issue three of image 34

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Issue Three of Image 34 with cover girl Cherrelle Jefferson.


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Issue Three ----------------------------- Film Magic Mike Review Have you seen it? And why did you go? Be honest. Katy Perry’s honest documentary showing the real part of herself. ------------------------------ Cover Girl Cherrelle Jefferson talks about her first single being released. ------------------------------ Art We talk about inspirations with artist Elaine Marget ----------------------------- Book 50 Shades Summary -----------------------------

Issue Three ----------------------------- Lifestyle I took my fish to the vets. A funny story everyone must read -------------------------------Model We talk with Australian model Monica Fruzynski during our Brick Lane shoot. -------------------------------Photography An eclectic mix of fashion photography from across the World. ------------------------------- Beauty Bobbie Ross shows you how to get the Cherrelle Jefferson cover star look! -------------------------------



By Christine Kelly



The 50 Shades By M. Sweeney



For those who don’t know

who Elaine Margret is, give

us an introduction to

yourself and your art.

I am a soon to be 20-year-old

Filipina artist who studied

Design and Communication at

LASALLE College of the Arts,

Singapore. My works are

varied; I do different kinds of

art using a wide range of

media such as pencils,

charcoal, pen, pastels, paints,

digital, mixed media and even

3D. However, I usually enjoy

making portraits and I like to

make them look as realistic as


What made you get into art?

I have always loved drawing

and generally making artsy

stuff since I was about 5 years

old. That interest eventually led

me to pursue art and go to an

arts college to better hone the

skills and also to be able to do

what I love for a living.

Where do you feel most


I feel most inspired when I


other artists’ work involving

Realism art, how a human

hand could replicate such

detailed subjects and make

them look as realistic. I had

only dreamed of being able to

do the same, and through

these Realism artists’ works, I

am encouraged to practice

drawing until I am able to

make realistic portraits as

well. I am still constantly

improving myself and have

yet to find my distinctive style.

Also, it inspires me when I

see people appreciate the

works that I’ve done. It

encourages me to make

more art and share my


What do you enjoy most

about creating your art?

What I enjoy most is the

sense of achievement when I

have finished an artwork,

besides the process of

making the artwork itself as I

discover new things

and improve along

the way. I also enjoy

sharing my work with

the world, especially

when people get

inspired to make their

own art because of it!

What does the

future hold for you?

Since I love reading

fantasy/fiction books,

I am aspiring to be a

professional Illustrator

for books of that

genre targeted to

either children or


Any other shout


I’d like to thank all the

people who are so

supportive of me and

of my work, and I

thank Image34 for

giving me an

opportunity to reach

out and share my

talents with more





For anyone who doesn’t know who Cherrelle Jefferson is gives us an introduction to yourself. Hey! I am an up and coming young singer songwriter from Surrey. You recently filmed your first music video. What was that like? The whole day was amazing! I really enjoyed myself on set! I had a great team working with me which made the day run smoothly and the atmosphere on set was relaxed and enjoyable! There isn't anything I would of changed, and I am very happy with the outcome! How did you come about writing your new single “Girlfriend”? I have recently been working along side a very talented composer and musician Dominic Sewell who I got in

touch with a few months back and just said 'hey, lets do some recording and writing when we're both free' and it went from there! I approached him with the idea of a 'reply' to Justin Biebers "Boyfriend" track, however after playing around with different lyrics and melody we moved away from our initial idea and made the track more independent. You have had over 10,000 views already! How does that make you feel? I know! I am so pleased, I've had so many lovely responses about the song and the video, so I'm very grateful for people who have taken the time to watch it! It makes me very happy and it helps me get excited to now work on my next projects! You premiered the video on YouTube How do you

deal with people who leave negative comments? Good question! Honestly, I just have to rise above it! Every artist receives mixed reviews, so if I was to let every small comment bother me I wouldn't be moving forward. Most comments don't relate to my actual singing either so I am very grateful for all the positive feedback which over rules any other comments. You have an amazing voice which we know from your Image 34 Acoustic Session. Is it hard knowing people judge you without even knowing you? That is probably the hardest thing about it all, I believe people always start off by automatically stereotyping me. I want people to recognise me purely for my music. I am so passionate and determined and I know people are starting to understand that and believe in me too.

I thank these people. What made you get into music? Singing is something I've been passionate about from a young age. I attended a local stage school, and from there I realised it was something I wanted to persue as a career. I moved into secondary school and was classically trained in both individual singing lessons and group choirs. I also began playing the flute, piano and have now starting to teach myself acoustic guitar. I also took theory grades to increase my musical knowledge to help my composing skills. After singing classical repertoire for over five years, I decided to move genre to musical theatre. After taking performing arts at A-Level, I then developed my skills further and last year began

University studying for a BA honors in Musical Theatre. Only a few months ago did I decide to put any songs on Youtube, and start promoting myself as a singer and songwriter. Who inspires you? I've never really thought of a certain person that inspires me. However whenever I watch a show or performance of an artist I often end up getting emotional just watching it as those people have followed their dream much like what I intend to do. It just reminds me of what I want to achieve and how I know nothing is going to stop me. Who would your favourite collaboration be with? Well MJ would have been unreal!! Such a rare talent, I have a lot of respect for both his music, and his professional way in which he worked.

I am also a huge fan of Soul artists so someone like Aretha Franklin or Diana Ross would be un real! Haha, one day! How involved do you like to get with regards to writing songs and the artwork for it? Well as you know yourself, I defiantly love to get involved as much as I can in whatever it is I do! I think this is extremely important, communication is a must! It gets things done quicker and better! I'll always voice my ideas and opinions and of course respect others. I love working with a great team who listens to all comments, and results in creating fantastic out comes! In terms of song writing, I have recently been sent original songs by local song writers which is great! Looking over other peoples material, they allow me to put my own touch on the song including changing lyrics and melody.

When writing my own songs I tend to note down all my ideas, or even record small clips into my phone, so that I can come back to them and start developing something. Taking my new song Girlfriend as an example, I liked to be involved in both the production and post production phases. Where would you like to see yourself this time next year? Well, I may or may not have finished university, depending on whether I decide to stay an extra year! However regarding my personal music achievements, I am determined to have my 5 track EP out, and on iTunes, as well as videos to follow. I will continue to be uploading my own videos, and promoting myself as much as possible. In terms of gigging, I will be continuing to travel for gigs, and performing more of my own original material with a fully committed band and management.

Do you have any more music in the works? I am currently very busy, working on a new original track, which I am very excited about! I am also working closely with a ' help our soldiers' charity writing a song about our 'Forgotten Heroes'. As well as this I am hoping to release a 5 track EP based on Acoustic, Live lounge covers, followed by a 5 track EP of all original material! So busy, busy! Any last shout-outs? I just want to say a massive thank you to my team for helping me with so many different things, such as recordings, videos and promotional work. With out you guys I wouldn't of been able to do half my achievements in the last few months. Thanks again to my online fans too, your comments and support makes my work extremely worth while and finally a big thank

you to my family for pushing me to follow a dream I'll never give up on you guys I wouldn't of been able to do half my achievements in the last few months. Thanks again to my online fans too, your comments and support makes my work extremely worth while, and finally a big thank you to my family for pushing me to follow a dream I'll never give up on. -------------------------- To view our acoustic session of her first single “Girlfriend” and then her cover of Stooshe’s “Black Heart. To view Cherrelle’s first music video “Girlfriend” and to hear the song click here.







Introducing our new female fashion features writer Allison



I was never allowed any

pets growing up. The only

exception were Sea

Monkeys... but do they really


I always loved pets and got

on so well with any that I

met. My parents grew up

with cats and dogs in their

home yet I wasn’t allowed

one in our house. So one

day I thought, you know

what I am going to buy

myself? Some fish!

So I got a starter kit which

included a tank with a few

plants in it and I set it all up.

I went down and got myself

some fish to go inside before

anyone could say no. Once

she saw them my Mum and

Dad loved them and they

didn’t really care that I got

them. I called one Bubble as

all he loves to do is chase

any bubble he finds. The

other Babs after my love for

the chicken named Babs in

Chicken Run. They were

nice, relaxing and fun to

watch. Right?...Wrong.

These fish have been the

most stressful things I have

ever brought. Cleaning

them out is fine, that’s no

problem at all. But on my

birthday I come home to

find one of the fish in

distress. It appeared to be

that Babs was trying to spit

something out of her mouth.

So in a panic I rung the

brilliant fish shop where I

got them from. They were

very helpful and said it was

probably a pebble. All I had

to do was catch the fish and

get it out with tweezers. So

I looked and looked but was

unable to find this pebble

which was supposedly

lodged in her mouth.

However as time passed I

watched my fish get more

and more distressed.

So I phoned the fish shop

I Took My Goldfish To The Vets

By Michael Sweeney

the fish and prepared myself to

have a look at it. However every

time I went to grab it the fish

would wriggle away and

eventually I couldn’t bring myself

to force it still.

“Hello it’s me with the fish and

the pebble again”

“All fixed”

“No I can’t do it”

“Be a man”

“I CAN’T!!”

“Okay bring it in with the


So I put my fish in a large tub of

water and then put it inside

another tub just for safe

measures. I then got in my car

and drove 15 minutes to the pet

shop where on arrival the lady

takes the fish out into the back

room and is gone for some time.

When she comes back she tells

me she thinks the pebble has

gone too far into her mouth and

that there is no way of getting it

out. She told me that as a result of this it would sadly starve to

death. Taking my fish home I

thought there must be

something I can do. Then I

passed the vets! I pulled in and

parked up. Luckily there was

no one in the vets so I walked

up to the desk.

“Hello how can I help?” Asks a

very polite lady.

“I was just wondering if you

could help my fish?” She looks

at me rather confused but I

just smiled back as if it was a

normal question to ask.

“I have never seen one but I

will ask someone” She went

off out the back and returned

with the Head Vet. He told me

that they sadly don’t deal with

fish but there was a vets 30

minutes away that did. I take

the slip of paper with the

number on and go home.

At this point my Mum has

arrived home and flings open

the front door.

“What's happened?” She sees me holding the tub and asks “Is

she dead?”

“No but she will be” I say. I

then explain everything to her

as we put the fish back into the

tub. This was much to the

delight of Bubble who has

clearly missed his Babs and

began swimming around

happily in circles oblivious to

Babs’ distress.

After a few minutes my Mum

decides we can’t just leave

Babs die. So we call the vets.

“Hello I have a fish with a

pebble trapped too far down to

get with tweezers”

“Okay what’s the name?”

“Michael “

Bubble & Babs in there favourite spot.

“Michael the fish?”

“Oh no sorry Michael is my name. The fish is called... Babs”

“Okay Babs the fish. We can see you in 40 minutes time. It’s

our last slot of the day”.

“Okay how much will that cost?”

“£20 to see it.”

Telling my Mum this she said we should give it one last go

getting it out ourselves.

say “we” but it was actually

my Mum.. I get the tweezers

and gently manoeuvre them

into her mouth, but after

about two seconds I had to


“Mum I can’t!”

“Okay I will call back in a bit”

I replied but I knew there was

no way we could pay £20 just

for a fish.“Okay let’s take it to

the vets” she replies.


So I phone back and say we

will come but warn him that in

rush hour traffic we may be

late. She says they will stay

open until we arrive. We end

up at the vets a good 10

minutes late but luckily the

are other people waiting too.

There is a rabbit, two dogs

and a cat. My Mum and I

walk in holding the tub in my

hands, much to the

bemusement of the others

waiting. The receptionist

looks up and says “Babs the

fish?” We nod and as we

take a seat everyone in the

vets looks at us like we are

crazy. But Mum and I sit

down with our heads help

high. We are called pretty

quickly and we head through

straight away. We explain

everything to the vet and he

nods and says he will take a

look. Unfortunately for Babs

the vets Goggles with a

torch on the end stopped

working. So he puts on the

microscope goggles and

balances the torch on his

elbow so it looks down the

fishes mouth. He asks us to

turn off the lights. After

looking for a little while we

hear a slap sound.

“Oh” , he says.

“Could you turn on the light

please? I’ve dropped the


We quickly do and as he

picks up the fish I shoot a

worried glance at my Mum.

Times passes and he

continues to look down

Bab’s throat.

Believe it or not...he

dropped Babs again! Only

luckily for her it was in the


of water this time. He

then studies Babs as she

swims and comes to the

conclusion that she’s a

“healthy fish.”

He then continues to say

that “There's no pebble in

her mouth”. Me and I turn


one another perplexed.

“It’s just got the equivalent

to a human cold,” he

assures us. He instructs

us to bath Babs in sea salt

and that she should be

back to normal in a few


My Mum and I pay the £20

pet bill and make our way

back home. When we do

get home my Dad can

barely believe what we have done at first.

However now it is a story

that we all laugh about and

will always remember.

I'm happy to say that I still

have Bubble and Babs and

they are both living in

bliss...cold free.

Everyone laughs at this

story whenever I tell them

and I am always asked:

“Why didn’t you just flush

Babs away and get a new

one?” I therefore reply that

for me they were an animal

regardless of size . There

was no way I’d ever flush

them away. I mean you don’t

flush your dog down the loo

do you?



Hi I’m Bobbie Ross and I

was the makeup artist for

Cherrelle Jefferson’s

Image34 cover shoot. The

look we wanted to

achieve was vintage

1950’s with a twist of

colour to take us into the


The 50’s and 60’s were

very glamorous eras and

the makeup was all about

the statement lip and the

big lashes; Marilyn

Monroe and Twiggy are

the most iconic examples.

What is so great about

this style is that it can be

worn in the day and then

just touched up and

enhanced to give more of

an evening look. So, if

Cherrelle's look is

something that you want

to try for yourself then

keep reading and I will tell

how I created it and all the

products that I used!

1. Prep the Skin

First off I cleansed the

skin using a French

product called 'Derma,'

and used Liz Earle's

'Intant Boost Skin Tonic' to

tone the skin to ensure the

skin was completely clean

giving the perfect canvas

for product application.

This product also soothes

Repair Moisturiser' for

combination skin. This is to

hydrate the skin and provide

a protective layer on top

which prevents makeup

changing colour due to

perspiration. You will need to

match your moisturiser to

your skin type.

Tip: if you have very dry

skin it is a good idea to add

a drop or two of facial oil to

the moisturiser.

I then used Benefit 'Prime

Time' primer as it has a pinky

tone to it and is slightly

pearlesent which gives the

skin some luminosity which

looks great on camera.

Tip: Whilst the face is still

bare of makeup apply some

Vaseline to your lips - so

that they too are nice and

hydrated - and also curl

your eyelashes.

My favourite curlers are

definitely Shu Uemura and

the closer you can get them

to your lash line the better as

it will curl from the root. Tip: Something that I

personally always do is to

curl them from the root,

and then bring them up to

half way up the lashes and

curl them there too, this

gives a really lovely fluid


2. Foundation

Now that everything is

prepared we can move

onto the foundation. For

Cherrelle I used M.A.C

'Face and Body' in N3.

These foundations are

really great as they are

water resistant so

allows you to perspire

without removing all of

your makeup. This

foundation is quite

sheer and gives a

natural coverage. This was

perfect for Cherrelle as she

has great skin naturally;

however, if you do

need/like a slightly heavier

coverage then it is really

easy to layer up this

foundation without it

looking 'cakey'. As this

product is water based it is

really easy to apply with

just your fingers.

Tip: I would recommend

that you use a 'Duo

Fibre' stippled brush

afterwards just to make

sure that it is blended


If you do prefer to apply

your foundation with

brushes then I used the

Bobbi Brown 'Foundation

Brush' and again

blended with the 'Duo

Fibre' brush - these

brushes are available form

nearly all the cosmetic


3. Concealer

Concealer is great for

covering up dark circles

under the eyes, blemishes

and basically everything

that your foundation

doesn't. For Cherrelle is

used my Kryloan concealer

wheel, and I just needed a

touch of concealer under

the eyes and around the

nose. Tip: If you suffer

with dark or grey under

eye circles then a

concealer with pink under

tones would be ideal as it

counter acts the darker


4. Highlighter and


In terms of highlighters I

used Bobbi Brown's

'Shimmer Brick' in Apricot

just to subtly highlight the

tops of Cherrelle's cheek

bones as well as the bridge

of her nose and top of the

eyebrow bone. I used

M.A.C bronzing powder in

Matte Bronze to slightly

contour Cherrelle's face just

under her cheek bones and

jaw line.

5. Eye's

Now on to the fun part…the

eyes. I firstly used Bobbi

Brown eyeshadow in

'Nude' as a light base for

the eye lid and took this

colour up to the eyebrow

bone. I then used M.A.C

pigment powder in 'Naked'

and took this just up to the

crease of the eyelid. I then

used a light brown

colour(out of Crown Brush

'88 Nude Pallette') from the

outer corner of the eye

crease taking it along

about 3/4 of the way. I then

used a slightly darker

brown in the same area by

only 1/4 of the way along

to darken the outer triangle

of the eye. Ensure that this

shadowing is all fully

blended, a good brush for

this would be M.A.C's 217

brush. Next, I used Bobbi

Brown '24Hour Gel Liner'

and took this from the

corner of the eye to the

edge and created the flick

that was so popular in the



For this shoot I applied

false eyelashes to give a

statement 50's/60's lash. I

used Shu Uemura lashes

which give a natural but

thick and extended look. I

used Duo lash glue in black

as adhesive for the lashes

and then applied BarryM

mascara to the lashes to

make them all blend


7. Lips

For Cherrelle’s lips I used

Clinique's lip liner in Deep

Red and applied this with a

brush to the entire lip as we

wanted to create a deep

red matte lip.

Tip: Using lip liner is

great as it does not wear

as easily as most


8. Fix It

Last but not least I used

M.A.C's 'Prep and Prime

Translucent Powder' all

over the face to fix the foundation and concealer

and prevent shininess!

I hope that you have

enjoyed this step by step

tutorial and have fun

recreating the look for

yourself. If you have any

questions about products

or need some extra tips

then please post them on

Image34's Twitter page

@Image34 and I will make

sure that I answer them


Credit Page 12-15 Words & Imagery Michael Sweeney Page 16-18 Words Christine Kelly Art Elaine Margret Page 20 Words Michael Sweeney Page 22-27 Art Elaine Marget Page 30-45 Imagery Photographer Michael Sweeney MUA Bobbie Ross Styling Alex Hardman Shoot Assistant Sian Thomas Videographer Sam Milletti Page 48-59 Photographer Oat Chaiyasith Model: Vaclovas Gumuliauskas Designer/Stylist: Thatwasin Khajeenikorn Make Up Artist: Mika Furukawa

Page 62-71 Imagery Photographer OAT-Chaiyasith Model: Chanok Sayoungkul & Tiriree Kananuruk Make Up Artist: Amata Chittasenee Make Up Artist Assistant: Suchawalee Sankinsee & Pimonwan Kongchoosak Stylist: Jaturapat Centimetre Khemnark & Prarita Hongyont Assistant Photographer: Slin Peevalaisirikorn Cinematographer: Tanaboon Yantapanit Page 72 – 77 Words Allison Deutschman Page 78-84 Imagery PHOTOGRAPHER: William Ferchichi STYLIST: Jung Yeonsili

Credit HAIR/MAKE UP: Dosia Pijanowska MODEL: Isabella (FIRST MODEL. London) Outfits are made by Jung Yeonsili Shoes and accessories: Zara) Page 86-91 Imagery Photographer - Michael Sweeney Model - Jade Lyon Hair & Styling - Alex Hardman MUA - Becky Torne Videographer - Sam Milletti Page 92-97 Imagery Photography Hilda Sackey Page 98-103 Imagery PHOTOGRAPHER: William Ferchichi MODEL: Michiel Wouda (ILOVE MODELS, MILAN) STYLIST/HAIR: Martina RondiNelli

Page 104-111 Photographer: Emma-Jane Model: Nina Raines Hair, makeup and styling: Photographers own Page 113 – 126 Words Michael Sweeney Page 132 – 136 Words Bobbie Ross Imagery Michael Sweeney Page 139 Words Michael Sweeney Art Elaine Margret Page 140 Imagery Image 34 Photographer Michael Sweeney MUA Bobbie Ross Styling & Hair Alex Hardman Videographer Sam Milletti Special thanks to our proof reader and assistant editor Sam Milletti


Thank You For Reading Issue Three. We hope you

enjoyed it and that you come back for Issue 4

Released 03.12.12

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