infosys110 deliverable 2

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Name Rhiannon CourtneyNetID rcou923Group Number: 200Website Link:

Tutorial DetailsTutor: Day: Time:Claris Chung Monday 1pm

Time Spent on Assignment: 18 hours Word Count: 1626



Cellphone usage whilst driving is one of the biggest contributors to causing accidents on the roads. A solution

to this issue is having a built in app on all smart phones that detects when this is happening and follows a

procedure to reduce this unsafe usage.


3.1 Vision

To make roads safer for all users by eliminating the distraction that mobile phones can cause to drivers.

3.2 Industry Analysis: Mobile Phone Applications – that enforce safe driving

Industry: Mobile phone applications that enforce safe driving. Although the market for mobile phone

applications is very large we are just looking specifically at mobile phone applications targeted at promoting

safer driving.

Force: High/Low: Justification:

Buyer power: Low We aim to have Safer built into iOS and Android devices to increase

effectiveness. Because these are the two main devices on the current

market, 90% of people over the age of 13 who have a cellphone use

either iOS or Android, buying one of these devices that already has

Safer installed means buyers do not have much power here. (Harry

McCracken, 2013)

Supplier power: Low Supplier Power is low because there are lots of people educated in

developing apps and creating new software. (Hunt Mobile Ads, (n.d.)

Threat of new entrants: Low By having our app built into iOS and Adroid devices we hope to

dominate the market as this will significantly reduce the amount of

competition that can come onto the market. (McCracken, 2013)

Threat of substitutes: Low Although there are other apps that offer a similar thing to Safer on the

market at the moment we aim to continuously update our software to

ensure we are always the best on the market. Another close substitute



is that in some countries using a cellphone whilst driving is against the

law, for example in New Zealand. However this is not as effective as

Safer as it cannot be enforced as effectively. (New Zealand Legislation,


Rivalry among existing


High There are other apps on todays market that although are still starting

off small they can offer a similar solution as Safer does. Therefore to

ensure the success of our application we intended to fulfil the

necessary requirements that have our app pre-installed on android

and iOS devices (Nationwide, 2011)

Overall attractiveness of the industry: Overall this is an attractive industry depending whether or not

we can succeed with gaining a partnership with Apple and Adnroid. If we are successful in this, than the

industry will become very attractive as it will eliminate any competition in this specific market.

3.3 Customers and Their Needs

52% of Americans say they have talked on a cell phone while driving and 34% even say they have texted while

driving. (Online Schools, 2012) Our main target customers for our product is this proportion of drivers who use

their cellphones. The app will achieve having drivers who are fully concentrated on the task at hand, which will

reduce the risk of harming themselves as well as make roads safer for other drivers, passengers and


3.4 The Product and Service

Safer is an application that will reduce cellphone usage whilst driving therefore allowing drivers to concentrate

more on their driving and making the roads a safer place for all its users. Safer will come pre-installed on smart

phones, an application that cannot be deleted to ensure it is effective, as drivers who tend to use their

cellphones whilst driving would tend to delete the app rather than reduce their cellphone usage. Safer will

detect when the user is driving and using their cellphone through other apps within the device such as the

camera and maps. If the app senses that the user is driving and using their cellphone it will pop up with

warning messages and if these are continuously ignored the device will momentarily shut off until the device

can sense movement is at 5 kmph or less (average walking speed)

3.5 Suppliers and Partners

Potential Suppliers are Software engineers to create the programming necessary for our application to run

smoothly. Another potential supplier would be psychological experts to offer their advice and expertise during

the development stage regarding drivers behaviours that would suggest they are becoming distracted by their



cellphone, they could also assist with developing the apps warning system that the device goes through prior

to shutting down, this team would be able to determine the most effective way to do this in relation to peoples

behaviours. The main partners we aim to have on board with this are IOS and Android systems. With 90% of

the worlds cellphones of people over the age of 13 running either the android of iOS software it will be very

beneficial having these software providers as partners, this will help to achieve having Safer built into devices

such as iPhone and Samsungs to ensure the app cannot be deleted and thus reinforce the effectiveness. To

achieve this we also need partners such as New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and other worldwide safety

organisations that can help provide the necessary persuasion and funding to have companies like iOS and

Android on board with this project. Organisations such as NZTA also have links with the government which can

also be used to our advantage as they can analyse our proposal and pass laws that will assist with creating an

agreement between Apple and Android regarding Safer.

3.6 Strategy: Cost Leadership

The Porter’s Generic strategy would be Cost Leadership as this it is targeted at a broad market using a low cost

strategy. This is because the competitive scope is low for this market as there are not many other applications

on the market that provide what we offer and the cost strategy is also low because users will not need to pay

to have the app, it will come already installed on their device.

The overall strategy is therefore Cost Leadership.

3.7 Value Chain Activity:

The most important value chain activity for this business is Technology Development and

research Development.

This is the most important because it needs to be done correctly to ensure that our product

can effectively elimintate the distraction cellphones cause to drivers in order to make roads

safer therefore the product needs to work well and do what it was designed to do, this will

involve keeping our technology up to date so that it is compatible with the system running it

as well as other apps it relies on to function such as the camera.

3.8 Business Processes


This process involves analysisng data about the applications use to make improvements and then make

alterations to the manufacturing of the software as necissary



3.8.2. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION PROCESS – This is how the system monitors usage, any

bugs that could become a problem and how efficient the app is. This data that gets collected

is then sorted into different categories based on relevance, one category that has data

useful for the manufacturers and one for the government to show the efficiency of the app.



3.9 Functionalities


Sends relevant information from one department to another Informed decisions can then be made based on this information


Data is stored internally within the application The data is then transferred from the application on the phone to the

necissary category (manufacturer or government) via internet

3.10 Systems

3.10.1.KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – Makes efficient use of the data obtained from

the application within each phone. Data is first obtained when the phone is connected to

the internet and has permission to update it is sent via the internet. This data is then sorted

into its relevance and used to make alterations that will improve the apps efficiency.6


3.10.2. CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS – Used to manage the information that comes in

and use it effectively across different departments that may find it useful. Ideas can be

shared regarding the information and what developments could come from them.

3.10.3. GROUPWARE SYSTEM – Reduces costs by sharing the information gathered and

allows for group problem solving, this means more ideas about how the application can be

continuously updated.



3.11. Summary Table: Value Chain to Systems

Value Chain Activity

Processes Functionalities Specific Information System(s)

Broad Information System(s)



Research and


1. Updating Process

1. Transfering data/information

2. Supports decision Making


Groupware Systems

Collaboration System

2. Collection of


Data process

1. Stores relevant data

2. Transfers data to where it is needed



Collaboration System




Safer is an application that will eliminate cellphone usage whilst driving and thus make the

roads are safer place for everyone. Through the use of databases and transfering of

information we can ensure that Safer will always be the most efficient app on the market as

we can ensure it undergoes continues development to keep up to date with the all the

current technology in the world around us. For this reason Safer will always be the best app

available when it comes to eonforing more concentrated and ‘safer’ drivers.


1. Online Schools. (2012). Driving while intexicated. Retrieved from

2. Harry McCrackern. (16th April 2013). Who’s winning, iOS or Android? All the numbers, all in one place. Retrieved from

3. Hunt mobile ads. (n.d.). The Potential of the mobile application development market. Retrieved from

4. New Zealand Legislation. (11th December 2009). Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004. Retrieved from

5. Nationwide. (December 2011). Four apps to stop texting while driving. Retrieved from


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