
Post on 06-May-2015






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Leaving Certificate Geography slides on a non european region



Massive Population – 1,200 000 000 (1.2 Billion) people Massive poverty but also massive potential – India economy is

now growing rapidly after decades of stagnation Significant natural and human resources Huge cultural and economic impact – India is a regional

superpower and Indian culture has spread worldwide One of the world’s few nuclear armed countries

Why India?

The BRIC Countries

India – Physical (Page 211)

India has a subtropical climate – fairly high temperature and high precipitation

Monsoons (wet seasons) are frequent, as is flooding India’s poverty means that floods are particularly devastating West is generally drier and hotter than the east


Huge country – huge soil variety Alluvial Soils at the deltas of major rivers (e.g. Ganga Valley) Laterites (leached soils) inland Black Soils at the Deccan Plateau


Describe and explain any two factors that influence the development of agriculture in a non-European Continental / Sub-Continental Region that you have studied. (2010 LC Hons)

Region named: 2 marks Two named factors: 2 marks + 2 marks Examination: 12 x SRPs (6SRPs per factor) Do not accept Irish or European regions Discussion without reference to appropriate region = 0 marks

Exam Question – Agriculture and India

Agriculture – 1.2 Billion people to feed – major economic activity

Subsistence farming is common, poor soils and major floods mean that food shortages sometimes occur

Irrigation has led to salt buildups in soil – reducing fertility – as has failure to rotate crops

Malnutrition is a major problem – 2nd highest level of malnourished children in the world (higher than Sub-Saharan Africa)

Primary Economic Activities - India

Cash Crops – taking up farmland?


The Green Revolution in India

Deforestation in India

Much of the land is covered in scrub vegetation India’s tropical rainforests have been heavily overexploited –

for use as fuel, building material and for export Rapid population growth has put great strain on forest

resources and much of the original rainforest has disappeared

India - Forestry

Big Coastline – fishing is a major activity Like Ireland, fishing industry was undeveloped until recently –

now expanding rapidly Sharks, Sardines and Anchovies main species caught Kerala most important fishing state


India’s large energy sources and mineral ores have been recently exploited and industrial development is rising as a result◦ Iron Ore (e.g. in Madhya)◦ Copper (in Bihar)◦ Petroleum (Mumbai High Field, at sea)◦ Coal (3rd largest reserves in world)

India’s energy exports are significant earners for the economy India also produces significant amounts of Biofuels

Secondary Economic Activities

Biofuel – fuel made from plants

Biofuel growing areas in India

Mixture of small scale companies (serving local market) and large companies who export◦ Textiles (in most large cities)◦ Food Processing (e.g. tea, coffee)◦ Iron, Steel, Copper mills (e.g. Mittal, largest steel company in world)◦ Film making (e.g. Bollywood)◦ Car manufacturing (recent growth sector)

Manufacturing in India

Tata Nano – a €1000 car - built in India for the Indian Market

Transport – state controlled – now developing rapidly after decades of stagnation – very bureaucratic

Road – greater car use (e.g. Tata Nano) has led to increased car use – road building has increased as well

Rail – new developments include Kolkata’s first underground railway

Air – Government airlines still dominate the market Military – constant tensions with Pakistan means that India’s

army is relatively large

Tertiary Economic Activities

Tourism in India

Describe and explain the development of secondary or tertiary economic activities in a non-European Continental / Sub-Continental Region that you have studied.

Region named: 2 marks Examination: 14 x SRPs Do not accept Irish or European regions Discussion without reference to appropriate region = 0 marks

Exam Question – Secondary/Tertiary Economic Activities

India – Religious differences

India is majority Hindu, largest minorities are Muslims and Sikh

Long standing tension between Pakistan (Muslim) and India (Hindu) – similar to Irish situation

Occasionally results in sporadic outbreaks of violence (e.g. Mumbai, 2008)

India – Religious Differences

The Caste System – an “untouchable” at work

The Caste System

extreme population density

Lack of proper planning/development until recently Subject to massive in-migration from rural areas Steep social divisions between rich and poor Major pollution/congestion problems HOWEVER…. Cities also drive economy by providing a labour pool

India’s Cities

Skyscrapers in New Delhi

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