ieee 2014 title's list for cse

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Project Shop Chennai offers M.E projects based on IEEE 2014 .M.Phil Research project Final Year Projects, M.E projects 2014-2015, mini projects 2014-2015, Real Time Projects, Final Year Projects for BE ECE, CSE, IT, MCA, B TECH, ME, M SC (IT), BCA, BSC CSE, IT IEEE 2014 Projects in Data Mining, Distributed System, Mobile Computing, Networks, Networking. IEEE 2014 - 2015 projects. Final Year Projects at Chennai, IEEE Software Projects, Engineering Projects, MCA projects, BE projects, JAVA projects, J2EE projects, .NET projects, Students projects, Final Year Student Projects, IEEE Projects 2014-2015, Real Time Projects, Final Year Projects for BE ECE, CSE, IT, MCA, B TECH, ME, M SC (IT), BCA, BSC CSE, IT,software Engineering,NS2 projects,Mechanical Projects,VLSI projects,Matlab Projects Project Shop Chennai offers BULK projects for IEEE2013-2014 projects ,Real Time projects,Embedded projects,Matlab Projects,VLSI projects,Android projects,Power Electronics projects,Robotic projects BULK IEEE 2013 -2014 JAVA & DOTNET project starting Price Rs 3000/- M.Phil Thesis and project Starting cost Rs 5000/- Embedded,Matlab,VLSI ptojects Starting cost Rs 6000/-





GC001 A combinatorial auction-based mechanism for dynamic vm provisioning and allocation in clouds

GC002 A Hyper-Heuristic Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud

GC003 Adaptive Algorithm for Minimizing Cloud Task Length with Prediction Errors

GC004 Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Workload Patterns in a Large-Scale Utility Cloud

GC005 Cloud migration research: a systematic review

GC006 Compatibility-aware Cloud Service Composition Under Fuzzy Preferences of Users

GC007 Deadline based Resource Provisioning and Scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Workflows on Clouds

GC008 Decreasing Impact of SLA Violations A Proactive Resource Allocation Approach for Cloud Computing Environments

GC009 Dynamic cloud pricing for revenue maximization

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGC010 Hybrid attribute and re-encryption based key management for secure and scalable

mobile applications in clouds

GC011 Integrity for join queries in the cloud

GC012 Is the same instance type created equal? Exploiting heterogeneity of public clouds

GC013 Multi objective Game Theory-based Schedule Optimization for Bags-of-Tasks on Hybrid Clouds

GC014 Oruta Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud

GC015 Performance and cost evaluation of an adaptive encryption architecture for cloud database services

GC016 Probabilistic consolidation of virtual machines in self-organizing cloud data centers

GC017 QoS-Guaranteed Bandwidth Shifting and Redistribution in Mobile Cloud Environment

GC018 Scalable Analytics for IaaS Cloud Availability

GC019 Thermal-Aware Scheduling of Batch Jobs in Geographically Distributed Data Centers

GC020 Transformation-based Monetary Cost Optimizations for Workflows in the Cloud

GC021 Virtualization Technology for TCPIP Offload Engine

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGC022 Workload-Aware Credit Scheduler for Improving Network IO Performance in

Virtualization Environment

GC023 A Self-Scalable And Auto-Regulated Request Injection Benchmarking Tool For Automatic Saturation Detection

GC024 A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Location of Data Centers and Software Components in Green Cloud Computing Networks

GC025 Dynamic Heterogeneity-Aware Resource Provisioning In The Cloud

GC026 Extending Mapreduce Across Clouds With Bstream

GC027 Modeling And Analysis Of State-Of-The-Art Vm Based Cloud Management Platforms

GC028 Stratus: Load Balancing The Cloud For Carbon Emissions Control



GD001 A two-level topic model towards knowledge discovery from citation networks

GD002 Accuracy-constrained privacy-preserving access control mechanism for relational data

GD003 Active learning without knowing individual instance labels: a pair wise label

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIhomogeneity query approach

GD004 An automated framework for incorporating news into stock trading strategies

GD005 Classifier ensembles with the extended space forest

GD006 Core: a context-aware relation extraction method for relation completion

GD007 Data mining with big data

GD008 Effectively indexing the multidimensional uncertain objects

GD009 Efficient ranking on entity graphs with personalized relationships

GD010 Extended sub tree: a new similarity function for tree structured data

GD011 Fast nearest neighbor search with keywords

GD012 Identity protection in sequential releases of dynamic networks

GD013 Improving activity recognition by segmental pattern mining

GD014 Local Thresholding in general network graphs

GD015 Multi comm.: finding community structure in multi-dimensional networks

GD016 Online feature selection and its applications

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGD017 Robust perceptual image hashing based on ring partition and nmf

GD018 Searching dimension incomplete databases

GD019 a cocktail approach for travel package recommendation

GD020 A Generic Framework For Top-K Pairs And Top-K Objects Queries Over Sliding Windows

GD021 Assessing Box Office Performance Using Movie Scripts: A Kernel-Based Approach

GD022 Backward Path Growth For Efficient Mobile Sequential Recommendation

GD023 Bag Constrained Structure Pattern Mining For Multi-Graph Classification

GD024 Computing Multi-Dimensional Trust By Mining E-Commerce Feedback Comments

GD025 Computing Spatial Distance Histograms For Large Scientific Datasets On-The-Fly

GD026 Data Acquisition For Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Query

GD027 Disk-Based Management Of Interaction Graphs

GD028 Efficient Skyline Computation On Big Data

GD029 E-Tree: An Efficient Indexing Structure For Ensemble Models On Data Streams

GD030 Graft: An Efficient Graphlet Counting Method For Large Graph Analysis

No 1, South Dhandapani street (Opposite to T.Nagar bus stand), T.Nagar, Chennai-600017. Call: 8190971323, , mail to:

PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGD031 Hetesim: A General Framework For Relevance Measure In Heterogeneous Networks

GD032 Identifying Features In Opinion Mining Via Intrinsic And Extrinsic Domain Relevance

GD033 Incremental Affinity Propagation Clustering Based On Message Passing

GD034 Infrequent Weighted Item Set Mining Using Frequent Pattern Growth

GD035 Knowledge Acquisition Method Based On Singular Value Decomposition For Human Motion Analysis

GD036 Knowledge Fusion For Probabilistic Generative Classifiers With Data Mining Applications

GD037 Limtopic: A Framework Of Incorporating Link Based Importance Into Topic Modeling

GD038 Main-Memory Hash Joins On Modern Processor Architectures

GD039 Mining Weakly Labeled Web Facial Images For Search-Based Face Annotation

GD040 Multi-Dimensional Classification With Super-Classes

GD041 Neiwalk: Community Discovery In Dynamic Content-Based Networks

GD042 On Skyline Groups

GD043 Outlier Detection For Temporal Data: A Survey

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGD044 Probabilistic Aspect Mining Model For Drug Reviews

GD045 Quasi-Slca Based Keyword Query Processing Over Probabilistic Xml Data

GD046 Recommendation With Social Contextual Information

GD047 Scalable Keyword Search On Large Rdf Data

GD048 Secure Knn Query Processing In Untrusted Cloud Environments

GD049 Secure Mining Of Association Rules In Horizontally Distributed Databases

GD050 Security Evaluation Of Pattern Classifiers Under Attack

GD051 Shortest Path Computing In Relational Dbms

GD052 Temporal Workload-Aware Replicated Partitioning For Social Networks

GD053 Towards Online Shortest Path Computation

GD054Trusted Db A Trusted Hardware-Based Database With Privacy And Data Confidentiality

GD055 Typicality-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation

GD056 Versatile Size- L Object Summaries For Relational Keyword Search

DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMNo 1, South Dhandapani street (Opposite to T.Nagar bus stand), T.Nagar, Chennai-600017. Call: 8190971323, , mail to:


GDS01 A Model Approach to the Estimation of Peer-to-Peer Traffic Matrices

GDS02 A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme toward Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-Tolerant Networks

GDS03 A Stochastic Model to Investigate Data Center Performance and QoS in IaaS Cloud Computing Systems

GDS04 A Survey of Performance Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Accelerator-based Computing

GDS05 Achieving Asymmetric Sensing Coverage for Duty Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks

GDS06 An Iterative Method for Calculating Robust Rating Scores

GDS07 Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions

GDS08 Bit Torrent Locality and Transit Traffic Reduction When, Why, and at What Cost(both)

GDS09 BURSE A Bursty and Self-similar Workload Generator for Cloud Computing

GDS10 Cooperative Positioning and Tracking in Disruption Tolerant Networks

GDS11 D2P Distributed Dynamic Pricing Policy in Smart Grid for PHEVs Management

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGDS12 Data Gathering with Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks A Random

Walk Based Approach

GDS13 Distributed Sensing for High-Quality Structural Health Monitoring using WSNs

GDS14 Distributed Smart-home Decision-making in a Hierarchical Interactive Smart Grid Architecture

GDS15 Dynamic Trust Management for Delay Tolerant Networks and Its Application to Secure Routing

GDS16 Efficient Range-Based Storage Management for Scalable Data stores

GDS17 Efficient Virtual Backbone Construction without a Common Control Channel in Cognitive Radio Networks

GDS18 Enhancing Internet-scale Video Service Deployment Using Microblog-based Prediction

GDS19 Free Market of Crowd sourcing Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Sensing

GDS20 Impact of Brooks-Iyengar Distributed Sensing Algorithm on Real Time Systems

GDS21 Improving Update-Intensive Workloads on Flash Disks Through Exploiting Multi-Chip Parallelism

GDS22 KASR A Keyword-Aware Service Recommendation Method on Map Reduce for Big Data Application

No 1, South Dhandapani street (Opposite to T.Nagar bus stand), T.Nagar, Chennai-600017. Call: 8190971323, , mail to:

PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGDS23 Maximizing the Throughput of Hash Tables in Network Devices with Combined


GDS24 Neighbor Similarity Trust against Sybil Attack in P2P E-Commerce

GDS25 Omni directional Coverage for Device-free Passive Human Detection

GDS26 Order-Optimal Information Dissemination in MANETs via Network Coding

GDS27 OTrack Towards Order Tracking for Tags in Mobile RFID System

GDS28 Parallel Simulation of Complex Evacuation Scenarios with Adaptive Agent Models

GDS29 Performance-Oriented Partitioning for Task Scheduling of Parallel Reconfigurable Architectures

GDS30 Revealing Cascading Failure Vulnerability in Power Grids using Risk-Graph

GDS31 Signature Searching in a Networked Collection of Files

GDS32 Social-Aware Replication in Geo-Diverse Online Systems

GDS33 SPOC A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Opportunistic Computing Framework for Mobile-Healthcare Emergency

GDS34 TAMES A Truthful Double Auction for Multi-Demand Heterogeneous Spectrums

GDS35 Time Synchronization Based on Slow-Flooding in Wireless Sensor Networks

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GDS36 TMC Exploiting Trajectories for Multicast in Sparse Vehicular Networks

GDS37 Truthful Greedy Mechanisms for Dynamic Virtual Machine Provisioning and Allocation in Clouds

GDS38 Web Service Recommendation via Exploiting Location and QoS Information

GDS39 Internet Traffic Privacy Enhancement With Masking: Optimization And Tradeoffs

GDS40 Optimizing the Parallel Tree-Search for Finding Shortest-Span Error-Correcting CDO Codes



GMC01 A Two-Phase Dispatch Heuristic to Schedule the Movement of Multi-Attribute Mobile Sensors in a Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network

GMC02 An Automatic, Robust, and Efficient Multi-User Breadcrumb System for Emergency Response Applications

GMC03 Calibrating Indoor Positioning Systems

GMC04 Capacitive Touch Communication A Technique to Input Data through Devices'

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GMC05 Data Retrieval Scheduling for Multi-Item Requests in Multi-Channel Wireless Broadcast Environments

GMC06 DOTS A Propagation Delay-Aware Opportunistic MAC Protocol for Mobile Underwater Networks

GMC07 Efficient Authentication for Mobile and Pervasive Computing

GMC08 Efficient Rekeying Framework for Secure

GMC09 Evaluating Service Disciplines for On-Demand Mobile Data Collection in Sensor Networks

GMC10 Face-to-Face Proximity Estimation Using Bluetooth on Smart phones

GMC11 Investigating the Privacy versus Forwarding Accuracy Tradeoff in Opportunistic Interest-Casting

GMC12 Minimum Latency Multiple Data MULE Trajectory Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks

GMC13 Opportunistic Channel Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks

GMC14 Optimizing Spatial and Temporal Reuse in Wireless Networks by Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

No 1, South Dhandapani street (Opposite to T.Nagar bus stand), T.Nagar, Chennai-600017. Call: 8190971323, , mail to:

PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGMC15 Profiling aquatic diffusion process using robotic sensor networks

GMC16 Radio Resource Allocation and Green Operation for Mobile Access Networks Based on Radio-over-Fiber

GMC17 RF-Sensing of Activities from Non-Cooperative Subjects in Device-Free Recognition Systems Using Ambient and Local Signals

GMC18 Security Analysis of Handover Key Management in 4G LTESAE Networks

GMC19 Two-Tier Het Nets with Cognitive Femto cells Downlink Performance Modeling and Analysis in a Multichannel Environment

GMC20 White Rate A Context-Aware Approach to Wireless Rate Adaptation

GMC21 A Distributed Multi-Channel Mac Protocol For Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

GMC22 A Feasibility Study And Development Framework Design For Realizing Smartphone-Based Vehicular Networking Systems

GMC23 A New Approach To The Directed Connectivity In Two-Dimensional Lattice Networks

GMC24 Cooperative Pseudo-Bayesian Backoff Algorithms For Unsaturated Csma Systems With Multi-Packet Reception

GMC25 Dragonnet A Robust Mobile Internet Service System For Long Distance Trains

GMC26 On Optimal Cell Activation For Coverage Preservation In Green Cellular Networks

No 1, South Dhandapani street (Opposite to T.Nagar bus stand), T.Nagar, Chennai-600017. Call: 8190971323, , mail to:

PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGMC27 The Impact Of Rate Adaptation On Capacity-Delay Tradeoffs In Mobile Ad Hoc


GMC28 Zifi: Exploiting Cross-Technology Interference Signatures For Wireless Lan Discovery



GNS01 A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization

GNS02 A Large-Scale Study of the Time Required to Compromise a Computer System

GNS03 A Note On Orchestrating an Ensemble of Map Reduce Jobs for Minimizing Their Make span

GNS04 A Random Decision Tree Framework for Privacy-preserving Data Mining

GNS05 Analysis of field data on web security vulnerabilities

GNS06 Cipher SXRay Exposing Cryptographic Operations and Transient Secrets from Monitored Binary Execution

GNS07 Collusion-Tolerable Privacy-Preserving Sum and Product Calculation without

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GNS08 Continuous and Transparent User Identity Verification for Secure Internet Services

GNS09 Control Flow-based Malware Variant Detection

GNS10 Effective Risk Communication for Android Apps

GNS11 Efficient and Privacy-Aware Data Aggregation in Mobile Sensing

GNS12 Efficient Tagging of Remote Peers During Child Pornography Investigations

GNS13 Enforcing Obligations within Relational Database Management Systems

GNS14 Evaluation of Web Security Mechanisms using Vulnerability and Attack Injection

GNS15 Extending the Agile Development Approach to Develop Acceptably Secure Software

GNS16 Fault-Tolerant Network Interfaces for Networks-on-Chip

GNS17 Generating Summary Risk Scores for Mobile Applications

GNS18 HBFT Speculative Byzantine Fault Tolerance With Minimum Cost

GNS19 Hiding in the Mobile Crowd Location Privacy through Collaboration

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGNS20 Human Effects of Enhanced Privacy Management Models

GNS21 Hyper Check A Hardware-Assisted Integrity Monitor

GNS22 Key-Recovery Attacks on KIDS, a Keyed Anomaly Detection System

GNS23 k-Zero Day Safety A Network Security Metric for Measuring the Risk of Unknown Vulnerabilities

GNS24 Meeting Cardinality Constraints in Role Mining

GNS25 MFTS A Multi-level Fault-tolerant Archiving Storage with Optimized Maintenance Bandwidth

GNS26 MINT A Reliability Modeling Framework for Energy-Efficient Parallel Disk Systems

GNS27 MOSES Supporting and Enforcing Security Profiles on Smart phones

GNS28 On the Hardness of Adding Non masking Fault Tolerance

GNS29 PPTP Privacy-Preserving Traffic Padding in Web-Based Applications

GNS30 PRGA Privacy-preserving Recording & Gateway-assisted Authentication of Power Usage Information for Smart Grid

GNS31 Privacy-Preserving Multi-Class Support Vector Machine for Outsourcing the Data Classification in Cloud

No 1, South Dhandapani street (Opposite to T.Nagar bus stand), T.Nagar, Chennai-600017. Call: 8190971323, , mail to:

PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGNS32 Private Searching on Streaming Data Based on Keyword Frequency

GNS33 Pushing Java Type Obfuscation to the Limit

GNS34 Secure Ordered Bucketization

GNS35 Security Analysis and Related Usability of Motion-based CAPTCHAs Decoding Code words in Motion

GNS36 SIP Flooding Attack Detection with a Multi-Dimensional Sketch Design

GNS37 Software-Level Approaches to Implementing Fault-Tolerant Systems on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture

GNS38 STARS A Statistical Traffic Pattern Discovery System for MANETs



GN001 A Study on the Performance of a Three-Stage Load-Balancing Switch

GN002 Algorithms for Enhanced Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (eICIC) in LTE HetNets

GN003 An Urn Occupancy Approach for Modeling the Energy Consumption of

No 1, South Dhandapani street (Opposite to T.Nagar bus stand), T.Nagar, Chennai-600017. Call: 8190971323, , mail to:

PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIDistributed Beaconing

GN004 AP Association for Proportional Fairness in Multi rate WLANs

GN005 Asymptotic Analysis on Secrecy Capacity in Large-Scale Wireless Networks

GN006 Fast Regular Expression Matching Using Small TCAM

GN007 Graceful Convergence in Link-State IP Networks A Lightweight Algorithm Ensuring Minimal Operational Impact

GN008 Green Networking With Packet Processing Engines Modeling and Optimization

GN009 ISP-Friendly Live P2P Streaming

GN010 Joint Routing and Medium Access Control in Fixed Random Access Wireless Multi hop Networks

GN011 Learning-Based Uplink Interference Management in 4G LTE Cellular Systems

GN012 Max-Weight Scheduling in Queuing Networks with Heavy-Tailed Traffic

GN013 Multipath Wireless Network Coding An Augmented Potential Game Perspective

GN014 On Sample-Path Optimal Dynamic Scheduling for Sum-Queue Minimization in Forests

GN015 On the Multiple Uncast Capacity of 3-Source, 3-Terminal Directed Acyclic

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GN016 Optimal Wave banding in WDM Ring Networks

GN017 Optimally Adaptive Power-Saving Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks Using the Hyper Quorum System

GN018 Optimization Decomposition for Scheduling and System Configuration in Wireless Networks

GN019 PACK Prediction-Based Cloud Bandwidth and Cost Reduction System

GN020 Reliable and Timely Event Notification for Publish Subscribe Services Over the Internet

GN021 Retransmission Delays with Bounded Packets Power-Law Body and Exponential Tail

GN022 Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks

GN023 Temporal Traffic Dynamics Improve the Connectivity of Ad Hoc Cognitive Radio Networks

GN024 The Wide-Area Virtual Service Migration Problem A Competitive Analysis Approach

GN025 A Polynomial-Time Algorithm For Computing Disjoint Lightpath Pairs In Minimum Isolated-Failure-Immune Wdm Optical Networks

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGN026 Boundary Cutting For Packet Classification

GN027 Fair Scheduling In Cellular Systems In The Presence Of Non Cooperative Mobiles

GN027 Stabilizing Route Selection In Bgp

GN028 Topology Design Of Communication Networks: A Game-Theoretic Perspective



GS001 A Model-Driven Methodology for Developing Secure Data-Management Applications

GS002 A Study of Variability Models and Languages in the Systems Software Domain

GS003 An Observe-Model-Exercise Paradigm to Test Event-Driven Systems with Undetermined Input Spaces

GS004 Analyzing Critical Decision-Based Processes

GS005 Automated Fixing of Programs With Contracts

GS006 Automatic Summarization of Bug Reports

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGS007 Conservation of Information Software's Hidden Clockwork

GS008 Dealing with traceability in the MDD of model transformations

GS009 Effects of developer experience on learning and applying Unit Test-Driven Development

GS010 Formulating Cost-Effective Monitoring Strategies for Service-based Systems

GS011 Governing Software Process Improvementsin Globally Distributed Product Development

GS012 Identifying Code of Individual Features in Client-Side Web Applications

GS013iTree- Efficiently Discovering High-Coverage Configurations Using Interaction Trees

GS014 Methodbook- Recommending Move Method Refactorings via Relational Topic Models

GS015 Modular Software Model Checking for Distributed Systems

GS016 On the Asymptotic Behavior of Adaptive Testing Strategy for Software Reliability Assessment

GS017 REPENT Analyzing the Nature of Identifier Renamings

GS018 Specification and Verification of Normative Texts using C-O Diagrams

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PROJECTSHOP CHENNAIGS019 Supporting Domain Analysis through Mining and Recommending Features from

Online Product Listings

GS020 Supporting the Combined Selection of Model-based Testing Techniques

GS021 Symbolic Crosschecking of Data-Parallel Floating-Point Code

GS022 Synthesizing Multithreaded Code from Real-Time Object-Oriented Models via Schedulability-Aware Thread Derivation

GS023 Task Environment Complexity, Global Team Dispersion, Process Capabilities, and Coordination in Software Development

GS024 Usability through Software Design

GS025 Variability in Software Systems—A Systematic Literature Review

GS026 Verifying Protocol Conformance Using Software Model Checking for the Model-Driven Development of Embedded Systems

GS027 You Are the Only Possible Oracle- Effective Test Selection for End Users of Interactive Machine Learning Systems

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