inflammation‐dependent and independent airway remodelling ... · john g. elliot,1 peter b....

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Inflammation-dependent and independent airway remodelling inasthma



1West Australian Sleep Disorders Research Institute, Department of Pulmonary Physiology and Sleep Medicine, Sir CharlesGairdner Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia; 2School of Human Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia;

3Centre for Neonatal Research and Education, School of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Western Australia, Perth,WA, Australia; 4Department of Pathology, University Medical School, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 5Department of Medicine, University of

British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 6Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University,Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 7Department of Respiratory Medicine, Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia;8Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; 9School of Medicine and

Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia


Background and objective: The pathology of asthma ischaracterized by airway inflammation (granulocytic(GA) or paucigranulocytic (PGA)) and remodelling ofairway structures. However, the relationship betweeninflammatory phenotypes and remodelling is unclear.We hypothesized that some features of airway remodel-ling are dependent on granulocytic airway inflamma-tion while others are not.Methods: Post-mortem airway sections from controlsubjects (n = 48) and cases of asthma with (n = 51) orwithout (n = 29) granulocytic inflammation in the innerairway wall were studied. The thickness of the airwaysmooth muscle (ASM) layer, basement membrane andinner and outer airway walls, the size and number ofASM cells, the volume fraction of extracellular matrixwithin the ASM layer, ASM shortening and luminalmucus were estimated. Airway dimensions were com-pared between the three subject groups.Results: In cases of PGA, only the thickness of the ASMlayer and basement membrane was increased comparedwith control subjects. In cases of GA, not only the ASMand basement membrane were increased in thickness,but there was also increased inner and outer airway wallthickness and increased narrowing of the airway lumendue to ASM shortening and mucus obstruction, com-pared with control subjects. Granulocytic inflammationwas observed more often in cases of fatal asthma.Conclusion: These findings suggest that inner and outerwall thickening coexists with inflammation, whereasthickening of the ASM layer and basement membranemay be present even in the absence of inflammation.

Remodelling of the ASM layer and basement membranemay therefore be less susceptible to anti-inflammatorytherapy.

Key words: airway morphology, asthma, inflammation,


Abbreviations: ASM, airway smooth muscle; ECM,

extracellular matrix; GA, granulocytic asthma; IQR, interquartile

range; MOR, mucus occupying ratio; NV, numerical density;

Pbm, basement membrane perimeter; PGA, paucigranulocytic

asthma; PMS, percent of smooth muscle shortening; RBMt,

reticular basement membrane thickness; WAi, inner wall area;

WAo, outer wall area.


Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes sub-stantial morbidity and mortality and a significant publichealth problem. Patients with asthma are defined clini-cally by the presence of variable breathlessness, chesttightness, cough and wheeze. Physiologically, diagnosis ischaracterized by airway hyperresponsiveness, excessiveairway narrowing that is inducible by stimuli that con-tract airway smooth muscle (ASM) or reversible by drugsthat relax ASM.1 Airway pathology in asthma includesinflammation, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of ASM cells,increased submucosal mucous glands and epithelial gob-let cells and the laying down of extracellular matrix

Correspondence: John G. Elliot, West Australian Sleep

Disorders Research Institute, Department of Pulmonary

Physiology and Sleep Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,

Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Hospital Avenue, Nedlands,

Perth, WA 6009, Australia. Email:

Received 17 January 2018; invited to revise 27 February and

18 May 2018; revised 18 April and 21 May 2018; accepted 5 June

2018 (Associate Editor: Giorgio Piacentini; Senior Editor: Chris



Findings suggest that inner and outer wall thicken-ing coexists with airway inflammation, whereas air-way smooth muscle and basement membraneremodelling may be partly independent of airwayinflammation and therefore not reversible by anti-inflammatory treatment.

Editor's Choice

© 2018 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2018) 23, 1138–1145

doi: 10.1111/resp.13360

(ECM) below the basement membrane, all contributingto increased airway wall thickness.2–4

Airway inflammation and remodelling appear to ariseearly in the course of asthma,5,6 although the relationshipbetween them remains to be determined. It is well estab-lished that lung inflammation induced experimentally inanimal models produces features of airway remodellingconsistent with human patients.7 However, other animalstudies suggest that airway remodelling and inflammationoccur in parallel rather than sequentially8 and that remo-delling can occur in the absence of any detectable inflam-mation.9 In asthma subjects, inhaled corticosteroidsproduce partial reduction in airway wall thickness deter-mined by computed tomography, suggesting an unre-sponsive component in the absence of inflammation.10

We hypothesized that there is inflammation-dependentand -independent airway remodelling in asthma. We com-pared features of airway remodelling in asthmatic subjectswith or without granulocytic inflammation with controls.


SubjectsSubjects included in the study were derived from fivepost-mortem studies of asthma, as previously described.3

Subjects were categorized as: non-asthmatic controls;nonfatal asthma-died suddenly of non-respiratory causeswith a confirmed history of asthma; and fatal asthma-died from asthma with a confirmed history (Fig. 1).Approval for this study was obtained from the Sir CharlesGairdner Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee(HREC-2007-195).

Tissue preparationTissue samples were fixed in inflation or immersionusing formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde and embeddedin paraffin. Airways were systematically sampled orobtained during diagnostic dissection at the discretionof the pathologist. Consecutive sections of 0.5, 5 and30 μm thickness were cut from each block and stainedusing the Masson’s trichrome technique, haematoxylinand eosin, and haematoxylin, respectively.

Airway measurementsAirway dimensions and ASM parameters were estimatedusing stereological software (newCAST version 4.2.1, Vis-iopharm, Hoersholm, Denmark) on airways cut in cross-section, as previously described.3 On 30-μm sections, thearea of the ASM layer was measured by planimetry, the

Melbourne n = 4Lungs fixed by immersion

with formaldehyde Control subjects n = 0 Nonfatal asthma n = 0 Fatal asthma n = 4

Sydney n = 23Lungs fixed by immersion

with formaldehyde Control subjects n = 13 Nonfatal asthma n = 8 Fatal asthma n = 2

São Paulo n = 5Lungs fixed by immersion

with formaldehyde Control subjects n = 0 Nonfatal asthma n = 0 Fatal asthma n = 5

Calgary n = 55Lungs fixed by inflation

with glutaraldehyde Control subjects n = 21 Nonfatal asthma n = 19 Fatal asthma n = 15

Control subjects n = 48

Male n = 30 Female n = 18

Age, years 32 Interquartile range 18-44

Nonfatal asthma n = 42

Male n = 21 Female n = 21

Age, years 29Interquartile range 19-42

Fatal asthma n = 38

Male n = 22 Female n = 16

Age, years 35 Interquartile range 19-50

Paucigranulocytic asthma n = 29

Male n = 15 Female n = 14

Fatal asthma n = 5 17%

Age, years 29 Interquartile range 19-36

Granulocytic asthma n = 51

Male n = 28 Female n = 23

Fatal asthma n = 33 65%

Age, years 33 Interquartile range 19-51

Perth n = 41Lungs fixed by inflation

with formaldehyde Control subjects n = 14 Nonfatal asthma n = 15 Fatal asthma n = 12

Figure 1 Flow chart showing study centres, tissue fixation, case classification, gender and the percentage of fatal asthma cases within

each of the inflammatory asthma groups.

Respirology (2018) 23, 1138–1145 © 2018 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

Inflammation and remodelling in asthma 1139

numerical density (NV) of ASM cell nuclei was estimatedusing the optical disector approach3 and the total num-ber of ASM cells per mm of airway length was calcu-lated. The volume fractions of ASM and ECM wereestimated using point counts (0.5 μm sections) and themean cell volume (Vc) was calculated as the inverse ofNV, with a correction for the volume fraction of ASMwithin the ASM layer. On 5-μm sections, the inner (WAi)and outer (WAo) airway wall areas and the reticularbasement membrane thickness (RBMt) were measured.4

Percent of smooth muscle shortening (PMS) was calcu-lated by comparing the measured outer perimeter of theASM layer with its calculated, relaxed perimeter.11 Lumi-nal mucus was measured and expressed as the mucusoccupying ratio (MOR).12 On the same slide, eosinophiland neutrophil numbers were counted in the inner air-way wall and cell densities calculated. The basementmembrane perimeter (Pbm) was measured and used todefine airway size.11

Data analysisAnalyses were undertaken using SigmaPlot (Version13.0, Systat Software Inc., Erkrath, Germany). Cases ofasthma were categorized initially according to themean area densities of granulocytes within the innerairway wall of large and small airways, with cut-offvalues of 5 cells/mm2, established from biopsy andsputum analyses.13 Based on these criteria, cases wereinitially classified into paucigranulocytic, eosinophilic,neutrophilic or mixed categories. As the number ofcases categorized as ‘eosinophilic only’ or ‘neutrophiliconly’ were small, and because we found no differencesin participant characteristics, airway structure, PMS orMOR between the eosinophilic and neutrophilicasthma groups, all cases of asthma with granulocyticinflammation were grouped and labelled as granulocytic

asthma (GA). The remainder of the asthma subjectswere labelled as paucigranulocytic asthma (PGA). Inaddition, as fatal asthma represents an exacerbationlikely to be associated with inflammation includingeosinophils and neutrophils,14 the relationship betweenremodelling and inflammation was also examined afterexcluding cases of fatal asthma.Preliminary analyses were undertaken to examine

the distribution of each outcome and the mean(or median) values of the various outcomes for eachsubject were calculated for airways grouped by size,small (Pbm < 6 mm) or large (Pbm > 6 mm) airways.All variables (transformed if necessary) were analysedas means using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with posthoc tests as appropriate.


Subject characteristicsThere were 80 cases of asthma, categorized as PGA(n = 29) or GA (n = 51), and 48 controls (Table 1).There were no significant differences in duration ofasthma, age of onset of asthma, use of corticosteroidsor smoking history between nonfatal and fatal asthmacases or between inflammatory asthma groups. ThePGA group had a smaller proportion of fatal asthmacases (P < 0.001) compared with the GA group. Forcases where clinical data were available, there was anincrease in severity in fatal asthma compared with non-fatal asthma (P = 0.02); however, there was no signifi-cant difference between GA and PGA cases. The areadensity of granulocytes is shown in Table 2.

ASM layerNo significant differences in the Pbm (airway sizes)were observed between groups (Table 3). The thickness

Table 1 Subject characteristics


n = 48

Paucigranulocytic asthma

n = 29

Granulocytic asthma

n = 51

Gender (% male) 62 52 55

Age (years)

Median (IQR)







Height† (m)

Median (IQR)







BMI (kg/m2)

Median (IQR)







Ever smoked† (%) 59 52 51

Nonfatal/fatal asthma, n‡— 24/5 18/33

Age at onset of asthma†, years median (IQR) — 10




Duration of asthma†, years median (IQR) — 16




Corticosteroid use (oral or inhaled)†, n (%) — 10




Asthma severity†, mild-moderate/severe — 9/10 13/20

Categories of inflammation are based on inflammatory cell counts from large or small airways.†Data not available for all cases.‡P < 0.001; median (IQR).

IQR, interquartile range

© 2018 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2018) 23, 1138–1145

1140 JG Elliot et al.

of the ASM layer was significantly increased in largeand small airways in both asthma groups, comparedwith controls. In large airways of cases of asthma, thethickness of the ASM layer was increased in the GAgroup compared with the PGA group. The volume frac-tions of ASM and ECM within the ASM layer in eithersmall or large airways were similar in the control andasthma groups. Mean ASM cell volume was signifi-cantly increased in the large airways of the GA group

compared with controls. A similar trend was observedin the PGA group, although this was not significant.The number of ASM cells per length of airway was sig-nificantly increased in the large airways of the GAgroup compared with the control group (Fig. 2).

Airway wall components, muscle shortening

and luminal mucusThe RBMt was most evident in large airways and itsthickness was increased in the both GA and PGA casescompared with controls (Table 4). The WAi (excludingASM) and WAo were increased in the large airways inthe GA group compared with the controls. In the GAgroup, the WAo was also increased compared with thePGA group. The submucosal gland area was increasedin the GA group compared with the controls, althoughnot significantly greater than the PGA group. ASMshortening was increased in the large and small airwaysin the GA group compared with both other groups andincreased in the small airways compared with controls(Table 4). The MOR was significantly increased in thesmall airways in the GA group compared with controls.

Analysis excluding fatal asthma casesWhen cases of fatal asthma were excluded, the thick-ness of the ASM layer remained increased in the largeairways in both the GA and PGA groups, comparedwith controls, although the difference between the PGAand GA groups was no longer observed. In the smallairways, the thickness of the ASM layer in the PGAgroup, but not the GA group, remained greater thanthe control group. Other aspects of airway remodelling,MOR and muscle shortening were not significantly dif-ferent from controls when the fatal cases of asthmawere excluded (data not shown).


We found that in cases of asthma with increased gran-ulocytes, the RBMt, ASM layer, inner and outer airwaywall compartments and submucosal mucous glandswere all increased in volume. Apart from the increasedthickness of the ASM layer, these structural changeswere predominantly in large airways. In contrast, inPGA, the only components of airway remodelling thatwere increased were the thickness of the ASM layerand RBMt. These data suggest that most features of air-way remodelling are to some extent dependent oninflammation while others, particularly remodelling ofthe ASM, are also partly independent of granulocyticairway inflammation.The classification of inflammatory phenotypes of

asthma has been largely based on analyses ofsputum15–17 and has been shown to predict response totherapy,16,17 be related to severity of symptoms and pos-sibly driven by allergic and non-allergic exposures.16–18

We used a cut-off value of 5 cells/mm2 based on a largestudy13 in which both sputum and bronchial biopsieswere obtained in the same patients and used to quantifyinflammation. Cases with only increased eosinophils oronly increased neutrophils were less common, and as

Table 3 ASM layer components


n = 48


n = 29

Granulocytic asthma

n = 49

Basement membrane perimeter (mm)

≥6 mm 13.9 � 4.9 14.2 � 5.1 13.9 � 5.7

<6 mm 3.8 � 1.54 4.0 � 1.2 3.4 � 1.2

ASM layer thickness (mm)

≥6 mm 0.033 � 0.015 0.049 � 0.019† 0.070 � 0.036†‡

<6 mm 0.019 � 0.010 0.034 � 0.025† 0.028 � 0.017†

Volume fraction of ASM

≥6 mm 0.63 � 0.07 0.64 � 0.09 0.65 � 0.08

<6 mm 0.70 � 0.07 0.69 � 0.08 0.70 � 0.08

Volume fraction of extracellular matrix

≥6 mm 0.19 � 0.04 0.18 � 0.06 0.17 � 0.05

<6 mm 0.18 � 0.04 0.18 � 0.06 0.18 � 0.06

Mean ASM cell volume (μm3 × 103)

≥6 mm 2.84 � 0.72 3.35 � 1.14 3.42 � 1.19†

<6 mm 2.47 � 0.89 2.90 � 0.97 2.74 � 0.99

ASM cells per airway length (cell/mm × 105)

≥6 mm 1.03






<6 mm 0.19






Mean � SD or median and interquartile range.†P < 0.05 vs control.‡P < 0.05 vs PGA.

ASM, airway smooth muscle; PGA, paucigranulocytic asthma.

Table 2 Eosinophil and neutrophil densities within the

inner airway wall


n = 48


n = 29

Granulocytic asthma

n = 49

Eosinophil density within the inner airway wall (cells/mm2)

≥6 mm 1.56






<6 mm 1.45






Neutrophil area density within the inner airway wall


≥6 mm 2.79






<6 mm 3.88






Median (interquartile range); values shown are of

non-transformed data.†P < 0.05 vs control.‡P < 0.05 vs PGA.

PGA, paucigranulocytic asthma.

Respirology (2018) 23, 1138–1145 © 2018 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

Inflammation and remodelling in asthma 1141

such all cases with increased granulocytes in either thelarge or small airways were grouped for analysis. Asth-matic subjects with inflammation in the present studytherefore reflect a mixed-granulocytic phenotype.Both airway inflammation and remodelling are char-

acteristic pathologic abnormalities of asthma (Fig. 3).There is current debate regarding the relationshipbetween these processes. Some suggest inflammationprecedes and drives remodelling, and may be relatedto primary abnormalities of epithelial repair and abackground of atopy.19 Others suggest remodelling maybe independent of inflammation and arise before theclinical manifestation of asthma.20 Another view is thatinflammatory signals from inherently abnormal ASM21

drive both remodelling and inflammation.22 It is likelythat both inflammation and remodelling may vary overshort periods of time due to viral infections, allergen

exposure or even due to ASM contraction,23 perhaps ona background of ‘steady-state’ remodelling.10

The only features of airway remodelling present insubjects with PGA were increased thickness of the ASMand RBMt, suggesting these abnormalities are notdependent on current inflammation, or perhapsinflammation was not the primary driver producingremodelling. Studies in children are often cited as evi-dence to dispel the cause and effect relationshipbetween inflammation and remodelling. The thicknessof the ASM and RBMt is increased in biopsies frompreschool wheezers5 and increased thickness of ASM isassociated with asthma at school age.6 In a subsequentstudy on preschool wheezers, there was no relationshipbetween inflammation in biopsies and airway wallstructure, including ASM thickness and RBMt.24

Another study25 showed that children who developasthma and have current symptoms as young adultshad abnormal lung function as neonates, raising thepossibility of very early (perhaps preexisting) structuralchange.26 Together, these findings suggest that remo-delling of the ASM and RBMt are present early in theclinical course of the disease and are not dependent oncoexisting inflammation.However, airway remodelling is clearly exacerbated

by granulocytic inflammation. The GA group hadgreater ASM thickness compared with the PGA group,and an increase in the thickness of the inner and outerwalls relative to the controls. The increase in ASMthickness in GA was accompanied by a significantincrease in the number of ASM cells per length of air-way and cell volume, indices of hyperplasia and hyper-trophy, respectively. An association betweeninflammation and ASM proliferation has been demon-strated in horses with heaves, a naturally occurring ani-mal model of allergic airway disease,27 and recently inhuman subjects where activation of airway mast cellsduring an exacerbation of asthma was associated withincreased proliferation of ASM cells in vitro.28 Com-pared with proliferation, hypertrophy of ASM cells mayfollow a different time course, as demonstrated in micewhere an acute proliferative phase was followed byhypertrophic growth after chronic allergen challenge.29

The excessive airway narrowing in asthma is due toshortening of the ASM around the lumen,30 increasedthickness of the airway wall which exaggerates the











<6 mm >6 mm




ay w

all t



, m













, mm

<6 mm >6 mm




*#(A) (B)

Figure 2 Graph (A) showing the thickness of the airway smooth muscle layer per mm of the basement membrane perimeter

(ASM/Pbm) and (B) the inner airway wall thickness in control subjects (open bars) and paucigranulocytic (grey bars) and granulocytic

(black bars) asthma cases in airways less than or greater than 6 mm of the Pbm (mean � SE).

Table 4 Airway wall components, muscle shortening

and MOR


n = 48



n = 29


n = 49

Reticular basement membrane thickness (μm)

≥6 mm 5.0 � 1.8 6.1 � 2.3† 6.9 � 2.2†

Inner airway wall thickness (mm)

≥6 mm 0.124 � 0.045 0.130 � 0.042 0.158 � 0.077†

<6 mm 0.048 � 0.025 0.062 � 0.028 0.049 � 0.017

Outer airway wall thickness (mm)

≥6 mm 0.76 � 0.32 0.74 � 0.35 0.98 � 0.46†‡

<6 mm 0.13 � 0.08 0.15 � 0.10 0.17 � 0.13

Mucus gland thickness (mm)

≥6 mm 0.078 � 0.045 0.114 � 0.102 0.122 � 0.063†

Percent muscle shortening (%)

≥6 mm 6.9 � 5.3 10.2 � 11.3 14.1 � 15.3†‡

<6 mm 7.0 � 6.6 9.8 � 9.1 15.3 � 9.1†

MOR (%)

≥6 mm 4.9 � 9.4 4.5 � 6.5 11.0 � 12.3

<6 mm 6.9 � 12.4 12.7 � 18.8 21.0 � 18.1†

Mean � SD.†P < 0.05 vs control.‡P < 0.05 vs GA.

GA, granulocytic asthma; MOR, mucus occupying ratio.

© 2018 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology Respirology (2018) 23, 1138–1145

1142 JG Elliot et al.

narrowing effect of the ASM shortening31 and partialocclusion of the airway lumen with mucus.32 In ourstudy, the percent shortening of the ASM layer wasincreased in both the large and small airways, and thepercent of the airway lumen that was occupied bymucus was increased in small airways in GA. That is,airway narrowing was only increased relative to controlin cases with granulocytic inflammation.Given that granulocytic inflammation was associated

with increased airway narrowing, it was expected thatthis would be associated with greater disease severity.While the limited information available on patientseverity was not different between groups, there wasgreater incidence of fatal asthma in the PGA group. Assevere and fatal asthma are associated with increasedairway eosinophils33–35 and fatal asthma represents anexacerbation likely to be associated with inflammationincluding eosinophils and neutrophils,14 we also exam-ined the relationship between remodelling and inflam-mation within the nonfatal asthma group. This analysisshowed that the difference in the thickness of the layerof ASM between the PGA and GA groups was no longerobserved, raising the possibility that the increase inASM thickness, rather than the presence of granulo-cytes (mainly eosinophils) mainly accounts for theincreased severity of asthma seen in the fatal cases.Other aspects of airway wall remodelling, mucousgland area, the MOR and percent muscle shorteningwere not significantly different from controls when thefatal cases of asthma were excluded. While we did notassess the number of lymphocytes, we have previouslyshown that lymphocyte numbers correlated with thenumber of eosinophils in fatal asthma and to a lesserextent in nonfatal asthma and controls,36 suggesting anincrease in lymphocytes numbers in GA.Finally, treatment of airway inflammation with corti-

costeroids results in rapid improvements in symptomsand inflammatory cell numbers within sputum of theairway wall.37–40 However, airway responsiveness tononspecific stimuli, a possible marker of airway wallremodelling, and RBMt, which is related to thickness ofthe ASM,4 return to optimal values only after much lon-ger periods of treatment.37,39,40 These observations sug-gest that inflammation, on a background ofremodelling, drives excessive airway narrowing and

perhaps over long periods, may also sustain remodel-ling or increase it intermittently.41

This study suggests RBMt and ASM remodelling hasboth inflammation-dependent and -independent ele-ments and that other aspects of remodelling, ASMshortening and mucus secretion may be mainlyinflammation-dependent. The combination of ASMremodelling which is independent of inflammation andthe additional remodelling and airway narrowingeffects of inflammation may contribute to asthmaseverity and the propensity to fatal attacks. Treatmentof both components of remodelling may be required tomost effectively treat asthma, particularly severeasthma. Currently, there are no studies which haveexamined the effects of treatment with corticosteroidsor the newer monoclonal agents directed againstinflammatory cytokines on remodelling of the ASM.This awaits development of techniques to accurately,non-invasively and longitudinally measure the thick-ness of the ASM in asthma. In this regard, opticalcoherence tomography assessment of birefringence ofthe airway wall shows promise.42 Our study suggeststhat more aggressive treatment of persisting airwayinflammation (which can be assessed by sputum analy-sis) may help reduce the risk of fatal attacks of asthma.

AcknowledgementsWe acknowledge the financial support from the National Health

and Medical Research Council of Australia, the Alberta Lung

Association, Health Canada and Brazilian Research Council.


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