integrated accessibility standards how-to workshop [read-only]

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AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards: How-to Workshop

Leola W. PonNovember 23, 2011

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Today’s Plan…

• In-depth review of each IAS requirement:

• group work and interactive discussions

• Special topics: Information and Communication


• Special topics: Employment Standards

OMHRA November 23, 2011

The Outcome…

• Map out your compliance strategy

• Develop your IAS accessibility policy

• Develop your IAS/human rights training program

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Status of the Standards

• Customer Service

• Integrated Accessibility Standard

• Built Environment???

• etc.

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Overview: Other Statutes

• AODA sets the floor

• Human Rights Code continues to apply

• If there is a conflict, the provision that provides the

highest level of accessibility for persons with

disabilities…shall prevail

• How determine or enforce?

• No AODA complaint mechanism for individuals

• Grievance? HRTO? Litigation?

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Government Oversight & Enforcement

• Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

• Directors

• Licence Appeal Tribunal

• Court

• Fines ($50K/$100k)

OMHRA November 23, 2011

“Integrated” Accessibility Standards

• Information and Communication

• Employment

• Transportation

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Accessibility Standards

• Government of Ontario

• Large designated public sector organizations (50+


• Small designated public sector organizations (<50


• Large private / not-for-profit sector organizations (50+)

• Small private or not-for-profit sector organizations (<50)

OMHRA November 23, 2011

AODA Dictionary: Selected Terms

• “accessible formats” may include, but are not limited

to, large print, recorded audio and electronic formats,

braille and other formats usable by persons with


• “communication supports” may include, but are not

limited to, captioning, alternative and augmentative

communication supports, plain language, sign language

and other supports that facilitate effective


OMHRA November 23, 2011

AODA Dictionary: Selected Terms

• “conversion ready” means an electronic or digital

format that facilitates conversion into an accessible


• “information” includes data, facts and knowledge that

exists in any format, including text, audio, digital or

images, and that conveys meaning

OMHRA November 23, 2011

AODA Dictionary: Selected Terms

• “kiosk” means an interactive electronic terminal,

including a point-of-sale device, intended for public use

that allows users to access one or more services or

products or both

• “new internet website” means either a website with a

new domain name or a website with an existing domain

name undergoing a significant refresh

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Standards (General) – Accessibility policies

• how the organization (will) achieve(s) accessibility

• statement of organizational commitment to meet needs

in a timely manner

• written policies, publicly available, accessible format

upon request

• January 1, 2013

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Standards (General): Accessibility Plan

• multi-year, post on website and provide in an

accessible format upon request

• review and update at least once every five years in

consultation with persons with disabilities/ accessibility

advisory committee

• annual status report, post on website, provide in an

accessible format upon request

• January 1, 2013

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Standards (General): Procurement of goods, services or facilities

• incorporate accessibility criteria and features

• if not practicable to do so, provide explanation upon


• January 1, 2013

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Standards (General): Self-serve kiosks

• incorporate accessibility features when designing,

procuring or acquiring self-service kiosks

• January 1, 2013

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Standards (General): Training

• IAS and Human Rights Code training to:

• all employees, and volunteers;

• all persons who participate in developing the

organization’s policies; and

• all other persons who provide goods, services or

facilities on behalf of the organization

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Standards (General): Training

• appropriate to the duties of the employees, volunteers

and other persons

• as soon as practicable and ongoing (with changes to


• training records: date of training, number of trainees

• January 1, 2014

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Integrated Standards (General): Accessibility reports

• Section 14 AODA

• “annually or at such other times”

• available to the public

• (electronically) signed by a director, senior officer or

other responsible person with authority to bind the


OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communication

• exemptions:

• Products and product labels

• Unconvertible information or communications

• Information that the obligated organization does

not control directly or indirectly through a

contractual relationship (with exceptions)

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communication

• If unconvertible, provide requester:

• an explanation as to why the information or

communications are unconvertible; and

• a summary of the unconvertible information or


OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communications: FeedbackProcesses

• existing feedback processes must be accessible

• provide or arrange to provide accessible formats and

communications supports, upon request

• notify the public about their availability

• January 1, 2014

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communication: Accessible formats and communication supports

• general obligation to provide or arrange for the

provision of accessible formats and communications

supports, upon request

• In a timely manner and based on specific needs

• At no additional cost (when compared to others)

• Consult with the individual

• Notify public of availability

• January 1, 2015

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communication: Emergency plans/procedures and public safety

• information made available to the public

• Must provide in accessible format or with appropriate

communications supports, upon request

• January 1, 2012

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communication: Websites and Web content

• Websites, web content (published after January 1,

2012), web-based applications, unless not “practicable”

• that an organization controls directly or through a

contractual relationship that allows for modification of

the product

• not “intranets”

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communication: Websites and Web content

• January 1, 2014, new internet websites and web

content on those sites must conform with WCAG 2.0

Level A.

• January 1, 2021, all internet websites and web content

must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level AA (exceptions)

OMHRA November 23, 2011

Information and Communication: Public Libraries

• Must provide access or arrange for the provision of

access to accessible materials where they exist

• Information on availability of accessible materials

• Optional for archival materials, special collections, etc.

• January 1, 2013

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• employers and employees;

• does not apply to “volunteers” and other “non-paid”

• who is an “employee”?

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Compliance timeframes – with 1 exception

• January 1 2013 – Government

• January 1 2014 – Large public sector

• January 1 2015 – Small public sector

• January 1 2016 – Large private/non-profit

• January 1 2017 – Small private/non-profit

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Recruitment

• Must notify employees and the public about

availability of accommodation for applicants with


• Applies to “recruitment processes”

• External advertisements

• Internal job postings

• interviews, etc.

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Recruitment, assessment or selection process

• notify accommodations are available upon request in

relation to the materials or processes to be used in

the recruitment process

• consult with the selected applicant

• provide or arrange to provide suitable

accommodation - take into account the applicant’s

accessibility needs

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Notify successful applicants

• the policies for accommodating employees with


OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Inform employees on disability policies (e.g.,

accommodation, human rights, return to work)

• provide info to new employees as soon as practicable

after starting job

• update if job accommodation policies change

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Accessible formats and communication supports for


• consult (re: suitability of) and provide accessible

formats and communication supports for (a)

information that is needed in order to perform the

employee’s job; and (b) information that is generally

available to employees in the workplace.

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Workplace emergency response information

• individualized workplace emergency response


• if individualized information is necessary based on

type of disability

• if employer is aware of the need for accommodation

due to the employee’s disability

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Workplace emergency response information

• with the employee’s consent, the employer can

share information to designated person

• as soon as practicable after the employer becomes

aware of the need

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Workplace emergency response information

• review the information when:

• employee moves to a different work location;

• employee’s overall accommodations needs or plans are reviewed; and

• employer reviews its general emergency response policies.

• January 1, 2012

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Documented individual accommodation plans

• written process for the development of documented

individual accommodation, including:

• participation

• means for individualized assessment

• evaluation by an outside medical or other expert, at the employer’s expense

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• written process for the development of documented

individual accommodation, including (…cont’d)

• representative or bargaining agent

• privacy

• frequency of review and updates, and how done

• reasons for denial of plan

• plan in a format that takes into account the employee’s

accessibility needs

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Documented individual accommodation plans shall,

• if requested, include any information regarding

accessible formats and communications supports


• if required, include individualized workplace

emergency response information

• identify any other accommodation that is to be


OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Return to work process

• outline the steps the employer will take; and

• use documented individual accommodation plans,

as part of the process

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Performance Management, Career Development and

Advancement, and Redeployment

• “shall take into account the accessibility needs of

employees with disabilities, as well as individual

accommodation plans”

OMHRA November 23, 2011


• Wide range of application from urban transit systems to

taxis to school buses

• Will also apply to organizations that provide

transportation on a less formal basis – universities,

colleges, hospitals, etc.

• Very technical specifications – 35 pages of the

regulation plus amended regulations under the HTA

AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards: How-to Workshop

Leola W. PonNovember 23, 2011

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