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Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

#13 | Term 4 |2019

Welcome to the the thirteenth edition of our bi-annual Leadership and Pastoral newsletter - Potentialem. See below link for previous edition.

In this edition we interview Dallen Stanford (E1997). Dallen is a South African born, former American Rugby Union sevens player. Currently he is a rugby commentator in the United States covering the Rugby World Cup 2019, Sevens World Series, World Rugby, CBS, ESPN and MLR.

We further report on the notable achievement of Old Boys, Conor Ray (E’11) and Jacques Potgieter (E’13), participating in a multi-stage, physically challenging, ultra-marathon race in Sri Lanka. The goal of their endeavour was to raise money for charity: The Seashell Trust, which is a UK based charity that provides a safe learning environment for children and young people with complex and severe learning disabilities.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Article Guide

‘On the couch’ - with Austin Smith (Clinical Psychologist). Austin reflects on a discussion held during a successful coffee morning on the topic: ‘Future proofing our sons’

Article in the spotlight: – Raising boys: From good boys to better men

Events of the 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2019 – Grade 10 Leadership Day – Newlands Cricket Ground – Transkei Outreach Project – June/July 2019 – E’20 Leadership Day at Kelvin Grove – Prefect elections for 2020

Events of the 4th Quarter 2019

– Chris Bertish address at valedictory – Prefects’ Seminar on the 18 - 20th October 2019

Upcoming Events – Seventh Journey preparations and Outreach project to Ouplaas

Primary school – Interesting leadership/pastoral reading material in the RBHS

Library – In our newsletters we wish to focus on certain important

leadership virtues - this quarter we explore Loyalty.

Neil Teubes Deputy Headmaster - Pastoral / Leadership

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

15 Leadership Traits in Every Bosch Boy The fifteen leadership traits that make up the DNA of a Bosch boy are listed below. We have explored the first thirteen of these traits in our previous publications, in this our thirteenth edition we feature ‘Loyalty’.

Integrity Courage Respect Knowledge Decisiveness Dependability Tact Awareness Justice Enthusiasm Bearing Endurance Unselfishness Loyalty– featured article Judgment

Good leaders live up to the standards exemplified by these traits.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Leadership Trait #14: Loyalty Loyalty is a devotion or allegiance to a group, person or cause. All teams as well as organisations hang together or fall apart because of loyalty. Loyalty, trust and commitment are truly the glue that holds relationships together. If relationships are the currency of leadership, it is important for leaders to note that loyalty serves as the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Leadership and loyalty go hand-in-hand. While successful leaders share many common traits, all great leaders have one thing in common – they are not only adept at earning the loyalty of those they lead, but they also recognise that loyalty is a two-way street. When it comes to loyalty, the simple rule is that you will not receive what you will not give.

There is a difference between fear-based loyalty and trust based loyalty. As a leader, do you command the loyalty of those around you because of your title, or have you earned it by gaining their trust and respect? Loyalty commanded is fleeting, loyalty earned is enduring. Being feared as a leader is not a badge of honour to be sought after.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

What is it about a leader that makes you want to go the extra mile? What can you do to become that person? Leaders who inspire loyalty have the following traits: 1. They believe in you A leader who believes in you fuels the success engine. When you put your belief in someone, he will generally rise to the challenge. Your belief acts as an inoculation against doubt. “A leader who believes in you fuels the success engine.”

2. Cheerleads A leader who is an encouraging force inspires. Cheer someone along and that person will want to win. 3. Praises Publicly or privately, when you praise someone, watch what happens. “A ruler should be slow to punish and swift to reward.”

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

4. Communicates When you practise open, honest and direct communication, you increase trust. A lack of communication is often stated as the greatest cause of problems in an organisation. “Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”

5. Teaches When you teach concepts and share examples, it makes a difference in an organisation. The best leaders are teachers, everyone is learning because the leader is teaching. 6. Models When you model the way, it inspires everyone around you. You simply cannot say one thing and do another. Do what you say you will do. Don’t ask your followers to do one thing while you are doing another. “Consistently doing what you say you will do is the foundation of integrity.”

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

7. Promotes When you promote and advocate on someone’s behalf, it creates loyalty. That person knows you have their back and that you are advocating on their behalf. Publicly sharing successes and attributing someone’s good work creates loyalty. 8. Delegates Delegate the right amount and check in periodically. Delegating is the opposite of micromanaging. It sends a powerful signal that you trust someone will get the job done. “No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.” 9. Blocks A leader blocks people from what’s unnecessary, draining, and wasteful. If you block your organisation from political nonsense or unnecessary bureaucracy, you will have a higher-performing team.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

10. Supports It seems obvious, but providing support is crucial. Be a bedrock of support and watch loyalty skyrocket. 11. Provides You need to provide the right level of resources and support. This can be tricky because innovation often happens with a lack of resources, so watch carefully and be thoughtful. 12. Duplicates A leader who wants to develop an exceptional organisation is one who duplicates her/himself. He/she is not content until others are able to inspire at the same level. “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.”

*Adapted from various internet sources

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Old Boy Excellence - Dallen Stanford (E97)

What are your best memories of Bosch? I would say lifelong friendships, the laughs we had, and playing sports on one of the many beautiful grass fields will always have a special place in my heart. I really miss those days! What did Bosch offer you in terms of the success that you have achieved today? A well-rounded education, filled with opportunities to explore the world and to explore myself. The values instilled in me at Bosch formed the core system of beliefs that have guided me through life. On your path to success, what obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them? Self-doubt and self-imposed pressure were obstacles during my professional rugby playing days. Overcoming those meant changing my mind-set: being quietly confident in my own abilities, and focusing solely on the things I had control over.

Bosch Old Boys - Dallen Stanford and Gcobani Bobo

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

What motivates you? In my broadcasting career and its constant improvement, and the desire to be the best in the world. Philanthropically it’s providing opportunities to people that wouldn’t otherwise have access to them. Motivating factors for this are having two wonderful parents that led by example, and growing up in South Africa witnessing the difference one person (like Nelson Mandela) can have on society.

Old Boys Hanyani Shimange and Dallen Stanford with former Springbok captain, Jean de Villiers

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Where to from here? I’ve been extremely blessed to be commentating exciting events like the HSBC Sevens World Series, and now the Rugby World Cup. As long as I am having fun, I hope to be in this career for another 20 years. To be involved in the Olympic Games is one of my goals. In my other rugby related roles the ambition is to continue working with young people to enhance their lives and to provide resources for them to reach their full potential. What are your views on Leadership development? In my opinion we are all leaders in certain aspects of our lives, and this skillset is essential to nurture whenever possible. Bosch provides so many opportunities for this – whether it’s inside or outside of the classroom. I believe that leaders are not just the captains of teams or prefects of the school, but everyone should be exposed to various forms of leadership development.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Motto for life? “Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed” – Alexander Pope. To me this means doing everything to the best of your ability, having a growth mind-set, and choosing the positive in every situation. My Definition of Success Love what you do! Make people smile and laugh along the way. A Key Talent Having the ability to always see the positive in any situation or in any person. This trait is something that everyone can possess, and just takes patience to perfect. I believe this is one of the main reasons for any successes that I have attained in life. A good example when I broke a bone in my hand while at Bosch, ruling me out of 1st XV rugby for several months. The choices in front of me were: (1) be devastated and spend 6 months moping around and living in that sadness (2) be aware that I cannot change the situation, so accept it, and focus on all the exciting things I could now spend time on that I previously wasn’t able to do.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Principles I Live By Smile and be kind to everyone, you never know what they are going through at that moment in their lives. We are only on this earth for a short time, so live with integrity, always focus on the positive, be authentically yourself, give back to your community, have as much fun as possible and make others laugh.

Critical Skills I Develop The best position I held for developing critical skills was coaching rugby, in which being an example to young people (which I learnt from all of my coaches at Bosch, UCT and in the USA) yielded the greatest impact in changing their ability to collaborate, communicate, make better decisions and be more confident in life. Using sport as a vehicle for social change is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Resources I Use to Stay Inspired Playing beach rugby 2-3 times a week with friends, listening to music and podcasts. Back when CDs were a thing my inspiration was Tony Robbins. These days I really enjoy these two podcasts: “The Tim Ferriss Show” and “How I Built This: NPR”.

Each year I create a vision board which outlines my goals for the upcoming year, without knowing how they could become a reality, but putting them down as inspiration. For example this year one of my goals said “To become one of the top rugby commentators in the world” – which is quite the unrealistic lofty goal right?! Well as life would have it, I was fortunate to be chosen as one of four lead commentators to broadcast the Rugby World Cup for the World Feed. “It always seems impossible until it’s done” – Nelson Mandela.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

The Best Advice I’ve Received My wife Verity has often shared this brilliant quote with me: “Always be yourself, everyone else is taken”. This applies especially to my broadcasting career, so instead of trying to be like Bill McLaren or those that have come before me, I try to focus on being my unique self with a different life experience, passionate call and the occasional humorous one-liner! The Legacy I Would like to leave Someone who positively changed the lives of many young girls and boys by providing various opportunities to enhance their circumstances through the sport of rugby. And also one of the most exciting and humorous rugby commentators in the world.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Newsflash - Old Boys Conor Ray (E11) and Jacques Potgieter (E13) Fundraising Initiative In Sri Lanka

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Discussions over Coffee Presented by Rondebosch Boys’ High School’s Counselling Department,

these meetings allow parents to come together and explore topics relevant to their sons’ development and their roles as parents in guiding this process.

The discussions over a cup of coffee (or tea) are facilitated by Austin Smith (Clinical Psychologist).

‘On the Couch’ - Coffee Mornings with Austin Smith

Notes from the Meetings Held in September 2019

Austin Smith, Clinical Psychologist, facilitated a successful and well-attended coffee morning discussion in September. He explored the topic: ‘Future proofing our sons’

Austin Smith (Clinical Psychologist) and Tracy Starke (Head of Counselling) facilitated a discussion with parents on 5 September 2019. The discussion explored the challenges parents face while trying to equip their sons for the future. The collective opinion of the group was that the world is a different place to the one they grew up in and it is continuing to change at a rapid pace. Everyone agreed parenting today feels daunting and filled with a great deal of uncertainty about the future. Below are a few of the key ideas that came out of the discussion that felt important, helpful or worth reflecting on: High school is a phase of transition. Teenagers go from being children who are dependent on their parents for many things towards becoming increasingly independent, competent and self-sufficient adults. This is seldom fully achieved by the time they finish matric and there is a great deal still to learn beyond their school years.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

However, some of the key skills that lie at the heart of this process were identified as: being able to think for themselves; believing in their voice; having the confidence to not only take on life’s challenges but to persevere or adapt when these challenges inevitably escalate. In response to this, one suggestion put forward was that parents try to make space for conversations at home about the issues and challenges that are relevant to their son’s world. Given the boundless sources of information that are now available to teenagers on their phones, they don’t often have to ask mom or dad about things they don’t understand.

However, inviting discussions (informed by Google’s facts and YouTube’s videos) to hear their ideas can go a long way in helping to nurture their self-belief and foster their capacity to think. An example is gaming… There is a lot to talk about and grapple with. The key is to listen and encourage him to give his full point of view and as parents to resist the urge to shut it down the moment he strays from family values.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

A related comment was how the soft skills of social interaction, the capacity to express and explain oneself to others is proving increasingly important in today’s job market. In a world that is dominated more and more by technology, being able to engage and empathise with others is paradoxically being valued quite highly. Therefore to encourage each other to engage as a family and for parents to model these skills for their children can be prove useful opportunities for these soft skills to be developed. Adolescents are not great talkers generally so if there is a chance to talk about something important in your son’s life, consider how it happens and if it allows for these softer skills to be practised. Similarly, the ability to think out the box, to be critical and discerning, and to be able to problem solve creatively were also noted as important skills. An interesting idea that was noted was how much of the online world is managed by algorithms designed to keep the user following a particular trail down one specific path (usually in the interest of making money from you).

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

It is really important then for teenagers (and adults) to be aware that they are in fact being manipulated online by their feeds, suggestions and adverts. To develop the skill to recognise and work within this is essential. Again in those moments of rare interaction, invite some creative solutions to things that might otherwise get stuck in the familiar, “all or nothing” standoff.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Another goal for this time is independence and so it is helpful to look for things to hand over to your sons to do for themselves or for the family. It is a great way to begin to build small skills for leadership and independence and can engender confidence and the ability to think in the moment and make decisions. It is helpful for parents to be reminded that “different” is not necessarily wrong. As teenagers try make their own decisions being allowed to be different and feel different is necessary for them to define themselves and their way of managing their world. When it comes to academics and term marks, parents often found this really hard to navigate. A common refrain from their sons was, “I won’t need this in the future!” Although there may be truth to that statement, the process of getting through arduous tasks is where the real learning is happening. It was also suggested that you sit with your son and jointly think about the academic level he wants to achieve in Matric. With that in mind you can then find the minimum that is acceptable for now and hand it over to him to reach and maintain this level. There should be agreed consequences too for when he does not meet these levels as this helps define the space he has available to him to find his own way there. Adolescents in general often have strong opinions about things albeit in a very black or white way. If there are issues that they raise and feel strongly about get together as a family and decide what you want to do about it. Again modelling can be very important to help them learn how to respond and deal with issues they do not agree with.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

A final point is that life is frenetic, non-stop and the school weeks are incredibly full. In a world that is not slowing down nor encouraging space for reflection, it is important to help your sons find a balance between work and play, school and outside activities, training and relaxation. It is very easy to get sucked into the fast pace of the world and become relentlessly busy, so as a family to make consistent and scheduled times where you all slow down (and unplug from your devices) will be another useful ability to nurture. This was a rich and full discussion and we hope you will be able to join us at our next Coffee Morning Discussion in the first term of 2020. Further information about this will be sent via email early next year.

Article in the Spotlight: Raising Boys: From Good Boys to Better Men - ‘Parent 24’ We live in a country with one of the highest rates of women and sexual abuse in the world. Our absentee father statistics are staggering. The latest research shows that two thirds of South Africa’s children are being raised by single mothers.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

It is time for change. We no longer want to live in a society where men are so conspicuously absent from family life. We no longer want to feel unsafe in our own country, where the threat from sexual and other violence, perpetuated mostly by men, is unacceptably high.

It is in our interests as a society to raise boys who do not grow up to abuse, who are not violent, and who are as comfortable in their masculine skins as they possibly can be. But how on earth do we raise “better” boys? Perhaps by first examining the concept of masculinity.

Let’s first take a short detour through some psychological theory.

The makings of masculinity “Masculinity is inherently insecure” asserts Thomas Burkhalter, a Johannesburg based psychologist with a keen interest in masculinity research.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Society’s challenge is what we do with that inherent insecurity, with the vulnerabilities that come from boys trying to attain a masculinity that is defined mostly by what it is not.

“We are all born of and like our mother,” Thomas explains. “Masculinity is something to be attained and earned, and also constant lyre-proved, in the necessary process of separating from the mother (and the femininity she represents), and it happens in rites of passage across cultures and eras,” he adds.

While girls remain “like” their mothers, he stresses, the challenge for boys is to claim their differentiating masculinity in a hostile world.

In the developed world, as gender constraints are being removed, men can be especially threatened if they are sometimes outperformed by women in traditionally masculine pursuits. Patriarchy and its place in society is in decline or increasingly resisted as sexism loses currency, and masculinity is often seen as something problematic and “bad”.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

The psychological defence of an insecure man is the exact opposite: “I’m not scared, I’m strong.” When you’re scared, you use whatever you have to your advantage – much of patriarchy, and men’s need for social control and dominance, argues Thomas, can be explained through the lens of a male response to insecurity around women.

As a result, we’ve constructed a world in which to be female means to be subjugated and to be male is to be dominant, or otherwise insecure. The Representation Project, makers of the upcoming documentary The Mask You Live In, (watch the trailer on YouTube) postulates that many boys don’t know how to be close to one another without feeling their masculinity is at risk, and are at a loss as to how to express emotions, especially difficult ones such as sadness, jealousy, humiliation, regret or disappointment, or indeed any gentle emotions, without resorting to aggression or derision.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

As a culture we’ve undervalued qualities we’ve ascribed as “feminine” in our men: caring, empathy, love, gentleness. In the doccie, US gender studies sociologist Dr Michael Kimmel says, “We’ve constructed an idea of masculinity that doesn’t give young boys a way to feel secure in their masculinity, so we make them go prove it all the time.”

Raising our boys If masculinity is already insecure, as Thomas says it is, we are not doing much as a culture to allow boys to drop the “I’m strong” facade.

While girls get the message that appearance and sexuality are their most important assets (and this is equally problematic), boys are told that their physicality, their aggression or bravery, is what makes them a man.

And the most threatened men will use their strength in the most destructive ways. To work against that, we can help our boys imagine healthy, socially acceptable ways to be brave and assertive and strong, and we can help them to think of loving, present and gentle men as manly.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Initiatives are springing up throughout South Africa to try to change perceptions around masculinity, such as Front Page Father, the Sonke Gender Justice and Men Care projects. Men’s groups attempt to get men to reflect on their masculinity, boys’ groups try to find positive male role models for high school boys.

Strength to their arm, and may their reach be wide. However, we can each try to effect change in our own family contexts.

In the family Thomas says mothers are powerful beings who are able both to give and to frustrate. If the process of separating from the mother is problematic, boys might grow up to be misogynistic, or rigidly self-reliant and angry. If a mother struggles to let her son go, a result in an adult could be a manipulative man who expects his whims to be indulged. But if the separation occurs less traumatically, the result is a less insecure man. Similarly, if a loving father is available then the separation from the mother can be less dramatic and painful because a boy has a role model to emulate.

But if the mother is disdainful about or angry with the father, a boy may internalise this feeling, with the result of internal conflict –“If I am like my father, then I am in trouble.

So I can choose to be angry with my mother and idealise my absent or non-ideal father, or I can hate myself.”

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

So conscious parents of boys are in a good position to start effecting the social change we want. According to the Sonke Gender Justice Network’s Men Care project, 80% of the boys in the world will one day become fathers. A boy’s potential to become a positive role model, to rise above the rather depressing hopes that society sometimes seems to have for young men, is immense.

“A child’s direct relationship to the father is important,” agrees Thomas. “Instead of being strangers or distant others who occasionally enter a child’s world, fathers must be in the picture. They can be nurturing beings from the start, safe adults who can say: ‘I am not always the boss. I can sometimes cry. But I am still strong.’”

So his advice to fathers of boys is: “Be conscious of what kind of masculinity you are showing to your son. Is that what you want him to emulate?”

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

“We are raised in a culture of violence,” says Kevin Rutter, who founded Front Page Father. “We were taught never to show emotion, that’s it’s not a manly thing. But I started hugging my son and it has helped solidify our relationship.”

But equally important, adds Thomas, is a boy’s mediated relationship with his father: the representation of the father that a child receives from his mother.

If the parental relationship is troubled, a mother can let her criticism of the father “undermine to the boy the man he will become”.

Thomas suggests there is no simple answer for, for instance, instructing a boy how to behave with bullies on the playground, or whether it is ever right to hit his sister.

Judgements such as these are to some extent dependent on the social context in which you live, on the norms of your family and community.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

“I am hesitant, in my practice, to give parents practical parenting advice. Should I tell a parent to tell her son not to hit back at bullies in a gangland community, when the advice might be inappropriate to the situation?” asks Thomas.

However, instead of assuming we have all the answers, parents can simply be brave enough to interrogate themselves.

We tend to hand over to ‘experts’ but we sometimes neglect to value our own parenting experience. “Violence in childhood is, however, still a good predictor of violence as an adult.

You can try to redirect your son’s violent impulses by suggesting nonviolent alternatives. You might note that rescuing a victim from a bully is brave and manly, or that self-defence can happen with words as well as fists.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

A woman alone It’s all very well to caution that a boy might internalise the anger his mother feels towards his father, but if the anger is justified and the relationship broken beyond repair, an absent father is always better than an abusive one.

Get out of an unsafe or violent relationship any way you can. Safe houses for abused women exist and your church, school or social worker can help you find one. Whether there is a father figure present or not, you can verbalise to your son that not all males need to grow up violent, and you can emphasise that he has choices. You can both learn a different version of masculinity. You can raise a good man alone.

Trust your instincts, because you may already know more than you think. “Everyone has an idea of masculinity in their minds. A mother can relate to her boys as male, and also interrogate her own idea of what it means to be a male,” suggests Thomas.

Yes, many women raise sons without positive male role models, and these role models are “helpful but not necessary,” according to Thomas. Mothers have other abilities.

One strategy for raising self-assured boys is to encourage an extended intimacy between mother and son. “William Pollack argues in his book Real Boys that boys leave their mothers too early, and that they need to be little for longer, because they will be striving, forever after, to be big. He says it is good to give them those depths of security.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

And Steve Biddulph in his best seller Raising Boys also argues for keeping boys with their mothers for longer in order to minimise the trauma of the eventual separation,” says Thomas. The parent-centred life is central to Western culture– we don’t want to be too compromised by our children. But we should resist separating too early.”

The take-home message for mothers and fathers of sons: give them time and attention. Hug them, talk to them, and don’t be scared to love them – for a long time.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Events of the 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2019 Grade 10 Leadership Day The Grade 10 boys experienced a Leadership day at Newlands Cricket Ground on the 13th June 2019. The focus for the day was to explore the concept of ‘Social Literacy’ in a South African context. In the current social climate, a conversation of this nature is desperately needed. We have a responsibility to raise awareness in our boys regarding their position in society and the resultant responsibility that they carry. What was significant about the day, was the degree of self-analysis and reflection that occurred. A degree of humility set in and a sense of duty unfolded. The day proved to be a resounding success. The boys were exposed to three stimulating talks. Guest speakers included: Prof Jonathan Jansen (Distinguished Professor at Stellenbosch University), Mattieu Theron and Damian Hewitt (Plant the Seed) and Waseem Domingo (Pastoral Head of Grade 10 at RBHS). Prof Jansen, an internationally renowned expert in education, spoke powerfully about the inequalities that exist within South Africa and particularly in education.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Many of our schools are poorly resourced and manned by under-performing educators. Prof Jansen has a compelling approach to education and deep insight into the complexities surrounding inequality in a South African context.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

He had the boys on the edges of their seats throughout his talk as he analysed the concept of ‘privilege’ in the new South Africa. He made it abundantly clear to our boys that their privilege came from their attendance of a top school in the country, that offers the very best in education.

Damian and Mattieu are Bosch and SACS Old Boys, respectively, and they shared a powerful message around environmental responsibility. They are representatives of Plant the Seed, a company that specialises in empowering schools, companies and individuals on their sustainability journey.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Their mission is to build a generation of conscious connected and courageous citizens. Their vision is: To promote systems thinking, creative problem solving and

critical thinking within schools. To increase the capacity of youth to engage in sustainable

business and influence society’s decisions. To enrich the education process by providing much needed

content and context to the real (adult) world. Embrace and drive change. Be adventurous, creative, and open-minded. Be open to new experiences. Do more with less. Practice empathy. Mattieu and Damian created a space where the boys could assess the impact that they make on the environment on a daily basis, and how important it is to take cognisance of one’s actions.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Waseem Domingo (Pastoral Head to E’21), has made a massive impact at RBHS in a short space of time. He took the opportunity to address the boys on unity and grabbing every opportunity available to them whilst at RBHS. Waseem challenged the E’21 group to leave a legacy when they matriculate in 2021. He stressed that active work by all was required in order to make a difference in the lives of others that are less fortunate. He wants all Grade 10 boys on board and laid down a challenge that they all have a responsibility to get involved in the social literacy conversation. The day turned out to be truly rewarding and a very positive tool for molding the school’s future leadership.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Transkei Outreach Programme

The programme started in 2012. On our first trip, only seven pupils

participated ~ nowadays, groups of approximately 25 Rondebosch

High boys and 25 girls fromustenburg, Springfield Convent, Rhenish

Girls High School, Parel Vallei and Herschel travel to the Transkei (1300

km from Cape Town) to tutor Mathematics, Maths Literacy, Physics,

Accounting and Biology to these less privileged pupils, many of whom

walk 13 km to school on an empty stomach. Their lack of school books,

calculators, school buildings and teachers, make it almost impossible

to succeed. There have been hundreds of our Cape Town pupils who

have unselfishly given up their school holidays to assist in the teaching.

There are many unsung heroes who have helped to raise the Isolomzi

pass rate from 48% in 2012, to 100% at the end of 2017. This year

(June 2019) we visited Tyali High for first time.

The trip was a resounding success in every way. We left Cape Town on

16th June, spent one night in Jeffrey’s Bay, then on to Kei Mouth to

cross the Kei River, and finally to Trennerys Hotel, our home for the

next ten nights. The trip home was very tiring ~ we stopped in

Sedgefield for the night, and finally reached Cape Town on Friday 28th


A huge welcome awaited us on our first morning, with large groups of

children cheering our arrival.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

The opening ceremony was followed by intensive teaching, with our Cape Town

pupils as nervous about being “teachers”, as the Tyali pupils were.

Although there were nervous times, it was very clear that friends were being

made on a permanent basis. Many are looking forward to the 2020 trip to renew


There are a huge number of people and companies to thank, but special mention

should be made of Carmen Amos for the sports clothing donated ~ without this

kind of donation/support, these trips simply could not happen.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

The graphs below show what we are hoping to achieve

after our first visit to Tyali.

MATHS LITERACY 2015 to 2019

Term One 2019






Hoping for in Nov



MATHEMATICS 2015 to 2019 28% Term One 2019

Hoping for 65% in Nov 2019

Hoping for 65% in

November 2019



47% 50%

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

LIFE SCIENCES 2015 to 2019


Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

What better way to summarise all these gifts than the words of a Rondebosch teacher, Mr Grant Paarman, who accompanied us on this trip:

“To see so many smiling faces irrespective of race, age, or culture really shows what can be achieved in this country of ours if you don't have politics and personal agendas on the table. These memories will definitely last a lifetime and will no doubt be re-told many times in the future. It truly was an unforgettable experience on so many fronts, culturally, educationally, friendships.” Finally, again, the following words were written by one of the Cape Town pupils:

“Tyali students taught me how to welcome a group of people, make

them feel special and at home, with their warm smiles and lively

welcoming on our day of arrival. Tyali students taught me to be

humble, with their countryside lifestyle comparatively different and

demanding to my city lifestyle. There was never a day I heard a

student complain about the kilometres he or she had to walk or run

to get to school or the early hours of the morning he or she had to rise

to cook breakfast for their family and then get ready for school.

Finally, Tyali students taught me what hope looks like in a modern

South African context. Hope rises in situations like these, when the

youth of South Africa come together from different backgrounds and

engage with each other over a common medium ie education.”

Rowan Harmuth

Co-ordinator: Transkei Outreach Programme

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

E’20 Leadership Day at Kelvin Grove

Our Grade 11 boys enjoyed a leadership development day

at Kelvin Grove on 13 September 2019. The programme below:

From 07:45 Arrive at KELVIN GROVE – Ballroom

07:45 - 08:00 Tea, coffee, juice + muffins and scones

08:00 - 08:05 Welcome by MC – ERNA du TOIT

08:05 - 08:30 Matric Top Design – ERNA du TOIT (Pastoral Head)

08:30 - 09:15 Introduction of Keynote Speaker 1 – KABOUS MEIRING - TV producer, presenter, actress and facilitator

09:15 - 10:00 Brunch Buffett

10.00 - 10:45 Introduction of Keynote Speaker 2: MARK BAKER - (CEO of Mygrow, Psychologist specialising in the development of Emotional Intelligence, Deputy Head Boy E’98)

10:45 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 11:45 Introduction of Keynote Speaker 3: ANDREW PUTTER – Artist, teacher, mentor, creative genius

11:45 - 11:50 Break

11:50 – 12:50 Drumming Workshop in groups - (DRUM CAFÉ)

12:50 – 13:00 Wrap Up and Thank You - Depart

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Our boys were exposed to three outstanding, thought-provoking presentations that

truly set the tone for an exciting year to come. The organising committee, comprising

the Junior Prefects of 2019, were tasked with organising the event. Effectively, they

organised ‘a day for the boys by the boys’. The team were provided with a budget and

they did an excellent job managing the various portfolios. The day was a resounding


Erna du Toit (Pastoral Head to E’20), acted as the MC for the day and handled matters

with aplomb. In the first slot on the programme, the E’20 group set out to design their

matric jersey for next year.

Our first keynote speaker was Kabous Meiring. We were incredibly fortunate to secure

Kabous as a guest speaker; a lady brimming with talent as a TV producer, presenter,

actress and facilitator.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Old Boy, Mark Baker (E’98) challenged the boys to be the best

version of themselves, every day. He shared his wisdom as an

organisational psychologist and CEO of Mygrow, a company

specialising in the development of Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Andrew Putter of Putter Design School entertained with a practical

workshop in design. Andrew is an artist and creative genius with

many years of teaching experience (at RBHS amongst other


He put the boys through a practical workshop inspiring creativity

and flair at each table. The boys were up for the challenge and some

really unique pieces were created in no time.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Comment from Pastoral Head, Mrs Erna du Toit:

This Leadership Day served as a threshold for the young men of E’20. It is the day when it dawned on them that they were now the senior guard, the group who will take the school forward into E’20. The three diverse guest speakers were very successful in highlighting aspects of the world out there that the E’20’s are heading for. I loved watching the surprising paper creations taking shape under Andrew Putter’s guidance, especially those made by some of our more muscular members who were getting truly stuck into the activity. Andrew taught them that if you wanted to avoid becoming a boring adult, you had to make something surprising. Every week! Kabous Meiring turned the boys’ gaze to communities and stories that they usually don’t consider at all – from cowboys to Afrikaans speaking people in the remote Northern Cape. Her positive perspective was a breath of fresh air. Mark Baker inspired everybody to be their best self with all his anecdotes and dynamic presentation. Who will forget the selfie with boys, directed to look as if they were giving him a standing ovation, in order to impress his wife! The highlight was the drumming session that lifted our spirits to explosive levels and made our grade bond like a true band of superstar musicians. A hearty thanks to all involved, especially Dr Neil Teubes for all his hard work behind the scenes. The Drum Café rounded off proceedings with a superb session of interactive drumming.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Election of Prefects For 2020

A group of 36 Junior Prefects shadowed the 2019 prefects before

preparing their own personal leadership manifestos. These were then

submitted online and published on the school website, therefore

being available to all members of the school community.

Having submitted their manifestos, the junior prefects were then

tasked with preparing a brief speech, outlining their views on

leadership at Bosch. As a first, all speeches were presented to the

entire school and staff complement, during an assembly.

Steffan Brundyn Angus Duncan

Alex Hillman Kian Davis

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

The video recordings of junior prefects were made available online

and shared via the school website. Having viewed the speeches, and

manifestos online, all Grade 10, 11, 12 boys and Staff cast their ballots.

The process was sent off for verification and approval and once

finalised, the results were released. David Frost and Thando Tshapela

emerged as Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy to lead the school in 2020.


Head Boy 2020 Deputy Head Boy 2020

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

2020 Prefects M McLagan, K Davis, J Prowse, J Sands

S Kagaba, S Bovim, A Hillman G Smith, S Schlesinger, N Marais

C J van Rensburg, V Naidoo G Ellis Brown, A Duncan, S Brundyn

T Tshapela, D Frost. Absent: R Scheepers

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Prefect Portfolios 2020

Head Boy/ Chairman of RCL / Board of Governors David Frost

Deputy Head Boy / Vice Chairman of RCL/ Board of Governors

Thando Tshapela

RCL Portfolios

Academic Steffan Brundyn and Veren Naidoo

Culture Neil Marais and Sam Bovim

Sport Kian Davis and Reese Scheepers

Discipline James Prowse and Gavin Smith

Civic Engagement / Outreach Alex Hillman and Angus Duncan

General Sam Schlesinger and Jonathan Sands

Spirit Shami Kagaba and Cameron J Van Rensburg

Assemblies Mark Mclagan and Guy Ellis Brown

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Events of the 4th Quarter 2019

Chris Bertish Address at Valedictory

Over a period of 120 years, many extraordinary young men have passed through the Bosch corridors. Chris Bertish is part of this illustrious hall of fame having completed the first ever, solo, open-water SUP Trans-Atlantic crossing in 2017. We were fortunate to secure a talk (pro bono) by Chris Bertish (E’92) whilst on a recent brief stopover in Cape Town. Chris spoke at Valedictory and the talk was truly inspirational. Chris won the Maverick Big Wave Invitation (California) in 2010. In 2013, he set the world record for an open ocean 12-hour SUP in South Africa and in the same year he set the fastest time (5 hours, 26 minutes) crossing the English Channel on a SUP. Dream it, See it, Believe it, Achieve it….This is the motto by which Chris Bertish lives.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

He raised more than R6.5 million for charity paddling across the Atlantic and expects that gala dinners will raise as much as another R6 million. His WHY lay in the fact that he knew that every stroke would contribute to the building of at least five schools in the poorest regions of South Africa, achieved through the Signature of Hope Trust fund.

To cross the Atlantic is one thing…but to get a RBHS Headmaster to

give it an R on stage, is another!

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Prefects’ Seminar, 18 - 20th October 2019

Our newly elected prefects enjoyed a prefect seminar under the watchful eyes of Mr Antonie Nel and Mr Grant Paarman. Guest presentations were done by Mr Bruce Risien and the Headmaster, Mr Shaun Simpson, who addressed the boys on this occasion.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Comment from organisers, Mr Paarman and Mr Nel Once the highly successful cabaret concert was behind them, the newly elected prefect body held their annual training weekend. Before the weekend each prefect was asked to sign up and complete an on-line leadership topic of their choice, which was paid for by the school. Each prefect was required to make a brief summary and presentation of the main points he had learnt and to share this with the remainder of the group. The weekend started on the Friday afternoon and the newly elected prefects were allocated one of eight portfolios on the Representative Council of Learners (RCL). Mrs Kannemeyer spent the afternoon explaining the roles and purpose of the RCL and how to get the most out of the members of each portfolio. This was followed-up with some problem solving exercises, which produced some interesting results. Next on the agenda was an introductory session on leadership and being a prefect at Rondebosch, presented by Mr Nel. The prefects’ parents joined us for an evening braai and social get together. Many of the prefects were involved in sport on the Saturday morning so we did not sleep over on the Friday night. On the Saturday Mr Simpson started the first session with a talk about his expectations and role that he sees the prefects as playing in the school. Mr Risien (an ex RBHS parent of Craig and Duncan Risien) came in to cover the ceremonial procedures and protocols of flying the National Flag and playing of the Last Post. This was enlightening, especially the history of our flag and the symbolism that the colours and design reflect.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

James Prowse assisting Mr Bruce Risien with the South African flag

After tea, Mr Paarman presented an introduction to goal setting and how goals should be realistic and measurable. The prefects then had a brain-storming session where the goals for 2020 were formulated. Coming up with the goals was relatively easy, the hard part was trying to highlight the ten most important aspects to focus on. After supper, Mr Nel facilitated the most anticipated and most feared moment of the weekend, strengths and weaknesses. As always, this was very insightful and constructive for all the participants. The evening ended off with the lads sleeping in the restaurant, which proved a valuable time to bond and relax together as a group.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

The Sunday morning was spent clarifying expectations and allocating prefects to particular jobs. We ran out of time so the presentation of the courses was not completed, but each prefect was asked to submit a PowerPoint, which will be viewed after the November examinations. Overall it was a very successful weekend and we look forward to working with the prefects of 2020 and hope they are successful in achieving their goals and that they will enjoy the year together. Comments by the Prefects:

David Frost: The prefect seminar was a valuable and enjoyable

experience. Analysing different leadership styles, discussing our goals

for the year and engaging in different discussions were all worthwhile

activities. The weekend was filled with banter and lasting memories

were made. Thank you for the opportunity.

Thando Tshapela: The weekend was very informative and helpful. The

weekend was needed for us as a prefect body to bond and get to know

each other. The strengths and weaknesses session was probably the

highlight of the weekend. My only suggestion would be to have more

free time for bonding.

Sam Schlesinger: I thought this year’s seminar was very productive.

We came in from very different social circles and managed to bond as

a group. I believe that through this seminar we have become a unified

prefect body capable of leading the school successfully.

Sam Bovim: From the flag presentation to the portfolio discussion,

this weekend has been full of learning for us. We enjoyed insightful

discussions with Mr Paarman, Mr Nel and Mr Simpson. We have

certainly learnt a lot about our roles as leaders at RBHS and about

leadership as a whole. It was a fantastic opportunity to work and

spend time with a great group of boys and makes me excited for the

year ahead.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Veren Naidoo: I thought the weekend was a huge success. The

programme was well planned with different types of discussions. We

had the opportunity to bond as prefects especially those that I have

barely interacted with before. It helped to get a better understanding

of what we have to do next year.

Gavin Smith: The prefect camp was one of the best events I have

attended in my time at Rondebosch. We had many formal discussions

and debates about goals, visions and changes we are looking to make

in 2020. We came together and synergised well as a group of like-

minded individuals. The camp ran flawlessly and I always felt safe and

secure knowing that everyone had my back. It was truly a special

weekend, which I will cherish for a long time.

Jonathan Sands: I think the prefect camp was an amazing experience

that had lots to offer. I got a better understanding of the role I will play

in the school. I also gained a better understanding of my fellow

prefects. I believe the strengths and weaknesses exercise really helped

to hone my understanding of my own ability. We also had lots of time

to bond.

James Prowse: I believe that the prefect seminar was highly

successful. Coming from different friendship groups, we managed to

get to know one another and I believe that we can operate

successfully next year.

Shami Kagaba: The prefect seminar was a good experience as it

showed us how to be better leaders in and out of school. The strengths

and weaknesses session helped with identifying our weak points and

ways to improve. The session with Mr Simpson was beneficial as we

got to interact with him and learn about expectations of us. We also

started bonding as a group which will be good for the future.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Steffan Brundyn: I found that the talks on our roles and

responsibilities as prefects of 2020 helped focus and give us a feel for

what we are expected to achieve in 2020.

I felt that the strengths and weaknesses exercise was the most

constructive as we could openly and honestly express what we

thought of one another.

Alex Hillman: I thought that this year’s seminar was very successful as

many of us did not really know each other. We came together through

the strengths and weaknesses exercise and found out what others

thought of us. We became a unified body and this helped with setting

goals for next year.

Neil Marais: Thank you so much for the weekend. It was a great

opportunity to learn more about my role as a prefect and more

importantly to learn more about my fellow prefects. I believe we have

created a bond that will give us the ability to lead the school in the

best possible way.

Guy Ellis Brown: I thoroughly enjoyed the prefect camp. It was

beneficial for the prefect body as a whole, as we established our goals

for the year and we got to know one another.

Kian Davis: I thought it was productive and helpful. We spoke about

things that had to be done and organised. The portfolio allocations

were completed and we got to mingle as a group. As a result we are a

much closer unit.

Reese Scheepers: The prefect seminar was successful because we

came together as a group. We learnt more about each other and are

still growing as a group. We shared ideas, goals and set visions and

standards for 2020.

Angus Duncan: The prefect camp brought the group together as a

whole and functioned well. We had productive discussions and set our

goals for the coming year.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Mark McLagan: The weekend was successful overall. I think that the

leadership information is a bit repetitive as we see it in LO every year.

I believe the strengths and weaknesses exercise was extremely

important. I do think that after the session the Prefect body really

came together.

Cameron Jansen van Rensburg: The prefect camp brought the group

together. I did not know many of the prefects on a personal level

before the weekend, but after spending time talking about strengths

and weaknesses, we bonded. I thought the weekend was a great


Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Upcoming Events

Seventh Journey Preparations

Our six previous Journeys have taken place in the Matroosberg, outside Ceres. This, our 7th Journey, will be on Diepkloof farm on the Breede River. Journey training was undertaken at school prior to the September holidays. This included fitness testing, talks and demonstrations on first aid, safety aspects and snakes amongst other things.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Outreach Project to Ouplaas E.K. Primere Skool Our Journey boys, have over the years, completed a number of projects in the Matroosberg at a local school, Britsum Primary.

This year, with the change in venue of our Journey, we have a new project at a local church school on the Breede River. We have established an outreach project with Ouplaas E.K. Primere Skool. The school is in desperate need of a painting upgrade. We have been incredibly fortunate to secure paint and materials through Old boys, Grant Blewett and Herbert Voigt for this project. Painting contractors, W Voigt and Dulux have kindly made the material available to us and the Journey groups will be preparing the walls and painting the building. We further would like to upgrade and paint their jungle gym. Through further donations, our Journey boys will have a sports and chess tournament with the Ouplaas learners.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Through the kind sponsorship of parent Adri Jones, 10 chessboards have been secured and our boys will introduce chess to the learners of Ouplaas.

We acknowledge the contribution of the Rondebosch Old Boys’ Union in providing the funding to purchase sports equipment for Ouplaas E.K. Primere Skool. Chairman, Michael Probyn and committee member André Ross kindly arranged the sponsorship of soccer posts, balls, cones and bibs that will be travelling with our boys to Ouplaas.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Training and Preparatory Table Mountain hikes The Table Mountain hikes were undertaken during the September holidays.

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Leadership/Pastoral Resources

Books available in the RBHS Library

Rondebosch Boys’ High School Canigou Avenue, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Headmaster: S Simpson BA, HDE (Wits), B Ed (Hons) (UCT)

Great reading material for the holidays!

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