indigenous foresight and community interface dialogue for the munato people of saranggani

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Workshop/Dialogue facilitated for the MunaTo People of the Province of Saranggani. Organized by the Maharlika Artists and Writers Federation and the Provincial Government of Saranggani



The "first peoples”

alternative futures


SCENARIOS Futures Triangle

Sarkar Game

plural futures/foresight/prospectiva

unlock the future, to undo it from so-called default futures or official futures predicted by experts, banks, corporations, news headlines, individuals, etc.

In fact, futures studies are not at all about prediction as the future cannot be known.

To Jim Dator, “there are no future facts and there are no past possibilities”

Futures studies are concerned with creating the future rather than predicting it.

Basic futures concepts

• Preferred future - desired

• Probable future – likely based on current trends and strategies

• Possible futures – full range of alternatives

(Sohail Inayatullah, 2012)

Core futures thinking

• Not one future but futureS

• Humans have agency, they can influence the future

• The image of the future pulls toward a future

• Question assumptions to create alternative futures (Sohail Inayatullah, 2012)

Is the future of the first people nations/communities colonized?

Why indigenous community foresight?

• Explore and develop a model for the future of the first people of Saranggani and the future generations

• Gain insight from our engagements and exciting discussion and act on it!

• We are all eligible to create the future• Reconfigure the present from the future• Purpose is not merely to forecast but to create

the future that we want for Saranggani

Why indigenous community foresight?

• Re-emergence of the cultural• Wave of cultural power• The emerging cultural infrastructure epidemic • Modernity is shaping/morphing to fit with

culture/local/spiritual – Transmodernism

Re-emergence of the indigenous culture/peoples/communities

Munato Alternative Futures?

• What will the future be like in the year 2040?• What are your fears about the future? • What are your hopes, your visions of the future?• What is missing? Are there hidden assumptions,

things that we took for granted from the future forecasted or desired?

• What is your preferred, your desired future?• What actions can we take to achieve that

preferred future? (Thanks to Sohail)

1. STEEP Scanning (30 mins)

What are the issues, events, developments that might influence (drivers. Influencers) the future of Munato in the years to come?

Social – Technological – Environmental – Economic – Political -

STEEP Analysis


The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens

Rainer Maria, Letter to a Young Poet

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