ihr logo benefits of building a right relationship with god

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONThe scope of the lesson assumes that we have a relationship with God. A relationship with God is always the right one. This relationship must be built and/or maintained. The focus here is the benefits, the blessings derived or received from building a right relationship with God.

Before we go deep into the heart of the discussion, I want us to have an insight into understanding the nature of our relationship

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with God and how to establish that relationship with Him.

How can one have a “relationship” with a being one has never met, seen and/or heard?

The Nature of A Relationship The Nature of A Relationship With GodWith God

In Matt. 6:19–23, Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. Prayer was not a strange or new thing to that generation except that the disciples wanted to know what method He recommended.

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Jesus gave them this example. The first two words of this model prayer tell us a great deal about relationships. First, notice that Jesus starts out with the word ‘our,’ not the word ‘my.’ The reason is that God is not only the Father of the person praying, but of others also.

In this context, the ‘our’ includes the relationship with all Christians. Second, the word Father implies a relationship with God.

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Note that the relationship is beyond the style of a wife to a husband, two people dating one another, or a neighbour to another neighbour.It is a child to a father relationship and in it a divine friendship exists.Those people who do not acknowledge God in this sense do not have this relationship—and they certainly would not relate to God as Father.Some call Him as the Baba, the One who has the final say or ultimate power in all things, or

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some kind of mysterious being with excellent powers or a god.

Some Christians (in ignorance or pride) want to see God only in terms of Lord, Creator, and Judge. We try to limit the way we should relate with God. A relationship with God goes beyond those terms.

We need to learn to see Him beyond all terms and most especially as our Friend and our

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Father. Until see Him in this sense, we will not see the need to be determined to be and remain a friend to Him.A relationship with God implies having a personal relationship with God. There must be a personal touch.God made you to have a right relationship with Him. God’s love, not your effort, is the basis for the right relationship. This relationship depends on God’s righteousness and power, not yours.

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This relationship requires you to appreciate its nature, accept its terms and power, build on it and enjoy the blessings in it.

Now that we know that the nature of our relationship with God goes beyond the “Creator-created” relationship, (which is not really the right relationship God wants from us) to a “Father-child-friend” relationship – How do we get this right relationship?

Getting The Right Getting The Right Relationship With GodRelationship With God

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To get a right relationship with God, we must first get right with God.

Second, we need to develop the relationship into a personal relationship.”To get right with God, we need to answer three important questions.Why do I need Jesus?

The Bible tells us that every person (that is, of age) is totally separated from God (spiritually

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and worst off physically) by a thing called “sin,” irrespective of their moral rating.

This is where Jesus comes in. Jesus Christ (a sinless man) chose to die on the cross for the sins of all people. He became the “perfect sacrifice” for all our sins, and God accepted His death for our sins as payment in full!Therefore, Jesus Christ became the “bridge” between us and God. It is only through what He did that we can have any relationship with God.

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5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5 (NKJV). “6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 (NKJV).

All we have to do is accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord and then live for Him. That brings us to our next question.

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Knowing Jesus is the only Saviour, hearing about His purpose on earth and the sacrifice for mankind, we need to believe in Jesus and put our faith in Him

How Do I Accept Jesus?

“8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that

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we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10 (NKJV).Acknowledge that you are helpless, hopeless and sinful before Him and repent of your sins. (cf. Acts 17:30,31)

Confess Him as your Saviour (that is, acknowledge His status in your life).

Be baptized by immersion into Him, into His body, the church – [cf. Acts 2:38,39; Rom 6:1-7].

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“22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” Ephesians 1:22-23 (NKJV). That leads us to our third and final question.

Let God and His word be your foundation. “Remember to Whom You Belong” [cf. 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 1 Thess 5:19.]

How Do I Stay Right With God Through Jesus

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Understanding to whom we belong and at what price we were bought is crucial to Christian growth. Galatians 2:20 reminds us that we have been crucified with Christ and no longer live for ourselves.

Self-centeredness must be abolished. Christians are new creatures. As we pray, study, worship, and walk daily with the Lord, the fruit of the Spirit will be produced in us by God’s Spirit.

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To be like Christ should be your motivation, seeking to live like Him should be your consistency drive.To be in Christ is a lifetime commitment toward seeking to be like Jesus in the way that you live. This is what “staying right with God” is all about—becoming more like Jesus!

This means we have to keep our focus on things above. To maintain an intimate, growing relationship with God, we must allow every area

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of our lives to be permeated by faith in God.

Transformation is a necessity!

Three steps to accomplishing this—“decide,” “devote,” and “depend.”A growing Christian starts each day with a renewed decision to offer himself as a living sacrifice to God.

Colossians 3:17 teaches that whatever we do should be done as a representative of Jesus, like

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Jesus is the one doing it - in the name of the Lord. Living this way will require a conscious effort. There should be a burning passion from the heart to please and glorify Him. Then, we must depend on God, His Word, and His church. We can’t do this alone. God must be welcome in every part of our lives. Overcoming sin should be a daily priority. Remember that it is possible to make an error, struggle with and fall into sin.

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If you do, in humility and godly sorrow, repent and be restored back to Him.Do not minimize the role of the devil, the crafty design of sin, the destructive effect of moral bankruptcy but always remember that you bear a personal responsibility to overcome sin.

The devil can tempt, trick, and lie; but sinning is a choice.Thank God for the forgiveness that the blood of Jesus provides!

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Not only will the Christian seek forgiveness, but he will also strive—with God’s help—to avoid sin.

Remember you serve a gracious God. How encouraging is the knowledge that we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus! Realizing that we are forgiven encourages us to overcome sin. To build a great relationship with God, the new Christian must resist the devil and draw near to God.

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Once the relationship is started by getting right with God, we need to make the second step - develop our new relationship into a personal relationship.We do it by following a two step communication process. First, we always communicate to God. Prayer is one of the communication means. Praises is another means.

As we employ these means, we praise Him, we tell Him our needs, we ask for forgiveness and

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we seek His help to keep us from temptation. This is what Jesus was making known to His disciples in Matt. 6:19–23.God does deserve our praise and we need His support. Further, as our Father, we can expect Him to help us in our lives. By the way, God will not grant every request.

As children may not understand why their parents will not let them play in the street, there will be times we do not understand why God

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does not seem to answer our prayers. You should know that God will give you what is best for you, long term. Second, God communicate to us. God communicates to us, through His Son. “1 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these last days spoken to us by His Son.…” Hebrews 1:1 - 2 (NKJV).

We hear the Son through His word – cf. II Tim. 3:16-17.

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This does not mean that without His word He can’t speak to us, but we trust the reason why He says He speaks to us through His Son and through His word.

Authors tell us that the biggest compliment they receive is when people tell them that they read and liked the author’s book.

If you plan to see God one day, wouldn’t it be nice to tell Him, “I read and liked your book?”

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When we build a close and right relationship with God, we begin to see things through His eyes.


It is a bond that is forged in love and nurtured through continual communication and trust.By stepping back and putting our complete faith in God and the outcome of all of our affairs, we

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are inviting Him into our lives with loving trust and friendship.As our relationship deepens, we begin to see how God truly does oversee our growth and how He steers our course as we navigate our way through this lifetime.Every relationship brings benefits. Good fathers want to give their children advantages in life, and God is the preeminent Father. He loves us so much that He wants us to be His children and to have the absolute best.

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Purpose in Purpose in lifelifeGod gives true meaning and purpose to your life. His purposes for you are far superior to any goals or plans you have for yourself.

A life without God taking 100% control is a miserable life. David had great confidence in God’s purposes. “2 I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things for me.” Psalm 57:2 (NKJV).

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Personal Personal PowerPowerNot from your own strength, but from the Holy Spirit. He lives in you to transform you into the image of Christ, and that’s powerful. With His power you can face any obstacle and emerge victorious.

Anxiety is one of the great killers of our time. Worry causes and makes worse all kinds of illnesses - heart diseases, cancer, infectious

Victory Over Worry And Victory Over Worry And AnxietyAnxiety

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diseases, or depression. Jesus commands us not to replace God’s position in our life with worry (cf. Matthew 6:25, 31, 34).

Some circumstances are beyond what we can explain but we trust that when we have right relationship with Him and build it, He is our strong tower we run into.

God can supply everything we need, so there’s never a need for the Christian to worry as if God is irrelevant in the scheme of things.

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There are times when lessons need to be learned. At those times, it may seem as though He is not listening or that He is punishing us with hurtful or painful situations.

He intervenes in our life situations when it is appropriate for him to do so. We are not alone

We might even ask "Why doesn't He save me from this experience?" He may not be removing us from it because, if He did, it may hamper our growth and hurt us more in the long run.

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on our journey.

As we follow His wisdom in doing what we ought to do, we seek His blessings to enhance our efforts and He meets our need according to His will.

God already knows what our goals are and what we are to accomplish while we are here on earth.

Our relationship with Him replaces frustration and distrust of other people’s motives with joy

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and happiness. Relationship with God frees you to relate to others in love.  

Far more valuable than the world’s treasures, God gives us true wealth. Love, joy, peace, hope, wisdom, patience, kindness, and self-control. These are gifts that money can never buy.

Spiritual Spiritual RichesRiches

Free Free WillWillAs our Creator and heavenly parent, God wants

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what is best for us. He also knows that as his children, we must be free to make our own choices in order to exist and grow as a spiritual being.  

That is why we have the gift of free will. One of the most important aspects of this freewill is to stretch ourselves beyond what we perceive to be our boundaries and limitations and offer ourselves into the limitless power of God and let His will determine our direction.

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Forgiveness, Restoration And Up-Forgiveness, Restoration And Up-buildingbuildingAs we live our lives every day, God lovingly watches over us. He knows the paths our lives are taking and the effects of the choices we make, as well as the best way for us to go.

He sees when we deviate from that path. He exerts his power with a loving hand to guide us back to the path.Though, we become frustrated when we see ourselves or others going down a path that will

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ultimately cause more pain. With God, he views our errors and mistakes as learning lessons. With us, we hope that He extends our lives to have time for repentance.

It is beneficial for us to view our setbacks and missteps in the same way. God extends great love and compassion toward us. We give ourselves the greatest gift of kindness and love when we extend the same courtesy toward ourselves and others.

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Eternal LifeEternal Life

More than simply “living forever”, it’s about our quality of life on earth. It’s really living - true spiritual life. “10 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.” Romans 8:10 (NKJV).

A home in heaven to crown it all. Jesus told His disciples, “2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and

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prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:2-3 (NKJV). Living eternally with God in heaven is the ultimate reward.CONCLUSIOCONCLUSIONNAs we build our relationship with God, our trust

and faith are rewarded with spiritual strength, love, knowledge, peace and blessings beyond our imagination and analysis.

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As a result, we may find ourselves emulating the very characteristics that God displays toward us, including a significant capacity to extend love, forgiveness, understanding, and compassion toward ourselves and others.

Every sincere and obedient heart that has submitted to God and learned to obey Him has always found great peace through its relationship with God and it has transformed such life in ways it never even dreamed were possible.

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Share your love with God today and let Him into your heart. In this way, you can experience the beauty and benefits of our divine relationship with God, our Creator, our Father, our Friend, our Provider, our Comforter, and our Deliverer for yourself.

God bless His word in our hearts in Jesus Name – amen!

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