ideas on paper

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Victorian English versed poems with themes from life, love, wisdom, trust in symbolism.


Poetry Series

Canullia Quest

- 20 poems -

Publication Date:

September 2012


PoemHunter.Com - The World's Poetry Archive

Poems are the property of their respective owners. This e-book was created by Canullia Quest For the procedures of publishing, duplicating, distributing and listing of the poemspublished on PoemHunter.Com in any other media, US copyright laws, international copyright agreements andother relevant legislation are applicable. Such procedures may require the permission of the individuals holdingthe legal publishing rights of the poems. - The World's Poetry Archive 2

Canullia Quest (ideas on paper)Poetry is a form of passionate expression kindled by an impression unboundby public conviction. [Canullia Quest, Jan,2012]

To Believe is to Perceive How to Achieve! [Canullia Quest,2002]

A helping hand is one that lets you reach out.[Canullia Quest 2012]


Days Prey on Men - The World's Poetry Archive 3

A Bearing Reign for Care

Have you ever been to the valley of despair-A land where a gem has no pair?It’s easy for one to get there-Waging wars against those who care!

All is fair in love and war.If you put up a fight you will soar!Take my word, for I’ve been to-The land of broken dreams before;A land where to dwell means sorrow-And to die, itself is valor.So let’s not sob for sorrow;Nor die for valor!For me there is no more in tomorrow;If dignity is to become minor!

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A Swallow Who Won't Wallow

Am a swallow who’s fled from this world;to reside in a personal inferno!I fell into the hands of a virtual nomad;who got lost between what was unsaid & untrue.Like a greenhorn I followed him & ventured;into making a promise that I can’t undo!Until finally I found myself crushed;in a ravine by the ailing tide of an echo -of a heart’s feelings that weren’t returned!With no hope, trust, or creed;I woke up to find a residue –of what used to be me & a billow of what I heed!Time rolls my dears with such great speed.Before I could realize it, I had nothing more to ensue;not me, not my life, but now definitely the need –to fight & stand up for what I want to see push through.Choosing him was a fatal wrong indeed;but am sure he’s the kind of med. I won’t spew.So am thanking him for giving me the wake up call I need!And though my eyes might not be mellow;nor my voice that of a reed;am not easy to subdue;nor am I packed with pride!Hope we meet again in the years to follow;to see the challenge he’s left me to concede;cause am a Swallow who will always be far from what’s Wallow!

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A Thrilling Blast

I have a box and that’s for a fact-from which an act is being lead.With scripts of wild puns that overlap,it banters back while remaining intact!

Equipped with taunting realizations that retort-with hiss as they push its symbiotic nature to unfold;You could hear them spell out exotic with every tap-just as with every punch line you wish to recant!

It makes you wish if only you could retract-to every moment of surrender you’ve ever had!With it, all current gains seem like a slap-as it only speaks of what one had to forfeit.

It seeks the shadow to shed light-on spots that were once claimed devoid!Still, it leaves souls so incandescent with its quip-and for that, life is just a maze in a thrilling blast!

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A Virtual Grasp

Have you ever tried sprouting out liesfrom a mirage to beget reality?Yet have you ever tried grasping your memoriesevery time temptation connived with opportunity?Still have you ever set out in opposite directionshoping that you would meet again one day?In a world of wandering legions,who never met with certainty;Life is just another untimely race;whose winners maintain their pace vehemently! Yet so many are the times-wherein one is left supine from calamity;when compared to those of rebirth amidst the blaze -of the very words - I love you or yours truly!

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Among The Flowers

Evergreen Love never bows -to flowers from vixens.Poised by the warmth of two hearts;fighting gossip with kindness.It walks on trust between two souls-tracked by wolves lost to its fragrance!

With honesty, it sheds greedy tendencies-like petals varying in colors with times.Realizing dreams in experience-Make its calyx swell to receive joys.Re-routing souls deserted by conducts;not worth flattery or making enemies. Unafraid of getting wet; it drops euphemisms-Of humility like dew watering diplomacies.Swaying with friendship winds like stems-It perfects the dance of unpleasant trials.

When one wilts another buds-that’s the rule no matter how crass!Though winter may soil its stamens-with conviction; but not its pistils.Omens of closure bring published summers-Sooner or later to coffins and meadows.Only there and then, bliss-Can go and come both ways!

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Away From The Heart

With him being way from my eye-I spend hours thinking what to say!But he’s contented with watching me;guarding me - like a child at play!

He let me play with fire all the way;until I burnt my wings like a butterfly!They crackled in the fire,but there was no one to hear my cry.

That was the end of it-as I gazed unto the drapery& into the glaze that led me astray!My fingers felt its beads.Surprise! They too were in a medley-only they never asked why.How lucky they must be!

Missing you is a fire-that won’t die,no mater how hard I try!For that, I am once again a prey-who’s lost to you in this fray.

Please tell me-how can this be OK;when you’re an eternal mirage-who just wont let me be.

You have no plan to stay-just as I have no plan to fly away! So lets not fool our selves into asking why;Cause we both know -away from the eye,is never away from the heart!

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Between and With

Between the creeping sounds of creeks seeping into the sea from silent woods and themorning's laconic cry; I look for you;

I look for you under the warmth of the sunshine as it goes through me spreadingvitality and reminding of today's promise in tomorrow; an investment i can’t seem tospeculate its gross product;

Between math and psychology i find you restoring balance within me and beaconing forme which path to take;

Between hand in hand stances you show me firmness in gesture for a purposefuljourney;

With you subtle planning is invoked to replenish nostalgia for beauty and euphoria forbasking in the sun of hope and dancing to the summerset of chance;

With you i have found my solstice from regret and doubt;I love you.

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Come On, Don't Be a Dreamer

I refuse to be your keepSo don’t accuse me of follyYou’ll leave? Huh, never my forfeiture

Thank you for taking the first stepThere’s no need for a second tryWhy? Do you think I care?Am not like you, I don’t flipThat’s you; airy-fairyso don’t pressure

Go ahead and charYou’ll be ma chaser for eternityI’ve had enough of your chatter

Darling, are you still dwelling on grandeur?Face it, you never made me flyIt’s that simple no need to inquire

Voila, here’s your stop, end of storyYou’ll never catch me flagrante-delicto because byway love isn’t my styleSo come on, don’t be a dreamer! !

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Cursing Remorse

Words in didos float like floes -In a Pontos of egos indorsing remorse;To pinkoes playing with awes and throes-Curses of chaos, fouls, and woes!Souls hiding behind words transpose-Sallowed ones hiding behind flaws!Some say their creed is getting worse-But I suppose theirs is in total repose!With tricots of arrows, I'd surely dispose-Of their furrowed conscience for it escrows;Empty hearts owing ratios in morrows-Known only to their foes!

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Demise or Compromise

Just like the morning breeze;He comes and goes leaving me to maybe’s.It’s so easy to keep telling one to try;But I’m done asking in vain with your lies.Can’t wait no more as I am out of patience;Quit the games; it’s all or nothing!There is no room for compromise!Who said love means to endure demise?And why should I be a prisoner of my own devise?I have no regrets so I stand and defy.Now that I’m closing this chapter to have peace;I’m not ashamed to admit that I was once on my knees;I thought love knew no rank or taboo; but that was just my way.“Trust in tomorrow, live in today”, that was your advice.Even though the past plucks my present as you are my vice;I roll with life so I have no time to fantasize! !That’s just to let you know that others won’t suffice;Still made my choice;And that is to get by.We are all but candles destined to melt;Whether we choose to let go or rationalize.The truth is ever a lie no matter the misery or dismay.So don’t bother thyself to chastise;So called lovers whom love wasn’t enough to realize;Togetherness; that is one’s joy with another’s promise to stay! ! !

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Falling In and Out of Love

Ever wondered what hurts more-Falling in or out of love?Surely each leaves a certain scar;But once you’re in love;Believe me you will soar.Though I know I’m who you think of;I still go madly through the texts you store!But after that I’m once more your morning dove.So darling, don’t forget to say that you love me more;Each time I tell you that you have my love;Yes, love can clothe a lover when bare;As perfectly as a glove;As long as you don’t let jealousy linger;Or madness dictate your next move.Remember you’re doing this for he/she whom you adore.So tell me if you have a choice: in or out of love-Which one would you rather dare explore?

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Fated Will

It is me whose heart you often sever,With your lack of trust!Armed with only a promise vested in December;Which you never met;I became your prisoner;With no way out!As flashy as it seemed you lashed at me with proper;When all I wanted was simple: your trust!You said that you have no other;Yet you surround yourself with mist.You are a specter: no address no number!With you there’s no rest only if I take another test.Go ahead and call me bitter;But at least I don’t clam up or delay till it’s too late;For when it comes down to love;There's nothing for one to tailor!It’s either you lose tract;Or you end up a winner.This is love; where is your respect?In life such opportunities are so rare;Yet so often they are lost;In terms of pride, valor, and even for what’s better!Love isn’t naturally durable for it’s you who makes it last.And it’s one’s will that can turn his dream into a factAnd that’s fated will my dear! !

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Glow as You Row

On rocks made of broken dreams;And bars of want for ore;Lies my world!

I built my temple of contradictions;Camped deep in my core;Right where monks are clothed with bitterness!A place where mere coincidence isn’t given a bow and arrow;A place where relativity is placed next to appreciated qualities;Where pilgrims offer sweet nothings with each bow;Even though there aren’t any specters;Where it isn’t plagued with cold or snow;And where each can contemplate with sense;A place where to feel good means to let go;So as to let the heart reside where it wishes.

Only there can I feel serenity this deep!I’ve finally figured my lines.Soon I’ll be leaving to see what destiny has to bestow;And on stepping stones that I’ve chose;I shall learn when to step down and when to draw!For snow is deemed fragile even at a glance;If you make the right blow.Sounds like a trance I know but am willing to take a chance;For one shall glow if he/she perseveres as they row.Lay back if you will, am going ahead! !

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Kindred Spirits

Wasteful truths about life unfold;to float in dreams of what to undo.Like a candle waiting to be put out-They bristle regret’s shadow into a kayo.

Playing laments meant to scaffold-kindred spirits; caught up in a rue!Luck puffs its snout like a riot;to the glamour of bienvenue!

Go on living but don’t wait to be toldAbout filling blanks in destiny’s venue;Love is a gypsy pretending to be stoutBefore potential and what’s due

Nails pulled from their old bed- Are banquets from what’s left of you!When the far past makes a jest-Know it’s a test hounding you

Fan or blow to keep ashes away-from the fire; but watch for the flame!

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One Awe Twice Ado

One in love, yet two in a crush-Peering from oneself into another's!Fall for or get by; all tears are a reality show-About care's hollow amice of rendition!Riding chariots of audacity to halt the rash-Is a hit and run under fear's wheels!There, words devour hopes raw-Making half-truths a solid assumption!Sadly, intentions lose all their lush-To apprehension when lurched by actions!And as failure prowls in the shadow-Sacrifice falls clothed to cooperation!Deafened minds find hearts to slash-Dropping lions with eggs on pegs!Sometimes playing by right and wrong is how -Compassion contracts reflection!Where sorrow endures, regret shall nosh-On priorities deprived of stands!So turn door knobs and wave hello-To hesitation strolling by decision!Chance is a phoenix rising from ash-Making today's Charlie tomorrow's spruce!The hurt will subside and pride will bow-To youth mounting patience to salvation!Even if memories flash, make the dash-For choice is an adobe of mere chess!Vows of devotion are besieged below-The silenced visions of arbitrary absolution!Recuperation is a process never a solo clash-Given the right time and enough space!It takes more than a gallant knight to ward a crow-Where the introduction is the best conclusion!Decisions and memories are the wheat and thrash-Of steps taken and others to be made in moments!In real life, not all early exits end in awe-For tomorrow's double ado is an ambition!

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Reason in Emotion

With you a kiss is a way of veneration-for timeless togetherness in a religion!

Sworn to live and die in devotion-So to hell with rebellion!

A touch from you is a culmination-Of all that needs no second opinion!

Through you I outgrew renunciation-Of all men cause you are one in a million!

Hearing you say my name compounds my passion;How can I survive without you my companion?

In your arms is my everlasting coronation-as queen consort of your thoughts triumphant over oblivion!

In your heart I’ve found perfection-so let this body and soul of mine be your dominion!

Wanting you madly is my conviction-speak of no other there is no comparison!

My troubled heart guides my cognition-you are my life and guiding light in the horizon!

Yours truly is my only vindication-for a heart with reasons that aren’t understood even by reason!

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Seine of Benevolence

Like a beautiful woman standing tall,rapped with a shawl amidst the mist; there exists a seine between what is & what can’t be!And though it’s made up of mere words;it keeps one safe from rash assertion!

Like a morning that needs a rising sun to be whole,it complements the truth to smooth circumstance!It pokes holes into grey clouds with sun-rays;as it touches one’s soul like a brush run on bras;as it makes one glow with devotion!

Without it, love would still be waiting in a hall -or like a necklace that has no pendant.So inanimate yet it spells lively!That’s benevolence - something totally out of your grasp; yet it seeps inside you free of aversion!

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Simply Mendacious

Somewhere between being expressive and fictitious; I got lost.Never did it cross my mind such drama for nuance.Maybe I am not that adroit;But lately you’ve been so vexatious;Delving into an endless wrest;For a tinge of flattery from a set of dregs.Tell me, are you that distraught-To let that go down your annals?I did you no wrong so don’t expect-Solace- you got no case!It’s no excuse to say you can always castigate;Maybe I can’t be the judge as I am now witness;But that won’t change a thing in this feint;Or the fact that your doing is your own duress.And that’s why you don’t have much from which to obviate;It’s not that cryptic. You’re being totally capricious!You can’t be both gregarious and belligerent;Such a paradox really does irate!For once in your life admit that my passion-Was your means of keeping me distrait!Never again will I try to appease;By trying to please or remain silent.When faced with such a matter so outrageous;Peruse no further this poem as it is to attest-What you really are- simply mendacious! !

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Still Wondering If I Love You

I used to relate love to fluBut after the words “I love You”;I have no more to give you.There’s nothing left to construe;So please don’t feel blue.How did we get there? I have no clue.I just know that it’s goodbye to solo;And that’s thanks to you.You trust me and for that I love you.Should I wait for you-To make my dreams come true?Come on baby you know-That talking isn’t what I want from you.So let’s focus on me and you;And on what we both wanna do.Waiting for you is so hard when all I want is you;Can’t wait for the day I say I do.Still wondering if I love you? !

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Sunset Hearts

To entice in a web of intricate lies like chat-Pace is everything.Simply verbalize; forget about going along.Any empty promise will do. That’s for a fact-So trust not on sweet nothings.Do the words “blunt deception” bring out their ring?No need to contemplate or even give a pretext.Just like a blog with no tag.Unless you’re asking for a monologue.Get ready to be a so called “darling”.Tell me are you that willing?I’m not saying am a pedagogue or putting up an act.It’s just cause that’s not the vogue-At least according to those rogues.But if you still wanna chat-Remember that you still got the real ones- the living.Don’t shut yourself from those who can give your life meaning;For a heart’s deliverance is beyond a promise held within the next sunset.

Canullia Quest

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