intern summary

Post on 11-Jan-2017






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Task/ Project Assignment

1.1 Data Collection

Assist engineers to collect data from machine to determine

the specific position of component placement machine for

every particular product. It is important to know the

position in order to track specific misalignment when

problems arose.

1.2 Defects Sorting (Quality Issue)

Assist engineers to sort out the defected or rejected units

for further investigation in order to determine the root

causes during the production process. All data of

production process from every machine are uploaded to

server for problems tracking purposes. It will help

engineers to know which machine are went wrong when

problems arose.

1.3 5Ms + E Method(Problem Solving)

In my entire internship, I have learnt about engineers

applied the 5 Ms + E Method to break down (in successive

layers of detail) root causes that potentially contribute to a

particular effect. Common uses of the fishbone diagram are

product design and quality defect prevention to identify

potential factors causing an overall effect. Each cause or

reason for imperfection is a source of variation. Causes are

usually grouped into major categories to identify these

sources of variation. The categories typically include man,

methods, machines, materials, measurements and


1.4 Emergency Response during Black Out

There is a standard procedure and Emergency Respond

Team to ensure all the employees are evacuated safely

during emergency or black out. The evacuation flow is

smooth and safe with the assistance of the emergency

respond team.

1.5 Process Control System (PCS)

Assist engineers to generate and analyze Statistical Process

Control (SPC) chart based on the production’s data in order

to ensure the specific product are produce according to

respective specifications in a control limit.

1.6 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Printing Tools

Assist engineers to design and build up a printing tool’s

operation simulation slides by using Microsoft Power Point

in order to help out operators in training before getting

familiar in operating the actual machine.

1.7 Organizing Team Building for Module/ Department

Assist Module Group Leader to organize and make

arrangement of the team building event for the module

engineers in order to build up the team spirit among each


1.8 Troubleshooting of problems

Assist engineers to trace the problems of machine and

determine the root cause of the problems with the method

of Design of Experiment (DOE) and “5M + E” method.

1.9 5S Labelling

Assist engineers to do the 5S labelling for the new

production line in order to meet the 5S requirements for an

organized and systematic workstation.

Table 1.1: Comparison of before and after labelling

Before After

1.10 Daily Routine Meeting

Daily meet up with engineers, operation supervisors and

technicians to update the latest issues or problems of

production line. Planning and action will be taken

effectively to solve the problems arose.

1.11 Staff Meeting

Weekly meet up with module/ departmental engineers to

discuss about production targets, planning, problems and

solutions to sustain the production target meetup.

Basic Training

1.1 Code of Conduct

The training is designed to ensure that employees in all

business groups and all geos across Intel have the

knowledge and level of understanding needed to apply the

Intel Code of Conduct to daily work situations at Intel.

1.2 Assembly Test Electro Static Discharge (ESD) Basics

It is about to determine the types, causes and elimination of

Electro Static Discharge (ESD) in the Assembly Test

Manufacturing (ATM) cleanroom to avoid killing of the

circuit of the units.

1.3 Assembly Test Manufacturing (ATM) Cleanroom Compliances

In this 1.5 hour course, students will learn about cleanroom

compliances. Course will cover cleanroom classification,

proper cleanroom garments, cleanroom compliances, right

cleanroom behaviors, cause and impact of cleanroom


1.4 Information Security Awareness

All Blue Badge employees and Contingent Workers are

responsible for completing the Information Security

Awareness course within 90 days of hire.

1.5 Global Export Compliance

Knowing about U.S. Export laws and regulations on

Controlled technology helps Intel stay in compliance with

export laws and regulations. The new GEC 30 minute web

based training will give a basic understanding of U.S.

Export Compliance, its importance to you and to Intel. It

will also help to understand the difference between

controlled technology and Intel IP and how to protect them


1.6 Harassment Avoidance

This course teaches participants how they can help Intel

create a harassment-free working environment. Intel's

Harassment Guideline provides the framework for this

course, where types of harassment are discussed and

workplace scenarios are analyzed.

1.7 Open Door Initiatives

Definitions of open - manager roles & responsibilities -

elements of open door.

1.8 Privacy Essentials

This version is a 30+ minute e-learning course designed to

raise the level of employee awareness of the need for

personal data protection. It covers the basic elements that

comprise privacy, privacy related laws and regulations and

how those principles are applied at Intel. It includes

relevant information for HR, SMG and Product Groups.

1.9 Security Orientation Program

Basic security information and reference tools that will

assist new employee orientation (NEO) to follow in Intel.

1.10 Environmental, Health and Safety [ EHS, OSHA, Energy

(ISO) ]

This course is designed to provide all Intel employees basic

knowledge on Environmental, Health & Safety structure,

EHS Policy, EHS programs & roles & responsibilities.

1.11 Intel Integration Academy for Intern 2016

Prescriptive rule Integration Academy-Interns 2016

1.12 Intel Technical Office Environment (TOE)

The Technical Office Environment (TOE) initiative was

created to facilitate safe and secure work in the office, in

accordance with Intel policy. The TOE evaluation

certification is a two-minute activity, assigned in My

Learning, which yields a personalized set of expectations

and controls needed to secure your office environment. For

more information, goto/TOE. NOTE: Sponsors of

Contingent Workers (CWs) doing technical work in their

office need to ensure associated controls are in place to

ensure a safe and secure working environment – goto/TOE

for a list of all technical office controls. * PRIVACY

NOTICE: By completing the evaluation, you are providing

Intel with your name, WWID, e-mail address and other

limited business information (i.e. business group, division,

location information) for the purpose of directing you to

policies, guidelines and controls relevant to the work you

do in the office environment. You are also granting Intel

permission to communicate policy, guideline, and control

changes and certification expiration notifications.

1.13 New Employee Ethics and Compliance Prescriptive rule ethics and compliance training for Intel

new employees.

1.14 New Employee Orientation (NEO)

New Employee Orientation (NEO) is the first course on

Intel's integration program. It is designed to orient new

hires about how to get foundational knowledge about Intel

as a company, as well as where to obtain the basic

information and reference tools that will allow them to be

productive and successful in the Intel environment.

Technical Class/ Training

1.1 Statistics Class

A technical class to prepare Intel employees to have a refresh

about introduction to statistical data analysis. It provides the

basic terms and concepts in statistic. The common analyses

including graphical and numerical analysis as well as making

valid conclusions and reports are learnt throughout the statistic

class. Moreover, it provides an introduction to JMP software

(JMP version 11) as well in order to let Intel employees to get

used to the statistical software in analysis.

1.2 Design of Experiment (DOE) Class

This course provides an introduction to simple comparisons

using continuous data. Comparisons include single sample, two

sample, paired sample, multiple samples, and randomized

block experiments. Students will learn key concepts such as

hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, type 1 and 2 error

risks, detectable deltas, and sample size determinations.

Analysis methods include graphs, t-tests, F-tests, and ANOVA.

This course is crucial for anyone designing and analyzing

change control experiments. The course combines in class

lecture with computer hands on examples and exercises using

JMP software.

Activities Throughout Internship Period

1.1 Intel Kulim Site Visit

A site visit to Intel Kulim with department engineers to

determine the problems and solutions of production line in

order to have technical support for the smoothness of

production flow in Intel Penang.

1.2 Intel Volunteers’ Program

PGAT IIMGP Program for SJKT Ramakrishna,

Penang on 22nd July 2016

Figure 1.1: Canteen of SJKT Ramakrishna, Penang

Figure 1.2: Breakfast Figure 1.3: Wrapping Tables

Figure 1.4: Painting of wall Figure 1.5: Wrapping Tables

Figure 1.6: Before wrapping Figure 1.7: After wrapping

Figure 1.8: Group Photo with Intel Employees

Figure 1.9: Group Photo with headmistress and teachers of SJKT

Ramakrishna, Penang.

I’m glad that I could join the Intel Volunteers Program with some of the Intel

employees to spare some time to contribute back to the community of Penang. In

this program, Intel Penang Assembly and Test (PGAT) manages to help the SJKT

Ramakrishna, Penang to beautify and create a more comfortable environment to

the primary students in the school canteen.

1.3 Intel Maker Workshop (Volunteer)

Intel Edison 101

3D Printer/ Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Figure 1.10: Group photo of volunteers with speaker, Dr. Loh Wei Keat

Figure 1.11: Group photo of participants for CAD and 3D Printing Workshop

Figure 1.12: Group photo of participants for Intel Edison 101 Workshop

Figure 1.13: Recognition of the Intel Edison 101 workshop

Figure 1.14: Recognition of Intel Maker Workshop (CAD & 3D Printing and Intel Edison 101)

Internet of Things (IoT) would be the trend and demand in the coming years,

the advancement of technology can make a lot possibilities in the future. I am

pleased to get explored and being volunteers to the Intel Maker Workshop for few

weeks in Intel. It inspired and enhanced my knowledge of the microcontroller,

Computer Aided Design (CAD) as well as 3D printing technology throughout the



It is great to learn and experience the real industrial working life

through my internship program. Intel Corporation has provided a strong

platform for me to explore and practice the basic theory that I have learnt in

university. Throughout these 10 weeks of internship, I gained the

opportunity to understand more about the life and job scopes of engineers in

reality. There are many challenging issues day in and day out, but the issues

will not wipe out my passionate in engineering field, as I believe challenges

are opportunity to be better.

During the Industrial Training Program, I had the chance to learn more

about the production process in semi-conductor industry. Moreover, I was

given a chance to apply the knowledge of quality control by doing Statistical

Process Control to sustain and maintain the production to be aligned with

the specification of respective products. All of these allow me to have an

insight of an Assembly Engineer’s job and I manage to widen my perspective

about an engineer’s job.

Apart from that, I was also given the chance to brush up the soft skill such as

communication skills and team work spirit. I was required to communicate

with different level of colleagues such as managers, senior engineers,

engineers and operators. In addition, I have to work in a team with other

engineers to solve problems and generate ideas when problems arise too. In

short, my entire internship had allowed me to expose to the real industrial

working life and get the chance to hands on with machines.

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