introduction of testosterone

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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An introduction to testosterone Learn everything about this sexual harmone its history and why it is important for both men and women.This article will give you an introduction to the testosterone hormone. Testosterone is a major sex hormone found in humans and most vertebrates. One of the principal androgen (a group of male hormones), sometimes referred to as anabolic steroids, which is responsible for the development of secondary sex characteristics, sex drive, and reproductive activity.


Introduction to Testosterone

Testosterone is the most important circulating androgen in men and is almost exclusively serrated by the testicles. Therefore, if testosterone is deficient and then replaced by testosterone, it is best to observe the effect of testosterone on male bones.


Types of Testosterone

1) DepoTestosterone2) CyclicTestosterone Decylester 3) Testosterone enanthate Aveed 4) Testosterone Undecanoate Testis 5) Testis Ditat DS 6) Testosterone enanthate Depo-Testadiol 7) Cyclopentadiol cyclotestosterone


Men and boys use Depo-testosterone to treat diseases caused by lack of this hormone, such as delayed puberty, yang, or other hormone imbalances. Without certain medical conditions or due to aging, the drug should not be used to treat low testosterone.


Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and anabolic steroid. In men... high androgen levels are related to irregular menstrual cycles entering the bones, leading to the closure of bone phy and the end of growth.

Testosterone enanthate

Testosterone enanthate, also known as testosterone heptanoate, is an anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) drug used to treat low testosterone levels. Anabolic drugs work by building muscles, while androgenic refers to the enhancement of male sex characteristics.

Testosterone Undecanoate

Testosterone Undecanoate, sold for use by mouth under the brand names Andriol and Jatenzo ... Testosterone Undecanoate was introduced in China for use by injection and in Europe for use by mouth in the 1970s. It was ... Notes: Testicles produce 3 to 11 mg of testosterone per day (mean 7 mg/day in young men).

Female Testosterone

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, or androgen, produced in a woman's ovaries in small amounts. Combined with estrogen, the female sex hormone, testosterone helps with the growth, maintenance, and repair of a woman's reproductive tissues, bone mass, and human behaviors .

The androgenic hormone linked with the growth of the male sex organs of the fetus before birth & the appearance of masculine traits at puberty.

It serves a key role in the normal regulation and development of the male body such as the growth of facial the deepening of the voice as well as the growth and development of the penis and testes.

Testosterone also promotes bone growth and the production of sperm as well as the maintenance of muscle size and strength.

it helps in the prevention of osteoporosis in men as it’s a direct link with increasing skeletal bone density.Testosterone levels have also linked with mood changes and depression. Individuals having lower testosterone levels during their pubescent stage may experience the underdevelopment of genital size. There may also different compared to teens with normal testosterone levels, such as low facial and body hair and voice deepening difficulties.The average male estimated to produce nearly 5-10mg of testosterone per day. Most men’s testosterone produced in the testes. while a small amount of testosteroneproduced by the adrenal glands

Benefits of Testosterone

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