interview with the gerbils© 2009

Post on 22-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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This is my first stage towards a soon to be animated cartoon striaght out of my comic book.Created as a comic book in 1995, then formed as an animated cartoon series in 2009 by Gretchin Nicole Morris (Creator and CEO of MSharp Studios , Inkorporated© )


M Sharp Productionpresents

The Gerbils

Mischievous and rude, polite and well-mannered, rowdy and obnoxious, smart yet streetwise, surprisingly talented (comedy and music), raw yet nurtured, misunderstood and despised, sweet, lovable, cute as buttons, a handful of

responsibility, nomadic, but a delight to see.

But above all …SURVIVORS.

Whacha lookin’ at?

These words and phrases undoubtedly best described the three siblings also known as the


Born in a downtown hospital of Houston, Texas…

…well, Texas Medical Center, to be exact…

…the trio was treated as mentally challenged “children” because of their uncanny and erotic behavior and curiosity. So far, their “playful”

animalistic instincts drove the doctors, nurses, medical assistants, patients, Even the

psychologists and therapist out of the building.

On their journey as outcasts, the Gerbils fought poverty, homelessness, loneliness with humor by entertaining audience nationwide (clubs, theaters, even featured in awards shows and concerts). Their home is…well…anywhere! Anywhere they can lay their heads in. You see, they stay in hotels, junkyards, cardboard boxes, tents, cars, trucks, buses, jets, even planes.

The Gerbils are known for defeating any attempts at control with non-stop barrage of slapstick comedy and wit. It is characteristic for them to wreak havoc only because they enjoy it (in short, pure fun). Although their initial havoc is generally good-natured, sometimes affectionate and often merely annoying, any person (or thing) who yells, tries to hurt them or simply acts like a complete jerk will be automatically label as, in their words, “haters”, at which the crew exercise even less restraint with their mayhem.


The tallest and oldest of the three, the charismatic “Casanova” serves as the ringleader of the two younger siblings. Although with a cool and laid back personality, Scotty has the ability to talk an unsuspecting person’s ear off and comes up with a comeback to just about anything when it comes to arguing. When it come to pulling (and performing) the most outrageous pranks in the millennium, Scotty is guilty as charged. He is a fast learner, carefully observes the surroundings at any location, and remembers every landmark and street sign in Houston, Dallas, Chicago, New York, Miami, Atlanta, London, Paris, even Tokyo, anywhere etc, etc. Scotty sings, raps, dances, and even plays instruments (mainly a keyboard and, his specialty, electric and acoustic guitar). Vocally, Scotty is compared to Prince, one of his favorite musicians that he imitates time to time (he even talks like him). Other celebrities he impersonates are Groucho Marx, Charlie Chaplin, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Wonder and so forth.

(not to mention he’s a reggae junkie).

Being observed as the oldest, several times Scotty has shown a surprising amount of responsibility dealing with the welfare of his younger siblings while traveling, even

when he’s not admitting it (he doesn’t like to boast about himself).

Who me? It couldn’t be!


Monty (whose real name is Montgomery) is the middle child with an enthusiastic hunger for adventure. Being “double jointed”, he usually supplies the cruder humor and tends to lean more on the physical comedy in the bunch. Speaking of having voracious appetite, Monty could eat almost anything he can get his hands on. Whether it’s a bubble gum found under the desk, green fish and rice, a 35 footlong subway sandwich or a melted ice cream in a neighbor’s trash, he takes the meaning of exotic taste to a whole new level. Along with being a professional taste tester, Monty is also a full sledge pack rat. While touring with his siblings, he often pulls objects from his “safety pack” for last minute impromptus or emergencies.

Like his older brother, Monty is a music maven (he owns a turntable). His instruments are a keyboard and a harmonica, which he carries in his pack while traveling. His voice sets a reminiscence of Sly and the Family Stone because of his low tone to an alto pitch (with his southern Creole drawl, of course). His other influences are Jazz, Hip Hop, and R&B (Monty is the mastermind behind making sound effects with his mouth). Besides singing, he can also rap and dance. His favorite Michael Jackson impersonation is a testament to his credit. In addition to the King of Pop, Monty impersonates James Brown, M.C. Hammer, Johnny Taylor, and many others to suit his persona.

Oh, and by the way, he refuses to take off his hat.


Just as Lauryn accompanied the Fugees, Claudette with City High, and Fergie with the Black Eyed Peas, Tosi, the youngest Gerbil, has her brothers as her posse, except

this little bitty “rascal” has a few comical tricks under her sleeve and is in a class of her own. Dressed in her best

hip hop and sports gear (borrowed mostly from her brothers), Tosi’s style is clash between a B-girl and

tomboy with a feminine touch. She prefers this kind of wardrobe over dresses and skirts for only two reasons.

One, although Tosi appears to be very cute, approachable, easygoing, and calm (which, by the way, is

true), she can also bring in the pain. In fact, make one false move and it’s off to the emergency room you go.

Here’s the proof: Scotty has been complaining about his bruised shoulder last weekend from Tosi’s jab (I wonder

why?). Like her astrological sign, the Taurus, she’s blessed with the ability to lift a bunk bed, knock a tree down with

one punch, and pull a 14 wheeler out of the muddy puddle strategically with ease.

Along with being athletically strong, Tosi shares her musical traits with Scotty and Monty as well: singer, rapper, dancer, and get this …a drummer (she was inspired by Sheila E’s percussion playing on the 7up commercial)! She favors Afro Cuban, Latin, Pop, and techno beats (another reason for her cool clothes). Her style of singing is sort of the opposite of her boisterous character. If Tosi’s voice was heard, then her quirky nasal tone is a mixture of a soft and tiny Minnie’s octaves (she doesn’t display it often) sprinkled with Ella’s scats and riffs, baked with Whitney’s melisma. To finish her resume’, she does surprisingly Beyonce’, Cyndi Lauper, Joan Jett, and Tina Turner impersonations (she rarely never bares her legs)! No matter how she does it, in the end, Tosi will always be…

“one of the boys”.

The GoodThe Bad

…And The Funnies!

There are a lot of folks from the entertainment business that influenced us like Jamiroquai and Take 6. These groups, to me by far, are the baddest mutha-

Shut Cha Mouth!!!

I’m just talking about the groups’


Ooooooh,…we can dig it.


Ouch!Ya’ll want this party started…


Diana Ross presents


Jackson 3?!!

Sometimes, girls just

wanna have fun!

U can’t touch this

U can’t touch this

U can’t touch this

U can’t touch this

U can’t touch this

Ladies and Gentlemen…


Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to enter this thing called..

The Gerbil Life.

It ain’t over yet!!!!

In conclusion, you may call them misdemeanors, menaces to society,

pests, rats, rodents, but for crying out loud, DON’T EVER, I repeat,



Hey!!Just for that you’re gonna get served!!

You may ask…

… how come this narrator knows so much about these Critters?

Well, that’s easy!...

I, Monalisa Noir, am their legal guardian.

The End

…Or is it?

So, how do you guys rate this movie?


We say…Three finger snaps in the


Cast(In Alphabetical Order)

Monalisa Noir

Monty Gerbil

Scotty Gerbil

Tosi Gerbil

Wardrobe and Shoes provided by:




Urban Outfitters

Armani Exchange

Buffalo Exchange

Express/Express Men

Costume and Make-up provided by:


Cover Girl


Music from the soundtrack


C 2008 Gretchin Williams-Morris, all rights reserved



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