i'm starting to question my sanity episode 1

Post on 26-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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I do not own Saints Row. After Saints Row IV.


By, SaintsRowAddict

(Kayleigh Moyer)

I do NOT own Saints Row IV! Volition and Deep Silver do!

… Carry on…

After k

illing Zinyak, s

ome alien

named Zinjai, who happens t

o be

Zinyak's perso

nal ass



down to Alic

e in fe

ar. Alth

ough she

knows that h

e's quiverin

g in fe



she ju

st kille

d his boss

right in

front o

f him

, she gave him

a weird


"Hey Zinjai, is there a way we can go back to normal human life?" She questioned. "Well Earth was obviously obliterated so that's out of the question if you want to go back. However, time travel is possi-" "Wait wait, did you just say time travel?" "Y-yes your Excellency. I can take you back in time a few days before the invasion to collect some of your friends and other items and such that you would like to bring along. But I must warn you the present could alter if you go back in time and disrupt the past. Say as if you would save a loved one before death. That will have a major impact on the present, there's no telling how it could alter it. The good things are 1. You will remember all of this 2.You will still be in control of this empire 3. Zinyak will be dead and stay dead, and 4. We should be able to copy your memory to create a new planet or make a planet of your choice to make it look and feel like your home planet." He explained. "And no, the Saint civilization will most definitley not come back with you."

"Awww!" She fake sobbed playfully. But on the inside, she kinda was upset.

"Well, that sure is little info. but I'll give it a whirl. I'm going to save some of my friends in the past if you don't mind setting it to before Aisha dies. Well here's my list of people I want to bring back. While your at it, you might want to make the empire a little more.. Saintly. You know what I'm saying?"

List of people:

Aisha (For Johnny)

Carlos Mendoza (We need original Saints)

Viola DeWynter (Good Leader)

Kiki DeWynter (Good Leader)

Oleg Kirrlov (Understands Kinzie..)

Zimos (We need entertainment)

Angel De LaMuerte (Martial Arts, maybe help Matt..)

Lin (She was my best friend..) P.s. DO NOT wake me up when in the morning If you get ready early!

And so Alice was transported to Aisha's house.

"This place sure brings back memories.." She mumbled quietly. She wasn't very quiet because she scared Aisha.

"Who's there?!"

"You caught me." Alice smirked and walked into view.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the boss of the Third Street Saints. I came back to the past to take you with me."

"How do I know you're not just some imposter?"

"I'm from the future and I promise I won't hurt you. Here's a little something." Alice tossed Johnny's Glasses to Aisha. "I figured you wouldn't believe me so I brought this along. Johnny was reluctant at first but-"

"I'll go." She looked at Alice with seriousness written all over her face.

"Why do you want to take me with you?" She asked, curiosity consuming her.

"The Ronin killed you and I wanted to save you. Johnny misses ya." Alice smiled. Aisha seemed confused at all this.

"Just come with me I swear you won't regret it. And If you don't like it, I'll take you back. Kay?" Aisha nodded and followed Alice through the portal.

When A

isha a

nd Ali

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?" Joh



d like

a mad



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at th

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"Zinjai!" Alice snapped. "Yes your Excellency?" "Let's go see Carlos." Alice smiled a soft smile. Zinjai didn't think he would ever see a smile like that from a person like her. "Right away." Alice's eyes snapped open in an instant. "Ah Stillwater. The armpit of America.." Alice smirked at her remark. She then saw the run down church and smiled softly once more. But she grimaced when she remembered Julius and Troy. "Traitors.." She murmured. She went back to the Saints Hideout and sure enough saw young Shaundi and young Pierce. But what didn't surprise her but yet again pleased her, is to see guns pointed at her. "I trained you guys well." She put her hands up in surrender. "Who's here?" One of the Saints nudged their shoulders toward Alice. She just smirked. Shaundi popped out of the crowd. "Well I'll be." Shaundi smirked. "How long has it been?" Alice asked while bro hugging Shaundi. "I dunno a month?" The Saints looked confused. "Third Street Saints, this is your boss in the future." She turned to Alice. "So who you bringing back this time?" "Originally it was just Carlos but I'll bring you back too. It shouldn't alter the 'Future Shaundi' if you come along." "Alright sounds good. Yo Carlos! We're leaving! Pack your things! I shouldn't need anything right?" "No you shouldn't cause if anything you'll be sharing with 'yourself'. She won't be very happy of course but she'll deal." Alice smirked.

~Back To The


"Are you really Ali-" "SHH! I don't want them to know my name." Alice warned.

"Got it." Carlos confirmed.

"So why did you decide to bring me back?" Carlos questioned.

"Well, we need as many Saints as we can get. Although the

war is over with Zinyak, we never really know what could

happen next. I missed you Carlos." Alice admitted sheepishly.

"O-oh. Well it's good to be back in the gang." Carlos

awkwardly replied. 'Alright I've had enough for today.' Alice thought and went to

her sleeping quarters.

The next day Alice woke up with a major head ache and a

major pain in her leg. She pulled the covers off her body and

her eyes darted for her leg and was just about ready to

scream when she felt something hit her in the head and

unconsciousness overtook her.

When she reopened her eyes for the second time that day,

she couldn't breathe and was moving frantically to get

someone's attention to help her breathe.

Thankfully, someone heard her and rushed to her aid. It

was Carlos.

Carlos had no idea what the problem was and panicked

slightly. Alice was still desperately gasping for air she didn't

have when Carlos did something she didn't expect.

He kissed her.

Or was it a kiss?

Suddenly she felt air being breathed into her mouth. Alice responded by trying to breathe that air in and was successful. And finally after a few tries, she could breathe again. Carlos tried to hide his blush but Alice could see it from a mile away.

"Wow..." Alice breathed. Carlos blushed apple red.

"Carlos stop blushing. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I won't tell anybody about what just happened." Ali giggled at Carlos's reaction to that.

"Thank you Carlos. You saved my life there." Alice smiled.

"Are you okay now?" Carlos asked with slight worry.

"I'm just fine thanks to you." Alice grinned widely.

"Glad to hear it. Anyway, what happened yesterday?" Carlos asked curiously. Then it all came back to her of what just transpired last night.

Special Thanks!Brandi Keller

Sofi SammarDrake WengerAlexis ShevonPhoebe PawlingRachael ForrerMarlene MoyerBrittany AlexisRosie DaltonMj BlattCaitlin Marie NeiderMegan StallingsJean-martin SavardJesspoo ArchieRoxie WillowsGabbie ShortieDeep Silver & Volition (For letting me use their characters!)

I hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned for episode 2!

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