icandi e-newsletter 8

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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Wassssssssssssup Everybody!! Happy Independence Day to you all. First let me apologize for getting this newsletter to you a little late. We had a few technical issues but I promise you, it was definitely worth the wait. I decided to use this newsletter as a time to focus on "Summer Romance". Regardless if it's a "Summer Fling" or a "Long Term Relationship", LOVE IS IN THE AIR!! And for those that are having trouble remembering what romance is all about......... this is for you. I Hope You Enjoy Blessings ♥♥ MsiCandi ♥♥




Although I know this is technically the “break up” season, there are some couples that are represent-ing and showing the world what love is all about.  I’ve decided to dedicate this month’s newsletter to “Love & Romance”.  

I know it's hot outside and people are wanting their space, but that’s not a reason to end your relation-ships. Turn up the air conditioning and get to getting. Congratulations to all the newlyweds and the soon-to-be newlyweds.  

Maybe this newsletter will inspire some couples to join in and we hope we get some wedding invitations!~MsiCandi~


The weather isn’t the only thing that has to be hot this summer...




#Team CancersNicole Tiffani July 1

April Allen July 3Nelson Parker Jr July 3Msanii Moore July 4Michael Smith July 4Chas Hughes July 6Nicole Battle July 7

Christian White July 7Tonyia Laid July 8

Jaysen Long July 10Justin Greene July 10

Julilia Edwards July 10Sidney Revels July 14

Iyciss O’neil July 14Stevonne Spivery July 18

Christina Abernathy July 22

#Team LeosTiara Miller July 24

Robert Brewster July 30Deanna Brewster July 31


What Would You Do

If your longtime childhood friend of the opposite sex told you that they are in love with you, really want to be with you, and have been holding those feelings inside for years?

FacebookNia C

vomit... then I'd tell him a story about some BS I did in high school that he probably forgot about so I can turn him off and keep my friend! lol

D’Onna Gaskins

I would be shocked for 1 for 2 wow for 3 i have to recap what you said


as long as I was feelin them, I would make it hap-pen!


probably date them, if the attraction was mutual... Depending on the chemistry


well if we were close somehow I would look into it but Very carefully cause I would not want 2 mess up with the friendship@OfficalSylversometimes u have to love who love you*my gma voice*


I wouldn't be too surprised, I'm friggin awesome! lol...but naw, I'd have to seriously consider it. I mean, if he's been around that long then he might be the one.


If that happen to me I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship so I would say I appreciate your hon-esty but I wouldn't do it. Any-things' possible for as having a relationship with a childhood friend the thing is would you take that risk of starting a relation-ship?


Depends on how you feel about the situation. If you have no interest in the person, politely tell him thank you for sharing that information, and you are flattered. If you are in-terested perhaps pursue a "Friend-ship" first and see how it goes. Also, what is the motive of telling you now versus telling you sooner?

Make sure you get that PryThaGreat

Album “Supply & Demand”

GOOGLE IT“PrythaGreat”


“iCandi Lady” of the MonthMsiCandi: I am very “proud” to have you as this month’s “iCandi Lady”. First, I get bragging rights because you are my cousin and brains and beauty definitely runs in the family (laughs). But I’m very proud of the road you took as far as a woman in life. Woman of God, college graduate, LAWYER!!! You have chosen a lifestyle that many are afraid to go after. What motivates you?

Nicole: Thanks cousin! I must truly say that GOD motivates me daily. Knowing that HE has a plan for my life and the best is yet to come keeps me motivated to move toward the plan He has for my life.

MsiCandi: When did you first decide that you wanted a career in law? What influenced you to go in that direction as far as a career?

Nicole: I decided I wanted to be a lawyer while a part of the Ohio High School Mock Trial Program. I always thought that I wanted to be a Nutritional Psychologist; however, while I was at the State Mock Trial Competition, a female judge told me, "Young lady, I want to see you in my courtroom one day." A t that moment I was like, "hey - I CAN DO THIS!!!"

MsiCandi: What was the most challenging thing about law school?

Nicole: The most challenging thing about law school is the constant grind!! I used to always say, "I did not sign up for this!!" (Laughs) Law school was the most reading that I had to do in my life! It was the most selfish and humbling process that I have experienced. Law school grades you on a bell curve so it forces out the competitive nature in each person. It was definitely not a fun time, but it taught me how to focus and that a constant steady grind PAYS OFF!

MsiCandi: Now that you are getting settled in your career, what do you feel about the “family life”? Do you think it’s possible to have it all; great career and happily family? If so, how do you think one should go about balancing it?

Nicole: WELL- this is a good question. I work LONG hours, like 10-12 hours a day and I also work weekends. I definitely want a family SOON! However, the work life balance is something that I still trying to figure out.

MsiCandi: If you have to name someone as your role model, who would you say and why?

Nicole: My mother! I would say my mother is my role mode. She has been through so much in her life and to see her perseverance and tenacity has

taught me to NOT COM-PLAIN and carry on!

MsiCandi: Do you understand your responsibility as a role model to younger women? How serious do you take that responsibility?

Nicole: I take my responsibility to mentor young women very seriously. I think that it is important for young women to have people that look like them in places of power and influence

MsiCandi: If you could give our youth one form of advice to take with them throughout life, what would it be?:

Nicole: I would say that it is important for youth to set goals! Short term and long term goals that can be assessed on a six month basis. Also, it is not enough just to have a goal there MUST be an ac-tion plan that goes with each goal.

MsiCandi: Once again I want to thank you so much for being our “iCandi Lady of the Month” and I sup-port you. Please continue to set the bar and raise the standard for black women to strive for the best. Love you cuz!

Nicole: Love you MORE cousin!! It is my pleasure to be your iCandi Lady of the Month during my birthday month!! I love you so much and I love this publication! May God continue to bless you!!!

Nicole is currently an Ohio licensed attorney.  She is also a legal fellow at The Ohio State University Medical Center and a contract


Nicole Battle

<---- Old School Throwback of MsiCandi & Nicole“JuJu” & “Colie”

Happy Birthday Nicole!!July 7


Fashion with RED

The color white is a popular color for the month of July. Itʼs a very cool color and during this month you will start to get a lot

of invites to “All White Parties”. 

If you havenʼt noticed, it's all about the color white for this season, along with all the white parties that take place in the month of July.  Here's my opinion on how to wear white right.  I know that white is not as forgiving as black but as long as the style fits your body type then you have nothing to worry about.  Let's start off with a cute classic skirt suit paired with nude shoes, which can either be worn to work or church.  

Next, we will go to the white upscale sun dress that could be worn to a cocktail party if paired with the right acces-sories, like a chunky, but feminine, necklace, dangly ear-rings, and a strappy sandal.  

I have posted outfits for a night out on the town or a cas-ual lunch date.  I hope this helped a little bit to make your white selections a little easier.   Happy shopping!  Ttyl.



Schools out!! Now What??

Summer, summer, summer time!  Remember back in the day that song would blast through the radio and you would sud-denly be struck with nostalgia?  For that moment, Will Smith instantly took you back to long summer days filled with hop-scotch, tetherball and "Red light, green light". You probably even played a little bit of "boys chase the girls" (but your momma didnʼt know). These were the days when you had fun just playing with your neighborhood friends.  Iʼm talking end-less hours in the public pool and the smell of barbecue was so strong you were almost full. There was no need for campaigns to get us off the couch because we never sat still.

Now let's fast forward to 2011, the wonderful era of video games, cell phones and the world wide web!  With entertain-ment at the click of the mouse, itʼs hard to unplug your chil-dren. You may be thinking, “It's already July!  How can I find family-friendly summer activities?"  Well, look no further!  Be-low is a list of great informative sites that offer suggestions to keep your kiddos busy all summer long.  Remember, it's all about creativity and a little planning, and with a little of both, your family will be on the way to a great summer!  If you want to just sit back and let the music play, check out http://IndieByChoice.com the number ONE source for in-dependent music, videos, and fans!!

http://kidsbowlfree.org http://programs.cincinnatilibrary.org/evanced/lib/eventcalendar.asp



iCandi After Dark & Indie By Choice has gotten together with the hottest

competition of the summer. 


Submit your song NOW to be featured on iCandi After Dark as the Song of

the Week!

Mercedes Brown


LUTHER VANDROSSEverybody knows that Luther Vandross is the Godfather of romance music.  I couldn’t even just select one song as my

favorite song from him.  He has some many timeless classics that people have gotten married to, danced their first dance to, made babies to.  Luther was the man!  You really can’t go wrong with this man. 

INDIA ARIEIndia is one of those artists that I definitely can’t get enough of.  She has music for all types of situations and emotions, but when she goes in on love, it seems like she’s speaking from her soul. For those that have truly experienced the wonderful

feeling of love, songs such as “The Truth” and “Can I Walk With You” really capture the meaning of “real love”. 

MUSIQ SOULCHILDMusiq Soulchild is definitely a lover not a fighter.  This man’s songs ooze romance.  A few of my favorites are tunes such as

“Love”, “So Beautiful”, and “Don’t Change”.  Musiq makes you want to run out and fall in love. 

BRIAN MCKNIGHT, BEYONCE', & JOHN LEGENDWhen it comes to Beyonce', I only have one thing to say: “Dangerously in Love”  Enough said!!  Brian McKnight’s fal-

setto makes you want to fall in love. “Still in Love”, “Love of My Life”, “Never Felt This Way”. (Sighs)  John Legend’s first Album “Get Lifted” made me fall in love with being in love. I  want that “Stay with You” type of love.  I’m waiting on someone to get me “So High” off of their love.  Now y'all know I’m bout to go run out and find me a boo! (laughs)

JILL SCOTTI LOVE JILL SCOTT!!  Not only is she a singer but she’s a poet as well.  She takes you on a journey with her music and

lets you experience what love feels like through songs.  One of my favorite songs by her is “It’s Love".  It’s a real feel good, fun song that describes that newness of being in love. 

MsiCandi’s Music artists that make you want to be “in love”...

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am a music head.  I love music.  Music has a way of bringing out emotions inside of me.  Although I love all music, my favorite is romantic love songs.  For some reason to me it’s just feel good music.  There are so many great musicians out there that make music for “romantic junkies” like me.  I’m sure you're all hip to some of my favorites, but if not, here they are: 










o iCandi Radio July ScheduleiCandi Radio July ScheduleiCandi Radio July Schedule

Dates Event Host Topic Time (est)

July 1 iCandi After Dark MsiCandi & The Crew “Maybe I Should Cheat” 10-12:00 am

July 3 The Insightful Hour Brotha Insight & Family “Historical Origins Of Christianity & Islam”

6-8:00 pm


July 5 Keep it 100 Pastor Vic “Christian Down Low Brother” 8- 9:00 pm

July 6 Late Night With Lateefah Lateefah & Bishop “I’m just NOT that into you!” 11-12:00 am

July 7 Talk Inner Beauty Ashley & Nichelle Fashion Week: The Do’s of Fashion 8-9:00 pm

July 7 ThrowBack Thursday MsiCandi & Go2Gurl The 90s 9-10:00 pm

July 8 iCandi After Dark MsiCandi & The Crew “Same Sex Couples Raising Children” 10-12:00 am

July 10 The Insightful Hour Brotha Insight & Family “Natural Hair vs. Relaxed Hair” 6-8:00 pm

July 11 The Whole D*mn Show Gryndhouse Random, Wild-card, ANYTHING 6-7:30 pm

July 12 Keep it 100 Pastor Vic “Do women today have a problem


8-9:00 pm

July 13 Late Night With Lateefah Lateefah & Bishop “Willie Lynch Syndrome” 11-12:00 am

July 14 Poetree Dropskwod Rhythm & Isa Starr Poetree Dropskwod 8-9:00 pm

July 15 iCandi After Dark MsiCandi & The Crew “The Good Guy” Does He Exist? 10-12:00 am

July 17 The Insightful Hour Brotha Insight & Family “AMERIKKKA’S Foreign Policy” 6-8:00 pm

July 18 The Whole D*mn Show Gryndhouse Random, Wild-card, ANYTHING 6-7:30 pm

July 19 Keep it 100 Pastor Vic “Should Preachers put a Cost on the


8-9:00 pm

July 20 Late Night With Lateefah Lateefah & Bishop “Don’t Put A Label Me” 11-12:00 am

July 21 Talk Inner Beauty Ashley & Nichelle Fashion Week: The Don’ts of Fashion 8-9:00 pm

July 21 Throwback Thursday MsiCandi & Go2Gurl 90s R&B Groups 9-10:00 pm

July 22 iCandi After Dark MsiCandi & The Crew “You Know You’Re Ghetto” 10-12:00 am

July 24 The Insightful Hour Brotha Insight & Family “Is It All Over 12/21/2012?” 6-8:00 pm

July 25 The Whole D*mn Show Gryndhouse Random, Wild-card, ANYTHING 6-7:30 pm

July 26 Keep it 100 Pastor Vic “At what Point should a church close


8-9:00 pm

July 27 Late Night With Lateefah Lateefah & Bishop “Sex Education Trivia” 11-12:00 am

July 28 Poetree Dropskwod Rhythm & Isa Starr Poetree Dropskwod 8-9:00 pm

July 29 iCandi After Dark MsiCandi & The Crew “Double Trouble” (In love with 2 ppl at once)

10-12:00 am

July 31 The Insightful Hour Brotha Insight & Family “Is Marriage is Still Relevant” 6-8:00 pm


MUSIC REVIEWS with J. antoinne

Even after this particular album was leaked online weeks before its scheduled released, and even though it was panned by fans and critics alike, this album still saw the light of day and people still bought (and are buying it).  Such is the testament to the popularity of Beyonce'.  Here, with the aptly titled 4, Be-yonce' takes it back to where it all began: her voice.  Without any "Independent Women"-esque gimmickry (sans the piss-poor "Run the World (Girls)"), this CD might alienate some of her core fans because it lacks any real "hits" if you will, but "Party", featuring a nice guest spot from Andre 3000, comes close.  "1+1" isn't bad, neither is "I Was Here" or "Start Over", but the rest of the album will kinda make you wish for another take of "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" or a comparable dance song.(3 Stars)(C)

Jagged Edge is back with the sixth album in their catalog, after four years away from the scene.  With this album, they don't stray from the same formula that made them distinct; twin brothers Brian and Brandon sharing most of the leads and the group as a whole coming with some great harmonies.  Also, JE (as they are affectionately called) keeps their music, including their ballads, current to mainstream standards, with bass-heavy beats and sensual lyrics.  The first single "Baby" samples old school hit "Only You Can Make Me Happy", while the rest of the album pretty much keeps its 21st Cen-tury feel.  Nothing overly noteworthy on this album, but nothing overly bad either.  Die-hard JE fans will want to pick this one up.

(3.5 Stars)(C+)

Jagged Edge - The RemedySlip N Slide Records, 2011

KeKe Wyatt - UnbelievableShanachie Records, 2011

After the quiet release of her last CD Who Knew? (you can probably count, on one hand, how many people knew the CD was out), KeKe Wyatt comes again with another quiet release this year.  This isn't quite a cover album, even though I count no less than three covers.  A cover of Miki Howard's "Love Under New Management" lacks the soul of the original, and "Saturday Love" is a hot uninspiring mess, which will make you wish people would stop remaking songs.  However, her cover of Eric Clapton's "Tears In Heaven" makes up for the miss, as does her take on "His Eye Is On the Sparrow".  Also worth mentioning is "Mirror" which is an awesome collaboration with Tweet(!) and Kelly Price, both of whom shine alongside KeKe.  This is definitely not a Grammy-worthy CD, but it's not the worst thing that's come out this year.(3 Stars)(C)

Ledisi is one of the few artists of whom EVERY CD is in my collection, and for good reason; she NEVER disappoints.  Here, with her sixth release (fourth main-stream), she keeps that momentum go-ing.  She's finally getting her due credit of being an awesome singer who captivates you (especially live) and keeps the music REAL.  This album does just that with the title track as the first single.  Also, "Shut Up" should make anyone who's crazy enough to criticize her to, well, shut up, and "BGTY" is a nice, self-appreciating anthem where she SANGS.  She really shines on her ballads, with "Hate Me" easily being Grammy material alone, and "I Miss You Now" taking "ballad" to a new level.  Another fine album that you can just press play, lay back, and completely enjoy the whole way through.(5 Stars)(A+)

Beyonce' - 4Sony Music, 2011

Ledisi - Pieces of MeVerve Forecast Records, 2011

Johnny Gill - Let's Get the Mood RightArguably Johnny's most cohesive project (and best vocally), this album solidified Johnny Gill as an awesome balladeer and should be a staple in any "Grown and Sexy" collection.

***Throwback CDs you probably don't have (but SHOULD)***

Where there’s life, there’s music...J. Antoinne iCandi Productions

Angela Winbush - SharpThis album has the standout signature track "Angel", but the song "Hello Beloved" takes this

album over the top, featuring an awesome vocal from Ronald Isley, aka Mr Biggs.


Romance is defined as “having no basis in fact: Imaginary, marked by the imagi-native or emotional appeal of what is heroic, adventurous, remote, mysteri-ous, or idealized”.  This comes from the Webster dictionary under Romantic/Romance.  When looking at this definition, Webster is very clear on the real meaning behind romance.  It would be great if everyone knew the definition and was able to take it for its true meaning. Letʼs look at romance; itʼs the core of most successful relationships in most people's eyes.  The ideal relationship for most women would be full of romance, being solely into each other, gazing into a place that only you and your significant other live in, cre-ating your own world.  Court-ing, dating and even mar-riage starts with “romance” to seal the deal.  To ensure we remain on the same page, letʼs talk about a typi-cal romantic evening for all cultures in general society. We first meet someone due to attraction, ask them out, then have your invitation ac-cepted, have a great initial conversation and then go on a date.  This is the romantic stage; this is where you feel that you are happy and maybe with the right person, because they were attentive and brought you flowers on your date, you got the late night calls you wanted, etc.   This feels great; you feel like you are in a breath taking fantasy.  This is how televi-sion and the lust that resides in us makes us feel, that false sense of he or she is the one for you.  Romance is wonderful; itʼs needed in every relation-

ship, but itʼs not defined by love making or being extremely com-plimentary and wining and dining someone.  Romance has to be formed out of love, and comes natural.  Itʼs something that can be created and given to one another every day without trying when you

have a foundation built on “real love”.  We get so caught up in what the other person is doing for us on the outside, like taking you out, buying you things, and pleas-ing you in a way to satisfy your lustful desires.  This is why in many relationships the romance dies and you become the withered flower instead of the blossoming rose. “Romance can only live when

it's real love”; remember that.  We need to meet someone that stimu-lates our minds first, and just wants to get to know us on the in-side first, become friends and have a mutual understanding of each other for who we really are, then you can find romance.  When you

establish goals that you want to accomplish in life and have someone along the way with you that wants to see you follow your dreams and better yourself and others around you, that is romance.  Ro-mance is being loved for you; romance is calling and saying, “Honey, I know you had a long day.  I will get the kids and pick up din-ner”; having your in-laws or best friend flown in town to

surprise your significant other be-cause you recognize someone is in need of family support; or being supportive when someone has a tough day at work or loses some-one close to them.  Romance is showing admiration and love for someone just because you care about them and want to see them happy.  Continued on page 11

“The Conscious Corner”

What is Romance?





“What is Romance?” continued

Here is how a woman should be treated and take nothing less when dating.  1. If you are approached by someone, ensure that you are re-spected from the beginning.  It should be a general conversation about his or her interest and NOTH-ING about your body, how good it looks, or how they love your jeans, etc.  That is purely lust; they are not looking for anything long term and they donʼt think you're worthy in the first place or they would have ap-proached you with respect.  A typical greeting should begin with “How are you today?  I thought you were beautiful and would like to get to know you better.  Do you mind ex-changing contact information?”  It shouldn't be, “you look good in those jeans baby, youʼre so sexy”. That is an insult; remember there are a mil-lion beautiful women who look good in their jeans.  They need to see more than that when approaching you, you are NOT just a shell of a body.  2. Donʼt jump in the car on the first day you meet someone.  If they are ready to come visit you at your home or invite you to theirs, itʼs not a good sign.  You DONʼT know each other, whatʼs the rush?  Have some conversations and get to know the person's mental state first so you donʼt have to regret later that you thought they were a different person; it happens all the time.  3. Donʼt be intimate too quick.  The romance stems from waiting and creating something to be desired mentally/physically.  The suspense of actually learning more with each date cre-ates long term romance. Have a few meaningful conversations, i.e. how you grew up as a child, where you want to go in the future, how you want to raise your children, what is your spiritual life like, important life-changing conversations, growing together and establishing a real “like” for one another.  It is important to know the other person's back-ground, family, children, etc.  This helps you learn more than just who this person is on the surface.  Then the romance never dies.  Most of the time we all want that “instant gratifi-

cation”, but if it's instant and comes that easily it usually goes away that easily.  I do believe in love at first sight, but itʼs rare and still needs to be fed “real love” to get true romance.  When you sum it all up, if you first respect yourself and find someone to respect you, the ro-mance will never die.  You will al-ways have a desire to want your significant other and provide the level of love needed to have a healthy long relationship.

Romance walks in the rain when no other can feel your painRomance fills the room with red hearts coming into bloomRomance wakes you up and fills your soul displaying life in BoldRomance is pure and beautiful laying next to a dove floating into love’s coveRomance is a fantasy fed by love turning into pure long lasting ecstasyRomance is “REAL LOVE”  


Make sue you check out Brotha Insight’s show “The Insightful Hour” 

every Sunday evening at 6 pm EST on iCandi Radio

Past Show Favorites:If you missed these shows, you can check out the archive shows

on iCandi Radio.

What Type of Water Do You Drink?

Who Is Hannibal Barca?

How Can We Help The Homeless?


MsiCandi: Wassup Bondz!  Welcome to iCandiLand!  Thanks for agreeing to be our July "Man Candi" of the month.

Bondz: (Smiles) Thank you for having me.

MsiCandi: Why do you love music? What is music to you?

Bondz: Music helps me escape from this crazy world.  Whether making music or just listening to music, you can be anything or go anywhere you want with your imagina-tion.  I let it take me away.  To me, music is a vice.  The same way people drink or smoke, I need music.  I believe life is a movie and the music sets the scene for what's about to happen.  Have you ever heard a song and you can remember what you where exactly doing at that time?  That's the scene from your movie called life!

MsiCandi: What’s the name of your album?  What inspired the album title?

Bondz: My album is called OMV, which is short for Omerta Vow.  That's the oath that Mafia takes.  I called it that because I was really impressed with the loyalty factor.  They live & die by this. My CD is based on loyalty and honor but most if all it's about the sacrifice.  I risked a lot to get here and I still have far to go.  My loyalty and respect got me here.  OMV is just a moment in my life...another scene in the movie. 

MsiCandi: What are the stages in your writ-ing process?  Do you write all of your own music?

Bondz: I like to record by myself and in the morning. That's when my best work comes...in the a.m.  A quiet studio is a plus for me.  It gives me the room to zone out and I write all my own music!

MsiCandi: Once I started listening to your album I couldn't stop.  It just has a really nice flow to it.  What do you think your listeners will get out of your music?

Bondz: I think they will get to know me and understand that I'm limitless when it comes to creating a complete project. 

MsiCandi: I can't stand an artist that has a poor stage performance.  What do you bring to the stage when performing that keeps your audience's attention?

Bondz: I just try to really connect with the people.  For me, I really wanna get my point across.  Mine is more like a spoken word type of vibe.  My expressions and emotions tell it all. 

MsiCandi: What's next for B Bondz?  Are you working on anything now? 

Bondz: Right now I'm just bring the OMV experience to life.  Shooting videos.  My goal is to shoot a visual for every song off OMV.  I've already started working on the follow up to OMV. Gonna raise the bar. 

MsiCandi: Before I let you go we do a little thing called the "ICandi HOT seat"; think you can handle it?

Bondz: Let's Go!

#1 What is your guilty pleasure TV show?

The Kardashians

#2 What is your favorite meal to eat?


#3 How many tattoos do you have?

6 tattoos

#4 What type of woman catches your at-tention?

I love a woman that knows how to dress... A bad chick

#5 Sometimes I just want to______________________.(finish the sen-tence)

Sometimes I just wanna do nothing. (I'm a workaholic)

#6 How many pillows do you sleep with? 

5 Pillows

#7 What CD do you play in the car on a date?

Jagged Edge's Greatest Hits. 

MsiCandi: Thanks so much for agreeing to be our Man Candi of the Month. If people want to know more about you or get your CD, how can they find you?

Bondz: They can go to my Website: www.bbondz.com (download OMV now), my blog www.bondzworld.com, my twitter @BONDZWORLD, or search Bondzworld on youtube!

Barry Bondz

“Man Candi” Of The Month

East Coast Rapper & Owner of Aviator Music & Genco Media LLC

Meghan, also known as “Bux”, is the Marketing Co-

ordinator for iCandi Pro-ductions. She got the name

Bux because she really knows how to pinch a



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ITʼS HOT!!Keeping the house cool is keeping your pockets empty

“I saved some money on my utility bill”

For people in their homes who are very budget conscious; the days of manually "cranking" a thermostat up and down are over. I personally know how much of a hassle running back and forth turning the thermostat up and down can be. But what about the times that you’re not home? Lots of people feel that turning off the thermostat will help them save money; in actuality you are losing money because it takes more money for it to “kick on” after being off all day. I found that getting a programmable thermostat was actually one of the best things I could do. These thermostats range in price from $30 to $140 depending on all the features you want. The big advantage of a programmable thermostat is that you can program many "ideal" temperatures for different times of the day or night, or for different days of the week. By doing this you get the best of both worlds and I saved some bucks on my utility bill. For more information about programmable thermostats please visit:


Stay cool in this summer’s heat.

Meghan, also known as “Bux”, is the Marketing Coordinator for iCandi Pro-ductions. She got the name Bux because she really knows how to pinch a penny.


Ok! I admit it! I am a hopeless romantic. I believe in true love, soulmates, second chances, and happily ever afters. This is all coming from a single mother whose heart has been broken a time or two. Most of my married “elders” are unhappily married or divorced. I still think it’s possible to get a fairy tale romance story. When I say “fairy tale”, I don’t mean magic fairies, princesses & frogs, and mice that can sew. I’m taking about an everlasting love between two peo-ple that can weather the storms. Most of my peers are so quick to “give it up” or “break up” that they don’t let true love develop. I might get a few hate mail letters for this one but Ladies: If you are looking for a man to truly stick around take your time with sharing your body, let him get to know you, the person, before he gets to know your body. I know you are probably thinking, “Who is she? Didn’t she just say she’s sin-gle?” Yes, I am single, but I have made my own mistakes and witnessed enough of others' mistakes to know that this works. Just try it. The next time you meet a guy, don’t in-stantly rush to give him the goodies. Get to know him a little bit. What’s his last name? How many brothers and sisters does he have? Does he have any children? Does he take care of his children? With the rate of single parents out here it could do us all some good to get to know the person before we make a baby with a complete stranger. Remember, it only takes one time. Another thing that I think we do to mess up our chances of getting our “fairy tales” is being greedy. We always think there is “something better”. Fellas: you can have a GREAT woman that looks great, treats you wonder-

fully, works hard, fears God, gets along with your family, has good sex, etc., but you will step out on her or end it because you “think” it might be something better out there. That could have been your “fairy tale” but look what you just did: tossed her away, hurt her, and now she’s all bitter and jacked up for fu-ture men. LADIES we are NOT off the hook; WE do this as well. We will dog out a GREAT guy for a fool! WE ARE TRIPPIN'!! We must do better if we truly are seeking happiness and want our “fairy tales”.

I was able to witness a fairy tale for nineteen years. My grandparents had the “fairy tale”. They had the type of love that glowed when they were in the same room. I remember be-ing young and always saying “ewwwwww” because after forty-plus years of marriage they would still be all over each other -- IN PUBLIC. Having those two as role models might be what gives me hope. It might be what inspired women like me to continue be-lieving in love after being knocked down time and time again. If my end result is to have a love like the one my grandparents shared that I plan to KEEP HOPE ALIVE!! :-) ~MsiCandi

Fairy TalesMsiCandi

R.I.P. Nana & PawPawAlways In My Heart


Featured Poem of The MonthWritten By sLc



































Prayer ListLeah McBride & Family

Jamila LungsfordThomas Chapman (The Legend)

Sonny Gardner Sandra Tolliver and the Toliver Family

Kethenia GoshayJames House

TropCindy and The Shields Family

Carlos Jeff & FamilyWilliam BushJulia Hicks

Terence & Palmer & FamilyMs.ilelabayo Omoyosi

Berdie Lewis “Sista Mama”Irv

The Family of Courtney Clifford Tawanda Brice & Family

CJThedore Perry

The Family & Friends of Kandace PylesThe Blanton Family

Arica SpencerThe Barnes Family

Jane Boyles Valencia BurtonRena Jackson

The People at New Unity BaptistThe New Friendship Baptist Church Family

Trojan National Portsmouth OhioThe People at New Unity BaptistThe Youth all around the world

The iCandi Team and our Families

In Our Angels’ Hands

We at iCandi are true believers that PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING! 

We think of you all as our iCandi Family and “a family that prays to-gether stays together”.  A few of our supporters have requested prayer so

let's unite as a family and keep our “iCandi family” in our prayers.

R.I.P. to our loved ones and the loved ones of our iCandi Family that have passed on and are now our “iCandi Angels”.

iCandi Angels

William & “Candy” King Kandace PylesBrycee & Cameron JeffJPJames RomanoJohn Bruce Gilmore Jr.

LeRoy MorganNadene McGowanReshaud JacksonJames Revels Jr.Jerome Swanson


iCandi Land

I love the way he speaksI love the way he thinks

I love the way that he treats his mamaI love that gap in between his teeth

I love him in every way that a woman can love a man

From personal to universal but most of all

It's unconditional~India Arie~

A Note From MsiCandi

Romance has not become extinct; we have just gotten lazy.  I get a lot of of “Dear iCandi” emails from both men and women talking about romance, courting and chiv-alry.  Ladies, it starts with us.  If we allow them to treat us any way, that’s how they will treat us.  So let him open your doors and let him pay for the bill sometimes.  Stop throwing that “I don’t need a man” attitude at him.  I know you've been hurt and have been maintaining on your own, but this is a different man so create a NEW BEGINNING with him.  Show him some love and affection, stroke his ego, and treat him like he’s your king.  Fellas, stop being lazy!!  Bring your lady flowers home every now and then.  Just because you now live together doesn’t mean “date nights” need to stop.  Stop blaming the laziness on the recession.  Some of the most romantic things only cost you time and creativity.  Have fun this summer and bring the romance back to these relationships. Be Blessed~MsiCandi~

Go2Gurl’s Word of the Month



adjective: Giving only an illusion of something; unreal.

Shi’s usage of the word:

Lust can cause a barmecidal feeling of love, but true love is tangible.

iCandi Fabulous Photo of the Month

President Obama & First Lady Michelle!They have no problem showing the world

what romance is all about. 

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