iogp e&p sound & marine life jip -...

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IOGP E&P Sound & Marine Life JIP

SPE France – 6th December 2018

Kirsty Speirs

E&P Sound & Marine Life JIP (SML JIP)

The JIP members firmly believe that effective policy must stem from good,

independent science.

Advancements to understanding of the effect of E&P sound on marine life

helps us all make better decisions and develop effective mitigation

strategies as appropriate.

SML JIP History

• 2005• 9 participants• No research


Phase 1

• 2006 -2009• 14 participants• 25 MUSD


Phase 2• 2010-2012• 11 participants• 14 MUSD


Phase 2Ext

• 2013-2015• 13 participants• 19.5 MUSD


Phase 3

• In planning

SML Research Program

Physical research has been ongoing since 2006 with a combined budget spend of 58.5MUSD

SML JIP Structure


Executive CommitteeApproves projects

Research ProjectsConducted by independent researchers

99% are contracts

> 20% funding success rate> 90% come from RFP

Technical Management CommitteeRecommends projects for approval

Coordinates technical management of projects

Communications CommitteeCoordinates development of materials to

communicate about the SML JIP




Advisory Panel

SML JIP Objectives


• To advance understanding of the interaction between sound from oil

and gas operations and marine life, the JIP identifies and

commissions research to:

1. Support planning of E&P projects and risk assessments,

2. Provide the basis for appropriate operational measures that are

protective of marine life,

3. Inform policy and regulatory development.

SML JIP Status


• $58.5 MUSD committed by industry since


• 84 projects developed since 2006

• 27 projects ongoing

• > 120 peer-reviewed publications

• Regular meetings with international regulators

groups (IOPER)

• Regular conference attendance &

sponsorship of key events

SML JIP Research Categories

i. Sound Source Characterization

ii. Physical, physiological and hearing effects of noise

iii. Behavioral responses and biological significance

iv. Mitigation and Monitoring

v. Technology development

vi. Communication

SML JIP Category I

3D Source Characterization Study

• Large study mapping the 3D acoustic field of a

seismic source array in deep water with

comprehensive angles

• Characterized horizontal propagation and

spectral characteristics of seismic source array

• Significantly improves industry sound exposure

estimates and risk assessments

• Modelling benchmarking for improved accuracy

in notional signature models, propagation


SML JIP Category II

Mysticete hearing models (minke &

humpback whales)

• Analyze auditory anatomy coupled with

FEM simulations and experimental

response measurements

• Determine acoustic energy flow from the

external environment to the inner ear

• It is not possible to extrapolate hearing

ranges and sensitivities across taxa

Industry needs audiogram data for

appropriate regulation!



Tissue property/Mechanical Velocity

Response of Middle Ear



UHRCT Imaging


Calculation of Frequency Maps

3D Measurement of Curvature and

Membranes (LF-UHF)



Middle Ear Impedance/Transfer


FEM Simulation of Middle Ear


SML JIP Category III

PCoD Model (Population Consequences of Disturbance)

SML JIP Category IV

PAMGUARD Development

• Aiming to provide standardised PAM

software for a wide range of species

• Actions

– Detection

– Classification

– Localization

– Other (mapping, data storage, display,

noise measurement, data input….)• Provides an open source, standard and

dependable option for marine mammal

monitoring at sea.

SML JIP Category V

Autonomous Technology Platform/Sensor Understanding

• Review of available UAS and AUV platforms and sensors technologies

– Enhance the understanding of how UAS and AUV systems can be used for mitigation and impact monitoring and for estimating population status and trends of marine life (including sea turtles and fish).

– Critical assessment and comparative SWOT analysis of the monitoring methods and systems as well as recommendations for further work.

SML JIP Category VI

Richardson et al – Marine Mammals and Noise

“The most authoritative book on underwater noise (as well as airborne noise) impacts on

marine mammals”

• First published in 1995

• JIP project to create a similarly encyclopedic reference.

• The revised authors reflects the great increase in depth and breadth of the literature on this topic over the past 20-plus years.

• New book release expected 2019

SML JIP Project Examples

• Marine Vibrator Technology Environmental Impact Assessment

• Hearing Recovery in Marine Mammals Exposed to Intermittent Impulse Sounds

• Marine Mammal / Protected Species Observer Data Analysis

• Comparison of Low Visibility Real-time Monitoring Techniques

• Improvements for Towed Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM)

• Behavioral Response of Fish to Sound from Airguns

• Masking

• Hearing audiogram development for arctic seals

• Hearing ability in sea turtles

SML JIP Outlook

• Current research studies will likely continue through 2020/2021

• Future research format

–Sustainable long-term collaborative research program

–Recognizes the possibility for further evolution of:

• Regulation

• Stakeholder concerns

• Technology

–Research needs to driven by operational needs & challenges

–Applicability to multiple activities, not just seismic acquisition

SML JIP Information

Library with links to publications and

reports from JIP-sponsored research

Details on research focus areas

Funding opportunities

A New Website and Library

A geophysical operator perspective on

underwater sound

Society of Petroleum Engineers, Paris, December 6, 2018

Isabelle Lambert, VP, Environment & Sustainable Development, CGG


Dans la Cour, Pierre Salvadori (2004)

CGG at a glance

87 years

of pioneering


1,000,000km² of

offshore data



5.5 million

Sercel land channels

deployed worldwide

Among the world’s top

15for computing capacity

350staff dedicated to R&D

35 locations


29 Subsurface

Imaging centers




Sound waves & geophysical data acquisition

Judd Basin, West of Shetland, Courtesy of CGG Multi-Client & New Ventures

Source: US NOAA Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap

Sound & marine life: a typical scientific controversy

With operational

prevention measures in

place, no risk that

seismic injures


Underwater sound is a

recently defined pollutant

Scientific knowledge

gaps remaining

Topic of interest to large

variety of stakeholders

Biological sounds

Man-made sounds

Geological/meteorological sounds


Source: Convention for the Protection of the Marine

Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR)






Managing sound & marine life impacts



Participating in E&P Joint Industry

Programme Sound & Marine Life

Partnering with scientific labs &

Universities to inform & guide

technology developments

Discussing methods at scientific

events ; publishing in scientific



Follow Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) & national


Visual and acoustic detection

of cetaceans and turtles

Soft-start of the source

Source shutdown when

cetacean/turtle in the

« exclusion zone »

Marine life observation reports

assessed by environmental


Operational Procedures

Technology Developments: Passive Acoustic Monitoring


12:27:36 UTC12:34:38 UTC

12:37:03 UTC

12:46:08 UTC 12:47:03 UTC

Sensor redundancy → Detection accuracy

Sperm whale tracked with QuietSea Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM)

2017-10-23 – CGG SIRIUS in US GoM

Technology developments: starting with the source

Dual-band 5-125 Hz

Operating depth 5-40 m

Twin piston design

Electrical actuator

Mechanical design &

acoustic fidelity of prototype

validated in both

controlled environments &

offshore field test


Conventional source

Testing for the lowest sound source as possible according to


Alternative source – Marine vibrator (in development)

License to Operate Challenges


Global Policy Trends

Bans on hydrocarbon exploration &

production paved the way for enhanced

pressure against seismic projects

Higher Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) standards for seismic,

including thorough public consultations

Extension of precautionary principle, with

compensations increasingly required

regardless of actual demonstrated impact


The Guardian, October 2018

Les Echos, November 2018

Local Project Acceptance

Importance of good quality socio-economic baseline assessments

Early stakeholder engagement with two-way communication flows

During operations, prompt response to conflicts of usage & concerns

Fostering local content and engaging in proportionate social responsibility






Clearly communicate: with operational measures in place,

sound emissions from seismic do not injure nor do they

significantly disturb cetaceans

Acknowledge remaining knowledge gaps: contribute to a

quality debate by fostering best available science

Compete on Best Available Technology

Continual improvement of environmental stewardship


Thank you!

Jean-François SIGRIST

SPE France – Roundtable « Oil and Gas: a Leading Industry in Understanding and Managing “Noise” Issues », technip FMC,

La Défense, 6 décembre 2018

Vessel acoustic signature and

numerical simulation

Silence, ça tourne !

Le bruit des navires : un enjeu majeur de l’industrie navale

Challenge (1/5) – Une gamme de fréquence étendue

[Sigrist, 2015]

Challenge (2/5) – Représentation des sources de bruit

[Grosset, 2017]

Challenge (3/5) – Un problème multi-physique

[Clément, 2015]

Challenge (4/5) – Modélisation d’incertitudes

[Rouleau, 2012]

Challenge (5/5) – Des techniques de calcul efficaces

[Naval Group]

Vibro-acoustique sous écoulement (1/2) – Principe de calcul

Vibro-acoustique sous écoulement (2/2) – Calcul vibratoire

Excitation induite par le fluide (1/5) – Méthodes de calcul

[Slama, 2017]

Excitation induite par le fluide (2/5) – DNS, LES, RANS

[Naval Group / Ecole Centrale de Nantes]

Excitation induite par le fluide (3/5) – Modèle hybride

Données issues d’un calcul RANS

Dérives d’une fonction de Green connue

Coefficients de corrélation à modéliser

[Slama, 2017]

Excitation induite par le fluide (4/5) – Méthode alternative

[Slama, 2017]

Excitation induite par le fluide (5/5) – Exemple de calcul

[Slama, 2017]

Réponse vibratoire de la structure (1/4) – Méthodes de calcul

A(ω,ξ ) = −ω 2M− iω 3

C+K(ξ )

aN(ω,ξ )x

N(ω,ξ ) = b

N(ω,ξ )

A(ω,ξ )X(ω,ξ ) = b(ω,ξ )

Méthode directe

Méthodes modales

Energies modales

Base réduite [Leblond-Sigrist, 2016]

Réponse vibratoire de la structure (2/4) – Exemples de calcul

[Leblond-Sigrist, 2016]

Réponse vibratoire de la structure (3/4) – Autres applications

[Leblond et al., 2017]

Réponse vibratoire de la structure (2/4) – Prise en compte d’incertitudes

[Leblond et al., 2017]

Des techniques efficaces ?

[Leblond et al., 2017]


CLÉMENT Adrien – Etude hydroacoustique de la réponse d’une structure à une excitation de couche limite turbulente. Thèse de Doctorat, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (2015). GROSSET Océane – Identification de la pression pariétale turbulente par

problème inverse vibratoire dans les domaines aéronautique et naval. Thèse de Doctorat, Université du Maine (2017). LEBLOND Cédric, SIGRIST Jean-François – A reduced basis approach for the parametric low frequency response of submerged viscoelastic structures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 119, 15-29 (2016). LEBLOND Cédric (et al.) – Application de la méthode de Base Réduite pour la réponse vibroacoustique de structures immergées avec paramètres incertains. 13ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (2017). SLAMA Myriam – Généralisation des modèles stochastiques de pression turbulente pariétale pour les etudes vibro-acoustiques via l’utilisation de

simulations RANS. Thèse de Doctorat, Université Aix-Marseille (2017). ROULEAU Lucie – Modélisation vibro-acoustique de structures sandwich munies de matériaux viscoélastiques. Thèse de Doctorat, Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers, Paris (2013). SIGRIST Jean-François – Fluid-Structure Interaction: An Introduction to Finite

Element Coupling. Wiley (2015).

Jean-François SIGRIST

Structure Borne NoisePA/GA Intelligibility problematics on Oil and Gas projects

Bruno CRIVELLI – Acoustic Lead Engineer


Introduction-Structure borne noise

1. What is structure borne noise?

2. Why shall we control structure borne noise?

3. On which Projects shall it be considered?

4. How to manage with structure borne noise on a Project?

5. How to control structure borne noise on a Project?

6. Conclusion

We are used to talk about air borne noise : the noise which propagates in the air but noise can also be conducted by the structure : SBN

Structure borne noise is issued from the vibration of a structure (generated by a source as an equipment), such as a wall, which generates a small movement of the air molecules and therefore noise (without air, no noise).

Structure borne noise propagates through the structure far away from its source. A good example is a drillinginto a concrete wall of a building that is heardeverywhere inside the building.

What is structure borne noise (SBN) ?

| 3

* Source: Noise and Vibration Control Engineering


On which Projects shall it be considered?

| 4

Structure Borne Noise shall be considered for :

- Offshore and modularized onshore Projects

- When vibrating sources are close to quiet areas (noise requirement <50dBA) such as

control rooms, offices, meeting rooms, lounges, etc.


Equipment generating high

energy and therefore high

vibration loads




(primary and




Rooms where

noise limits are


Objective : To identify a potential risky situation ASAP on project

How to manage with SBN on a Project?Conceptual and FEED Phases

| 5

Qualitative Analysis

• Locations of the quiet areas (enclosed in red) for

which noise limit was low,

• Locations of the potential structure borne noise


• Identification of the vibration paths (green


Quantitative Analysis

• Assessment of Structure Borne Noise

contribution based on the propagation

path, vibration attenuation and noise


Assessment of SBN can be performed using a Finite Element Modelling of the Structure.

This modelling taking into account the energy provided by each potential SBN source will allow assessing vibration velocity levels on each side of the room with a good accuracy.

Then these vibration velocity levels are converted using the same approach as in FEED Phase.

This modelling can also be updated/modified to implement SBN mitigation measures.

How to deal with SBN on a Project?Detailed Engineering Phase

| 6

To impose to Vendor vibration requirements at the interconnecting points between the equipment skid and the structure. This can be performed throughthe vibration data sheets.

To reduce the transmission of the vibrations, anti vibrating mounts (AVM) canbe implemented either between the equipment skid and the structure, eitherbetween the equipment and its skid.

How to control SBN on a Project? (Vendor scope)

| 7

Foundation or deck

Equipment skid

Rotating equipment

(Pump, compressor,

generator, etc.)


point between

structure and

equipment skid

Rotating equipment

(Motor, turbine, etc.)Potential anti

vibrating mounts

Possible mitigation measures on the room design:

• To put up specific false floor made of different layers of materials (marine floors),

• To put up partitions with mineral wool and not polystyrene,

• To put up false ceiling with high absorption coefficient.

How to control SBN on a Project? (Engineering Scope)

| 8

The 2 different ways to reduce and control structure borne noise are to act on

the equipment or to act on the room materials. Both can be necessary.

As always in acoustics, acting on the source is the preferred option.

Conclusion on SBN

Structure borne noise shall not be considered for all the projects but can have a significant impact in the quiet areas in offshore and in module installations.

During Conceptual and FEED phases structure borne noise can be assessed to defineits criticity on a Project.

Structure borne noise can be assessed in the quiet areas by vibro-acoustic specialistsusing specific calculation tools.

Structure borne noise can be controlled by reducing vibrations transmitted from the equipment to the structure and by using the appropriate materials for the quiet areas.

In order to reduce structure borne noise, it is really important to act at the soonest in the design of the project.


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Intelligibility in PA/GA

1. What is intelligibility?

2. Main parameters that influence intelligibility measurements and design

3. Limitations due to oil and gas environment and outdoor situations

4. Design ways to improve the situation

5. Conclusion

Intelligibility: the quality or condition of being intelligible; capability of being understood.

Intelligibility shall not be confused with audibility which means that you can hear something.

What is intelligibility?

| 12

IEC 60268-16: Sound system equipment – Part 16: Objective rating of speech intelligibility by speech transmission index


Based on calculation taking into account:

1. Full frequency spectrum from 125 Hz to 8 kHz

2. Reverberation time RT,

3. Signal to noise ratio,

4. Corrections due masking effects, human voices, speech reception threshold.

Main parameters that influence intelligibility measurements and design

| 13

Spectrum, reverberation time and signal to noise ratio are the mains parameters

that influence the rating.

Reverberation Time (RT)

Do not have a real sense outside.

Has been defined and is used to qualify the acoustic of closed spaces (Auditorium, theater, cinema, concert hall, offices, etc.)

Limitations due to oil and gas environment and outdoor situations

| 14

There is a problem of physical meaning in considering RT for outdoor.


Shall be ATEX, remote controlled, etc.

Frequency response of loudspeakers in the low frequencies

Human voice frequencies are typicallyaround 120Hz for a male and 200Hz for a woman.

Limitations due to oil and gas environment and outdoor situations

| 15

Not really adapted to human voice frequency range

Calculations as per IEC 60268-16

Signal to noise ratio is bounded [-15;+15] dB

Industrial equipment generate more noise in low frequencies (<500Hz) than in High frequencies.

Limitations due to oil and gas environment and outdoor situations

| 16

Intelligibility calculation is not adapted to outdoor Oil and Gas environment, how to

improve the situation?

Reducing RT by setting absorbent material in outdoor environment. But what about the compatibility with fire and explosion risks, cost?

Increasing signal to noise ratio. Limited effect as it is bounded in the calculations.

Modifying the loudspeaker response using filter or booster in low frequencies. Risk to destroy the loudspeakers.

Design ways to improve the situation

| 17

The above solutions are not really satisfactory

Increase in the number of loudspeaker with lower signal power for each loudspeaker. This is the solution which seems the most realistic, however, it stays unperfect as the low frequencies will still be used.

Combine last solution with recorded message in the high frequencies where the loudspeakers response is the best. This will not change the calculation results of intelligibility but will improve it on site.

Design ways to improve the situation

| 18

There are few ways to improve the design to get a good intelligibility in outdoor


Conclusion on intelligibility in PA/GA

Take care to not confuse audibility and intelligibility.

Intelligibility criteria in industrial outdoor environment should be avoided.

Good intelligibility in outdoor oil and gas environment should not be ensured.

Increasing the number of loudspeakers improve the situation but doesn’t fully solve the problem (high noise levels obtained).

Using recorded messages in high frequencies will get a favorable impact on site to getunderstandable messages.


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Thank you for your attention

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