ind eng-794-ppt

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Implementing the idea: A Helping Hand Can Bring A Smile.

Concept : Teach Children To Be Compassionate and Reach Out To Others.

Children impacted : 100 children of slum dwellers.

Students Sensitized : Students of Class Six,Aged 11 and 12.

Week implemented : 12th September-18th September,2010.

School : Little Flower School,Telco,Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

Choice of Documentation: Video/Text and illustration

“A HELPING HAND CAN BRING A SMILE”We need to be that ray of light in a person’s life to bring a smile on his face. LITTLE FLOWER SCHOOL BEING DRIVERS OF CHANGEWe were informed by our teachers to reach out to 100 poor needy children in our vicinity.Our school objective was to instil a sense of compassion in each one of us.Small acts of kindness can bring a smile to people’s faces.

A Helping Hand Can Bring A Smile

Their hardship and suffering

Touched our lives,

It’s time we changed something

So let’s come out of our hives

It would be a great experience

Those sweet children

Through our friendly approach

Some good values we could teach

So we collected and shared

Things of daily use,

Such as biscuits,stationery,toiletry,

Old clothes and old shoes

Our short mesmerizing programme

Lit their faces with a glow,

The charts on Environmental issues,

Health and Hygiene

Was indeed a very grand show.

With our sincere effort an hardwork

Class Six students of Little Flower

Earned appreciation every hour.

It gave us immense pleasure

To help those children in need,

We made them smile and promised a bright future

By our true and sincere deed.

You can go to Cluny.

And see that we’ve done our work truly.

It gave them great pleasure.

These memories we will always treasure.

165 students of class 6 brought in clothes for all ages.Shoes,toiletries,stationery,biscuits,sweets,and other snacks.

Students were divided into groups and a short entertainment programme comprising dances,songs and games.

Posters were made on Health and Hygiene,Traffic Rules,The importance of Prayer,Saving the Environment,Saving Water.

Some saplings from Telco Nursery were collected for Tree Plantation in the school.The boys were eager and enthusiastic about the tree plantation programme.

Our joy knew no bounds when we brought happiness to those little children by sharing and caring for them.Reaching out to other people has brought great happiness and made us better people.


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