inquiry about eating habits (inquérito sobre hábitos alimentares)

Post on 16-Apr-2015






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Inquiry about eating habits

(Inquérito sobre hábitos alimentares)

This inquiry was made in order to find out the dietary habits of a group of people. To achieve this , they were

distributed over 60 people. To place the data in the graphs they were separated the universe of inquiries by sex and

age, then:- Young Males (15)- Adult Males (9)

- Young Females (13)- Adult Females (23)

Estes inquéritos têm como objectivo conhecer os hábitos alimentares das pessoas. Para tal, estes foram distribuídos por 60 pessoas. Para colocação dos dados nos gráficos, foram separados por

sexo e faixa etária, então:- Jovens Masculinos (15 pessoas)- Adultos Masculinos (9 pessoas)- Jovens Femininas (13 pessoas)- Adultas Femininas (23 pessoas)

How many meals a day do you have?

Quantas refeições faz por dia?

The majority of the inquired makes 4 to 6 meals a day.

Which meals you always have?Quais as refeições que faz sempre?

We can verify that everybody have their main meals and some also eat something during the morning and before going to bed.

Normally, what do you drink and eat at breakfast?

O que costuma comer e beber ao pequeno – almoço?

At breakfast the cereals, milk and bread are the most chosen.

Do you usually eat something during the morning?

Costuma lanchar a meio da manhã?

Only a few ones do not eat something during the morning.

What do you drink and eat during the morning?

O que costuma comer e beber a meio da manhã?

During the morning the favorite food are the sandwiches along with juice. From the 4 groups of people the adult females are the ones who prefer coffe and fruits.

How often do you eat fried food?Com que frequência come fritos?

Accordingly to the stats people rarely eat fried food.

How often do you eat salty or heavily spicy dishes?

Com que frequência come pratos salgados ou muito condimentados?

Accordingly to the stats people rarely eat salty or heavily spiced dishes.However a minority eat those dishes three to four times a week.

How often do you eat salads?Com que frequência come saladas?

Salads are eaten three to four times a week by the biggest part.

How often do you eat fruit?Com que frequência come fruta?

Altough the young males are the ones who eat fruit three to four times a week, seventeen of twenty-three adult females eat it on a daily basis.

How often do you eat fish?Com que frequência come peixe?

From all the inquired people its clear that most part often eat fish.

How often do you eat meat?Com que frequência come carne?

Like the fish dishes, the meat dishes are eaten with the same frequency.

How often do you eat sweet desserts?

Com que frequência come sobremesas doces?

The sweet desserts, despite their flavour are rarely eaten by the general people.

How much water do you drink a day?

Qual o seu consumo diário de água?

The most part of people drink more than four glasses of water a day.

Do you take alcoholic drinks?Consome bebidas alcoólicas?

People rarely drink alcoholic drinks.

How many cofees a day do you drink?

Quantos cafés toma por dia?

The adult males are the only class that drink at least one coffee a day.

How often do you eat fast food?Com que frequência consome “fast food”?

All adult males rarely eat fast food.

How often do you drink soft drinks or packed fruit juice?

Com que frequência bebe refrigerantes ou bebidas de fruta em pacote?

Rarely, the adult group drink soft drinks or packed fruit juice. On the other and both young groups are splited regarding their opinions.

Do you think you have healthy eating habits?

Considera que tem uma alimentação saudável?

In conclusion….

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