introduction to oer - workshop

Post on 11-Jan-2015






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Introduction to OER given at the Northern Rocky Mountain Education Research Association Annual Meeting in Park City, UT. Oct. 5, 2012. The first part of the deck is a remix/revision of some of David’s earlier slides. For those who’ve already seen David’s excellent intro to OER, skip to slide 37 for information on OER policy, implementation, business models, initiatives, and research.


Open Educational Resources

learning materials for all students

TJ BlissJohn HiltonDavid Wiley

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Education Is Sharing

the technical argument

Teachers Share With Students

knowledge and skillsfeedback and criticism


Students Share With Teachers



If There Is No Sharing

there is no education

Successful Educators

share most completelywith the most students

Knowledge is Magical

can be given without being given away

Physical Expressions Are Not

to give a book you must give it away

Expressions Are Different

To give a book you must give it away

When Expressions Are Digital

they also become magical

E.g., Online Book

We can all read simultaneously

An Indescribable Advance

the first time in human history

Both Knowledge and Expressions

can be given without being given away

Unprecedented Capacity

we can share as never before

Unprecedented Capacity

we can educate as never before

What Does “Share” Mean?

online it means copy and distribute

Cost of “Copy”

For one 250 page book:

• Copy by hand - $1,000

• Copy by print on demand - $4.90

• Copy by computer - $0.00084

Cost of “Distribute”

For one 250 page book:

• Distribute by mail - $5.20

• Distribute by Internet - $0.00072

Copy and Distribute are “Free”

this changes everything

Educational Sharing

also means adapting or editing

Sense-making, Meaning-making

connecting to prior knowledgerelating to past experience

(in an appropriate language)

Digital Makes Editing “Free”

editing a printed book or magazine is difficult and expensive

Free Copy, Distribute, Edit

we can share as never before

Free Copy, Distribute, Edit

we can educate as never before

Except We Can’t

© forbids copying, distributing, and editing

© Cancels the Possibilities

of digital media and the internet


what to do?


use copyright to enforce sharing

The 4Rs

Reuse – copy verbatimRedistribute – share with others

Revise – adapt and editRemix – combine with others

Over 400 Million Items

using CC licenses at end of 2010

The “Open” in OER

free permission to do the 4Rs



sharing and educating at unprecedented scale

OER Policies

state, institution, district, school

Higher Ed. State PoliciesA.B. 577 (CA) – Open Education Resource Centers

H.B. 1025 (WA) - Disclosure of course content informationH.B. 1946 (WA) - Re: sharing of instructional and other resourcesH.B. 4058A (OR) – Call for study of ways to reduce textbook costs

H.B. 5201 (FL) – Promote use and distribution of OERH.R. 1464 (US Congress) – Requires fed agencies collaborate on OER

K12 State PoliciesGeorgia Virtual Learning OER terms of use (GA)

H.B. 2336 (WA) – Form advisory committee on state-led OCWH.B. 2337 (WA) – Creation of state-led OCW

H.B. 6 (TX) – Instructional Materials AllotmentL.D. 569 (ME) – Establishes clearinghouse for info on use of OER (K12)

Rule R277-111 (UT) – Educators may use CC license on materials produced (K12)S.B. 6231 (WA) – Appropriation of textbook funds to OER development (K12)

H.B. 1941 (VA) - Permission for state employees to use CC licenses H.B. 2488 (TX) – Relating to OER adoption in public schools

S.B. 6460 (WA) – Requires model policy for open licensing of courseware

Utah R277-111-3. Educators Sharing Materials.

A. Utah educators may share materials for noncommercial use that educators have developed primarily for use in their own classes, courses or assignments.

B. Utah educators may only share materials that they developed personally and may not unilaterally share materials that were purchased or developed by or on behalf of their public employer or the State.C. Utah educators may only share materials that are consistent with R277-515 Utah Educator Professional Standards. For example, educators may not share materials that advocate illegal activities or that are inconsistent with their legal and role model responsibilities as public employees and licensed educators.

D. Utah educators may share materials under a Creative Commons License and shall be personally responsible for understanding and satisfying the requirements of a Creative Commons License.E. The presumption of this rule is that materials may be shared. The presumption is that Utah

educators need not seek permission from their employers to share personally-developed materials. However public school employers may provide notice to employees that materials developed with public school funds or during public school employment must be reviewed by the employer prior to sharing or distribution.F. Public educators may not sell teacher curriculum materials developed in whole or in part with public education funds or developed within the employee's scope of employment to Utah educators.

Funding OER Development

it’s not free

Institutional Leadership

open courseware (OCW)

OER Initiatives

state, institution, district

OER Initiatives

OER Business Models

the biggest challenge?

Lots of “Hype” About OER

OER will save the world!OER save students money!

Students learn more from OER!

From Rhetoric to Results

We have to answer these questions with high quality empirical research

Open Education

COUP Framework

A comprehensive framework for asking questions about the practical impacts of

open educational resources

COUP Framework

• Cost savings

• Outcomes in student learning

• Use by teachers and learners

• Perceptions of OER among users

Cost and Outcomes

The Utah Open Textbook Project

Utah Open Textbook Project

6000 students, 25 teachersHigh school science classrooms

Adapted textbooks> 95% printed books

Annual Cost Per Textbook



Difference in CRT Scores From Year(s) Before to Year(s) After

Mean Change: +5.9%


% P






* *


Flat World Knowledge

Revise / Remix Behavior

FWK provides editing tools to helpfaculty build custom books

Flat World Knowledge


Project Kaleidoscope

Project Kaleidoscope

8 community colleges and 4-year schoolsCalifornia to New York

Project Kaleidoscope

Cross-institutional faculty teamsAggregate OER-based textbook replacements

11 courses, 9,000 students in 2011-2012

Teacher Perceptions of Kaleidoscope OER Quality

Student Perceptions of Kaleidoscope OER Quality

COUP Framework

• Cost savings

• Outcomes in student learning

• Use by teachers and learners

• Perceptions of OER among users

Future OER Research

what do we still need to know?

Locating and Identifying OER

where, what, how?

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