in company pre int tb unit 14

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8/3/2019 In Company Pre Int TB Unit 14 1/6

8/3/2019 In Company Pre Int TB Unit 14 2/6


In this nit, stdents lk t isses rnd getting ndlsing jb. In the frst setin, the red newspperrtile bt wn wh ws fred r tking prt in rdi petitin while she ws t wrk. This rtileis sed t present nd prtise the pssive. Stdentsthen red reprt giving the nger’s viewpint nthe se inident nd prtise rewriting shrt texts inthe pssive.

The next setin is bt ppling r jb, ndstdents red extrts r r letters pplitin.The exine the rlit the lngge sed ndwrite prgrph intrding their wn cV.

In the next setin, stdents lk t cV nd  jb dvert, nd listen t n interview. The deidewhether r nt the think the pn ppinted thendidte.

In the fnl setin, the tlk bt wider issesrnd eplent nd reltinships betweenwrkers nd eplers.

The grtil s is n the pssive, nd the lexils is n predres.

Inthisrstsection,studentsreadthestoryofNicolaWilliams,whowas sacked or taking part in a radio phone-in programme while shewas at work. They examine the vocabulary used in the article andlook at the use o the passive. They then read the manager’s reporton the incident, which gives an entirely dierent viewpoint. Thistext uses the passive in order to sound more ormal and objective,

and students go on to rewrite short texts using the passive. Theythen discuss the issue o sacking employees.


Write the words hire and fire at the top o two columns on

the board and as students what they mean (to give someone

a job, and to tae a job away rom someone). Then as how

many other words they now that mean the same thing as hire 

and fire or are connected with them. I they don’t now any,

you could put this list on the board and as them to decide

which column they should go in: take someone on, lay off,

 sack, appoint, downsize, let someone go, terminate someone’s

employment, recruit .

1 Encourage students to make predictions based on the headline

alone and not to read the article yet. Establish that a phone-in is aradio programme in which listeners are invited to phone the radiostation and give their opinions on air. Sometimes these involvecompetitions or quizzes in which people can win prizes.

2 Students read the article and see i their predictions in 1were correct. You could use the questions as the basis or a classdiscussion o students’ reactions to what they have read or ask themto discuss them in pairs or small groups.

3 Ask students to underline the verbs in the text which mean thesame as to sack and to discuss in pairs which verb is more ormal.Point out that inormal words (such as fred or sacked) are usuallyused in newspaper headlines because they have more impact.


laid o, red

Laid off is the more ormal verb.

The pssive

4 Again, suggest that students underline the sentences in thearticle when they fnd them.


a She was laid o.

b She was ordered to leave the actory immediately.

5 Do this exercise with the whole class to make sure that everyoneunderstands.


a They laid her off and They ordered her to leave the factory 

immediately are active.

  She was laid off and She was ordered to leave the factory 

immediately are passive.b They (the management o the company)

c She (Nicola Williams)

d Nicola Williams

e They put the emphasis on Nicola and what happened to her. The

important inormation comes at the beginning o the sentence.

It is omitted because it is unnecessary. We are not interested in who

did the sacing so much as who was saced.


I your students are unamiliar with the passive, direct their

attention to the Language links section on page 94, where

they will nd more inormation on the orm and use o the

passive, and practice exercises to help them use the passive

orm correctly.

6 Students read the manager’s report, which shows that there aretwo sides to every story. Point out the use o the passive to makea text sound more objective and ormal in style. Elicit that theopposite o objective is subjective. A subjective approach impliesmore emotional involvement with the case. An objective account o somethingstickstothefacts.Whenyouhavecheckedtheanswers,ask whether students have changed their minds as a result o reading the manager’s report about whether they think the sackingwas justifed or not.


a was warned d was given g was inormed

b were given e was inormed

c were noted was ased

7 AskstudentswhatthesourceofthestoryaboutNicolaWilliamsthat they read frst was (a newspaper ). Elicit that a newspaper ismore likely to be sympathetic to Nicola than to the management o her company or a number o reasons: newspapers and their readerslike ‘hard-luck’ stories and stories with happy endings; newspaperslike to think they champion the ordinary person against the powero big business. Ask students i they think that newspapers usuallypublish all the acts o a case. Students discuss in pairs or smallgroups how the details o the incident are dierent in the twoaccounts.



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The newspaper account doesn’t mention that Nicola had received

previous warnings about using her mobile phone at wor. It also

doesn’t report that she became hysterical and abusive when she was

told that she was saced.

The manager’s report doesn’t include personal inormation, such asthe act that Nicola is a single mother with a six-year-old daughter.

8 The instructions here tell students to improve the texts bychangingoneverbintothepassive.Whenyouhavecheckedthe answers, ask them why they think this improves the texts(mainly because the most important inormation is brought to thebeginning o the sentence, where it is more prominent and hasmore impact; also because these are ormal texts, and the passiveeliminates the use o the pronouns they and it, which makes theoriginal texts sound more inormal).


a 35,000 people have been laid o in the last ve years,

unemployment is rising, and there are social problems in the


b The business is a great success. New sta are being hired, and it is

expanding ast.

c As there was a recession and the number o orders decreased, one

o the actories was closed.

d To improve margins, the new model is being made in Hungary,

where labour costs are lower.

e Ford has several plants in Europe. One o them is in Valencia, and

the Escort is produced there.

Plans have been announced or the new industrial estate. It will

cover ten hectares and create space or over 15 business ventures.


9 Go through the items in the box with the class to make sure

everyone understands them. Students then discuss the question insmall groups. You could appoint a secretary in each group to takenotes and report back to the class on what was said. Emphasise thatstudents can include any ideas o their own.


In this section, students listen to people talking about theirapproach to applying or a job and match the people to extractsrom their application letters. These are then examined orexamples o ormal language, which is appropriate or such letters.Students are invited to decide what this ormal language reallymeans. They then write a paragraph introducing their own CVs.


Find out what the normal procedure is or applying or a job

in students’ own countries. They may be interested to now

that, in the Uk, most jobs are advertised in the press. Some o

the adverts as people to contact the advertiser to receive an

ocial application orm. Others as or a letter o application

and a CV (curriculum vitae), which lists the applicant’s personal

details, education, qualications, job experience and interests.

In both cases, applicants would write a covering letter,

explaining why they are interested in applying or the job

and noting any relevant points that they wish to highlight

rom their CVs or which are not covered in either the CV or

the ocial application orm. Application letters are written in

ormal language.

1  2.14–2.17  Focus students’ attention on the pictures o theour people. Ask them to speculate on what kind o people theyare.Whatadjectiveswouldtheyusetodescribethem?Makesurestudents have read the summaries beore you play the recording so

that they know exactly what they are listening or. Then play therecording and ask them to match the people to the summaries.Check the answers with the class.


Speaer 1: c

Speaer 2: d

Speaer 3: b

Speaer 4: a



I thin that these days, you have to really sell yoursel. Certainly

this is what employers expect in the US. You should show them

how great and sel-condent you are. Modesty isn’t going to get

you anywhere, and no one is going to mind i you exaggerate a bit

and dress things up to sound more impressive. Mae the potential

employer eel that, although this is the job you always wanted and

o course you are the ideal person or it, i they don’t snap you up,

someone else will. So, they had better hire you beore they lose the




It’s not oten that qualications and experience totally match up to

an advertised post, so it’s preerable to emphasise other qualities

lie your willingness to learn and the act that you wor hard.

In act, you should be careul not to give the impression you are

over-qualied or the job. I thin that employers are oten more

interested in things lie loyalty and ability to t in. A high-fier who

nows too much can create a bad woring atmosphere and brea a

team. Personally, I want the employer to thin that I am going to be

easy to wor with and won’t create too many waves.



No one lies a ‘big head’ but, on the other hand, don’t be alsely

modest, either. Basically, your qualications and experience tell their

own story, so you’re not going to impress anyone by adding a lot

o adjectives lie excellent and outstanding to your CV. Usually, this

will mae an experienced recruitment ocer suspicious. It doesn’t

hurt to acnowledge one or two weanesses, either – areas that you

would lie to improve and you want a chance to develop. Above all,

be honest, because i you exaggerate or lie, in the end someone is

going to catch you out, and you’ll end up looing stupid.


4People’s motivations interest employers. I you want to wor or a

specic company, tell them why, especially i you are changing jobs.

Valid reasons would be that you are rustrated by the limitations

o your present post, or that you can’t ull the potential o your

bacground and education. Don’t whine, though, and don’t blame

your current employers: you’ve learnt a lot with them, but it’s time

to move on. Tell potential employers that you have a lot to oer,

and all you need is an opportunity to show it. I someone gives you

a brea, they won’t be disappointed.

2 Elicitstudents’reactionstothepeopletheylistenedto.Whichone(s) do they agree with? Ask students to discuss in pairs whichapproach they used to get their present job and whether theapproach depends on the job. I your students are not yet employed,

ask them to discuss which approach they think would be the mostsuccessul. Again, would this depend on the type o job?


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3 Establish that these are extracts rom letters o applicationwritten by the our people eatured in 1. Allow students to work inpairs to match them to the summaries. Then check the answerswith the class.


Speaer 1: ii

Speaer 2: i

Speaer 3: iv

Speaer 4: iii

Reding between the lines

4 Ask students what they think the expression reading between thelines means (working out the motivation that lies behind what thewriter has written and what the words really mean, as opposed towhat they appear to mean). Find out i there is a similar expressionin students’ own language(s). In letters o application, people wantto make themselves sound as good as they can, without actuallylying about their abilities, qualifcations and experience. Formallanguage is oten used to give the impression that something is true,without actually giving alse inormation. This will be demonstratedin the next section. Here it is simply used to make the applicationletter sound more ormal and impressive. Students read the extractsagain and fnd the ormal phrases that match sentences (a) to (h).


a I am very een to wor or your company because o its excellent


b I you believe in the pursuit o excellence, then I am interested in

 joining your company.

c I do not have the specic qualications or experience reerred to in

your advertisement.

d I have a broad range o employment experience at blue-chip

companies in both the USA and Europe.

e I have a proven record o woring with individuals at all levelsthrough highly developed interpersonal and communication sills.

I am responsible or my department’s logistical planning.

g I am looing or opportunities or urther development and

responsibility, which my present employer cannot oer.

h … ve years at a chemicals multinational have given me a solid

business bacground.

5 This writing exercise could be set or homework. Make sure thatstudents use suitably ormal language or their paragraphs.

A joB InteRVIeW

In this section, students look at a job advert and the CV o a womanwho applied or it. They then listen to the interview that she had

or the job. This reveals how she used ormal language to suggestthat she was better qualifed and more experienced than she reallywas. Students are asked to complete phrases rom the interview anddecide whether or not she would have got the job.

1 Go through the advert and the CV with the class and explainanything they don’t understand. A résumé is the same as a CV andis the preerred word in American English. Ask why they think Saraapplied or the job and whether rom looking at her CV they thinkshe would be a suitable candidate. They may point out that thejob oers an attractive salary and benefts and that Sara’s languageabilities would match one o the employer’s preerences. Don’t pre-empt the listening by pointing out at this stage that Sara has no realmanagement or sales experience and that Management Team Co-

ordinator and SPC Proessional are vague titles which give no ideao the amount o responsibility she actually had in either o thesejobs.

2  2.18  Go through the interview questions with the class sothat they know what to listen out or. Make sure they understandthat the interviewer will not use exactly the same words. Play therecording or students to listen and tick the questions he asks.


The interviewer ass questions which are similar to (a), (d), (e) and (h).


A: Right, shall we mae a start? My name is Philip Ricett. I wor

in the Human Resources Department and I’m responsible or


B: Right, pleased to meet you.

A: Did you nd us all right?

B: Yes, the map you sent me was very clear.

A: Good. Now, this is just a preliminary interview to chec out some

details. I you’re successul, you’ll go on to a more in-depth

interview this aternoon. Is that all right?

B: Yes, I don’t have to be bac at wor until tomorrow morning, so

as long as I have time to drive bac this evening, that’s ne.A: Do your present employers now where you are?

B: No. I ased or a day’s unpaid leave or personal reasons. I didn’t

say why.

A: What don’t you lie about your current position?

B: Actually, there are a lot o things I do lie about it, but no job

is perect. I thin I am ready or more responsibility and when I

saw your advert, I thought I should apply.

A: You now this job is a managerial position. How much

managerial experience do you have? It’s not very clear rom

your CV.

B: Well, in my present job, I’m a Management Team Co-ordinator.

A: Yes. Does that mean you’re the leader o the team?

B: Not exactly. I assist the General Manager in running the


A: Oh, I see. Are you a ind o personal assistant?

B: No, I thin it’s a bit more than that ...A: But are you a manager?

B: I suppose not.

A: It says in your CV that in your previous position, you were

‘an SPC proessional’. What exactly does that mean? Is Sales

Productivity Centre basically a sales department?

B: Yes, we provided bacup or 20 salesmen rom dierent sectors

o the company.

A: Are you saying you were directly involved in sales?

B: No, it was more about providing support to help drive sales and

increase productivity.

A: I see. So, what sort o wor did the job involve?

B: I’d say it was a position that required a lot o time-management

sills and prioritising o tass. It gave me a lot o insight into the

sales process.

A: Can you be a bit more specic, please?

B: Well, to be honest, some o the wor was secretarial, but I am

applying or your post because I’m capable o doing ar more. I’d

lie more responsibility and to be able to use my studies and my


A: Yes, your English is obviously excellent, and you spea Spanish.

Is your Spanish as good as your English?

B: Yes, it’s not bad.

A: Could you tell me about your degree course ... in Spanish?

B: I’m sorry? Oh, I beg your pardon ... Well, I need a little time to

thin ... Let’s see ...


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3 Have a class discussion on whether they think the interviewerwas air or not. How ar do students think job applicants shouldexaggerate their qualifcations and experience in order to securean interview? The interviewer here had clearly ‘read between thelines’ o Sara’s CV. Do they think she would even have got aninterview i she had been clearer and more honest about her workexperience? Find out how many students think the company wouldhave employed Sara and how many think they wouldn’t. Encouragestudents to give reasons or their opinions.

sUGGesteD AnsWeR

The interviewer questions Sara quite closely, but he is not actually

unair. It is unliely that the company would have employed her,

as they were looing or an executive with managerial and sales

experience, and Sara’s previous jobs were little more than secretary

and personal assistant. Also, her conusion at the end o the interview

when she is ased to spea Spanish suggests that she has not been

totally honest about her language abilities.

asking r lriftin4 Play the recording again or students to complete the phrases.Then check the answers with the class.


a not very clear rom

b Does that mean

c Are you a ind

d are you

e It says in your CV that; exactly does that mean

Are you saying

g what sort o wor did the job

h you be a bit more


In the Language links section on page 93, there is a urther

exercise to practise using vocabulary or procedures. You can

also direct students’ attention to the Phrase Ban on page 93

which has useul language or asing or clarication.


5 The preparation or this roleplay could be done at home i youhave little time in class. Reer students to the Phrase Bank on page93, where they will fnd useul language or asking or clarifcation.Go round listening to the interviews and noting any which could beperormed aterwards or the class.


Prepare your own CV so that you can do this exercise with your


WHAt ABoUt tHe WoRkeRs?

In this section, the ocus turns to wider issues o employment andthe relationship between workers and employers. Students look at aphoto and say what is happening in it and how the situation relates

to employment. They then read articles about the employmentsituation in two dierent countries and work together to completesentences with vocabulary rom the texts. They then reconstructsome sentences in the passive and discuss various issues related toemployment in their country.

1 Elicit various opinions on what is happening in the photographand how the situation pictured relates to employment and stafng.

sUGGesteD AnsWeRs

Striing worers are marching through the streets.

Significance: Worers sometimes strie, usually or better pay and

conditions; sometimes they organise marches to demonstrate against

company or government policies.

2First, divide the class into pairs and have them decide who is Aand who is B. Students will need to stay in these pairs or 3 as well.

The two articles are quite difcult, so allow students plenty o timeto read them and to do the exercises accompanying them. In thethird part o the exercise, you may need to point out that only fveo the defnitions relate to the fve words in bold in the article. Theother fve defnitions relate to words in the article their partner isreading. Allow plenty o time or the discussion in the ourth parto the exercise, as students will need to summarise their articles ortheir partners.


Stdent a

2 was carried out, were contacted, were paid, were requently

negotiated, were usually agreed

3 a mae up or c silled worers h wororcei stang needs j temporary sta

Stdent B

2 will be brought to a halt, has been called, are put to, is saced,

have been deended

3 b unemployment rate d long-term unemployed

e worers’ rights incentives g unemployment benets

3 As Student A tries to reconstruct the sentences, Student Bcould look at the text on page 136 that Student A read and help byprompting a little i necessary. They then reverse roles, with StudentB attempting to reconstruct the sentences and Student A promptingwhere necessary rom the text on page 137.


I you have limited time, this exercise could be done with the

student studying only one o the texts. You can then have the

discussion about the student’s own country.


4 In monocultural classes, this could be done as a class discussion.Otherwise, you could either orm groups o students rom the samecountry and ask them to discuss and report back to the class onthe situation in their country, or have mixed groups and have eachstudentcontributeinformationonhis/herparticularcountry.


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1 a 1 b 7 c 2 d 9 e 4 8 g 5

h 10 i 6 j 3

2 a job security b written warning c stang needs

d company secrets e worers’ rights

job application g silled worers

h previous position i unemployment benets

  j temporary sta electronics industry

3 a laid o b maret c down d sac e Firing

verbal g interview


Prtie 1

a The contract was signed at the end o June.

b Sheila was saced or woring too slowly.

c The oce was damaged in the re.

d Some worers were injured in the accident.

e The new measures have been announced. No new sta will be employed this year.

g Our corporate image is being redesigned.

h Our salaries have been increased this year.

Prtie 2

a The order has been cancelled.

b The new building hasn’t been nished.

c He has been told about the meeting.

d The plans or the new engine have been stolen.

e You will be piced up at the airport.

He wasn’t ased i he wanted the job.

g Were you told about what happened at the meeting?

h A sales conerence is held every year.

Prtie 3

a The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.

b The peseta, ranc and lira were replaced by the euro in 2002.c The United kingdom is ormed by our countries (England,

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

d This boo was written by Simon Clare.

e This boo is owned by [student’s own name].

My oce is heated by [oil].

g The lm Some Like it Hot was directed by Billy Wilder.

h The PC was originally manuactured by IBM.


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