important features of message structure and presentation by the companies to attract the people

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Important Features of Message Structure and Presentation by the companies to attract the people

important Features of Message Structure and Presentation that companies are taking to attract the potential consumers

The people regarding to chose pvt. University for BBA degree rather than the Public university is that the provider of BBA degree( the pvt. University) uses some kind of message through out the advertisement to targeted people.In our survey we found that many of the pvt. University are uses different message to attract the people who desires BBA degree.They setting their structure of the message in like that way___

Resonance Advertising: The pvt. University uses resonance advertising to provide the message to newly passed H.S.C students who may be admit in pvt. University.Their structure of the message may be represents the whole university to attract the selected people.

Message framing: This means that they are provide message through out way of positive or negative message framing.Sometimes pvt. University provide positive message framing and also negative possitiv message framing they says about the benefit if individual completed their BBA degree their pvt. University and also sometime they tells the benefit they are actually provide to the students.Negative message framing sometimes they use to attract or motivate to people to admitted in their university. University tells the public if u not admitted in this university you loss from your desired benefit .

Fear or Humor effects: This kind of message structure is actually pvt. University to use much more like than any other to influence the people.It’s use for top level pvt. University because they attract their consumer through the value of the BBA degree of this pvt. University and in job market demand about their value and acceptance of their message.

Pvt. University also focus on sometime ranking to influence consumer.Usually pvt. University set their message structure based on this which are given below and show that they are provided to any students.

1. Good environment for study: Most of the privet varsity try to provide a good education environment for their students. No political bias or semester scheduling prolem.

2. Computer based education: University provide online based modern education like online based registration system,e-book learning,online library.

6. Faculties are more concern about their responsibilities: Faculties are very concern about their own responsibilities like prepare their course outline,prepare class notes,teaching tecnics.

7. Well communication between student and faculty member:In privat university teachers are provide consulting hour,teachers asistent ,teachers performance evaluation those are the factors of communication between the faculty and student.

8. Big library facility with latest edition book:privat university provide different kinds of research paper ,new edition books, different kinds of journals

9. More concern about discipline:Privet university always try to focus their own brand name so they are maintains student security and students discipline to control their youthness

11. Study is more carriers oriented;privat university sometimes arrange field work or field servay,job fair,many kinds

12. Study with theoritical and practical

13. Transfer credit facility to home and abroad universities.

Analyze how the consumers are communicated by the companies::

This components is very much essential for universities to communicating with the’s also important for peoples to collect information from

this .university management use different process to communicate with the

consumer. By watching the advertisement in the Television, Billboard, etc.

marketers use communication to the customers to aware about the product, that the specific product will satisfy consumer needs and wants.

The communication model that are using by companies(pvt. University) to communicated with the consumer are___


The sender, as the initiator of the communication can be a formal or an informal source.A formal sources are university ,media etc.

An informal source is can be a parent or a friend who gives product information or advice.An informal communication source regarding the BBA is a more effective communication source compare to formal communication source for pvt. Universities to make aware of the targeted consumer.


The receiver of formal marketing communications is likely to be a targeted prospect or a customer (e.g. a member of the marketer’s target audience) or the receiver of sender message.It can be parents,students,family or combine of

Sender (Source)

MessageChannel (Medium)

Receiver (Consumer)


these.universities must be send this kind of message which can be easily understand by targeted peoples.


The medium or the communication channel is the way that the sender send their message.It can be impersonal means mass medium or mass medium pvt. University uses newspaper add or magazine add frequently to maintain communication mostly rather than the other source of communication. University add like admission date or eligibility of admission test etc are given on this add.but in tv commercial only few university use this like DIU(Dhaka Int. University),Northern University etc.but in paper add you find every single university add.


The message can be verbal (spoken or written), nonverbal (a photograph, an illustration (design) or a symbol) or a combination of two.

A verbal message, whether it is spoken or written, can usually contain more specific product (or service) information than a add we found that most of the university given detailed information regarding BBA course a nd also thei whole program..that’s why university uses verbal message.sometimes they also use symbol or logo like NSU,IUB etc.


Feedback is the most essential component of both communication that are used by means that how the targeted consumers are response the sender message.If the targeted audience are given positive feedback that means that in this university more students wants to be admitted for BBA course.And negative feedback just opposed of positive feedback.Like just think about AIUB.In every semester AIUB taken two admission exam.But every admission exam more than one thousand have seating for admission test.That is positive feedback.

Personality factors in terms of Consumer Innovativeness, Consumer Materialism and Consumer Ethnocentrism as part of the Trait Theory.

Materialism – the extent to which a person is considered materialistic or money oriented

Private varsity student seek lifestyles full of possessions (e.g. they desire to have lots of things, rather than a simple, uncluttered lifestyle).

Consumer Ethnocentrism: Consumers who are highly ethnocentric feel that it is wrong to use foreign-made products because it would hurt the domestic economy

Private varsity appeal to ethnocentric consumers by stressing nationalistic themes in their News papers advertisement.

Consumer Innovativeness

Those who are likely to be the first to try new products, services or practices – for market response of such innovators is often a critical indication of the eventual success or failure of a new product or service


Dogmatism is a personality trait that measures the degree of rigidity

High dogmatism: Students are close minded .Thy don’t like new private varsity.They don’t except new varsity easily.

Low dogmatism:Students are open minded they ready to except new varsity.Low dogmatism students are more important for private varsity.

Need for Uniqueness They want to keep themselves different from others.

The student of AIUB is different of other varsity.they try to keep themselves different from other.

optimum stimulation levels (OSLs) are linked with greater willingness to take new risks, to try new products, to be innovative, to seek use-related information .

OSL=ASL people are satisfied

OSL>ASL people are borings .one student want to admitted in to AIUB but becacause of his ASL level is low he cant admitted in AIUB ultimately he will be bored

Sensation Seeking people who try to take risk. Before admitting in a private varsity they are taking risk they don’t know they can do their graduation or not.

how do customers try to achieve the Value and their Satisfaction Level.

Customer Value – is defined as the ratio between the customer’s perceived benefits (economic, functional, and psychological) and the resources (monetary, time, effort, psychological) used to obtain those benefits. During our survey time we asked several questions to different students of how much they received value from their university.Most of the students answered that they are quite satisfied about their receive value.But many students claim on about one particular item .That is amount of money they are providing to the university.

Customer Satisfaction is the individual’s perception of the performance of the product or service in relation to his or her expectations.Students get satisfaction if their expectation is fulfilled by their receivable value. When we were doing our survey ,majority students of AIUB saisd that their satisfaction level didn’t fulfilled.because they claim that their have no common room, university have no own campus.But regrarding the BBA course they said that the faculty of BBA department are very good ,they are highly qualified etc.

Actual Performance is below Expectations Dissatisfied

Actual Performance is equal to Expectations Satisfied

Actual Performance exceeds the Expectations Delighted/ Very Satisfied

Customer Satisfaction – with respect to customer satisfaction there might be several types of customers.

Loyalists —completely satisfied customers who keep continue his study on his university.

Apostles —whose experiences exceed their expectations and who provide very positive word of mouth about the university.That peoples also advised to another students study at this university.These type of peoples represent the university.

Defectors —who feel neutral or merely satisfied and are likely to stop doing his study in university.

Terrorists —who have had negative experiences within the university and who spread negative word of mouth.He may be transfer his credit to another university.many students are doing it if he is not satisfied.

Hostages —who are unhappy customers who stay with the company because of no choice (or other reasons).

Mercenaries —very satisfied customers but who have no real loyalty to the company and may defect.

Arousal of Motives for the purchase.

Most of an individual’s specific needs of an individual are dormant much of the time. The arousal of any particular set of needs at a specific point in time may be caused by internal stimuli found in the individual’s physiological condition, emotional or cognitive processes, or by stimuli in the outside environment.

1. Physiological Arousal

Bodily needs, at any one specific moment in time, are rooted in an individual’s physiological condition at that moment.

Most physiological cues are involuntary; however, they arouse related needs that cause uncomfortable tensions until they are satisfied.

2. Emotional Arousal

Sometimes thinking or daydreaming results in the arousal or stimulation of latent needs. These thoughts tend to arouse dormant needs, which may produce uncomfortable tensions that “push” them into goal-oriented behavior.Sometimes when they read or completed their H.S.C many students see dream that after H.S.C for their undergraduate program especially for BBA they want to get admitted in pvt. University like NSU,AIUB,UIU etc.

Cognitive Arousal:

Sometimes random thoughts or personal achievement can lead to a cognitive awareness of needs.

4. Environmental Arousal

The set of needs activated at a particular time is often determined by specific cues in the environment.

When people live in a complex and highly varied environment, they experience many opportunities for need arousal. Conversely, when people live in a poor or deprived environment, fewer needs are activated. This is actually appropriate for pvt. Universities students.Just think about 4 or five top level pvt. University.In these pvt. University most of the students are city people.Their parents have high income and they can easily provide high cost of money.but in urban or semi-urban students most of the try get admitted in like Atish Dipankar,Prime,World etc. these kind of universities.

The Behaviorist School considers motivation to be a mechanical process; behavior is seen as the response to a stimulus, and elements of conscious thought are ignored.

The Cognitive School believes that all behavior is directed at goal achievement.

Analyze the Consumer Decision Making Process while selecting or choosing their desired products.

The people who wants to completed their BBA degree from private university they make this decision based on some crieteria like value of the degree,ranking,demand etc.People select pvt. University like___

External Influence:

First peoples influence by the university formal communication source like BBA degree,place of the university campus,university provide benefits or cost regarding BBA.

In external influence family,friends,other non-commercial or informal sources.

Decision making:

When people determined that he wants to study in pvt. University for BBA,then he makes some plan to collect information r egarding pvt. University for admission.

Need recognition:its means that he wants to study in pvt. University at BBA department.

Information search:Then he collects information regarding Universities and the value of the BBA degree at this university.He may visit universities websites, paper add or telephone.He collect also information from hi sfriends or well known person.

Evaluation of alternatives:

Based on his information then he evaluates each university which are they colledted.he may be put some point mark on each factor and then interpreat the cost of this university,campus,ranking,value of this university etc.


Based on his evaluation he chose the best point mark to select the university.Then he try to admitted in this university.If he faces any problem in admission regarding the first one,then he move to second one to fulfilled his need.


If he is not satisfied about the university or facility or if it don’t fulfill his expectation then he try to transfer out the university.It’s called credit transfer.And he also saying to his friends or brother to skip this university for their undergraduated program.

5. Consumers feel motivated to go for the choose their desired university

Motivation can be described as the driving force within individual that impels them

to action. This driving force is produce by a tention,which exists as the result of an

unfilled need.

Needs: Education is one of the basic needs of human being. Every person want to

be a educated that’s why people want to join desired university .the result from the

individuals increase phychological status and relationships with other those needs

are considers primary needs and motivation.

Goals: when a student get admitted to a desired university then the genarel goals is

to get a degree on the other hand specific goals the student set his/her on objective

or future on the basis of their personal values and they select means that they

believe will help them will help them achieve their desired goals. Every university

has own education system ,that they maintain for their quality main tain .Thats why

student motivated to their future career .

Q.15 answer:

Impact of Social Class and Cultural factors:

In private university tuitions cost is huge amount that’s why well known university prefer Higher class to middle class student. That is impact of social class. Basic theory is if you pay higher then you can hope better service. Education is not a product its service. Private university get more beside they provide world standard education system.

In private university there are have no cultural factors in Bangladesh. Private university not look at your race, colour, region, religion, language, norm.


In the context of massive expansion of the country’s secondary and higher

secondary sector, a huge demand have been create for the tertiary level. This

project will support universities to improve teaching-learning quality in

undergraduate and master’s level. It also provides fund for the improvement of

research capabilities for post-graduate programs, it also has a component to

recognize academic innovations for improving resources for lab, library and other

related fields. In this study, teacher’s quality and infrastructure facilities will be

analyzed to explore the quality of education in Private Universities. To conduct the

study six private universities have taken by using specific criteria. Private

Universities first introduces American system in country’s higher education. Four

years first degree, grading system and some other innovation have come here

through private universities. With some mismanagement and profit motive, they

are helping to reshape the higher education to create competent and market

oriented human resources. Not all universities are equivalent in standard, this also

true for Public University. Some are doing excellent, some are average and some

others’ standard is questionable. But it is tough to draw a common line about the

standard and performance of the institutions.


Geographic segmentation :geographic segmentation means dividing the market on the basis of location.

Variables are


City size For private varsity Major Metropolitan Areas, Small Towns, Cities are perfect .


Density of Area:

In a geographic segmentation we just take city size.

Demographic segmentation : Demographic segmentation is the process of segmenting the market based on demographic characteristics.

Variables are

Age Under , 18-34, age people are our target consumer for private varsity

Sex Male, Female both are our target consumer

Marital Status is not important for this sgmentation

Income Tk. 25,000, Tk. 25,000 Tk. 50,000, Tk. 50,000- Tk. 75,000-100000 if the person or family member is earn this kind of money thy will be our target consumer and they are the suitable for taking admission in private varsity.

Education:H.S.C or B.B.A or Honours students are target consumer for private varsity.

Psychological segmentation: Psychological segmentation (characteristics) refers to the inner or intrinsic qualities of the individual consumer as a basis for segmentation.

Personality Extroverts, Novelty (Innovation) Seekers, people are important they are the target cosumer for private varsity.

Perception , Moderate risk, High-risk is important for learning in a private varsity

Learning-involvement , High-involvement needs for learning

Attitudes Positive Attitude needs for learning in a private varsity Usage Situation Segmentation

The occasion or usage situation often determines what consumers want and when


Time: Time is important for students admission before summer,Fall,Spring is important time for student admission in private varsity.

Benefit segmentation: Marketers and advertisers seek to isolate one particular benefit that they should communicate to the consumer

Variables are

Long lasting:Before students take admission on one specific varsity they will look of the reputation and government approved of the varsity.

Value for money:Students paying so much money in a private varsity .they justify the job condition of varsity

Reference group

A Reference Group is any person or group that serves as a point of comparison (or reference) for an individual in forming either general or specific values, attitudes, or a specific guide for behavior

Friendship Groups :friends of same age. It is a informal group

Say for example 5 students of city college admitted in AIUB then another 5 students admitted in AIUB .They influence by them

Shopping Groups The person who has good idea about private varsity. he can influence other students.

Work Groups Working people .one working person influence other person

Virtual Groups or Communities - Brand Communities online based it also impact on students admission Celebrities Sakibal hasan the captain of Bangladesh cricket team he is a student of AIUB .It influence the other students to admitted in AIUB

The “ Common Man”

AIUB students got a job in influence other students

The Executive and Employee Spokes Person:AIUB chairman anwar abedin says that AIUB is the best private varsity. It influence students to admitted in AIUB

Trade or Spokes-Characters UGC chairman says that AIUB is best .it influence student to admit in AIUB.

Family is defined as two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption who reside together. Family is the central or dominant institution in providing for the welfare of its members.

Buyer: parents decide that in which varsity son or daughter will admit.

Preparer: parents or elder son take decision in which varsity you will be read.

Influencer: In a family elder brother influence parents for decision making

Disposers :If Son get poor marks in varsity and he is not capable of doing studies on that time father take responsibility in his so and re admitted him

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