn~og wutward from l'orl AJI gre&L ealamlttee bear wnh the"' .s' hone1," t.hllt their imaginationa bad Mr. Talbo~'• book , subject to thu ex· f)1gucy of :Ur. Dennett's Government and .. " !Ahmre, 1.80 unit~•· fhro.ugh_• countrr ~rest le~eop,, aod Ole lc1110o of the ~D:. fondly pictured. coption, hu many beauties and muc:h arrest a IIJ11to.m of pluudor which WM in The Chnll . .:nsrn. iort'ttl'd w1th hoa.tllo_lodtana, and rull ,of ,;al fam~e " apparently About (o·be

It bas 11Jwnyll been matter of wonder worth. He hu certainly collated fffV."Y full S\\ing ih !10\"ero.l de(aTtmcuta of ex· :rho Wnl":'n Norn•nt~ N~1 hu re- daoge~ to r t he c••rhzed p~lu-faco. lior tak_u~ to ~r':rt br t b" po•_ornment.

25 28 27 2d 29 -~o I ~~- -...... • •• 0 . ........... ...... --;)lOON'S PHASE.'\ :

x. .. n QC'.lrru ... ... ... .2nd, lO.R ut. 1t•w Mo6x .... . . . ..... .. . roth, 7~"1 1 ... lf · l'tuT Q1Jd'!'U ..... .. 18 t h, 9.5!) .LV.

Fln.L Moo~ ..... ... ... ... 25th, 3,;}0 A.:w. Lur Quuna ..... .... 3 l . t, 10.29 •·~.

to othcns u well as to ourselves, that •au•d aNl.projDflll v.ll1Uion1, whose ideo· pcnditure of public monoy . Nothing ceiYed. fro~n Ill cnrrc~pond~nt on bo:ud 11ome t1~e )I r,C':r per contmued to carry Br11tsh lndlt.ll a r e10:arhi)Jy n ch couo· t.bere abowd not bo found in this bl:ind tity, in apint a.nd Iotter, tho mos~cynical more corrupt lllld dcbuod beloapl to the • c•c.ot•.fic c xplorst!on ah1p Claalltm.l/er the ma1l~ oYer t lua route.. He wu com· try, but th11r~ bun! way~ beou o!le g reat 11mr0 w:sya a.nd mean:s for industrious in· must fail to reject.. But, while I am the gnme of the celebral.e4 .. B.ing" in a de"cn ptll'n of t~e stormy aod pro- pl'lk.,J _ao keep t1 ahnrp look out for t he drawback to ttl _proaporuy. W e ne•e r

The Jia.rlor Grace tita.: .. U1a.rd dhiduals to at.t:Un to 11 competency, acribbliDgdew~-'•ort.atiooson Grocianethic., Now York 'than tho ordinary dohl$tll of tract!!<! •o~m~e ~o Now Z03l:tnd. red "k!""• aud ofteo 9ervcd 1u a tnr~eL \(nuw fu r a u rta1oty thlll weebn~l ban when, Mturally, v;•u poM6SS 110 oir1ny ad· tbtl fillh it. spoiling 00 ruy finites. Lot Mr )Jennett's party exemplified, and it On~ mam objcct Yaa t o t.ako c:ar.-ful for thrar fi rt!arm•. ~tot ho esCAped \flt_h raio eo~u:;h to drrelo~ the fcrt~lity of

-.t.XD- \"Ant:t.ges. A slanco nt tho..'IO p:tpoM', me Htay to remark that Arrian WIIS not will readily bo blllieved ~bat to deal ·~undanss. bct•veo~ Sydnor anJ _W ei- remnrkn~lo luck uot1l one d~y. on b11 our t01l. The ){arqull of .s.&J.,burr. knctJtiOn ~a~ ~lJtrl\str. tl~o"'lt wo :are publuhing from late num- the fou.nder of that bci'CIIy which onco with such prnctiCC3 as they b:~.ve betu I hnt:ton, wath thu v1ow to. t ho l~yms: " return tnp t o the fort, wl.ero ho. wu Secretary of ~tAte fM Indts, b:~.a ':'

.....__ __ ·--- _ _ ___ bens of the Edinbulbh ScolncDn, oJgh~ threatonod to dismember tho primiti~e dCAit with demanded 00 amnii meM"reof tllltl!ra~la c:.lblo, ~eapceltng ~h1ch the act upon by a ~arty ~( 35 ,.I nd•an_"• lcn~ th doll'rmiDeQ. to fi~ht .thea<~ pen. · • , to con\·inco t.hc most incredulous th:lt, Cbriatian Church. ht'oest llnJ carn~t f$0)utioll. To have A u~lr:ah•ID ftlld l\cw Zt.t~l:m? ~o•ern · rnoonUltl upon tbe-1r pon!~· E 1'1'0 or IIX odic:al famines, wh1.:h und? 1n _ooo year

BATUilDA. y • OCTOB t::R 3, ISH. if wo aro only truo to ounsch ·es, all that Till: SniPS will be here agnin aoon, brou ht this c:rTC< r of \\alto and fr~uda I me~ot• hll•e l~nll b~eo ~ocotlattng. 'rho bullet. took effect on baa pe raoo from I t h? 'tfOrk of ~weuty. Ho It ~··•n:; I? ~o - --- --· • ~ . - - i3 n~ry to render this Colony the and then mv "ria will bo all 0 11 in in to a 1un sto llllJ initia•.ed 11 reformed rceuh ot •:c •n~e~~~~at1no was moat M · 1bo 6nt ~re, but ~ooo ~£ tho wouode ~h1~ by mcana o r_ a uat ayat.lat or •r~"'

Tnr: an:~ounccmcnt m ths 0tUI'Ite of homo of tb• ,·ndustriou• IS. a 1110_, •y• l"k J . 8l h . , th 1Pd gnn~ bp, 1 f . . . d" 1.,.r,wt.,ry, a nol tl 11 upc1•tJd that on ~:reatlr d1111blcd ha m. 1be n he ata.r to.l I ~: :auon-eo ""''t mdecd thllt t ho 6):Ur0f

th 2'> d II.. r th lissol . f th u .., • u ., o• anna I e ason c Rlilll 0 s o en -~~- · course Ill t 0 lct'l I 0 'I' ICIU\lli proJU IC;) h" . r . "' U - I d "II b h " I . d d . tb d" . d . e . u u u o c u~•on o. o tem."'l tic dcvdopment of tho llm >lc mcnns If tho were oin" to he shi lpcd f<>r Ulo r\Dd h;,bits would b • .vo boon DO mean t II Ill or~l\hon ·"'w ~a ~n WI o ."' IOrllea lllt<l & l'a r un •.n ? •rcc- in the eatlmate C01t ~"' alllrl.ho~:. ·•

lio\150 of Asliomhly. has c:m:wd qwl.fl a th•t y .1tu- hn• lal·d witltin olur - ·rch 1(1 ,. yg "d I v'c) I " J r ·r. rl f • lc r G t ttle~:raph• l"lllly cunnect cd w1tb Europe t1on of t bto fort, 11nd, droppmu mto tbo Tho Oo•crn ment 11f Jntlr:~. hu at.uy• I. d u· , tb _ " • • •v - ' "' . \"O)"IIf:C o >o ~'80 o a 1 qusa '".Jr , nmount o wor tOr 11 ovcrnmen DOW Th b d b f h · b b" L •· . h · h" b"

I JJ" Ml co~u un mmongs._ e suppo. v Tho lumberin,. llnd n-.riculturul c:tp:lbi li· (nu allusion to rrifer•) . but wb~n the in otfic.: even if b.cked b a fair ma"or- noxt IUIIImer. o ott? m wns en.n <>~tolD o t o wal!gou. Wit as ••fie .. u- ~ ~·~en a.'".: attl'ntiOU to t •• '" ~·JCI . ena or thoGoH~m~nt ; but" wool~ also I t ii!S or the un~ouc:bed .. interior,(\$ abowu chanco-ilfonl for tlatJ r~n. how rendinJ.t it B~t the !'C8C.Ilt Ex~utive tho~ n and mu•l, grndually •h•:lnn~ lo I d~ptb CIIDit tho dt~•bbo:ud. rested h•• 18- Gll:llOtiC work• buo been .. nti6lL'\ke!'· appear to __ rune »h:l.lccn llte ~nk.a of h our own Gcolo!!Ut., ~lr. ~URIUY in to a renta.ly bosom 1 I t's hi h lime 1 .J" . . P . , • . g (of 2600 fathom•, at w~1cb rt re:Damc~ 11hn , te r ncron tho b:tck or thu _aoat, aud end .-oaoy hn'l'e beeo coiDplel t'd. Sull tlae Opposrtlo~ more extremdy_sull. b~ l~t lottor, con &in thdr own sua~n- wu ~oar of SOOie of them Jd ir th o,· "ca~ly auau.:n:iu!,~ 011~~0~ t~~ ~~ I 'fery 1c\·cm tor 11 l_on~ d1M.nnco. At t_hu a~ ~ho whole p11.:k l"·u~o dnr_un,; after I mu.:b rl'mniua ~o bo dono; aud tho pr -

In 6\·e,or au weeks hence, mall pro- teo . and until th03C utcmoots ·I 1 t th . k ' ld rt . · s~uc: moro 0 8 ~ g g po•nt t hl• •oundan!!~ cnmm••nced geltllll! h11n., ront murd to fiN to rap1d •ucce•· j greu m:tde, thou~h ~:re:at , hM not ke1Jt bnbili~y. the dilToront.constitucncies of the _. (• II . .8

. nrc pro•· 00 Y go f _. ~~~~ ecp wo wou Pll lU Jllfi~ T~cy ,hdav~-' es~~ ~~ 1~0 II Jeu. Twu d11ya Afte r t his 1100 fathorn~ ~io ·,, pick ins: o ft the luadel'll fil'llt. W hcu paco with tho incrua~cd dtHihlnd for ir. lala.nd ill be · lied d · J o" " actous, wo can see no JUSt renson t.(l&n-<1 tl! rCJty. rule of mtegrtty an uur ptaJ lbmugn· rd .• h L . . • "d . 1:" "fl .,; 1 . d , - 1 •

w a gun ca upou to oct e b ood K r, tl l d h ld I Th bl" h t t41.: b k b f k f d . . . d wu reco cu, t o tompomt uro uc1ng tho l:u t cortrl J:O m 1s t l " • • I( ODe I r 1~:Uio11 J,or ::>.'lhaburJ'il ... 1ome u who aro l.o bo our Rolen for Another lc- w ! 0~ g WhJC e~ ou;b ~u ~~ 6

clu ~~ tc;·e;; ~~cw ab t~on ad~c · out t e nrmcw? r 0 " ~~trnu;"': 30 de,; Thno indication• of ~hl\llower he,bmd rucourae to .hi• refOifor, o'ud t bur compr.·henai•o eoour:h, if tborout;tllly giaati\·e term. \Ve a.nticipalte 11. com· emi!)Til th ere\Ort e :J. th n_ng b.= on !1. e 0 . mat.._, Y . 0 au H"n have put the vtolatort 0 aw a.n ° cr I wator woro not without «::luse, for on kl'~~ up tho fi~ht until within a ahurt 1 carr1ed ou t to inauro all :-."1.1r tbern pleto triumph for the Go•·ernmcnl. party, ! ~~~vo to, t { tl m~\ ea~ J1r { l ~rmce ?f a farolomg ~~~IC. 1_3 !" the public pillory as a momoria!;"liJ"tld 1 t bo accund olay thl'y camo uol•xpo•cteol· di•t l\nce of t he £or\, when the red• , lndia fo r all' time to como a~;ainst anf u thtre seem, to be perTadi.•g tht: minds l. 0 ·~ea 0 _1e1r row ' a.n . as ur (IS ce wcy, m a ro •~me a.n expen · mg to those whom . thuy botray lUI ly inlo 400, 350. a nd at fu t onlv 27;) alunk aw:ay, ICilving 28 of their llUIDber fa il ure of rmp• rrom a la~k or wator. of ou.r people a wish 11nd a Jcsire tlw~ c~mato IS coocorned;, wo can pot~t to our ml'ntal. mood, drop~ m to 1100 our mu· defrauded. They d id no~ t~t, or ask fat hom a. T hid wat~ about 200 mile• de d and dying alont: tbo road. When T ho ~cbt~mo h. 1 b Jen "ubmittcd, and tho Mr. CARTI!R"s Government Khould"hn \'e, 0 0

1\S the mos~ eq_ nblr, and fa ou_rubJe I tual .fnend, D~. DOIIl'ln, 00 tho l!onrluy othcns to trust, solely to then own &e·j from l.wd. Durin~r ~ery hP.avy wr ath· tb'l fort wua rMchcd ho wmt more d ca•l l .,atimatcd co•t is ·iOO.l)I)I),OOa rupeu• at least., a C:tir triAl , which, j ud0.tn" from ~ health and long ~I). .\.Our fisbencs 10 pre~IOliS, r.nd, l.ll ~e course of some other count of tho cl_tlll., of men to whom t~e ur in t hi•l('lcl\lny, I:;Jwar.l W inton. A. B.. th~11 nlive. Nino bullet• had pior~cd 1 {$200,000,000). Jo order t o rait o t,•~ tbt~ patriotic ctforl.ll attempt.ed liy them <>."ncrul aro as _prod ~\J c, and ~y par· busm~ ti"IIJlllact.iona, purchased a pack· poo)liO 10 an e\"ll hour bad confided tbulr who Wilt! Atnodiu.: in thd chains hen in~-: hii per-on, four of thu oumb11r pa....m~: 1 imwonMO lUll\ o f mono,. which after 311 t ho put ~ion, would be comluci1·c to ~:.~ cnga:;ed 10 thct.~ Jlrosoc:uuon, .as ct. wh•~h the bon . . a.nd l~ed Doctor, property anJ ttill ~carer ~wrests. _T~oy tbu lead, •as wnabed o•crboard by the entirely th ruul!h portlotl• o f hi• ~dy, • id pro~blv a n 11nder 'l'a•ia:n'to, froo~h the rUJI benefiL of the country at lnq;e, 11 a.s those of the nw_ghbou":~ ~ntln· With hLS usual phrlr.nt.hroplcal,~rd '?, , .. Iced &n able a.nd _ 1mpa.rtw Com"\WlOD heavy aua. He 1\'&1 oot miucd f1.1r aomu butlu~k il1. it w<>u ld aoem. prot~dentlt\lly I loan• Yill.he~•e to bo m:rdu, nnd 1odla i• that. would, untler t heir supenor man· :nL :\ 1.~.11uch emplo~_mcnl.!l, ,he~ 80~ bultl!\n aafcty,lwdduly labf.lled Po~s. to open tho pu~hc records an? ez:~ minutea aft11r, wh(!Jl the c~v1oes . werP nnne h"d toucbod a Tltnl pnrL T ho I already burdcneoJ he:at~ly with tnal io11. a,"Cment a.nd nsle,li)-.Jily ru1o to tJao rosa· I he":~ ~r engaged 10 "': pr.,.::nnous • I t w~ found. to be A;" ounco. of rutro- lhem_to tLo pubhc snz.e., ch:11l~n!)lng therr atoppl'd, and t bo •o~«~el unrne~h fight had been a do•p• r .t:u out~, aod Mr. But if thll countrr can be et\"\JOtUallY

. t 1on thAt ita great nlllurnl c:Lpa.ho)IUCS I lout ~CIMist tllllt., when screo~ &nd hu· gl~cc.nne whl_ch, adrorUy. ?PPh_ed to th_e scrutUl)' 0\"~l" the ":b?le t~me of .Mr. ruunded to, but no tr:acc• of bau could Czc ·pe r'• recovery trlu doAjlnirod of. I preeerved ag.sioet nn<.t hcr cabmity tut'b j Wit.lv entitles 1t. It ill a t~~.mcntnLlc f11ct rnan mgcnUJty, have by CXJ M!ni'u.:c ~lac· OXISUng Parllllf!lent, ~hlbrt.ed tta cbcmt· Carter' a provtoua admUl~ti"I\U~n and over be found. Hi mother, wloo i• " re~ider.t uf J •~pl'r e~a h:ts juot vioited u•, tho cxpondituro thnt; while other countries are keepiu;; ~I th~. om_plo~-mcnt& Oil n saf.-r ~MIS- cal ~Wfll"ll or dl5!10lution to a.n extent M tll&t_of ~r. Bell nett's unmedl~tcly ~UC· Tbo £ut.vre moTcmeota l'f tho CJ.a l· COlllty. WI\! notified ' f her aou 't dllnser \'rill bo woll iofeltod. . pace with u10 6 triuos of tho a'lc· No" · '"e r;.p~nt It Ill tb& .duty of 0111 ruTor.a alnrmmg aa It WM unex~ ~nd un· ceedmg 1t.. Tho reswta oft.luslll\'C&l.tb'll· Ienger baYc uow bten orl"l\nl:ed,nnd nro an.j imrno liatol1 atartOoi for the accno. l (oundland is romnin;ng stat101111a:·-m u~d chief m~n, to gwo the pe-ople U\"er w~lcome. The poor Doctor . 11 diasoh ·ed. t iou are DO"'' in gr=t ~rt befo!"'l' l~e l thu1ata't'd : -"At Wellington we re- Ur:u)l'r b~n·nrcful n JUi ag ho ruc:overt.l,

1 AGrt'eobon•e of ~rtUlc1ul Flower•.

C.u:t., in m11ny ~pecta." retrogTai!c mo' o "hom Provtdence b(\$ called them. to 1 l>aclc _H olden, Burton, Colla.qa. Halley, country, a.nd the contrast, dammng m main till J uiJ G, then p~L-ced a lon;: tho ancf at bcr ur~:t>nt rc.<lu~'•t.ret?rnod wath 1 Fo rty-ooe o f th~> leading utilidal ment i., alm05t Jtllci-nubl•~an•l tlu• we pn-suJI\, the bcne6L of all such a(han·l ~1oiTlM8~, J ohn ~~art., t.he Spoolter, ~· the l1..11t degree to our opponents, mtlllt I c:ul coa11t , probably calhn~t at Aul"kl:aud I bo~ to bcr homo Ill tlus !:it.At•·· H o Oowor-ID:tkeu of ~rirhue combinad to wowd mainly nttnbut.O tv L:1l :.;••Hm·l t.n,"CS. C., the Sileot Sohettor, Fagan, a.ro dLS· pro\·e a tower of stron~ to thoso who j for a f('W day•. Dft•·r which n coun~e boara u pou bi~ por~on tdo marks o f ~end to the Vienna E rhibition a apeei-ment.. The cordial recepuou accorJNI F ~ Th . a. lvoo. In short, tho whole le.,..Wnture have thus m&nfully male t bo who:e coun·l will bo abdoJ.otld to l 'ungatabu (l!'rrondly m11ny bullut wound~ and tho ~cnrs made mea of t.hoir uuited tkill " hicb eball to ~r. CARTER, both to thu ::\ortlt· A n~I~ICIAL tau CuLTVI\~- a c In· is dillsolved If t~o J?octor could _bu~ \ try tho judges of their rleeJa. As a mat.- l•lanJ~). lind t hun .. -o to K"otuu (F•j by h·, .. to r tu ron~. Hu IIDDpun.:os his de· ! proro iacooteatablf thll t the C:Apital of ward lllld \Ve.tw"nl, would intlicato to : t.oresl 11l:i letter from t he pen of, .• n tes· ( have f~rtsecn }I•s. &;~llc~cy's httle l to ~ o_f course •. the autl1on1 ~~ thia Com· I leland~) ... here a ~up ply of .co:tl will b.! 1er miu11.taon of r_~oturntn:; t o hi.• old I F l"llnco etill roigoa euprllme in •thb tho most obtuao that hill pohc\· b''"" tLc . ~-em!'d ::On;sPOndcnt on thl!l aho c 8 1~ I g-.1mc wttb that P o110n, bo " ould nev~r m1SSIOD h:lvo tncum>d tho mtcns1fied en· taken on board pnor to II'IIVIDII for N cw haunt" 1n tho 1"!111 1f bo h1U aullic1ently l matter "of artillciml ft uwer maouf:a.cture approval of a '"~~t LO.riJOritv !>f tht- t·lc.:· Jl'l''j ';' :u~ ~Jaue, ~, doub• I'.M peru:"~ h:a.ve parted with it, or elao would bavo I mity and calumnies of thoso " hom they Guinea. Here :t CQ.IIIplete deries o~ CI . ' reco•eorod. Civilisat ion h~ no all rae · l Thia p:1triotic contribution co11~ieta of~ tons or the ltlMd Frorn · tJ1e S<":U !Jna of j ""'1 1

'1'"''1' 1


1°resft ·y our ." ' :>Jcf". . H lf · 'I ci!J4t6Cd I 00 per cent. on aefling pricca. hue simply brought to ju~otioo-most plorotiona aod IIOU ntlin~a will bo modi'. tiuu fnr nim. llo CI)Uot• t he OIIU'ber I complete strecnhouse. fi lkld with 6\lWilt!l

• f' I"W I IC w 10 e 0 the P"''('(;l and Its 11· Tb ·-rvi~ of Oft\A-;ftent chemist being • -" . · - - 1- f all b .J .. L- d . . d b h .• -·· d r h" r d " . · . h I h . . . . d tho country not .-iaito\i by him pcnsoutlllv !\ ~ 1 d J 1 eJ l a- ~ - · ......... na~urw>y cnmawu:o o rao.u uato 110 1t 1~ o i pcctc t at t o ur .. -u~o an o 11 o HID 'ICIIm,, w o"o ltCll Jl8 o of t'• ery t!c1cnpii<>O pcrfoctly 1m1taUl . ho bas tbe intimation t!l11t no U)'po'll t.i~•; ' \"."" 111 '""' ~und .. an . :""' ::Ok . upo~ 1 requir.xl to collect and oomt r JM the the banda that d~ them into ~1ght. But trawl wi~l bring eYeu I;Nl.'\Wr wonder• of hM raised, at 183, butM ho is you~g I n it nro hyacint bs, ~hu ill u~i<>n or wh ich of a serioiiS naturo uced bo llpJn't'h,·n.t•.J 1 ~ "!·~"Y ""~1 'i t.opl:..n •, ~t--~ r ncfu~. ~ 1 pnmo elcmenUI once more to a corporo.l tho hu.t.e of publ1c o!fo.ndert 11 honour marino h£o to t ho eurfaco than have t ot yl't he or poet. to bo ahlo to groatly au· 111ro t ho !lbn:s t hrown out by .t ho root·· • . · 1hu ' ' llllt'<. I' "hermcns ovo;leLyo £rim·: d li the Doctor bas kindly volun· d hall h h" k" · .. . L-. d b"l h · f J h b b f h" to · · h t1 ' m fact., u1e anmu 801111mentx pro 1•111J tlwn: .. l . . . . . con _, o~, . . an po~er _w•t ng t t m mg rum...,, IA"en eecurt •. w ! ot e q~eatloo o co':' cro~e t o ·nu m er e ore 111 . own p- bouquet•, 111 whach ooo ao111 t e owor -.have alw&)"S exi.~ted bero--nnw•h· tlmt ty I h) Hill IIOIDelhlng t.t•ngtble 10

1 It • tf'erOO hu1 sltill, expcnenoo a.nd t4ct, and and thll w11l be the demonstration when rt.-efe and the. tr baatosy w1ll bBVo apo :~:~1 uot 11 allowed to j!raco t ho w1gwam o! £re.hly blown and thmt which hu l>c1•n

· • ·m•l "'" 1\I'C !\&'lured tbtot tho txrunp e ll<!t .. _ bl ded b D -u·,_· b b "- •L 1 f · · bo 1 .1 L b ' ' · " w• lcnow our men anJ they know uJO.''I. . fri d .11

k ( u.:mg a Y aeooo Y r. rl-=lmmoru, the country t llt M ~~<...:D WJIIS rucuer a lt \'ntlou. A tor crultmg a u t Po y. aomo ..,.uu J ruo. in e i iatcno:obuttwu boure; wa!d-flowe ... . 1n our opinion tho chief point 10 th" hy our cn_f",ro.;etac en 5 ""

1 llpo<l • ar ~u~ sb~y to. ~the the breath of from tho prostituted rule of itH despoilers, nt-•ia gcnel"lllly for aomo ll?~e wo expect the toft, q roy do"'o o£ which Melni

auooea that att.ellda the pohcy of tho pre- ll roore forc•vy t;an ""0~ f~e :~~~~nt hfo ~nto . h:iJI a.n?ihal~tod ~tu~. A ahall pronounce ita next venl1ct. to ro:.l·h Hong- Kong only~~ NoYember, Tile Channe l TunneL readf to ftuat away. Two eide• of t he ~~ent Govenlmcnt.. ia the cnde:.,·our 1111.t nccCSOtary or~ e em:tton ° t. 0 Ul ang Dcann ouru.try lS cn:untntly tmnunent. \Ve mRy At present pus Ol'er lightly wh .. re prot.ably a toonth w11l bA ep11nt r . ro need that thia pro"ect greeohouao cnntaio artiticisl feathera aim alway a to encountt,re anrl fost,cr t),.. for tlw vrot«t

1•don of the bl"l'ed;~s~ousht" I have~ laid up lat!Alrly, which nc- the etrorta Of lhe vresont Govern meat, in in coaliog, pro• i•ioning.and nsfitting." h ~ ~· now -~ ~ut b• a Fnmoh ani 10 quito tht! eque~la of their flor:al brothreo.

industriAl roaonrocs of tho e<utnln·- n.,t etc.! ooe "'a; sur1x;so ~?u d t'edces• Y counta for the lethargy of my atylu1 roduct1on of taxes on tho food of tho E '~.,-1 · h cc::,r:panv tbo ~en.,ral mllnn.,e·l fbo whole I• a mar•el ol arti•tie. akill eo n.uch anxiety to fa\"our poht C::.t par- :nru ~ up. re:;r ~·o~ •Y ":h· 1~ il en· Repairing to my !lltoemod EsculApiiiS, poor, for t.be de\·clopment of new indus· Deep 8cn !foundtn~r•- Ul n r\..;'beina YOStej io 11 COUIIIl ny cbo;en aod uuexaa~pled p:ttionce. . . • ty-bat on the cootrary t.o an~mate :.v t.ohrti\Oom no ot taclle ont bo ~~-b~ad, ~ (J .J .D.), be spoedily restored me to my tries, &c., as ebown m th~r t.Aritf. These bye ..a:o two board~ Toward• th9 pro·

' · ' t 0 \"emmt'n ,.., no '"' 10 10 o t d · ·1.1 by meana of &n eflica.eiOUll th" t · th · · t.. b Tu& BntTU.a SnrP ·· CruLL£~o£a" 0:1 rn · It ia tt3tod 10 tho (Briti•h) Puatmaa· the labouring c:l.aii3CII that whetever can this """""'I.. The a&lne tbou<>btfw con· JC n c . '7tl. sra .._.._ . to B . •L ·~gs are ye 10 .....:.~llr pr ambonry a d~'a.tut liminary POL!inPcrin~: wo•ke each cum . be dooe to aublervo TDEIR int.rrean.~~ in .. . -"";•--- • prescnp on. ..-...xcuntollll nsu• are w e1r 1mportAnoe wu not un e.n • u· T11£ AUBTBALJ.SU,)I' &:nt.'fTtr•C D1s· . t t "b til £~OO OCO of wla io·h t er GeMnl'a report that l:ut year 18,-

. · . ' . 81dcnt lon tbs t waa awurded to tho rntro- on the inCTC&Be. I think my ailmt:nt ed b the couot who will i:a:c CO\"ERT Ll.P£111Tt0)1'- W n \ T W A" 1' 1111"' "

0 .con " ~ ' · ' h 700 lotl.&nt wero po"ted without aoy a d-OOJUtltutiona.l way, would bo attempted. duct ion of OVlltor culturo will be r:orth- rod __ _. b . d" . . d 1_ Y ~ . ~ F \V " z C ~0 000 111 dt'li111!1·ly prou11sod by l o The OOftlltal s!Mm .en ;ce on t.bo l..ahn•dor . tb'- . . • . . t ' ·- "Ill p u.,.,.. 1 an m i.sd!!et Ul u'6~nce them u emmea~ of the pohcy wb1ch the oUSD tN TUI! 4r£11ll TO •• &If EA· :\' orlht' rD of l'"rllncu . aud £.,0 000 more dreu whato•er, ar.d thot ooarly 600 o£

. . . · oommg to o p:lltiOLtc IICleMIS trn<t a t- in new- potatocA a.nd other """"t.&blea. n_ t 1 ·ed to · L4liD • • . - • h 1 t t. · ed h h d the boiUlty to eucoumge natm·slup bu1ld b .6 "a] breed" f a&l • • -o - ~\'em10on are :reao \ punue m · i• .wldt'd bl" Rotht oh•l·l l:lrothera, of t " e tent ~OD~IU ,f~ • c equ~•· an ing, \he reduction 0 1 duLy UJJOn llh~l' 110_ tempta t e am 01 mg 0 mou. 1 snppoee you wtll be haVlDg t10mll ga~es tho commoo iote~t4 of the people . . They .Svdttq, ..d.ugud .6. Par";;·, who1e intim"te relat ion• " ith th11t bill• of exuhaDge, to lhe- Yalia~ ~ more ported, and on Jle\'cr&l oC tho chief nccx.,.. befo~ loog. I should .,ery ~uch Wll'h a~ ~ far u t.hey go, advlUloos 1n the Tho work of tho d ia,·o•ery ebip Oltal· raih tay a ro well knot~·n T hu re~iduo than .£18,000. .. _,.._ &c.,- meuures chieJlyllffccting t.be W& not >ce, with great pleasure, the to vwt. Harbor Grw.ce. at tho tt~e.. b_ut u darect1o.n of honesty and goodgovll'l"tlment, lmgt~r ha11 more intereet thno ! hut or t ho 10•111 b('l contributed by tho Fl't'och mom· • • . • ~-. return or t.ho H on. w. J . s. D osSELLV r L.. to So •L eli d al L - L- -- ed r L" I u -')" . I I N T- f AI d that ... r • ellareofthelabouringcla.aaes- theseare . un1•e go u .... 10 ~yowutn Yl y. and ~t. th_ey ... vo ...-. pu.ah ·~r- 1Lt e ctru tagton~aoa woo ru e I ew brr'l_ of tho promotin~ commitloll. .uettert rom ~an n&hf' "4·· the aims and ends of the proaent adiJUn. ~nd_ Lnd~. . Tho fineness of the IIC:ISOn, mte.reet, muat defer calling upon you tlll wa~. m apttl oC the ~oera a.n~ &ct~\·e :ioutb Walu. By lut m11il you bad Wit'h the En~:liah n_o ndunro Jma beeo

1 Stanley, the Amerreao trueller, p~

ir.n.tion; ud we beliovo that, for 8 t unng t e•r excursaon, we doubt, ll;dddd o~r my retorn. I know I ;Sh•~ ~ r&o boet1laty of Mr.~Benuetta pnrtyllla poant the oewe of tho departure of tho ClaGI· msdo o• or th t> or1~1u:ol £ 30,000 eub· through E~~.Pt a few day• bsck on h1" Jugt.bent:d term of prot...t.iou, to tl'&l ~~~~~:: ~~ure and enjoyment of tn~~ tom~wh_e~ M~ policy IS bn_cll~ not to. bo rolb?t lAln when the gen~l Ienger oo the Aautral·Nc tl" Ze:tl•od acribt'~ in 1 '7 2 ; _b~t its moiety _of the I war to Z:tnz1b11r. He •ake~ a yacht to theec. principles. the Government cnn th11 . I~ aelf , .. n~, wifo M~ fauuly , roclconmg cornea to~ made up. aouodiog expcdilioo. T hie baa \>eon pre! mmar.v tot" l· at ••r·xp ·ctcd, w1JI al•o explore the J uba and other rrrera to the fully irOit \he greater pnrt oC the 001111\i. 3rd, ~IM; 4th,~tant relationa ; 5th, All that ~r. Carter's <;:overnm~nt_aeelc aec'omplt•bed IUCceeafully , Dod 1 nm iu- bo 11 lb~rib .. rl p •ivatc.ly . . Th_e actual po north of Zao%abar, inende. u the forthco~ General Btecr HUJd, & . Jolon'•, &pl. 30• 1874· comm11111on on appomtmentaand pat"?n· or haYe a n gbt to seek IS a ~d1d ~udg· debted to ooe of he1 acieot itta for t h., • it i,1, of aff.ti ra at tlu~ t 11011 '" t hat t ho I . ----Election&. • age at 25 per_ ce_nt. i 6th, count:J:. W1th ment--all they aak the co01tatuenc•cs to followiog precia of what ehe did aod ~ob 1 roj:t dtJ loi. ha• bcA!ll ,prepared, and There are 10 Loodou more t~o . S:>o

Whene Yer- '"e "pCCILk or ,.·rite of. the ll T Dul\ MR. Su m>ARD,- such a pa~otio lme of poliucal CO:I· do, u between them ~d their opponents, t4inrd en ro~l" to W elhoatoo :- wall be pre•ented 00 t he re-a•em'>lin:; cab· d.n'o~ '!bo a:e total ab•tatoert pre.mt Gonrnmcnt, ,..0 do sou 0 one At a aociAI gathering tho other oisht, duct--holding to my. coun~r.r, to tlatt is t<~,," look on this. ~1cture an~ thw _ on J'IRIT BUtiLTS rao.v l'll& OCEL."f DEL'. o f the Freuch Cham be~ j~ No•ember. ~y from 1utox•c.~tmg drmka. 1"" e..rc.IID~O# of Newfou.udlao ,....-one among other povular topics of convenll\- la.t-<~ne canoot ea'li.ly fail. Jame~~ thu o.od they o.otlclpato tho lU\.Ie With· Lt'.afing &fdn·oy ~t 9 a.m. on tho 12th ~[. Caillaux. now mtDittcr vf J>nbltc that baa alway• been wtllltol) w bov lion, such aa "TuE 8111 1'1!," thn "Lnat flrcttle, EAq_., Age1it for aome C&nadian out 0011 thought of di•truat. ,~ wor '• and tormerly ~ meo..lier ~r the :Sy Telegraph. · fore t.be count,., with nothing to con B:ul," ~· ." Su~ niCfl fello'.'~·" and 110 fwmrance Coropany, wu, on M_ondtly, of J uoe, tho rat eo uudin!(• (at llA m.l chaJSoel tunnel commlttoo. The lruo of

. ., on J rji I h ....... II I I h . ....,! L-fi J d .,_ r th .... " &YU 26 fllthoma, decpcninJ t o 125. 25o, b ... ooai. demlulding, J.i alJ times, lltriet • I au ' " IIJ ~RI, l tan ~WI l!lr .Y nJ~O· C llr~~ uv ore U g'! "IWDOU W\ WI~ " ,. the,IJIIin tUOOII), which is to U lllti:O tiny into all ibt acta, and \he minu tioncd-~~nd, ID f~t, b:mdacd about )•kt' !el~m?'LS o!fen~ of TAKI~~ A. ~·'':- The pros pect of a G eneral E leetinn 650 und 1,000 fatboaa , up to li p.m. eo~'tgh for" doublll hot.~ of railway, is Lo S t 2-t. E •' Au iAYestiptiOD iuto the detail r (JI'ery " croquet l.all amid lOme ftur clnS!Iacnl· rlus IS the 6rat llllltance of bomaCJdo tn 11pp8Art to be 'l'ery uow!'h·omo lo t ho Then et<~pped work, returning next dra,o etraigbt £r Jm St. Ala rllarut'e s:u•ta :fo~oG~rm:~T called a ID:~=ing of partmon.t, under ita oont.ro~o 'l'hia f~· ly;miJ~ded. dam~1-tlle ~mow hat for· ~r ~mmunity ~inoo Mr. 0\hill killed opvo-it ioo faction, tbougb while the e- moroiog to dod 1.360 lmtbome between B~t . South 1-'oroland, to a point • ery delomote• from I\ II ~ho "omen·, aMouia-~ .. - alo ..... • l·n' ..._e COU1'110 or . duct _rotd lo tnno,·at.•,orachmtened "TA.L- bra wife. Thanlul fo. r the druft fot: bnl· •eat Wll more diatant. ~hef affected to tbe two lu~ eouodinga o£ tho pre•iouA nell· · ~y midway bctwuen C_lllair~ and Sand. ,- G b b d I 8 I ~.., . ..., ""' :-'.::"""k:'~ .. J:A;<r s EPtC."J'E'fUS WI rd h f lt 11 d deoire it. L ike tho Repo~t of the Com. day. Tha ,. .... 1 thea etooJ io 1horo oo j d tion• of ermany to e el · II er •n au.d history oug.ht· to entitle it to . IO wo caug t my anoo o wage... LS • gone now, an mi••ion, w.hieh tbtl! fintt tqld ue would a drecl~.:in~r exped•~·•u , io 4LO uthoiD•, ~a~. "Oo the Bo~li.eh •.lllde t he LOn oo , duria~ 0.-tob'br CGIZfideDCe ~ the public and claim con .\ t!Alnlion, ~d l listenod to t~tl mUAi~l aome ~ueineas frienda aru holdmJ the eui~ them .a nry wt'll, the looger it where lllff'l"lll DOYf'l deep l l'li dcmizooe Cb~bam, and ~o,.er &ail!"U, will run Carli•~ deap~tlc " report t~t Brig.a-.ideratioa at. \heir ba.nda . but we Ullerl commr ntanea ao generally ddtvered wrth Law, m terrorem, O"ftt" mo.. .:.onfronte t bem, t.he better tbeJ di•co•er were obtaioed. or tbeee t ho moat ro- oll'let~elm the JUbu~ Cat1ton and tht' dit~r·General Perie carried the •ina g-., of that for aay party to Jay claim to t.be .. ~ ex tremely . olf-hand IUid Mnclullant V a.de, n.Je,. bow it euilt oc.her people. We can iiDa· marlt:able•we re a Bt'xiblo u rchin, o• er 8 tolf!l of Do•er, "hlll t r'iio ~ooth-e~•terD Ricoruo bf etonn, tfl14111 dn!eatioc IUfl'ngea of the people, ,.,t.bout "owu,g ... ~." At fi~t It A~pellt"Pd that "~Pic:n- Your oUGCiutl fneod. I! iDe tbe fe.-linga with which they eon· feet io cin:umference, be: iend to be a R,i jYII.Y will branch . off f~m . about llorionM with b~•y lou. . ~t t.heR.OOCIIII oC the fiaberiea o f the T\:8 wu the stye of tome heroiC moa.- '!'OODLES. t emplate the near accounting day- DIIW eptoe:tea of pr\roootO&M,·a P. i•opod, Shakapenre o!iff, an~. pu11Dg to tho 1ho memben'of t ho AuatriAu Pl)lar

"'OOlony 'are the higlaeat COJloem, their aum~ llotUI\lly ~mpoeed, as 1 thought, P . S.- Friend F~~&n. thinking the coming, •o inopportunely' Cor them, alliod to tho Au tare tic •"""ioi. aud a retl' of the hetKb~. Will crOll tb~ ~arbor expedition declare upi..,..Stioo in tho d i. -~- =~ -:11 _. •" . d f . by ll•e lluthor, wo011e DAUJO [ heard ~ "F· -day" re111 h .. tak•n up L : - a'·ti'on · h .. - - l•"n1 of the rormer Aompaoy and JOID the - Att"on o r thu No ... h Pol• hopei••• of ........., -· prove •uwe, an rom our · , _.. "th .L lc th J •w~ '" • - v wa ... d04tt upon \bote iovt~~ttgattoaa w ich liYing apocimeo of cheporocitlaru, idon· " '' .. '" ot , u-- t' " ''" '" u "~ owu bowled"" of the h•d.era of the re ca-.. wt "''' wor : . en canlltJ4Ng on Cave tit. Francia with bia" POW&IIFUL L- b r. T · b line~ to t bo t~llage . ·~ .....,.eue ' · any eati•f&~~tory reaultl, and reportl of

::! ~ <:~7o~ee~~ ~~~~: ;~h~ ~· ~~c~~~ ~~ arNoc:UL41" T. ~~r.~r~~;~~~~:~Yf~ ~~~~~ ilie~~ ~fi~~~e ~:~!:L~:~~ tteh;:;!K!a~~ ;~.~i~~r:a;~~\:~h.,~~~==·ot~e~i~~ ~~rO:~~tenco ~f an opeo Polar~ are the IaiaOO -prod fi the . not the Crwt ot'TAlbbt:a pen. Tht:n tt . h aUt d . d , atiau or t ho dtrectlon be•n' thero ap · The C.rlieta were badlr .defeat.cl 1o

, DU;dl Ulia ~Je:;~r carry~ ~too itaelf.i~J the light or aome ~d ( F,_ t~ Nett~jotlrtiltn~Jkr.) ~i~T a~':t:~t ~~! do:t of "~~.tr~di=~ Oc &be 111~0~ w•• :ro .... - p~imately a ti, b! aftele.. O o t he tbo Pro •mce of Bi-y: ~ . •. • ,0 ,_ ... , _._ •L- t ..aL . C aen~ o.fdn.OULtio morals, apothegms, dLS- Tho announcement jun made of a dill- r b f f v•• • • ...... F mcch aide tho coonoctrng hoe be ode Naw YoBE, 24 -Loui.iana "tr*

I .&CO .....,_WI& ... 11111 Vle11'1 0 OQft • ·• d'da . ~9·- Jn I . "•1. th tory lt&temoata 10'r t II COD UIIOD 0 • 1 · . ~ h d d . . :1 ~ aft.~ ~r we give the following CU~Ye narration., , I ctic.poetry,or .. II() ution, WI"'' e n~ consequence tboee wt.o may bear or read them; a'!d 10 2,~ fath~ID·; theootb~ ~·J•' ba dia(~aallr to t II Wl'lllWilr •. au ' ]01~· i~peodin:: troublea io Alaba.U:

lladnlel fiona ~ . ted . a.ddrell f toncal rtsitm~. by thAt emnient a.nd eru· of a G~l'l'll Electidu thia lall, ·~ if much time yere uailable, there gaiN', 1n Jobwtude iSG 28 eaat, bot- by ~a fork l he Boulongo and Oala" &•I· Gold"l09f. • · 11 1. 1 01 tM o&iel ottJ!G . t ~ ~ne dite pbil010phor. No; eome fanc:ifw· to han t>een anticiPated. It ,.. evi· would be d.' nope that eucb artiftce tom~ at 2,600 (athpm.. F rom there to w.,. I~ tho longitudinal •~tiort the Tile Bro,wa-Morril fa~ 1;'\• place

. Ol'erome~ - · appellation oC an originAl bom•thruatmg dent that the" Govonu'Deat, iD order to might auccl'ed to • omo exteol. in blul'l" lloogttude l~ 20""\be depdt jtndual!y p~ tunn~l pret~enc. .a •liah' Call of to.du 00 thll Kennebeeaaelt. ~ ~ daya ol novel. No, again. Some Tre.tiae rival· be effective for ita chief object~, mun ob- iag o•er tbe memonal• of wu:kf'doea leeaeoed, &be botwan 10f~ and fa•orab~o 1 ir. Hl.O froiD tbo ~:ooite ~warda eitber • Loirootr, :M.-1&. ie reported tb4 Di•· 1 ilt ..... aDd li~g J o!'" Little on the Coaa!.itution . Of t&in additiooaht.rength iD thoAalembln and eliame. But while the plain eYi·l r?" ~.cable rou~. Wbeo lo &bo pott · e~l}emity ·.and t_he nrti~l dl'plla of lite raeli. ')D the oecuion of ~he apprw.:h··

'\ ood8 .AlmAIII.c::- j?DT itllrtl. (Tho boOlr:, &nd OpUUon ptrolfy f&TOrecf an appeal deoee of their d;ede i• freeh jo tb• pu~ tlOD Jt&lt men~Ded &1\e water WU found ~ po10t.of lb O.oor II ~6 feot from iog roral Yitifto-lrelaod.wiJI reo-IDiiad Ill I aeon found on Jleruul, needed a l it- to the ... hole oounby u tbe mOlt ~d. lie miod the., deaial•" of coo•lc:ted of to •boal npull7 • 1~ fathom• oo '\'rluity high wa~r mark,· aod 200 (oet aenllf'alamnetW to political pri.Ooe... tle poring) 1'~ up tho '" Cniolftiea (~ snode of aoaompliahina tfda ed. feodera ~.oo~bo llJ~ed·'-~•oot.'ror roc:~•· ~ Immtdiat.e!JIAtide thi4 .it w~ beleatb the' aea boUOf! itulf. From Then..., annouocee Diarael\'• tfait of ''Li!'rature,: _'Jf.h ~~~- " Pitt· IIi· in:r OUI~net'&l dimicta moat ~ more tban tlaeir troe worth, ~cept ~Jtb f,ut.d to •pe elllet~JI.r, · ~act. iOQ. !JaU, tb )&0.~ lnela of the exiatiog re~lwata, t.o Jnl.Mid J)Mt9<1Ded 00 ac:oOwtt .t a t&rcb, I J\?1. the uy to the fsl.ii fadjea' arily be~ for the e1eetoiD tH wortbloiir,.ocUl»e •ntl~pctloae of 1ome were oblaloed 111ty m1lea t~oarer kh app~cfi make .tolfJ' .deeceDte ot _.,.~tack:qf·b~ocbitil. animated ~ It wu tJte "E:f. ol the Government. otli~ that the terdid to be proooDoeed "upouench Np Zealaod. ltoth cooti~rd the ro- o•er ·four ltlilet oacl:, •rth trradient.: 1:. :IG.~""'Bron.,.... JrDr-caiarfuow or BP•CU'I'dl"' tnDiWed b' ~l'Oiuirw lnooinplete"lD&y be !Uechp. data ean ..... little of 'aat.lef~ion in malodn olt ... pu,a« ... Wltb a Yory or'! io SO ~oto' the tullnehod,, Ofer two rit br I " boa&'• ~~; tf. 87 tlle ~oo. ~tal~~~ With lreoce to a oonaicf.-able oxteDt. a ref'~ them for tbe per;i&raton o"PuLI,ie l(l'ldp.,l aaeeo& to Cape ,Fare"ell. mifa. beiogiUnc\tr the aea, ~be total of mfoli . Gteat eioi~'-~t.. ~of i.bole ~rea, to enoetothe 00111ti~wu ~; .mo1• , •. .Aft« .. hort eta1•'"Wolliugton tlte t~wbole amou ot of tullDIJhog be1og 80 •Lo!fdo~ 28.-'l'be Prioeci of Wal01 tirow li/AI·.•,.i w.l•44,·u I adv• you ThJo came tA& aDCii;D'l7 al oeriaiD cU. There ie tbia •tiafaetioa, howntr, 1 CAal'-f'r pi'O<ltlldfd to• Aucklaod, and m 01 Tbe ;wb~ i,e appro•ed by Sir· ~pa ~d Ka.-.Mip of 1U1Qo1. in my laD JDemo., bad beeo th taak triet. which ..,... a6Cor!GQUy ......... atiouc 1he JD&tter, tha& from the eppo- fro~ \here toward J&.[».!J.-H.Jffu J o Hawbbaw aod Mr. Brtloloe !a ITbeemtecoe oh CIOfdlal aad 1y18pa· with~ tldlwrit.~~Jdm. lelltod, froal U.Wt.battbelr-ben, .U. polo& ef ,iew the iDdlc:ation• of ~~. • .. Englaod, and u-.ra. Durioela,}Je~ thetfo letter from 'beQaatto Don Car·

laillMho~k"ctided " Tn 1na oppoei.,_ to the Oo••u_.t, ,... pabtio re.riDI are eseeedtaaly wbot... o~ ~od, I..fallee 10 Ftaooe.~Jflltdf Joe, whleb hal Ia~ beeD deoid at ... _.._. __ • I plrnaetl it. · (t!Je' f~ ba ...... r- to.,_._. r:A tbeir 10111e. We do not auppoae tha' tbe peo- • M'l4ltlt1la •-.... ....... IJ,...,.. • · ~io aDCI eiaow....Hre, le aow ackoow-

Utree tiODMcUUft ~ta. .......... .....rtlJJ .,J ,. poe~ to be fDOODYeaieneecJ J. Jq«&D( maD bim~19arPer baa _. . - -- t:r • ~. m1 ..._..,. iaa.a wWofr aDd diet. otseo.rtbaD fa uHdfal oeaUJmarned. 1o. }o .. eo1:aot1, •1• ilhi~ID tra.I"·Yokoha .. auri· ::e ~~,_.lt;»o ar-

..,..., ...... _ Dl1i-.P!J~ dJt tlllfr fa,.; -'t ·~~~ .... , il ~· PfftfJ nrtaiJ1 tile Del ~OM BAf • .JMMr, Tiol8 Uae ~ tbt GJwf tfe\ICiutf'lt~ D, ri ., JWrdifr'IM '"' 81• JCIO Wdje -· ...... ...,.l aJ~e (al 0,... .... W~ "' biltory Of Wboee life ' ,irf, Oft ....... Yo eo.ple.tecl OOrteci tlieoiJt ill ...... ¥

• ... .,... ....... ., .-• .-~,......... for wetd 'toWI.r. uoe1 iD po~ 01 &I(N. ta Jd.4 · _...llftwtia AD otaeial joa-' ot s.r~ua ~ ~._.,.a.,,-.;, ..... dillr • ~ •• .....,..... ,..,......._ u......._aa....,.-.o~. BooM t¥1~ .. • »auu¥ahh'triall~lor''-



IMPORTANT To the Gw tleme" of lJarbor

Grace, (;arbouear, lltads Cunlent, /Jrigtt.~, Bay

llubf!r,s, ~c.



Eo~iate lVork.s Co.-(Linliied.) .

LATE C. H.· ~wATEROUS & Co. E!'tablishrd 18441.. ns

BnAXTrono ENGI~E \\'o .. u . I Incorpornted ISH. ns the

\V AT£nous E~o i~E W onss Co.

: . · ··c Tr'ust -wliat Tiui& bU ~ ~ - -- -iuT~l(~e;.-·-- -.. :. . . . sancUolled r' . 1 ~:-· ..!-- , Q If E 11 I¥. 1

~.,, ••• 8 ~~ Oompqy· ;· ANODYIE~··LINIIENT.

- ! •• •

l~ted, <nul utabtill•t(l, tsto 1 b.,y UR. A. J tn~sol(, o11e,o(. •. . . . tilt grea'tUP' PAv•iciaial . •

ot his t;me.' \An. Internal ~. 11tllaa ar. uttrnal rem~dr.

DoD't Corvea c: a.. h• !»1'1." of es«l ltne\ ere, 1. The unl•~r•alil,)' with whirl lt,m•r be uaro. 2. Itt Krtar 'lalua aa • •p•ctl!e r. r dt•u•ro wumrl - tali htrrin. 3. h i· C•'m;~ra•d nf llld ond wrll-kne~wn rem•· Jiu ~wntillre llr combin•d. 4 Ill !'Dtdld· nal -qua liti,. are •ulltflathely K,.aur sha n rbn•• of any othtr known R•nval rtmtdf. 6 1: i• rlun aud fUttohlr ' " ~ rakt n lnt" •h• ••omacll. and jliYta l,.cn.diata ra!it f 1 •tnor~erncin. 6. h makaa fa\t frieod· of t hoor .. bo u~ il once. '

io~nson·~ ~uobune ~nim:nL d lo t ht uhJ.fubiut.~d liquid opoJaJdoc, an wao ou c, llru fur m•ny ynu,

F or •II lJttfUd uf lbl 1'hroat, Lunj[l anJ U ra-l, au.h u bud, llrJ Couacb, Wbvop­tog C..urh, Cold•, l ntlucuao, Calarrl .. Uron· d ulll, t\olllttla, COtttttltJtt :)ora 'l'nroll, 1:'11tr id ;,urc Tbroot and .J II't6crta, J olln liOU'll Au odyu e LJnhnciU l•l u .. quc•ttour,lll) th• b~•t re111~uy 1nat no be vord . Out­''"' d lr it Ia uocd lor :ivraint1 lhu ioeo, Cuta, ~wnll~n ur Sui!' J .. inu, Contn~1•d C·••o!• ~~~ .\l uoclro,l,;htlbla in• , Cnappcd Hanu : " J,ll" • the U11~ u ( ~uoquiooe• enJ a tll:'ut•nn· ouo l n•ccu . with ,o•crr-fathnt ouce~o. r, • bik- fur Se.olJa aod JJurna It c.rlainly ha• "" rqttal in tr iDOYilllt tht pjlin. l ' llJIICI, nt uov i• lrn l) in lb•ir pract.c• and rccutnmrnd it to oth•r•, and It io ackoow lcdjC~J lly a ll whn know it• mr rlta to ~ dt~ldfdly tbt br•l gencra l temedy th at can ht 111uoducd nto \be family or the • orkobop.


c.rJ?:&L7~.0C>o:Ooo .. ·~ QUEEN"INSU1l.UfdB BUIDPu/G~

. llfN' .B~Ou.L, r • ~iliti.L...t .!. ... ...m "!~·~

. -- · rn point or Seelliity, it .. be liMed ~­(lal-'t'D 4 PeUdes are 11~.

l'bll follolriog O%~nct froaa Uio T,.u&. TU~Jl .\;JUIOJ..lj ll,I~Oil't {fw 'Jild\Ac 8lat DJcou:~bor, 187.0), will •bow 1t1 ~mjlle cbAraete~. • •

'l'bo t'C'.ND~ of the 0ompaD1 .tad 11.1 follon :-

Capicat P4id op .•••• •• . . . ...... ·• ~~~, ... Ftrr l uouuuca ~ra Po~ ad...... SIO,o , Llu A•<.t r&ld ACCIIJGIIUtWI Flill<l 1%11,11)­A IIIIllllf l'wtd .... .. • • •• •• •• •• •• 7,1~

.JleaQ.- 1'hu Auth~~·ed' Oaplt:U i• .£2 ,-000,000: and t ho dnb~Cribtd Capital .£1,71.lS,OOO. . -~e Branch:· NO~W'IT!-f:$1'A.ND1'~9- U.e ~~it:·

_ lito as a rwug uut of two Qwuqpon.. mnl Val unLioa..1 lind tho paycuNi~vUJ. cla ims a nd oxpt~o.e•, ~ a ruouilt ot t b• c_rc~i~ of, the L H 'l:: .ltOND it oyer ::s l X: l Y • .Ji l VE per ccot.. of tho ooLire ~rum!uma rcccivud ou ovorf Policy uow t .1 O:l. t• IOD~. ~ •• Buuuu •· -Yirat QulcqiUtlolum CI1,3&S

Lh ttu B<coucl <IIIIo .ll,+U ,+ti•

Careful Sl\lect loo· o f Uves," -d coauequ eo Ual, 1Dr1e Bou~Pao

To be held thia year in To.RO :\TO , ScpL 22 to !!i, we iot~nJ to oxbtbit 1 Ill hu br eo t he ciUtom o£ our..prcdc~uorz for the w_ilh nttcut ion t he fullDwio" certilicatca lut too ycAro, our celebrat rd


ut t uu .. u who lut·u bocu b.:uc:liu.cu by

HllOY DOYOY .LV, OtmMtd .d9e1U /l>r N~fo~~~tdla11i,

Su b . .J.gent• :

Pate nt Portab.·Je Sa.., •01, u . i tg YY J.'I J.>l.111sou's AnodynE' Liniment.


R. 0 . SHEE I.I.L'{ & C o. St . .l'iarte.

l o operation OD the r ' u.i r Ground, Alao in op.c r:.lion driving Cl hibition mnc:hincrv...lour lnlc&l iolpruHd


W ith ou r mo'lenblo CAIO ntud cntc:h in!: )J i-Ato r. A lao in operl t ion, tho 11 O'Ell" u f ·~ ITont·pOWt'l'.

Our no• Pnrtnblc Eu.:inl', £or P r int in~ hou •u nr ~tny uJe, · fr.,ut 2 up to 10 hol"tt~powor, only occu pies 3 feet 4 inc boa ~ 4. fte l 5 iocbea. G liurel~po"·cr ouly wcillb• 2,~00 lt.••· A L10 in opornt iou,

Malcolm's · Patent Doub1e-~look Sningle Mill. Also in operation, the Cltmnx Fml:!ry Wheel Saw G urumn

Trimmer's Paten t Grain Scourcr nod ::imut )lill comb in.:d.


Grain Cr:lckcr.

' Crllmp o u d Poln In &he Stoma c h .A~non;u, N .H ., Aug. !!, l SUl!.

l)a . J uus~o:~ Str: Huioc rrceittd g.reat reltrf by tbo ual ot you~ Anod) no Ltnt-nl, fur a diatren ing complain•, 1 fat I in .: uty llllund7tur your beut8 t and the couoa o! tumonil ~ , tu &i•• my \utimon) in ita r ••. ,r . ll· •ing bern troublrd It intt n ala with a • •ry turra and di• llfning colic ar.d era Clip, h ) tho uu of your Llnlmeo1 inttrnol· ly '1. a at a:w •J• , b:e to pruent a 1hru tened au; c•, and thu• ean myoalf froCD pa in• • I\ cb no one can in11gine •xeept tl ose • to bali! aufftrec! in ti lr.r monoer.

MAllOAllt::T BOW :UAN.

F1re d3 LUe Assur an c e Oo m-p any


E s t ::~. b 1 i s h e d 1 8 1 8. StrBSC&tB_ED c \PIT.L L ... .£2,000,QOQ St, ToT.Lr. b"TESTED Ftllo"DS .

tiPW.utDS OP . ..... .. .. . 2,700,000 " BANOOB, Frbroary, 1872. A ll'll'l1J. L l)(COll£, trr·

ola. JoU.'ISO!II. lJear Sir : Wt ba'fl uttd W.LllDS or. . .. . ...... . ... !50,000 " Bau.ow.u 'a Pu,u .LSD 0L"'T:IB.'~--For

tho cure of JebilitT. b1llousneae, \i..-er and a~.eboomplllmt.a t hU. inappn.'CialJlo: mc-h · ~illil ia ao well known in u"e ry paM. o! the The world, a.nd thu curea perfonncd by ita us.: o.ru ao 'll'ondcrfulll~~ot it now al4nds pro-! eminent aboYo aU other romed.iea, '"""'

Great Want Supplied !

a t last Rotary Pumps, S&ws, Sntv Gummers, Saw Swages, Sawmill Furnishings. '

, ,. •nd 11 Ia almuat thr vnl) nt"'<I ICtne •• 1 Tho "G U ARIJ\'3....'i " poing a lint• 1 y*r Auvll) n• L in•mrnt •n our fam tl.f for - I

d u~r; anti • e uo~ t blt for almoat nery 1 clua Euglit b ! uau raoce Company, oft'e r1 Wo a h all be pleaaed to ace nil thb cu•tomera anli friend" of tho ; a to fi rm of C. IT . 'V J.T£ao u s &. Co., nrfd tru•t to mtet mtu J th\rg. 'J'n.. wintt• , mr ltlll• aon, ·- ~ a ll t bo.w adn nt lj(oe meet d ettrablo to in ·

particularly !or t ho CUI'\: of lullioo.und hv- 1 0 B BLnOKWOnn or COO\plamta, 1h.AOn!~no of th,, awmsch, H ~ 6ropay, anJ d t!hthb.ted OOMiltnt iont . In • .

1 • ~ _ • .

ot hef' in .. ·an t of Ma(·hiucr.r in llUr lioo. P111ti~·• in want of ma•·hioc n · woul.l do well to Wl\it llltt! 'fi•it thu E i bibition ho'!.t t aix !u" uln had a aner~ atto~k.- o! eurc re, viz.: uoduupted at&bilit y, favou r· befo re p u rchnoios. Lnr~:!", h11md.olllely bound p:unpblct.!, of Ofor l oO tJili!Co, aont free to Jrftrfiu~ in w"ttM of Mac:bioerJ . D'?HTUt.Jll.\ , and •• .cur .. d btm by g~•mg 1 able term~ a u:l prvw pl aetllomenta o [

A ddre'l, 'rRE W .A.T EROUS ENOINE W OR K 'S Co., hi n:lle<rd bit breathing, and 11r.~en tPd c at,ma or 08


• . - . hi 11 ) OUr AnnO)ne L tntmeul. h qutelljl. l ' - r I

tbeao Jia,•ue• tho beneficial c!ft r t ur t h .. : EXT F.:\ 0 :. :l free IUld oordiAI tnTttatton to P ILLS U. w pcntlliJlent t!1a t th• whole 1 all an•l 1unJry, to ~~uuc and ac.: thu a~tal\a nql:tnlell, ~· OJ"garut of digw·l l:tc:ll work guilli OU Ill Jlarbor G~. ::n~~hcnD<I , aml a free .. Otltillltion I Shop open To--day. Saturday. Sr pt . 12. l y .; oct. 11.

..,, ~ Brnut ford, Ontario, · , :J:~nu • hr n nothing eta .. did. We thbk 'I ho uodor"I(O~ hano~: bo~n appo10t• O.r W. H . OLIVE, St . J ohn, N .B. itt' the oUT l&I D!Cl:C t: for t hia. fearful and ed Agt'nl (or ~ ... uouodhm d 11 pruvtlr ed

fat a l diuau, and for all Cougba and Cold•. to it•uo P oticids ttJ:&inat lou by Fire . . .. 1 i an uu d the Anodynr l.inimtnl u 111 eJ<· J A.M ES S . W lNTE~.

- -- 19th instant, wnalapplication forllh•~m11io Swcll!ng In S t.. J obo' r,

: my I.:mbo, with u tontohtng and gn ttl) tng JOSEPll GODD~N.

Thtre \$ nn dia•'Mt' m:>tt ., h~ir to muro when tho pl.,uttro Md profit o! tlloddling t roubltaorno t.t • manage th:m r~~um:atiam. = J ro-modoHmg tho lul~i·neglcctod U l\tr I t comua ..-ban you lc:~.tt Olt i><'Ct 1\ , and !(on- :md llcl\l'\l 'o( \.he worthy inh..Lttanta n! the .trally ~w.1oiru t~ll tl gct.a r~:vJy t<> gv "'"">"· I aOO\'Il pia~ w1ll bu cummenc:..d and urricd Tho moal conap!c.uo~~ :om~.Jy fur .t lua co!n- on wtlh untirm:: n sor . pl:unL 1.1 JO I:i!S SO~ :s A~0DY :S E Ll:S I· F rom t hu d:.~ forth, B:u r Cut ting, }IE~T. I :Sha\·mq, ~b:unpo.>lll!(, &c. , &c. , wtU be




OA.~:O. ~

MRS. H A:-.'RAIIAN can accommo­date two or lhroo




rf)ulu . lwioll !v~ry bc.d)· knew .th• wort~ nf S ub-A •ant l:iarbor Grace. the A11odJDt Ltnt.nent •• a lat11il~· m•dletoe g '

J HlHAll UDLIN. Yebrnary 7 ---------------------------P ut in two or tbrft d,r.'P' o r A~ODYl'O!

Ll~ ll(f.!IT ; oiGP lhr ar with und••"•" wool, b'\ h· 1he f•et in warm waa r on Jto>ing to bed and k•~l'l th• bud 11arm at night.


FOlL cuecut~d til l:uat atylea and wtth all duo Two 01' l.hreo d<>"C.! o! SHER ID.\ :S'S "''"'nuon }0 ne&\neu and cltMlmcu.

CA. V .\LB.Y CU:SDI riO~ P OWDE R.'> ,..,n l Hopmg', ulliaunt patr.m:>go ..,u bu lli"en curo r\ horae o! "'"Y cotnmon cough or cold, ' I to ru,.-uJ tlto at.ep \.3.ken, :o.nJ a<.-curo ruy and the .-cry wur~t caa.u ull\)' bo ct.U"cd Ul prmunoll\ atay '"'.'ongat you,

New & Fashionable

Fall Goods. Pej1ll8Jl ~nt Boar ders· D ESIROUS of lhankiri~ fh t> M er­rltanl• nod Shi ~J-C. )wnl' l'll o f ll •~rbor

R CSIDESCF.- No. :Ol!o W t-t•·r !'h·•·N, Gr.tre ""rl • !tinily for thl' libfol"'' l lll• l· \V,•.st of th ' re.sid .. :.Nl of'f_ ll. Wt>~t:\, ru n,:.:!' hil ho•rto l"f't'tlved, b"l!" to inti·

FXREdoL~~ Cll-'PP £ 0 II A.J.~DS.

·a few • eeka. We know this from cxpcri- 1 1 n:matu, enoo. l Ybnr oho<lient &CM""'nt.


JILLAB.D BROTHERS r:..q. I 111111 <' tb,l Ito• lttt • t n l. l'tt Jhl' h0U00 )&t ely

Rub them w•ll a t btd l im• wilb AlfODT!C K Ltsu&~ and • ear leather or lttcJ I( IOYeo duttng the 11ighL J:'ur c.btpptd lipa opply i 1 witt. Ute 6oaeu,

C.i.I'tT~r..-1' \VO 'MiLLIONS' ~~- ;

.U:ruu RnDU..: I'IIOll Fru

Nt w A dtur tiw nents.

Jro,(avtations. -- ....... -~-------- -By A UTHORITY n! a P roc:ept !rom R ia

Worship T . R. Bu:c&n, Elf\., DlSt.rict ·J udge o! tho Harbor G.raco Di.ltncl, dated 18th Sept ., 1874,

· . ·I hereby give N that a Generwl Qu&JUr Pesce. for tho~ aaid Ihotrcl, wUI ...._~.,....,., 'ir.Oqom HouM ~ Harbor ~10:0\DA V, l hs fifth dAy of a t &loveo o'clock in the fo~nooo, Curoberw, K 1!11ptrt o£ llcr and Conat4blca witlrin the

~v :penoDI th•,• &twtM

'• DAN n~;L 13. IJLACKWOOD. Sep~- 10. ltn.

JU'ST P UBL l.SII ED, 87 IOU•" LOVELL, :ftonl.renl,

.o\ NBW WOJlK,

J:lo~ITUD :

H A Y E groat pleuure in annouoeio fl' t u 'beir,n umeroue e uatomon that

tbor ha ve j uat reeeited t.beir A ut u CDn and 1-'llll I Ill po rtatiool - o{ Staple a nd lo'aoc:r

llurLor Onel', !!(Hh J ;;h·, 1.,7 1. I fl<'<"IIJ h•d lw •I• ,Jnhn Vu rru•, (opposite th•· ;\l ~· rr.tn t i l.' 1-:. l ubli•hmeot o f Mea11MI Juh n Munn & Co.,) whr rc ho ie st ill prepa red to uee uto all ordton1 in t btt 11bo• o bu~inrae , nt t lta ~horlc1t n otice, ~tn t! in 1\ m11nnrr cBleulJtcd to afford en ­

Route of the Labrador Mail Stea.me1f1874.

ti re ' " ' i•fnet inu : ----:--- I Mny 30. IJ .

J obuson'a Anotly ne LinimE:n t 1~ .both l11r iLlt rllal and fJ<III nal lltl, and iJ rq uall)' g<.ud for mao or be<att. · ------

THE G.&E&.T ANTI- DJLI 01Jif B £ .11ED 11'.

(T.\6' N orthern Coa#tJl Sieam~r will ,, The Hebrews at Home j or A fi l"'t.rato atoek o r HOl:Sf}F.ijR~ · COIIrtec/ witll t ltu &nie~~ al Baltl6 •IiOR IIJE BLOOD JSTHE L JF.K.' Parsons' Purgative Pills

an Historical Sketch of JS HI N G GOOD~. Jlarbor.) -SuDrulcronotny,ChlploHt t . . . .... t3 .

Dry Good.s.

h L fi ...- r. Table Lioeua, T owl'll and T owl'lliD" , Ar• not {ll1t•moa\ otheu } cumpo •• ..r or anti·

t e • e, .m.anners: ~US· Da muka. Holla nds, Carpe tint;,.. W hO) , qu tntnr l mercury and C•lom4l, bu: of

to,.,.. .. a.nd Oeremom'es of L AB itADOR STEA MER to le:H'O c L A R K E ' s cathOIIICI Uttd and approf rd by allmrdiu l UMT Drugget. Floor O il Cloth•, &c. - "fb d t · b l:h . J .Jbn'e, l·atl at. llArl>or G ml'O practtltonon . • )' o '"' r rqutro I r pa-

the Anc1ent Hebrews," A Fine A.uortmint of Dres1 -~:o direct. to u .. u le Harbor , Ami prua \\'OiliD F tMrU BlOOD 'f XTUH p ti.nt 0

••"'• I rom Ill< 10

a doa. n.·•• do "'0


Br T U E floY T H O MAS T AL ift:rr . Goods. C04:d t u Capo Char lee, C himooy 11tckh•, IJ a D L II I .r;, ~~=~·~~~~:aft',':~. o.ru:~::~~:.~~::

Splend id ...Ort~af'Ot of F an.:J Gooda .HuniPy Ot Chllllt!IIU,• ( two l&st pb tl.. uu. au caau) to cvu U) apepoi .. Xenoo• aod AUla!\ warot, alt<·rualely l , H .. d l.lay , Lttoce-ou-Lou p,_ Trnde Murk- " B lood Mlxta re.•• Uctu lttf , lJobtlity, Uoo\lache, Oppreu lon

Fl J! b .l''ott~llU , Ull!o DI', ~ablon ; a uc1 return, a.:o- allrr rat ing , Ptlu, U t artburn, F uned t o Hats, owers, eat ers, iug Nnrth, C'alling At t'or tm u , L ;locc- Tonaua, U ttllntton of t~• Stomach and

N llw Frillin~. Lacta, Rlack and au Loup, Rea p ay, C bnm au o r Hffi· Th~ Grea.~ Blood Purifier Uowcl• , U tu io ... , S ick Headach,r, Lou of Coloured T orriee, TurcjUtliiiC, ley Chi wnoy Ticklo. l.-'ltpo C hAr iC21, .!lAc.- d R Al•petitr, .l'ain ID the Uaclt or s ,d,, l nft • at·

B lack and Culourt>d R tbbon11," till Harbor, Spi~Ur l:Jnr bor, ~·rAnci• llar. an estorer, mat ion ofthe Kidu y, &o. l{ich Black Silk,, BlAck and b9r Bt~:h t, .UeAd !.loud. Ycoi110o I~laud, For cl••n• lng 11od cl1a rtog the blood rrcm i arStlllS' ' urgalibe lHtls

Colou red V elYeteena- nc" tbaJoa, Punch lluwl, n.a~;aur, l ud iAn l'ic:kh.· , a ll impurtLi••· eonno II• !nu bi,bl) rrcom- I I tabl J I I Black Silk . VciYot.a, Plain Coluured ( · mrndcll· ·- l lt. r• •

11'"• who ~•->IDt, • •&r •ao oa ura

Silka- uew ahadea & apleodlt! Yic\tl'e, tlouth·cA•l (.;.,.,.,, &nd b~u ~o dtr~>ct to F or ::lcrofa la, ~con)', Sk in Ul"""· ani! ro. dtcto,., and moy !>• ""'.•~ upun a! being ! odian rlarbQr Aud ._~t!nqo~:k'• hl~tud. Sor~r of all lu nda it i• 1 nuar-fa illog aud th• D<ltt antt· btltoou mtd tclll• tn u ••teuce,

Collars, Cuifs, Bows. ' lt li:TUnlff:co ~ourn-Cailing ll t A dnA· .. manent cura. l h• COmp..nool• or •.hell WOOI.I~tt.u~ pill• a.r• olo ,~ L b Tick , &"•t'd lelaud ...

7'CAnot. Barri~ .. n . ~,, cu•u old g0 1ea.' nu• latDnioblng cnrybod) by ll ' " lli rthtf

Bolt a, B ucklM, ;:,aMJ Rtb 0111, " "' '"'- , in loUndrtda a t.d thouaatJda uf cu~• that G ilt Needle Cue•, Veils Ootaamcr~, Holton, l::w il1 Ha• bof\•1ndian l:larbur, ~ur•• Ulcorll td ~oru oo tbe Neck, ba .. ~enrrollf ~en auppoaad to be lncura-

Author of "Ancient P biloau pbJ ; &e . &c. ~Price $1, to bo aoppli~ nnly

Subecn berw.

l'lllilll li¥8 .. . ...... ... . ..... £~000 A...v:s li .1. L lLK v ,.::<~ UJI.l' ao.ll LarK ·

l'at:ll:lD.ltll .. .... ... ........ . £ 110,000 .iUIMD.LL lUtl' lt.'CUC PBO.Y llrt&lt•

·fST UPO:S UC\'UTIW ..I!'UNl>l , li'UilLlr ..... .. . J ......... . . ~,000

H EAD Ob'FlOES. • Lorooorc-1 M?orgate Street

ABBRDE&M-3 King Street.

lnsumn cea oft'octM on Propert1 io ~ o1f fouud ltlnd llt C nrrout & tea of P Nt:.i· um.

Pros poctusea-P.mi11 of A pplication for F iN ant\ L ifJ IOJumn .:o an d all o th or I nC.mDAtion ~n blo obtaiuod . a t the Office of •

A.. 0 . RATWU D, • St. Solui'a

A.~:eat for wo .. fou ndlaod. Jnl1" 1 , 1870 •

PHCE.NI·X Fit~~~~p~v.

Lombard &rut '" Claari..g OroSI ' - .

LONDON • • Sillc Tiee, &c., &c.- \\' htte Hean,lli~toult>tte, i>Ac1ke Ua! ,bor, . c.;Curr• U811c~~·b"<ldl)ora !;t,!••

1 h F bl., ba•• b•ao used by one of our beat phJ·

I:SHA \VLS-all wool, c heap and fu Sion· • od lntlopeodeo\, t" o W~ p acca. outer- ,11"

1 • C• "~ ' • or '" ""I' ca

00 t • ace .riciana in hla pn c1lct for th• let\ dftyyca~

~• U b 11 .,_ •·~ • ·· u a te ly.: Cutel Scur• J !;or"• · with mark' d t UCC" ' · In tho apring of t he ' .............. · ., a ... o. m re aa, ...,. r..-.. . ..-oc:a- . G ,.dy . • I ~uraa Caottrc.uo U ~u·~ ,. .. , , l:'.u.aun ' l'U&OATIY& l'ILLS arc todi• . EST.t.BLIIhl~ I~ a 'I•~

S~-'"'-4r a"''d Fall Bailin· gs. •hirtt and Su ooy .t'lautMll, . Lon .. Ialand a tJd South Ead CoYo; a l- ~urn Olootl l h ll ~ktn u .. eaan. IH'nllble Ill ln• ia orat• aod a iu loa. r-:-- • ~ »' , Calieoet a oclllbirtiog.. " Cur" ' 01•• dolor ti•~lllnlft· l ha 1em n u kin TBUSTEES (f 'b!B,KO'l'O.BS : LEATHEHWARE-a~ tiopl'ec:.don~- urnat .. lf. Clr• r•t'h• OIO<Jc! frt~m all impure Manu. ay• ' 1 g , · 1• to• l:j~ . , l ndtt.u Tickle. From whaten r cauut • ru in .. ~ Parsoos' Parptlve P lll!l ~~~ J . !.utlbOI&, .lkt~ JA. , Woular , .Keq.

U;o,n Col(J'IUCT wrru T UE Cor.o:uu , . ... -. Ba d D . 1•• ..1 ,_ , 1 " L - r h b .u.l'., t'.~..J. , ""'" ' n ... ~•r;K· .. G

"' Co MBN'~ C l'HING.-To U,it d&- tteau lr liD ommo, a ... ma ... y. A a t b .. 1Dis~urt 11 p .... aol to h •• taJif he bod' it imhuoo with new It a, u lt t ad Ovl:ll:CUNT roa Tnl NVET.IoJ'ICI na_._...·n"' .,

0 t' n-" •-

8 pa•-• a• l'llnbb Bowl and ~L luanda, a lt.er• an•l warra11tt lllrr• ' rom aoy1hina injoricua t l•ttlJ I Ibt h••r and hra rt • Ill b• ani,.. Ofelllll' lt.tn ell, &ll "·H· 41:'"'~.-, e . ,.

1 o r Tn£ MAtLI. ,~nwa - n- the , ...... - .. n•t.el!. , tp 1ha m~>o\ dfl lcata oono\Ulltlon of r itbtr ~'u od oli1DI \b•otd lo d itcbara• tbtlr l'r••••• Jlotllvll, 6 "'tJ<,I), -'1 .alA4•D•o !So ' -·

____ ,___ --------:,.~ __ -- tf'tltioe, and gO.rau e JH&Wit Comlor• B 't•bt and Bolator'• Rock, al· ttl<, tbl l'ruprlttor aoheito • •«• rcn to l i" r ; lonl an4 tba bowt la n golatad. TbtJ tioo . J.•w•• lSJ.,Oll, ..IJqj•' ~ ~ . .,;, .rs. L«lr;t I Due al S t I """"'.., St . •tiafaetioo • ,, • " it • tuallo ·~·t Ita .. lur. uD IIOt ~tkt t he •••II •~•lr.ar, bat l i•• Jonu \;euttoJ , oo.(. ' ' .1. ou~~u, t:•oc·

L ir;erntllll. . JoJ,n' . J~ .... / Of' GENT'S FUMISHIN D :SPART · · temstelr.• •• ~ I Tbuusand• " ' rttli)IIOplal• from all part.a: do ll 'lt aod YiJOf to tbl d l ... tl .. orra.oo. v. g, ~pa. I:S•q • ' · n. f'Ja lA, ~Sao ,., ' ' • L•~l. MBNT.- Tb.. t ll teplete Vt-oiaon hl•nd . . Sord I~ B?:IJeall each, anellll Caw, con· ,uen ~ I ll t~~lto -tl p6y•io lake Joilu O. Ua r.s,·o oq. ' j, !L ·~Ib4rf, ISaq,

J lliUI ·' l Sth. , J une 34

th, June ~ 18

th· 'lritb t he laW' lD l T 11b Harbor and ·8aui Harbor a lU,r- latntniC an. ltt!lro tbr ,q.unt tfr1 4 dollu• t acit :A 4

0 , ,\ , 1'•11•, ~"''• • A. ll ldlltlf E·~· •~ SOI.b. IJ6ly .. L :s-• 2nd. "C!,......ri, Ta'es, Coli . "'ra$.~o~!..., n•tely. • ; -ontliaieet tn afl'•ct a P"rmJ~oeo • core '" the p . ~· P XX ,X.. ·:ii. r~oorgo w. LordU, Jo~ •• S.a-'-; 1

Jo.lf •• th. .. ...... w.1 • .,_Ui r D \Jell • Dead leland.-· ' " '' nlljn'tltV " ' \be lonc-(laadilljf .... . . . J b . \l --t . ""ilc~ .. , t8th. J.w. ~· :! · =·· 'Giclfoi;Wllite Cotohred Sbirtt, , '1.<1ahlolf Ship •ffarbot and . Franeia ti'f ALL 0 111p l1S l8 '"" ..I'Ari:SN'f ME · B u ooa, Me., M•J, 1870. hu "'~ tti.'~.A IN~#-~ ""'""1'

~~~~. r~Hh. tr' ~ uu.· ~Ca~ ~· "Barborf8 igbtaitml• tel)'. l , 1 , ' UlCI.M~ ·VKNUOUS -- '1'b• 1'1i•~Jtaii41Jil"~,..S ·~IJ .... ' :~.S.M. ~ ~ slll:J OUI':·.~~·~~· ~,ttXtK ) A.}tata Liu&e Harbor. , .... ~. I • .'1 "II •W .... 4t~QUjlhO~ ;b,r/w~~~~, JtK I ' . ' SJ1El11ID.A.ll'3 . 1IIUl!tucd ~ "tt'"\, ..... ~~ , .

Slh.l ,,. ~ ¥. Ill!>- • ~'"" • ' .. _ ••• .,_ .. -.;'"'"" ..,.. , : ' '""'• : ' · • 1 · """'"' v M il • PB(B/fl~ . . n:FJrlP~ ~Jz-~~ ~~.~~ im: ~ :! !4!~~ '-:T~ oan:d!'D,'£W.P.D8-p~ atel1.':1~'' • · , ·;t .. u.;J, r. . liP~ru&;"~~t,~~L~coLH, tlYURY tOIMltlQ,, IUR ~ ""' ~ " -..,_ " ,, . . , Jl&l~a:..:. :...!.. .1 B 1 .. " Bll"'• HarbOr ; aud·~,._,...t· -~·•' . , • . . "' JL r...ut BM•'Ptutd m..., a,- pdlad wtllllilow, ~'-.,...., .N

-3nl.· - - - · .. • .... : ·'Bl&DJUiA IUIK nmt. '8tr.Jtl u •b.itore. lleuwn · to . Bai tlt? t ~'-' ~-'- t s .l"f"' A"0 M"MI, .......... • - ? . lll ........ bll.t.••.lllut .;.. ... a. ov. . ~·OY. -n~ ,...o'f. ..-. ......- B L'O. .. .,. -"h •.cu..a .. I • r J "...,,.~ P J ' : • l'"' "P wltbou' .a '-""""~ ae cS lll•rao• •M&Lr ~r:.~ la ....... c. !'~ tr~

1., .. "'I IIUL u lotf\11 t ~ " , - , • aruvr •n .. ~ "'on u 1pee1-, N • · · • • .. • •• • .._ u. .... a..

L.a.t.. Dee. , •ttL Dee. -a-4~ JJ:ct., ._.-.-,. ~-~ •90ld '"'miai frcm•ManDOCa•• Ialaad. • "' .. Y • H. L _. SPBNOBR, ll\l '" bt CuU7 oova&.& \b .. ,,.all\a 6l aot, &M __. • n "P-.,. p•l>t ~ ' .... 11 lfih1 ..U.alte a&fhdoa ttf 811 "'teadia1 par- Affir Aug!M DOC rtqafnod to go !J , ~ ' ,&. Jofm, N. 8. !~~::•t\a::.:~•;a.:: .::.- 0-f:: alii- iU!ttll , · : .. a.:BA. , ........_ ...... ~,. oJ ai¥j"l North~lEiUlyor~lj.A, 4Mi• ftbould- ~" · M'V'BBYBR\)W_N6Co, ucll.-ralau4a.ru ao- la:1Tan4• f'"leaat

~~- .,.-, u oat ~ le ....,..d &o in September tripe e.llat •U lbtbote1 Batifu, l!l. 8. eat req11MWJf ,to' • peapblaldaaGpWq Ute " D~ .... ~ · • bii..., Batt~U&alfdHu)eyBarbo.-, Joee· e . '"lf. ~a.. .. .-.... ~~~~oua•e~~M• ,-'..._-

___ ____ ___;.__ • I. -~ Jtlol·A.M JlliQTJIQ& for )II!.~ }'ie~D.... . • . . • . [iF l'of' 8tUe ._.the Dfti ... i*il-..1 1 ' .. i · • ~~ •:&~: r ~.:JUII' • .fORIS . '~ 'llr. w: tl.' No.r..i•· ,

~~p~-=-~~ PHflli1Jt:.-t1. 8aHIIJP . ,, · ·. . .,1<?!S~~r. 'ted'With'Nli'AT~E~aod l. '3, JOUH-'0• a: Go.,

JILT ~BD« S:!!L~ . ... ,. . l ~--~o-~!;:;". ~ -. ~AUai.~ t'floe:' !hi'. .. ·', M:& , AU.lQ IW,, ..,.,...lCIIMJf kf.,o~ ~ .: • .,: • ....... . · o.Mf t

•u·,, ··· ~ t\·~~._ .. fJ 1~ '~'$-·ff "'! ~·,.• •t.J • : ~ •t .. ~· .:- .. t •

, .




, __.__.._._la_a_ua_Ja_~~-: _. _.

The bel. who e• er uw a horae Be p.idn't want to b11y ;

..l.n apple quite toeS ~n to eat, A 8'111 he wouldn ~ uy ;

A dog ho didn't. tlJly kick, A oat he didn ., ~ uouo ;

A brother t.bat h.a didn't Uck, A sirl he didn't teuo ;

That didn't try hit mot.ber'aao11l, '-.. AI only boyhood can,

And rule llor heart- a hybrid thin;, 'H.a1I monkey aad Ia!' man !

A girl1tho doea not think heraclf 'l'be fairelt of ba.r kind i


y~A~E, J ST.4ANi?~~.{). THE HARBOR I ..

... ~n. ;,. • . 1 You hate ated '14J wile'alife, en.c1 ftGI t.o Mnalf. Would DOt ~ an he came into the 'toom would hate die-1 ~well Nlllt1D~ the ~~i

Bat awriap }w been likaaecl1o the Dick, ia a ·ti'&Diporl Of ptitude. admillioa ha,. ended foNYv tltoee de- paW t.im, bat aow hie old Joob had rteoior ttla• n "•"'--J cJi. ~ aocl beca~ a eckarttllip ia 1111ootb, Aa for label, abe waa too terrified to liabtful iat.ntewa P Wbo bli' Hajor all come back M if br magic, , and he mu ~ 10 \Hir q!Wtlla. r. HerD· at 1a no aure 11ga that a marriap will be. apeak, bat abe thanked her cl.li•erer teeter could aiog with ber" Ju,, bi- w .. appareo&lr lo the Wgh11t epl rita. cloor•fl iD1N~1JSl• f Ki..U. W aa.a Ja dno ame, t.berefore, abt iact.faa- eloqueotlr ~tit her ey .. , to which the Z.... r-wbo conld Jo.~llow, wi&la hia The a .IC'tor t.U. me. 11id h.; wiib the au &nag aD '6j willa a haac1ac1:-.; -bat gable little demoo "beloaaioa ' to die youor oflic:er readilr replied io the wae lympatlaeuo appl"'etatioo, \he wuder jtreltelt hilarit1, that 1 Jaaye \he heart aa J obn apd I at on "&be uraadab, houeebold o(tb.t Goddeea of D*urd, language. I odeed, he appredal.ed \he ancl beautiful paallgH in tbe "lloon- diteaae. • • amokiogo\ar"art•~aaO*\i,ar.Wiicame wbote particular-proyiooe 1~ ia &o look aituati011. H.o bad reac:aeJ fro'D clan· ligbt &aata P" o~ wbo elae help her to J.lbelabriek~, but be cootiaaed re- o'ft to Ill and a a keel, io her moat c:oaxfog af\er doiDMtic infeUcitiee. obeemnc the ger, if not From death, a heautifuly~wr aiideratand the grand yet aiinple muaic: lantl~~~elr : • • to&Je : • hal'Olooioua nyle of tbiop between tbe woman, and he bad dooe it bt hia braY· of Bach P And then be waa 10 gallant Major Letter tella me be }w hsd the Cou•ia John are you £Otpa to tab Oiarried pair, threw uae of her applea err and pllaatry. He waa Dothior 10 baodaome and 10 br&Ye. Ooald abe IIDie 1J1Dpt~m .. and be baa giTeD me a ID& to the ball at.- • between them, and they bad a few abort of a ·hero. eYir forget bow he ,aa• ed her In .&bat I'M'IedJ which he aaJa ia a cenain.. cure I moat. c.._ialy am ooi, 11id J'obn, words. At ftr.t it wu not,.,, aerioua I muat ta~e Mra. Boura home, aaid terrible m~~nt ot peril~ And could 'taking a yial from ble •eat pockel. . c:onlly, b \J ••rJ cbild .... o~ 19&1 . &o the apple or diacord being nothing mo~ Dick ; but tbia i, wbrre we liTe, baud· abe opt wafb llllpUnlCJ aceept the ad- Upon tbi., babel abrieked again think of going. • than ll little black and tao terrier, an in· in« bim a c.,.d. Call at my bollM. Come jiral lo9 of •11cb ~ hero! if he eommittecl ~rew berae lr upon bia neck, aDiJ beggoc! The ind.iP.Dt 'teara ahqna in Minnie'• •ignll!caol creature enouab. Tbe only tbie ennin~t. if you are Dot eopged. I bimeelf unly t.hrouglf b.ia erea P It waa him,J n tb · acner oe'ter to brown f Ye., &Dd a bright ao4 moat ' be-trouble waa th•t DieiC hated tho little in~ist upon it. ' too delieioua to re1iat. take a' d p 6t it. ' comang flueb mantled her rounded eboek: fell~ and laabel adl'f(ld bim. R ed it The ollleer rromited to do to, and But it could aot be expected t\a' Wba do you mean p aaid D ick. or Cou•io Joho, IOUIO time I liD afraid r notlletn for thia -:ireumltaneolio might tbe1 eeparated with a ebake of the hand tbinJl• wonld go on iD thi• wa1 fore•er, courae aball take it; wbue ia a to~,. will learnt~ hAte yoa r· abe exclaimed, baYe bated him cordilllly with nry flOOd that meant frieod1bip. and &lajor Leater at laat J"eac.bed that apooo • ao~rily. I don't 100 what u..k.- yoa reaJOo, for D icit wu 1rot ron~·. of d.>l[a, When Major Leltf'r 'be 11me eno- point in bia a.ffaira 'beyond which, if for- If you lo•e your wife, ~nr put a drop di•liko me, and do onrytbiag you cao aud tbia oo" waa aot freo from the di• · ing wa• 1hown into the ~nra'a parlor, bea.raoce 1taa atiU a rirtue. i' wu DO' to your lipe. · 1 c:oojuril you 1 bes of to torment 10e. 51Cret"Able uicka of all di~ble a charming room brilliantly carpeted lon~rer poNibll'. you not to do it. ' &lanoie burat into a puaion of child• pupa. Sue!. a• jumpio~r up into your and upboletered, abo~ing in ita many · It waa in tbe afternooa, aM Letter T hi' ie all nonaeoee, laabel. If you iah lean . fmro, putting bie dirtJ P'W' on to Your artietio appointmeota t ho den and faa· called, brio11iog with him aome new don't toll me the reaaor. wbr rou don't John"• 1toiciem wu not proof egaioat clean clothee,, barking at enrybodr, tidiou• band of tho proeidw~ goniu1 of mueir. It lfU diflit·u!t, a ad aa Iaabel wi•b me to taLa it , mott eertainlJ I ahalJ tbie appeal, and butllJ drawing her fonofer ~nder foot, aad alway a getting t h" ho&ae. and, yielding to the embrace could not eaa1ly render it, Le.t.er leaned take it arm tbroo~b hi•, be led her 10 a ebelter-loat· , of one of t ho moat eeduc:ti•e of chaira, over t he inet.rumenl to aNiet ber. Tho ..\nd be took a teaapooa from the eel. quiet walk, and for an boor 1 watch·

B<lt laabel did adore bim. Sba bad, be wu, a few mioutea after, cbatt io~ two remained in t bie poaition & moment, table. ed tbem-"in aucb earoeat eoo•ereatiou toO, the d~blo habit- u Jeat t i~ with t wo nry ag~abl., proplo, one or when abe turnW toward• him. · .Their I wilt tell you then, abo cried. I bo- t hat tbe time pa Ned uobeedeci. Whea wu diu greeable to 1Jidt- of talkiug to t hem an uncommonly altrat"t iTe woman, ~o;aze met, aor\ a look into wb1.ch h.• lie•o it ia poiaoo. thor joined me all the anger bad no­the Jitt.Jo quadruped j u•' aa t hough be bo beJlllD to think be lfat io luck whea poured bia wbolo aoul a bot f:'O~ h11 Poi1oo ! What do you mean~ Tube! p iabod trom Minnie'• •r•, and J'obo'a were aa noble in n.aeon, 111d in appre- ho oncoun•ereJ the runaway horae. oyce. There was no chance to m11tako Are you ioaaoe p pale fAce wa1 radiant wilb ht.ppin•u. beoel'oa a1 much hko a rod , aa Bil·hard T ho tbtf'O pauod & delightful ena• it. A deep bluah o~r~~pread her raoe, I dl'o't dare to tell you what I mean I koo", Diclr. he Nid, Jtailt, you SeYera bim•elf, which woe Tory annoy· io~ to!lethcr, and wbro their JrUeAt waa aod at the aame inataot ber bu•baod, bu~ t belien it is poi1 , 0. will be ploaaed to hear that Miaoie and it\t' t.1 tho young huaband, e1pociAIIY ~ont'. Dick and Iubt.l •oted hi n docid· wbo had ap,.roac:bed. uoob.eh.ed, en- A.o.i t he fell to weeping in a mo•t I hue agreed te diugreo all our liYoa . Wbra hie wife lfu too tlrf'd to talk to odiJ a srreeablo, lube! thought bo bad torod the room; He and .tetter e~- pit.ooue mannor. But tbe lit tle lady had di11ppeared hiUI, and I am compelled to 11y tbi• wae ma~m6eeot oy.-, and D ic:k thought be changed c~11ly greeting•, aof arter a ht· Why thould yob •uppa10 that :'l[aj or be foro bor ~~ecrot Wilt told. frequent11 l.bo cue. Not that Mrs. lfa• uncommonly cloter. til' C'Onotra1ned conyoraatioo tbo latter Le.t.er wiahe1 to poieoo me ? T h:.t ia J obo and I talked until the woo email :ieYora d1d not Jon hor hu1 baod and W u moot not for~tct what tro owo took bia leave. eimply abaurd. You an~ doi~~t bill6 a houri of tho morning, and e •en I, who

A you~ fe}low in a Weetero iowa ' waa tiued SlO for kiuiog a gid apinat her will, aod the nut tlat the dameet · eeot bim tbe omou~tt oft e llee witbta uote aaying that the out tiae be· kiued ber he muat be leu routrh abolit it, and be ea re'rul not to du It wbao the old nan waa around.

~ nan remarked to a eompaD1oo, On lt'Ologal&dJ pan , • Pat, d id 1'0a eYer IMIO at thin a lady aa that' ' befoN r ' Thio,' repli11d the other · • bethen• ahua ; l'•e •eon one aa thla' aa two o! ber put togotber,I hue.'

Who cannoL talk her fMher deal, Alld talk ber moth~~r bti.ut.l ;

Who doee not Lhink it "horrid raellll" To weu her ailtcr'• cloLhoe,

delight, without doubt, in hie aocietT, him, said Dick, but t bow him etery ut- . Tbo rcmaind~r of tbe da1 wu 1pont ~errible injuet ic:c. 1 eball ba•e to tako know hiw eo 1\'oll, waa atartled at t he or that abe by aay meana 1uppo..ed t hu ttotioo io our power, wbilo bo remtina m a ml\n:ler ln~tbly uoaatuFa~tory, I at to provo to you thmt you a re laboring Wdalth of a«ection bia heart wu capa· A young ladr, at an e:r.aminatioll of littlo black and tAn terrier \f&l Dick'~ bert-. i•~a11i~"· to both . l•abt-1 wu a~leot and under au ballud oation. blo ,of. . . jtnommar, waualtod, why the noun~-

Nor lena to be a " shocking 6irt." With half .a hiUidrvd h9aw: ;

Who cannot WOI~O a barber' I block loto a Fnmch NllUUlN,

ou perior. But women aro alway• doiu~t And 110 it wu, tbst Major Leatcr bo· da~lrn~lr. She. J 1d not Of en ; rouchaafe No ~ no ! uo ! abo cried, acizing tho 'lho follow1o1[ " ' n ter t hey were mar- jlor waa eingular. She replied jmmelti-lloac:countable t hin&., 10 after they had came a l requeot gueat at tho hou~e or t o .l ip n ain::lo ""rc•s. :~nd tho ttata of •ial. riod, and 1000 aftv my buotneu called atcly, wit h much Miu/l, k 'IUM it"ia lleen married a yo.~r or two, and it had R ichnrd So•ere. :3C'IlrCfll}' " day paued Dick' ' fl.'eiinc:s 1t woulJ oo difficult to \fell, then I muet pro•e i t io aomo 11:0 t o E ur:ope, and for three yeatt .I Yerr aiogular tbet don't ~tot married.

.And doea not mean to ~~ ry aoon-1! abe 0111 ~t a. cllllllc;! !

~rot to be quite aa old 1torJ , it actually 1 that ho wu no_t ~bt>rt'. n•.h••• 11 so h.nr· \ d .... .. n bo. ll u h~~d n ul'><'ApRpl•r b!'foril othe r war. I t it a te rrible t hing rliat I h011rd o~tbmg of John Rood and b., teemed t omotimoa u though Ml'l. &•· • pen I'd thnt be ]OID-'d :'II~· nod ~I rs S~J\'- hun, and wood•• red if I~hol rl!:llly <'&red you :~ccu-o the major of. Wbieb a ball ! youoY: wtfo: On mJ retu rn 1 ~llugbt for c rw J,n•ed her dog batter tbao ahll did 1 eu ~uw.,whllru .. t.o. Dtck would oftllll tno much for the dark-eyed ofllcor. I do take it myaelf or giYo J ip a them 10 Yam; but one day, 1u ooa of .Notl.ces. ( hor buabaod. brio" him homo, and oftoo ! nd him I Wu the bluab t bat waa uo her cheek doeo? ' t he quiet up- towu • treou, I met m• - ----Tho maiden that will u'er confea

To more than tb(rly· liv" ; Wbo doem' l OW'n ahto wouldn't bat.,

The do .. t DJA.Q ali\'e !

~oe day the repeated neglect of eomo t b.ero wbeo bo c:ame . home. Ho dined when bo came in . so uoexpe..'t~ly that Gi•e it t o Jip, ebo cried, running to old frifud- but eo brokon, 10 changed, Harbor Grace Stove Depot.. ahlrt·.bu.ttona, or !''~ aomo ot.bv Wifely 1\~t h t. hem, rode ."atb tbom. lunched afterno~o, ~n evldcoro of gull~ ? Ho I ~ot hi• food. I don't care if it dooa k ill 1 bard ly rcco~oized hiua. xs4

Tbe bachelor who doee not feel Quite oertain in hia mind

dorehc:ttoo of a IID'llar natur11, b:r.tl bad "'.th them •. llllnl[ wath tbem, aud played lof l'd h11 w1Cu truly, and be t.ru1tod bor, him, if you ooly ~ut take it rour- Don't u k mo eoy queet.iooe, Dick, he ·1 . JVater Street 18 4 tl.e e lfoet t~ put Richard into ll mood cr~b·•age w1th ~hem. but ?tf ajor Leeter was a .Jaogoroua man. ed f. aaid, 11rben wo had ah:r.ken banda heart.

That he ooltld ban hie pick a.nd choice 'Mid all of womankind •

tha t wu not amiable, and io 10 uo - It w~ a caplt.~~ol u~n~oment for Lea· Should bo epook to her, ·~ould he 6~:~t Jip'a diooor waa brought, and afte r i ly. 1 am a heart· broken, miaorablo Upp!Uitll J:Uu r#. f oll ll M I(Jtfl 4' 0...'1, gusr:ded. m.oment be ox pnoa•cd himself tor, fur oe tra• 1poodto~ tho aumm~r at L.!eter, or 1hould boJot th1nge tnke t~c1r N'cci• ing tho con loots of tbe 'l'ial i t ..,... mao ! Mu C411tile P r tUIIUtl.

A.nci lut--but nut tho lout o.l all Tbe woadroua th U.ga that be-­

TtrO aoola "trith but a aiuglu lho~o~ght, That d_!) not d~ .. .., !

to h11 wtfe 1n a manner that comported t ho. l)lnco where t ho Seven~~~• hYI'd, cour•e ? plAced beforo biro. He ateofit llOd io 'Woek• puieJ before I learned frow -o-witb hi' mood. whtch wu, by t ho way, .a place of •omo Tho nt•J:t momio~ Dick had b.!sinoea h~a l f :r.o hour was etooe dllld. ' otben t he aequel to hi• muried life. C L K • N N 'G' DY

I lfieb, said Dick , petulantly, that rou retort fc.r people of l e1eu~o, and until out of tll1\'D " .h.ich be told hie wife 1 Thia bYOnt did not eoem to s urprise Deepif:& ~ur del'p lo•o. for bor h.u•· a • ~ C.A lookod after my comlort a' little, 11od I t l1e runaway horae. gav? b1m an ~p~,.. would occupY btm throu~th tho daJ . ~o Dick ao much a• ooe would huu ox- 1 bsnd, Mtnole waa •e.Jf.wt~led and •m· REGS to t hlluk the iohabitaota o!Har­dtd oot &levoto yuul'llolf-entiroly to that tuo1ty for a ao.ntatlon! 1t waa gtotllog an· d irectly af!or breaklut be walked .Jowo pectod, and aa fo r I •abul, • ho waa 10 pot Joua; thou~b ~ouod Ill hl'art, tbey bor G l'llce a nd Concept ion Hay. cur. . tole rably at~ p•d ror htm. . to tho ttahoo. . much talton up with her hueb:and, were uncOOf:ODlll lo & tbouaand wnya. ~;eoorally, for the pAtroMge beretoforu

babel d1d noL reply to lhia lit t lo out· . And ~bo_:Se•e~ wgro pleaeed. Tbm \ T ho tender ~:ooe · by 1tbu:h wu en•· tbl\l Abo found oo time to lament ovor A.f~r~ w~tle: J ohn became mon~ ex· rocoi•od i and de1iros t~ iutill14te that buret, ~nd Dick coo.t inued : I ~1rclo ot f11ende 10 tbl pl~e. wae 1m all, to~arr at pa rting, botwooo t bia d~foted her dug. act10g, M an me ~ore defiant i .and 11t bo b:~e recently roco!fed a la rgo ao&l

• . 1• He 1a the firat th•ng, the Jut tbio~:. mdi'Cd they bad • • ry ftow ID.hma~ oo~, p:11r &ltd out take p~ace tbat morm nr. on After a fo" eweot prelimina riet , wbicb length ebo left him, and for el~thteoo variou• auort!X!ent of

A Double· Releac::e.

The r tru 1

• nd the only t hing I beliote tbat you and tl.ere •oomed to be a Dh:ho 10 then• account of their both being a litt le out it will hardly be " ortb while to wu~ 1 month• be had not beard a word from

W' tb D~unelt Seo D 0d'e Iran. •moothly t hink of. You t~nd moro b'oura talk. boueebold into which tbe IDiljor jutt of •om , and wbon D ick arri•ed at hi• upon unromant ic rearlora l sl\lxol con· I bor or hia litt le eon. I It 1'8rl ID u bel .l4oc · b b fi · -· ' · · ) ( ' u · . ' t" -.l Slulrt to tb . ' •ng to t e rute than yon do;to mo. and t.eu. . . • dee:IDatlOD be .llfU more o cut aurtl felled, " it b manJ blut blll, t hat ab., had •umnto • name waa n eYer men lO~uu

atand:-for uot.od eeotn.ry. n~twllb· I am tired of bearing it. The~ ot her ~o.Jmet~mca Dick . ongtgement~ p~ tb•a Ofer. The con•equeoce W&l, t hat rec:ei•ed . letter from Major Le•tor. at bc~weeo us, but I u w J oh.n growm.g c,lmpriaing g,l 1 could aay I t wu oigbt " ben 1 came home with lOme· n oted b1m from accompanyaug b11 •ufo io1t.ead of atoppiD" to traou ct bueineea, wh'lch of cou~e Dick - • • Tory muAb dilly pale r aud more laogu1d, a nd b11

not true oYe. b' II · •A · b" b _ _. · " b · ' •• ' " ~ I h · · t ld •h' ld · lNG 8 It waa ill church b . t h ilt to te you about myeelf, wbicb I to eome e•eo101: oo':"rta1nment to " 1c be t urn= rtgbt about and took t o next aeton i~bod. T hat abe abould have P ya1c: ~.an~ o me no. mg wou pro. COOK JOVES, h A t I t at Dtck first..,.,.. suppoeed muat intere-t you if you felt abo wae bent on gomg, and on •uch oc:· train home. . abo" a it to him only ebe wae aahamed lool( b~t hfo but a trt p abroad. So wo ~~· Ne~J~{~ :e; ~y f~.m t bo R e, . • ny iutereet at all io my w~lfare, when c:~aion~ Major Leiter would galbotl! Whether or not be wu •naplcioua of to bate him r.ee: it-Oi.:k lookud u io· • •tart.ed on a eellrch for forgetfulo~"· 1 r:o

• d ' II • t. dn'lDe wu OJ:· I had fi01ehed. all you bad to 11,. wu g1•o bJS etcort. He could not be ex- au anignatioo between Lettar and hi• ooc:eot ae a laaib That h" aaid wme ' aod landed, ooo lo•elr llb.J morolo~r. Par or Office, Shop, QObool do , po~.mg~o • £"7Y ~u<'~d manner .h16 • 0 Dick, what do yo ~£lhiok or oiv pin~ celled in deed• or aallantrr , particular- wi fe, ud came back t oc:hcx-kmatc them tbio~ io t ho let~r about Pro,ideoce r; at. Li •orpool. lluiog eatabliebod my And a large nnet! :d b: lo•to~ ~t 't p yalcal futuro ltfe. J ip'• ~are j uat a littlo bi t ? The coo· 'l lr wbe~ ~Irs Se'e.~ traa concer ned i I I, not being acquainted •ith all tho mo- mo,ing tho only ob~tacle t.o their a oioo ~r~end co~lortably a t a botol, I tlrol~eJ Gothic Grates. L -t.htoad oC the Jaeou beu aud .t bttro the tempu ble little cur I •aid Vick , turuiug but aa D~ck nhnya JOined them be_roro tin•• or that ~tontlcman'• cond uc t, can. And bh'fo Dick interrupted the oarra· 1nto a par~~: u!l:ir bt . . It ~~~':" .8"r Wtth IIMh tbe aamo time. It ~e and b~t ?e~rt at oo hia hool, I doLeat him. the ••e n1ng wu over, . theao occa11one n ot uy. But eert.ain it wu, t hat ott ti•• with a bunot uf laoabtor. which "" fiowere, and men:t w1th e.h'l?••~ lau;rb. prett face. B ea a ::f 'W lllCCodt?gl~ I know yuu- deteat.-bim- said I"'· . bardiJ alfo~ed 1114tenal for tho mol t • topping r~m the ~r, be turoeJ UJI .tho 1 t hink, ont !roly out or pla.!e in tile die· I t t'r . I ...... lo~~mg on Wltb etiJOp.GODt In addition to th~t abofe c. L. L baa tho Y h 1 d t ~rown . . h11r ol bol, between hor aobe, aod I euppo eo it I voluble goaatp t o pra te .about. etreet Jead•ng to bta bouto, • nd not " 1t b· cu11100 or to nri, ua,. mat t<>· . I of tho ch1ldrcn' glt!e. alwal'• on luuul All anortmeot of •wee~• ~· 0d10 an c .10 dellt'aU', • it boc:auao [ - [ - I am to fond of him i But it wu at tbo ptaoo where tho etandin~t what he told hie wife io the I buo aoo t no an•,.or bat'k Paid I I •P1 woe J obooy Bond ! 1'1 ,1 axpree:~~ , an a cbarmto~; ly P'quaot I but it J ip il a bruto, 1 don't thiok bo ie Majo~ wae oftcno•t aooo, tbou~rb ~till by moroiog in reference to hie return, he Illbel ; but if be abould not ' come 'l'bt~•e words caue~d me to turn en~ - WJI(rOCer·.e8,

Sb · . 1

b any more of ono than ,ou- you- 11re.


tho o1de of Mn. &lYon . Mu11c wu would doubtl011 haYe pruent.etl bimeelf here_ denly around, and 1 faced a ladJ 10 tngl 0 :t~r::r':o' ! o~gb

1 vrSy ~com · And then t he f~u lacll'r!fmnru,. broke I11~l'a p11.11ioo, aod Dick had no talent there a~ ooee, bad it not been fur a little Before ehe had t imo to ~II what deep mourning-a ~by·boJ clinging ~

ui:O . and tbia ab ~oee 1 tu ng b~· tbrou ~th every barrier, and Dick broko ror ct wbate•er. ~eter, o~ tbo con- adYentuN". . . . . •he ebould do, Major Letter was an her dreu. .It wu mdecd weo Joboote ? ttl fi ~ ed off tho ' rim out of tho h·mlt' . . trary, had a fino To•ce, & cultlutod ear, \V ben w1thm a ebon d11tanee of bu uouneeJ. Bond aad h1t mothtr . d id ~bog:~r:i:xcf' j nL adunta~te. So It wu their fi ret I}Uarrel, and as Dick l could pin " oil on •nora! kinde .of in- bout e, be 'lfll met br a boJ who inqllir- ~bow him in, aaid lea bel her eyca . Minnie'• f•ee '"''palo, and t.he •weet ,

17 to f bit ~tt e bonnet tbe lo• e- walked out into tb,. cool calm nigbr 1•trumenta, and uodentood d1fficult od if bo could tell bim where Mr. SeTera fiaah1ng fiN" ' I wJICul mouth drooped woanly. T he

.kid co~V:~boe t r:rt aco, a~d t bo dalDtJ hi• angry feelioga were ~uuagl'd, and mutic. IndeeJ. hiJ m.u•ical goniua bad li•ed. . . Leet.er en.tered wilb a eot&fident a ir, 11ght , or my familiar oH face in utrao~ro

Of the best qunlitiee. - 4LIO­

E ER0SEN"£ LJ..MPS, OIL-of the beat qualitf, Chimniea

Hurn el'llaad Wicke .. C. L. KENN.ED¥.

A.~d wb a!.~uld~ han: ' \oovelopod. wben be came baok to hia wiftl, and u w won for hlm a repu!-Atloo for c.l~•~rno~• Yea, laid be. waom do you wiab to but upon aeeio( '3enn hie embarl'lll· l land aeemed to do hor a world or good, lfbe lad} o~ t o c urcb, I ':'k: her pretty eyea all red, and their droop· •~o~ had rendered hlm an acquwtaon m •eoP meotwaa com plate. One glance atl abel and e_oun ebo told m~ or what a wrttkb-,pr.rd':a-a~~b 'Pfo~- rto the llldll» iog fri o~te• all g lial4roinst with t~~an, be JO'!:tety. . T ho lady, replied the boy. I ha1'8. •bowed him that be bad made. mil lake I ed. failure ber marr~are ~·d prot~. December 18. ~ 'o ' and t le : 'e o ' onet• . a~d actually CJoroaeed-to bimeelf- t bat be So at the puoo L?•ter and I~abelmot ll'tter for ber. and be left wit h 10 m~ch prociolta•ion I I c.>uld n~t hm•e re.nalnl'd an Ci llo 10 - -----------.\. . s:' .. k tgenC b adol I ok ao Dl~ lo wu a brute. almou e•ery e•eolng and dllcouraed Ab I exclaimed oar Benedict all at. that tL-re waa ao ~-A fore•pla'o u'on long, •be aald, sadly, but I beard that Fishen'es ~Or 187~ ~b)Jo<; 111 o ro c • t 'l and" h•teet w · h I · -L-• · · · • d T--• • · b ' b · 1 · · ' · '"' . ...... • a ' · J b bad b·· · d d ' d .ll oz. of IiDen, be tho Ter I •o.:e in " . at ~ •t wu a htlle dtffe rent . a wee. lOUD •· ~-er • YOI~ wa•. a IJ: tontlon, . am going n~tht there, aod '"II Dicit called on him the· Dnlt moru tng, I o o ~ .. me. a lforc:e, an was iaa i~ t.b tl 1 P btcb to AJ aooo u oho heard the door elot e af· and pure tenor ; 1t barmon1red wttb laa· deliver 1t myeelf. You can t .. ll the bu~ bad the utitfactioo t~ find t hat be to bo marnod agala. me~o tba: c:o 0 weak~:' ? I do 001 tor h~r bu1band, 1be waa all but ready be l' a, and the two m~e deligbtrul m~l- ventl811111ll~ taking the letter into hi• bad loft the lace. ·A1;1 ln[amo~e falaehood, .I ex<"lllimod, erat6lr go {0 cfu~~or ~~~:~d

1 dehb- to wa1l aa loudly u Lord Till in i but a1 ody. 'lbey bad mot~c from t~e Itahto hand and glancaog at t.be auperacription, I Lelin e tfe SeYer& remond t o an. a.ogrlly. ;He u Dearer d.Jlng than I Jt·

poee. 0 0 0 1 But p_u r · tOOD aa be wu b~ agaio ebe thou11bt operu and Go~MiliD m~ater-p• .. e •, tbt'J that you doliyered the leLter aafo in to other ton before menr montba, aod t tnll: mamed: ,

10Ung mao endowed :i~eo thl'rc, If II or ~bat abo bad .. ,d, So, iu.cead ar bad ·~I dueu and plano . 10101, .and the lady'• banda. . their DIIW home wu pleauoter tbao . Tb•• luUII.hgonce ca~ued John I {o .1 .. g•ituo bard aa a ltooe ~h:

1hbrt not p~tt.iog her arme aroUAd hia neck to Jet •~metrmes ~!leriCCO'!'PMledthe p~auo It mar be that be intended to, but their old one in maa, re.pecbl. It wu 11h ln Uo w1~e to fall an a heap ~t my

to !all in 10,11

witb aa 'swete.u d appen h1m know that ebo had forgi•en him, Wl~ t he 1'loho or. gu1tar. Tb- ~ before doing 10 he certainly walked a moreaoeial place, and tboy aoon form· feet. N otbmg wu left for ~o to do la.d.r aa I hafo de~eribed

1 d: :o/o~nJ!. aho dn~" beck upon ber di~tn !ty, and Clltona afrordoo D1ck aa much pleaeure do~ to bia office, and that waa aot all od 10 agreeablo circle or frioade and liCe but to carrr bar and the bo.~y toto tbe

he bu done tbe wick ' . .thm~ had the beat of the QUaiTel. Dtck lYOn appmrently, a• I...ea~r: ID~ Iaabel, for, be d!d. He coonr broke tbe lottor open quaint.ancee. . • bou}· • world and tb ,edj at tblO~ m ~be wont 10 far the next day u tu pat Jip although not mullcal htmeelf, be wu aad atteotiTely peru•od the c:oot enta Dick tota l•bel tbat ebeahoa1d ba W tthout a word o.~f warning, ( u•ber-s.,.,;_1 d~'t :.!b!'~ub ar ~·~ ~ P'~k on th.e boa t, and be mado up hla mind food of it, an~ th~D be liked ~ ha~· lam inclined t~ think. bow .. er, tl&t b~ another terrier, bn't abe dodered tbo did od J olt n into hi• ~ifo'a p~nco. In

The modett c:hu b U cou d d p It t~a~ lo jutu~ bowner mueb be might ·~m~ one boal.Je blmeelf to adaure bta taated the t ollr or wiadom, tor aa be not want ol.le i and I·. d >o ' t think ebe t~~· ~pture of tbelr' aurpn~, a roeoo-tional, .attitude ate~ t~ reID d fyJJ . dt~hke tbe &DlmaJ~ be• WOllld be lllN to Wife I performaoc:ea. rttad, be turned pale, aud be eeemed to will be Jikelf to at p ...... ot a. ~ it. is onJr l Cll t•Uon .... ofl'~teJ at Once, .

' beeomin 10 IOmo a: I e ·won er u f keep iL all to bitoeelf. But t~ere ie a point., you ltanw, be- be in gt'Oit dietreaa. It waa halt aa a abott t ime eince that I ~ .. her caress I Ther ouer dt~grte now, a ad both of wbetbe: ~ou hta of 1 Ill of women, but In t"o or three da_ra tbe ualw guo ~ond whl~h, etc:..; and aftar tb~ d~ hour or more before .be recoYered bit ing IOm~tbiasr wrapt io wb•te &unci, t b" ua ere •o lo"n.: a~d tende~ .to me, intrude' upol tb :; w~rldlt C oatul'l' waa full1roatored. l"'bel continueo t-o~ llghlful httle IOtreea, aa ther facetioua- calmoeae. He tbeo YOfT carefully re- which "'" io m• way of tbinltin~ a l tb• t I oo•er e• en tblolt of smog up LaDe, .; abea~ ·u·~ becwna 0 1~ be la ri•ll a good deal of aJrect.ion a~d oon. , ly called them .• bad been .re~ted a •ealed the l~tter, ••d. apparently in ac- much more' attractiYe pot , and which my ~acbelor f~om. . C}D that fatal ~bbat.b ;; ~noet atn~gt M~ upon ber dog, aod TOry hkely • rreat mauJ tr~e., aad D1t'k

1 d1d not cordaoce w11h hi1 prvmlte to the boJ , looked at much like Dick Sotera u • ~~ltle J.obooae aaye, U oele _lllclc. 1a

rated. before the . rnln~ and I an- coaaiderable amonot of the aame upoo 1

know but t.bat, hire Ten open • brook, deapmtcbt d it bJ aootbor meweoger to baby two mootbe old could bo expeeu.d ~attlDJt unul bo can get a real Dice wtf.,, three boara

1 mll'P'Or ~r P• 10~ her butbaod ; a' aoy rate, abe looked they would It? oa .rorefd, t hor beaan his wife. But whet her iafu or not, af. t o. A• for I libel, abe waa more charm· l~ke namoa.: a~d aa ~ gu e at t he beau­

DICOIIary I OfliV ~ aa abaolutel1 •ery cloaoly after hi1 wanla and tW•hea. to pall u pon btm a ht~e. and what wu ter b.- li11d rifted it n£ ita eonteola i1 a in t han n or uflll.face, 1F1tb tta •m1l. of rettful eon-

WE of!er for Sale So the N; wfound-Jaod l<'ieburiea tho enauiog aea•

aoo et pricu •IU~U~ll.f •IUrf.utory (~bipmeota can bo mado di rect. to Lab-· rador.) ' 100 6ret qualitr Cotton Cod S.tnea,

Bar:ked or ~tam-tarred 100 Do do do Herriar Seioee H ,to 2t

haeh . 100 Do do do Caplia do 8 4 to 2l iach 100 Lance Buota f-a D~w article licba

. durable and etroDJt Salmon and Cod Pound• and 'l.'rap• ­

eouaJ-Iete lo ae' u p Lance, Caplin, Horriog & Cod Nettioc

-i!J I•Toa ' 500 Herrin~ Nete-or a aubetaotial aacl

durable kind Cod Baga 10 to'<> qth.

AMBlliC'A..NNBrckTWIYB Co. Bot toe • '!\' aa ia :W,~ ~m •u~bl ca;not aay. If Jip continued to be u mucb of a aui,t- more uopl.-u nt t bmn mll t he rest, bo quc8tion 1 willlcll• e t he reader t~ d&- bick 00, .,," made aor renlation• a tent, and a t J ohn, no lon~ter aarcutic

.tid. aOt take fu~ro;:'itbe,bera~a:ore abe a?ce 11 et~."· ~nd !Dott likely ~ick CO:l· a~t~ally began to emcrtaio;a f~liug of eide. bout tho Yial , but be wu alway• 80 reti~ and c:y.nical, but a loYiOJ fa~her and ~be N'oY, 9 ,

.-creel aiele, tor durin the ~~.the u oued ~ :mhke h!m.o t bouJb tf be did, d11hke for Letter . . Lette r waa JOSe' u · T ho lottor wu from Leiter. aa the cent upon the aubj ect that I bad my mo•t .10dulgoot of buab"nda.. .I t~unlt e~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hw e ._ ... were cone g t~urae be kept 1: • ll .to b1m~elf. ~land a• e'er, aad JUit ~ clenr, • a:Ud reader ie doubtleu aware, and intended euepic: lODI where n came from, and I tharo 1.• .a good . deal of truth 10 htt}e F..- llale. abe .!iaiater, aod . d~tlJ fihed ~u !'a ·~ tho httle bark o.f thia marril'd JUi t u~r~~le, and Dtck played ~nb · for the eye ot Hra. 8eTOrl alone ; but euppoMthe reader baa bia. Ir correct, Joboole ... ~~r\ion ;, blAt. I f.~r 1 Will tber l•re 1"11'f'aeotf ~-~~otw: pra er pill' ~rifted on towar:d• 1h .P~rt, t here ballO w'tb.h1m Jua~ tbe u me e ' or,Y 111gbt; we ba•eleeen bow the deeign lfU (rca- of courae Letter bad nothing to do with nenr Sod • real mce mfe ! ALL THAT

1 ~l-nOt fqr {to uti"~ h w- w~a httle danger of. 1ta ephttlog on 80 but notw1th•~nmo~r all. t.hat, an ~ac. trated, ,.., t~e wbol~ world mar aa well it, while bJ \ta meaaa Se•era got rid of Alf U l"u uo:otur..E P aorou.•.-Aa fAR I H 8 EAD e~er flia~ ur 10,!j' d ate • • • hgbt a rock aa J•p. Nar, be could countable r~hog of dtohko began to know what at coowoed. two erila-tbe onl1 onra that bad enr "' & QIE J ~,ak'.mo:.W..~Jtt. ed::n!dpla , batdlr b' ~gardod m tb~ light e•e~ of crtK!p ll••r blm, ~Qd aOer b!' ~nc;e be~ J?uriog bi.e iDtimiey with tbia fama.'lr, diaturbod bu married life. Iri•b labou .... r, wbo wu in tbe emplor of lOur baadro fl ' a let ~k .. leton lD thwnnubtal do~et 'IDeo ~mo to enlert.atn the reeluag, It waa Ma;or Leatu .bad beea etudloutly moo• of an Eogli•h geatlemAa raaidiog flHLONGING to U.15etabl .o( tile Qi~fib. ,:.~~:-wo. ber o oo longer m• any t rouble botween m •ai!l tba~ be tried to force himeelf guardod io hie'maoner and language to- At Odds. in Irelaod. '.'~' 00 oae oc:caaioa about latct ,Riabt.B.,e..a~."r. D.u.rollf i aaid without doubt lba• b old •e tbo two, and amu•ed one aamucb aa he from II~ warda Alra. s.,,.,.., butoow that &be ice a~'iag to a fatr, beld aaauallya .. a aeigb· eituaw abo .. t two mil• lof from "'ar• ••• 00 . ..,,......:.. •- -~ • •be eloeffcdBiior annoyed tile other. Ho might with He dtol not co111municate the eenli• waa broken, he laid aaideall r eaerYe and bouring tilla~te, when· bia muter eo · "f

r-· r- .., wow t em o ut • b •A J L-J b h ... 11 doaYored to ciiuu.de him (rom hll d•· bonaar. . • eOme .........,111

• L-....1 • moro proprtelf. per apa, ba compared ment .., l&ue, oeaute e anew too we boldly doelared hie loYI'. He mformed A the bo U be ld lor far, _ _ 1'~~-Ttaa' reh••ryu~wo~o pleaaek . t o a doolter io Diek'a cabbage~ or to a tha~ the did not •bare il. But he lock- bar that be bad long obae" eJ t berewaa Minnie EiemdoD and lobo Bond were •ian· "You alw"Y'•" aaicl be. " come •. a ""? . ~ ._ her -• o-o ~ ... en - ..... oo ept bee io bia bonoet, and IOIDetlring t , ed it up io hie own boaom, wbicb wu Dot no real union bet .. eeo heraelf anti her al .. ay• at odda, and indeed it woald beclt with a broken head : now, •tar a• tbao ua nlae, totec~ln~ Pnn:~r• U.. ~ ... ,._r;_~ :"oe •me one•. would be re~treUeJ, therefore, aafar aa Vlck li kely to improYe nattera, aioce a buahaad,aod actuallr beeou<>bt her to ba•• been almott im'Poaaible t o lind home to d 'lJ .. :VarbJ, aud I'll giYeyo.JIJ. ~would do wt~ll by applno~: rm- \&&elf • .

- •~ -- ., r a purpcue )ua' u .cr. ld · fl · d' · · . b • beinp more 4iametrically oppoaite in II•• ahillin.:a.' .. f, r.m· for eYer and aJI LEWIS W. SM~~'(, aawortlry, io bel eJae paid waa eoucern . amoa enos rett mora 111.1trou1 10 tla pe rmtt im to occupy the plaoe ao tUl- t. oblicred to your honour," repliot Darby : .AgM&tfor J.laittiiff'GIJOr. ti• te u.;. ..;..rlr of _ ... !~1 a\U.n· ell'~t than an opea one. A.nd 10 it wae worthily filled br another ""f"'!Nipeo ,. J 81 1....,, ... woaW DOt .... ,.,: i rb: '"-?~ •be .. that. io oue month's time (rom tbe dal I belieYe, aaid be, t~t Pro•ideoce 8bo waa the pettecl claniDif or aa in· .. but cloea it ataod to raaoo," added be, an. , 01 • • .. •

... , ._ 0

• tb 1 rty·~··:-r 10 " ' · tbat tbe al'DlJ ofllcer waa Brat made we . deaigaed 01 fur w.cb other, and that be dulgtbt father, lo whoa bar will waa flouriebiar hi• abillelagb 01'11 hie bead, 7 & ;.; VI.. ~ r ~-~;_, •.- _fnub Some atoa,Hu paaaed aur, and Dick com!' at t~ houte o~ Dick ~ra. be will tlnall,r remo•e e••rr ob,tacle to law- I thoaeb& her at. ai&tMG the moet " doee . i~ •';~Del to ,_,~, that l'd take The Jlarbor GraCe St.nlarcl ~1-.._, __ L~ .... ah'';l' ~01 a~ aa.d label were aa h"PPY· perhaJIII, aa wu anythmg bat wolrome aa far aa our UDiou. Promiae me that, ia tba& e· bewitchiOJ 10mbiulion or (ran .. , · icn• ITO ebllhop Cor ~e batmc; I'm to p\ . ~

·~ -~-,,f,r wbicb,_.lf' eJo, .~lA tile lot of mortal• to be, wben lol Dick we, eoneemed, aad Dick waa an) · yent.rou will be mine, aod I 'Ifill aak pul•i•e cbildiabn ... aocl- ·~ tender to clay P" -u.D- . )! ..:a....: • ..w J ~--t ~~ble, adct ~;~~o\bw rock appeAred iD'aigh; and lbia l~ioJC but the happy mao be waa ooe for ootbior more. . wotDao llo...,._,.ile he, cool,, ~tie. fml~ll IIJ Jhqttslr' . t'C ...._.. -•10110 tbao tame of more formidable ap~ra.oce month before. . It waa a eoaple of boura after Dio.k cynical ia bia tnaueuad a~. paaaed · Paon.a.ro:uz. D1mu.- A little t:llbid ·· · · ·;··

1 .;()ia' tW -tbe Ji~ \J.ek ~..laD tertiv. J' .To, t.be r:e-det, it mi.bt ap~r t~t deapatebed tJai! letter before 1\e weDt (or a boartllll miao\biope, "bolie mia- atJoNeJ preeeotiag a COpf of a wri• to r r:rycl aatl raW~~!~ t •

" l ~~·liM ,WI~ mapjlceot eyea ..bd Dlok_ • . robceoee apon the aabJed ID~l- ho~e, and llow hupeaUhe iatlrftnioe fort~or JobP, , Bflocl waa aeriPJ4+. a blu~ auetioqHr, He)oaieea for bia ~ 1.01 • 4 -p:r.:,\. 1 ~'"T· ,.u........ of •L- 10perb maat.ache. ua t!Ua Ia ho.r i~ eateO Jea.IOIHJ, but tha' waa llomelii111C pen~ I do DOl bow. Ptrt of the ti me ~ IOQf ~ c.im~,,and aba!J*Iecl, uofri.eadiJ Yiait,_,a he•wu IDtrelr per· W~r s':..t &at-~be~ an:.. M••·

.... bappeoed : • , , he would J~Qt 'ad!"lt Oftft t.o himMlf. boweTer, he waa Jqoked up in bia oSce hUI toont. ·~, · f~tag an uoP-'eaaaa' ·~ly of hie PlOT ouodlaod~ ' • ·"'' , - ,; • and ae- Hl1a. ...... ·.W ..... to drl,. A.nr peraon, bowner, wbo bad IIID fro:D wbloh he emllpd loOkinaaLillpal. ol% ~dP.Tn.~ ·~JoUc:-' r ... IOD. Ce.rtillllr, Npl* &be kalc\t Tw~M-i-Twun laiL&.DOe ~ ..... .

~~t¥11W~I!IIIc41·~HI.,. 1lajloe. IJ.Uaqd. oo, t.~."l aftetoopa ,to tl!e ll:-~. 8e•en and Major Leet.lr mae~ aad Afitated, ,., mer eJNSl'idl~ W ' 1 oftbe hammw1 10U·fDaltatteacl &o the ,a,.W•IIatl • .,..rty.----· __ --• ... ~.!~ ~ot·*':IJI~W\lldt t~. a'nd' tocetb!l', ~lwbowuahJllkilled •• Hia~fe, ~pm rtdio1oc'a~Q • feh ooa.lar· th~ .*"*~ o!llnded d~~~jourprof ... {ob, .... IOmuaU BooK,lnJoa· P.Jfnrmdl,lottfll:'1 P

-~ ~Wllll&l·:.li· • ~-- tD ~t ~ &o a clri~~ ~ tU Wa~ £Uro- tbe dt.,O~t of, &he leader plllih, 10~ "'~.&, ... M pale U bia OWp IIW eaeb otJialo, \*fforat1'eDIII;bu\a troc:e to IDID~ ~ fml!)o.Jia~lr boobd ~ Uoa NHIIIM iaa .. puior. ....... . AA4 IN::· .O~Oltlli11C~i.4clri•fnr !'"old ha•e ~d •• ~r Leerer W.. hi,. ,aa he ~teNd . ~ laoQae. ~Bie waa~ahrar• cl.eolared._jO.~ wtlen a aeri- Cion. • , . rsaa'toal\DY~._._.~ .. _..._ "· ,:,,P.r. poa-~1111r .'nJ'thitb tDio1'1' wltb .Mn.8enria. Aod I am ,_,TIIIIIl,Pt.o'IDei'Jdm erym . pu• iiaPtUre·•~iMchoefi~. . . - --....;rortbreaa• .. tbeli•&H•'""'

. ; .-. .. '.1. at .. ollj • apt'a6.N but_, .. woaJd co llill ,.,.. 0 Dick, I ... eo~.'~ t..'· . me Tbx ~re dtltl~t OOiliiDa, aad ,I aap· rA tftrell~r izJ: Irelaacl eompl_aiD.cl' ol 't~·~~ fl.- ~!iL ..... ~·

.a.JiM · ~ .!lllo ~ ~-• .- •1 diU Leiter ba.t deelaied -ba&.w,.IW t. ~ •'*-p B., 0:. JSoU b~ t.l~ ~~~ • ~ ao. the ~ ....... o1 the roada, . lliddJDio ~ ,. .168' e6aiW'cbf ,...._. 11181 .• -lllfllaa.JHIIIIW·~ ~. ije lcw.e.. • .,1 .. 1Wll' _.,a word bad f.!!D looU 0~ wW Ia tht •tan p eoall~'l.~ orftJeue 1HJDDI .. a opinloanad where..r thttr were wora•· .Wmilel' ap,- ~t II .tot ...._...__,..l••••lilll'lill•''

•t•II"•JIIe Jk ... , ,_.,,..... b•llpl ... ,eotald haft~, • .qaauyUU.,Ia&pp.a .. r ooad~ I~~ ... ~. lltde ladt, tlotaUs pMrM Jo.,.r. 8Gre,10CU'honollt' (aaicl .- a , ~~~"'J·.~A IIi M'l6-ll...,., .... ....,. ....... tiJM ... .__...._ .. .-ladyw._IMw- .a..,.. aroaJIII..; .... 1

tUl ~-arr,eoulcl~''-' &.¥JH*-boy), iftheroad•are bad. ft ~ ,._,-~o .fli.Aaa. ~ ...._. IIIDd, ~ lae W 110 ..,. ~MD 08081thil mi-.• W::. •ew.. toi:.!l'' S:~f~ 1...1.~-a•!·- .t.o rue you rood meaallft to thea: . , ~~~,.,.~-~ ,..., -~ Iii aaW ttiUtW.-.,lt... " .._cl..., ~-J! tt ....._., .. ,_ • .._ elaiWieh fol· - - .,~I¥!'

._. ~---~· 6at Mn. ·~:::.:.:-- ... ._,.._.,eaa• U...alldoo•"WJ~U~Nd·t4~ hiDJ eor '' Aeone.i~--lt oaoe'.W ta a ,_,~iiM~Mft . • -... ~ ._ At , ... :,.....~ . ............. .., .. Mt&Mtllri,tTilacr.j'a~ ... rill1od ba~Wt'•boJ• Dlcl1ft ., .... .-..a (4....-..-..-

P'~.., Wa ~ jij;r.W¥ -~ . lr.tJ J • 1-rWk~~ 'ti'M ~ ~1aJHic.olf,o!N,.JA'e\? wlfll~ ... tP.r IIIOpltar:lt WbJ, t po, .ai .. ....,u.l .. -~.!r~.:~ ...- ~ II' ....... iU8 i111f b lf!oae.-..,,....::...':: ~tarfe~J ... ,.receued, efecttaaij1 ~r 1 !Jut,ilr,oo pc ... '-'0 • don, 'I ~ .__-- , .. . ' ,.n ;,(, 1 ,..- .. l . _, 1 . • ~7} !'\~t •J ~~ffnsn <:at ~LHl J. .lt'.':r-· ... ~~l L. ' .. ;j •• ! ., ... ;1!t'alf~· :'~~:'~~)~.Y

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