it was cluttered and dark under the boss

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 It Was Cluttered and Dark Under the Boss


    It was cluttered and dark under the boss's work bench. it smelled of old engine oil and squig

    grease...Wrenchit was hiding from the boss. he felt safe here after breaking the boss's new

    spanna. " I'z dedd eff da Boss finds me" he thought to himself remembering the boss's

    promise last time..Wrenchit herd his name screamed outside in the junkyard and a shiver ran

    down his tiny spine.. "WRENCHIT!! YA WORTLESS GIT!!! WARR Iz YA!?!".....Suddenly a

    huge filth covered hand grabbed him by his head and yanked him out from under the table..."

    IF YAZ GONNA HIDE YA OTT NOT TA HIDE N DA SAME SPOT!!" were the last words

    Wrenchit thought he would ever hear...." Right here Boss " he squeaked...Wrenchit was lifted

    high in the air and dropped, his stomach rising to his throat. Then with crushing impact the

    Boss's boot met his backside..Wrenchit sailed through the shop and out into the junkyard,

    Landing hard on his back and skidding to a stop in a pool of muck. As he stood up he was

    rocked in the head by the broken spanna..." Gess I souda hidd dat" Wrenchit

    thought...Smiling to himself he yelled toward the shop defiantly " Tankx Boss fer not kill'n

    me"...The Boss appeared in the shop doorway. A single shot rang out..

    Wrenchit woke up laying in the pool of muck, it was almost dark..."I'z not dead" he thoughtfeeling around his scrawny little body for great big bullet holes. " Dat was to zog'n close" he

    said out loud slapping a muck covered hand over his big mouth.. " da Boss tinks me'z dead,

    time ta git outa e'r" the thoughts barely going through his tiny mind as he began to crawl for

    the junkyard wall.. Around the Squig pens he went quiet as dead hummie... He had to hurry,

    the boss let the guard Squigs out at dark every night.. He hated the one the Boss called

    Grotgobbla It was responsible for the disappearance of many of Wrenchit's fellow Grots. He

    found his way to a corner of the junkyard wall and began to dig like a hyper Grot on

    shrooms...He was close to getting out even in the darkness now he could feel it.. Then he

    herd a noise that made him stand straight up in the hole "Grotgobbla" escaped his lips as he

    was rammed and flung out of the hole..Wernchit's breath had left him, he gasped for air, hisribs felt crushed as he blacked out...Wrenchit came around with dirt being thrown on his face.

    He sat up. it was Grotgobbla digging in his hole! " E wanz outa e'r too" Wrenchit thought...he

    crawled to the edge of the hole and started petting O'l Grotgobbla "Dats a guud Squig"

    Wrenchit said out loud.. Snarling viciously and with lightning speed Grotgobbla shot up out of

    the hole...Wrenchit disappeared into the gaping maw....

    Wrenchit hit the ground covered in slime and the dirt he was spit up in...A massive tongue

    was licking the whole side of his head...."kut dat out ya beast" he yelled. Grotgobbla had

    carried him through the tunnel, he was outside of the wall!... Wrenchit brushed off the slime

    and dirt..."wel'z now wot" he said to Grotgobbla. The Giant Squig just stood there wagging

    his short tail and drooling.. "It'z time ta git fromz e'r". petting Grotgobbla on the head

    Wrenchit jumped up on his back thinking he may have misjudged the o'l Squig... They were

    not to far when they heard the sound of other Squigs, snorting and coming fast behind them.

    "Da Boss's ovr beasties arr afta uuz!" Wrenchit began to kick Grotgobbla and faster and

    faster he ran....but it was no use the other Squigs were gaining on them...Wrenchits tiny mind

    was about to explode! He and Grotgobbla couldn't out run them but to stand and fight would

    mean death to them both.. like lightning a thought went though Wrenchits head..He pulled up

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    hard on Grotgobbla's only tuft of hair and stopped the o'l Squig in his tracks. "Wez gonna

    fight" said Wrenchit...They wheeled around to face the on coming Squigs.."Charrrge" he

    screamed and they bolted down the trail from witch they had come. In seconds the first Squig

    the Boss called Bone E'd was smashed aside and ran its self into a lagre rock...The second

    Squig called Vick leaped over Grotgobbla knocking Wrenchit to the ground..Wrenchit

    scrambled to find a weapon. He found some rocks and flung them as hard as he could they

    bounced harmlessly off Vicks noggin ..Vick charged. Fear griped the little Grot. Wrenchit

    closed his eyes and braced himself.....

    With a thud and a sickening crunch the little Grot was thrown to the ground..Wrenchit opened

    his eyes..Grotgobbla was ripping the legs off of Vick in a spray of gore that soaked Wrenchit..

    He stood up and cheered "Go Gobbla". Wrenchit ran to the spot where Bone Ed ran into the

    rock expecting to find him dead...He found blood on the rock and a pool of it in the

    dirt..Wrenchit found a long stick and began to sharpen it on the rock like he had seen the

    boss do a dozen times...When he was happy with the point he started following Bone Ed's

    blood lead him back to where the body of Vick lay half eaten...Then he noticedmovement in the brush beyond, he crept slowly forward and parted the brush with his pointy


    There lay Gobbler near death, a huge chunk of his side was missing and he could see

    bubbles coming from the wound..Wrenchit was heart broken he knew his friend had only

    moments to live..." u waz a guud Squig" Wrenchit wisperd and Gobbla would breathe no

    more...The ground started to shake under the little Grots feet. He picked up his pointy stick

    wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to face his enemy.. With all the pluck he could

    muster he drove the dull end of his stick into the ground and stomped his foot down behind it

    leveling the pointy end. " kom n' git somm u filthy skum" that's what he had heard the boss

    say many times before a good fight....Bone Ed burst through the brush wild eyed andbleeding straight at Wrenchit! the weedy Grot had no time to think he just pointed his stick.

    Bone Ed ran right into the pointy end and was launched in to the air. Over Wrenchit he went

    skewered and bleeding..The little Grot put his foot on the dieing Squig and twisted the pointy

    stick. Bone Ed was dead.. "Dats fo da Gobbla" he said out loud pulling the stick from the

    bloody beast. He said good bye to Gobbla one last time and walked on down the trail..

    Wrenchit walked for days without seeing any living thing...He passed many piles of junk and

    scrap..." Da Boss would ove dis junk " he said to himself. Then he thought "who caarz wot da

    Boss ove'z" and he spat on the ground.. Just then something in the pile caught his eye. He

    dove into the junk heap head first remembering all the times he had to get junk for the Boss,

    metal plates and parts began to fly.. Soon he had the parts he wanted 2 wheels, a small

    engine, some bent pipes and a seat...."Hummm" he thought, "I still needs a fuel tank"...

    Diving back in the pile he came out with a jug..."Dis go'z e'r n' diz go'z der" was repeated a

    thousand times. When he thought he had it right he stood on his creation and yanked hard

    on the engine rope... It coffed and sputtered, "needs somm mo fuel" he decided and went off

    to look around.. a few junk heaps over he found the remains of an old trukk. Climbing up on

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    tis hood he looked in the cab.. He jumped back in horror at what he saw, The bleaching

    bones of a long dead Ork. "EEEWWW" Wrenchit said with a quiver " der uglyrz on da inside"

    then " Heyz look at dis" pulling the Orks helmet and goggles off. Putting the oversized helmet

    on his head and the goggles around his neck he made his way around to the back of the old

    rusted trukk. He squealed with glee finding a tool box and a half can of fuel. "Dis mus b ow

    da Boss feelz wenz e gitz Itz right" he thought and yanked hard on the engine rope. The

    motor coughed and roared to life taking off like a shot. Wrenchit wet himself he was so

    excited.. He adjusted his goggles and leaned into the wind it felt like he was flying. Soon the

    trail opened up into a bumpy dirt road and he zipped along grinning to himself. "So dis Iz wot

    It means ta b free"

    It had crossed Wrenchit's tiny mind that he would be lost in a world he knew nothing about if

    he ran out of fuel....He looked around at the passing terrain, lots of rock and not much else.

    Then he got an idea when he saw a huge tumbleweed pass him by.." Da wind" he

    thought...A few more miles passed and his contraption began to sputter, Slowly rolling to a

    stop and falling over...Looking around he saw what looked like a cave in the rocks..."Wot'sdis" he wondered and began to push his contraption toward the cave. It was a large cave

    very dark and creepy to a smallish Grot.. Wrenchit took the jug off the contraption and

    sprinkled some gas on a piece of cloth he tore off the seat. He twisted it on to his pointy stick

    " now ow ta light Itz" then he remembered a trick he saw the boss do, he pulled the plug wire

    off and stuck the stick to it and yanked the rope... The gas soaked cloth burst into flame. He

    had seen the Boss light his cigars like that after dipping them in Suigfuel.." Now ta seez wots

    in err" Wrenchit said as he crept into the cave. The shadows danced eary on the cave walls

    as he walked causing his spine to tingle .. The cave was dry and dusty with pointy rocks that

    hung on the ceiling. Passing a pile of big rocks he thought he saw something move..

    Wrenchit stopped and leaned forward with the light on the pointy stick. Something wasmoving! Wrenchits eyes widened, Then like lightning something struck at him! Only his Grot

    reflex's saved him from being bitten! The thing in the shadows struck at him again "Mork's

    ars" screamed Wrenchit! holding his pointy stick in front of him he fought off 3 more strikes

    as he backed out of the cave into the daylight.. Wrenchit turned a lighter shade of green

    when he finely saw what was after him...It was long and bigger around than he was by far,

    with scales like the Boss made for armor. It had a forked tongue and dead black eyes.. "Scaly

    fing!" Wrenchit thought, staring into the eyes of the creature he dropped his pointy stick. The

    Scaly fing gathered its self up to strike again. Wrenchit was petrified. It struck out!, this time

    the little Grot couldn't move fast enough the Scaly fing had him in its coils!

    Wrenchit managed to reach through the Scaly fings coils and grab his pointy stick. He began

    to slap at the Monster with it franticly.. Then Wrenchit heard a shot in the distance, then

    another, then another and yet one more! The giant coils relaxed and fell off of Wrenchit like

    water off the roof of the boss's old shop...He fell to the ground on the still twitching body of

    the Scaly fing breathing hard. The Scaly fings head was blown inside out, it was good and

    dedd Wrenchit thought. but who and how? He stood up and pulled his contraption into the

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    cave " Somm body Iz com'n" he whispered to his pointy stick... He hugged the cave wall in

    the shadows hoping the Scaly fing didn't have any friends in here...

    Two rough looking Orks appeared at the mouth of the cave. Wrenchit hugged the cave wall a

    little tighter..."I told'ga! e'r Itz Iz." said one of the Orks.. They were looking at the Scaly fing.. "I

    got'm klenn fru da ed" one Ork said..."I got him" said the other... Then one of them threw

    down some wood and began to make a fire. all the wile the Orks argued who shot what and

    raw is better than cooked. Soon the smell of cooked meat filled the cave.. Wrenchit's

    stomach growled so laud he thought the Orks would surly hear.. As time passed it started to

    get dark again.. Wrenchit crept towards the front of the cave, he could see the orks sitting by

    the fire. He grinned when he saw left over meat "I'l be av'n som o dat" and snuck up and

    grabbed a hand full then retreated back into the cave... He thought it was funny that a few

    hours ago his dinner was about to have him for dinner... when he was done eating he crept

    back out to see what the orks were doing.. One was asleep and the other muttering tohimself by the fire...Creeping up behind the sleeping Ork he whispered " you'z a lousy squigs

    ars" in the ear of the sleeping Ork and repeated it several times... Then as he repeated one

    last time he slapped the sleeping Orks face, the Ork woke up screaming " YOU'Z A LOUSY

    SQUIGS ARS!!" and sat up with a start..."WOT!?!" screamed the other ork and he pulled his

    choppa.. Wrenchit scrambled back into the cave with the rest of the cooked meat under his

    arm... He sat down to eat and watch the Orks tumble around the fire. The sleepy ork went for

    his shoota firing wildly at the other Ork. BulletS struck the Ork in the leg and chest as he

    threw his choppa and tumbled backwards into the rocks.. Then all was quiet, Wrenchit

    wondered if the other ork had gone back to sleep and he crawled over to see. Peering

    around the rock he saw why the sleepy Ork was so quiet, his head had a choppa stuck in it..In the morning Wrenchit left the cave to loot what he could from the two dead Orks. "Gorks

    ars" he said to himself as he gathered up two shootas three choppas and four stick

    bombs..He took the sleepy Orks boots and vest and strutted around in them like a little

    Warboss...Then he thought, "Ow did deez boyz get e'r" searching around the rocks he found

    the Orks mode of transportation. "MORKS ARS! A BUGGIE"

    Wrenchit looked over every nut and bolt on his new found buggy. He sat in the drivers seat,

    staring at the control panel "Hmmm"he thought "kant see" off like a shot he ran to get his

    contraption from the cave, " Iz gonna uze dis seat" he beamed. He tore the seat off of his

    contraption and placed it

    in the drivers seat."Der!" he said out loud. In the back of the buggy was an old green tarp, he

    thought they might have used it to keep sand out of the engine.. Pulling the tarp off he was

    shocked to find a beat up old twin linked big shoota and a ton of amo. He saw in an instant

    that the mount was broken.. "not da time ta fix dis now" Worried about more Orks showing up

    he threw all his new gear in the back of the buggy and put the tarp back over it. Climbing into

    the drivers seat once more he soon realized he couldn't reach the go pedal or the

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    break....His mind spun...Then he hopped up and ran into the cave, searching in the shadows

    for a moment then he found it! his pointy stick!! Dashing back to the buggy he climbed in

    pausing just long enough to tie the stick to his leg..Wrenchit put his goggles on straightened

    up his oversized helmet and pushed in the start button. pushing the pointy stick into the

    pedal the engine roared to life. The wheels began to spin as the buggy lurched forward!

    Wrenchit could barely steer it, he fought the wheel. He nearly hit a large pile of rocks

    laughing like a loon he pushed down harder on the pedal...Soon he was in control and back

    on the dirt road leaving a cloud of dust behind him..." I'z da boss now"

    As Wrenchit rocketed down the road the rocky terrain gave way to open desert, he could see

    mountains in the to his right he could see a great dust cloud, he watched as it

    began to move out ahead of him and cross the road.. "zogg" he screamed, a herd of desert

    squigs was crossing the road in front of him..Wrencheit hit the breaks hard and slid to a stop.

    "Der must be tousands o'v dem" he sat in his drivers seat slack jawed at the sight of the

    great heard.. His belly grumbling he reached for a shoota, his mind was filled with thoughts of

    Squig chops, Squig steaks and his favorite Squig bacon... lifting the heavy shoota was nosimple task for the tiny Grot. He stood in the passenger seat and braced the gun on the

    hood.. Taking aim he squeezed the trigger and BOOM the weapon went off. He heard a

    squeal as Wrenchit flew into the back of the buggy with the shoota landing on his chest.

    "STONES OF MORK!" Wrenchit screamed pushing the hot shoota off his chest. leaping from

    the buggy he watched the herd of Squigs disappear into the distance till all he could see is

    there dust. Forgeting about his pointy stick tied to his leg he promptly fell on his face. Spiting

    sand and cursing he untied himself from his pointy stick and went out looking for the Squig

    he'd shot.. There is was, looked like a nice plump one too.. he dragged it to the back of the

    buggy and tossed it in. As he did so he got an idea, he would use the amo cans his dinner

    was bleeding on to help him reach his pedals. Wrenchit dumped the belts of amo out and setabout lashing the cans to the pedals on the floor boards.."Perrfectt" he thought, hopping into

    his drivers seat he put his pointy stick in the seat next to him and advised it to hold on.

    Wrenchit adjusted his goggles and was off down the road again...

    It wasn't long before Wrenchit came upon huge piles of wreckage, he couldn't tell what it was

    but it was as big as a mountain...he stopped to take a look around. Grabbing his trusty pointy

    stick he hopped out of the buggy and headed to a huge skull shaped sign. It was rusty but

    you could just make out yellow paint on the skull signs teeth. He looked up in wonder "whoz

    bilt'n stuff out ere?" he thought to himself. Wrenchit scrambled up a ladder hanging down

    from the back of the skull sign, pausing just long enough to scribble his name in the dust. He

    smiled as purple paint shown through the dust. He wrote "Wrenchit waz ere" in big letters like

    the Boss showed him how to do on signs back at the boss's shop. Climbing higher he could

    see for miles, the mountains in the distance wernt so distant and this mountain of wreckage

    seemed to stretch right up to them...he could see dozens of caves "Wit lotz ov scaly fings n

    dem no dout'n" he thought...Wrenchit climed down long enough to move the buggy under the

    sign and grab a shoota and his tarp. Up the sign he climbed, he would be safe up here as it

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    was getting dark. He would cook up that squig in the morning he could almost smell his own

    thoughts. Pushing his over sized helmet forward to cover his eyes he pulled the old tarp tight

    around him and went to sleep....zzzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzz......

    When Wrenchit awoke the aroma of squig bacon hung in the air. He sniffed the air and

    grinned, until he realized someone else was cooking his squig.. Looking over the rail he sawdozens of other Grots looking up at him. They were gathered around his buggy going

    through his things and frying up his squig!!! "HEY U'Z LOT GET OUTZ'A ME BUGGY!" He

    screamed slinging his shoota over a shoulder and leaping down from the skull sign with his

    pointy stick at the ready. The crowed of staring grots took a few steps back. "Dis Iz me

    buggy" Wrenchit said thumping his chest. The Grots began to cheer! witch turned into a

    chant "Gobbo! Gobbo! Gobbo!" Wernchit was dumbfounded "whoz dis zogg'n Gobbo?" he

    said out loud. All at once the crowd of Grots stopped, Wrenchit pushed his helmet back and

    braced himself for an attack that didn't come... He unslung his shoota and the crowed of

    Grots ran screaming in all directions. In an instant he was standing there alone, raising an

    eyebrow he looked around scratching his head under his helmet. Smelling the meat cookinghe backed his way over to the fire pit and pulled a big chunk of meat off the spit and began to

    eat like a Grot gone mad. "Gobbo" he thought, what does that mean? As he chewed he

    wondered how many grots like him there were out here. They were sure scared of his shoota

    he laughed out loud. Then he wondered if they were all runaways like him. Maybe they were

    just try'n to be friendly he thought but then again maybe this fire pit was made for me...

    One by one the other Grots reappeared staring at him as he ate.. Wrenchit tossed a bone to

    the ground and Grots began to fight over it. "hungry?" asked Wrenchit and the grots began to

    nod like the rocker arms on the boss's old truck engine. "Wellz ere Itz Iz" said Wrenchitstepping out of the way. The Grots rushed to the fire pit and began tearing into the meat.

    Soon only bones remained. What have you been eating around here he asked a few of the

    Grots, they told him they had been eating sand rats, bugs and bats when they could catch

    them. that wont do Wrenchit thought these guys are starving out here.. "U'z 2 kom wif mez"

    Wrenchit said and they climbed into the buggy. Adjusting his goggles he screamed "Hang

    onta somfink!"as the engine roared to life and the wheels began to spin. Dust filled the air

    and he was gone in a shot... Out onto the desert they drove looking for a dust cloud in the

    distance. Wrenchit stopped the buggy near some trees by a water hole "Even Squigs needz

    water" he told the other two Grots.. "U'z guyz gots names?" Wrenchit asked.. "I iz Pain an dis

    iz Klamp" the first Grot said. "Pain!?" Wrenchet said in disbelief "Wot kinda name iz dat fer aGrot?" Wrenchit asked.. "Dats wot me o'l Boss sayz I waz, a Pain " said the first Grot and

    they all laughed. lets get the shootas out on the hood of the buggy he instructed Pain and

    Klamp. when the Squigs run by we will blast a few of them to take back to the others.

    Wrenchit showed Pain and Klamp how to use and load the shootas they learned fast soon

    they could do this on there own...About that time the ground began to rumble Wrenchit said

    "Getz ready boyz" pulling the slugas out of the back of the buggy. He had one in each hand

    as the great herd of desert Squigs thundered into view. "FIRE!" he screemed at the top of

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    squeaky voice and they let loose a hail of lead at the herd. The recoil from the guns sent

    them all flying into the back of the buggy as the dust flew and the ground shook bouncing the

    little buggy about. Lifting his head, pain yelled "Wotz dat?" he could scarcely be heard over

    the noise of the Squigs... Wrenchit looked up "ORKS" ready your shootas he told the Grots

    and they scrambled to get ready. There were two or three Orks in a truck following the herd,

    he couldn't tell for sure in all the dust. As the Orks passed the buggy one Ork saw them

    "FIRE" Wrenchet shouted and the look of disbelief on the orks face turned to bloody shock!

    The truck turned sharply and flipped over several times kicking up rock and sand. "KOM ON"

    Wrencheit jumped off the buggy and ran toward truck firing his slugas. The truck came to a

    stop on its side and the driver was getting out when Pain's bullets found him tearing into his

    chest and arms. The other Ork was up and firing spraying bullets every were. Klamp brought

    his weapon up to fire, pulling the trigger the shoota just clicked. Wrenchet screamed at

    Klamp to get down as the Ork swung his weapon in Klamps direction. "NOOOOO!"

    screamed Pain and Klamp's head disappeared in a pink mist his body flying backwards onto

    the sand.. Wrenchit went wild at the sight running straight at the Ork ,leaping onto its chest

    and fired both sluggas into the face of the brute. Its body fell to the sand as Wrenchit emptiedhis guns into its chest. Standing on the body of his enemy he howled " Iz WILL KILL ALL DAT

    KOMS!" shaking his fist as he began to cry......

    Wrenchit reloaded his sluggas calmly wile still standing on the dead orks chest.. He looked

    around nothing moved. He called out for Pain but got no answer. Wrenchit went looking for

    Pain and found him behind some rocks where pain had dragged Klamps body.. " Iz gonna

    burry em ere, out under da stars wer em kan be free" Pain said in a low voice and began to

    dig. Wrenchit helped Pain dig and cover the grave with rocks... When they were done

    Wrenchit said "Wez best be gadder'n up all da Orks gubbins n gitt'n dem Squigs" Pain noded

    and they set about collecting all the Oks junk 2 more shootas, 2 choppas, a box full ofstickbombs and 4 cans of bullets.. They also found a few more tarps, a drum full of fuel

    (witch they built a small ramp for to get it in the buggy) and a case of Squig ale. Wrenchit

    stoped to draw a star on the forheads of the dead Orks in there own blood. "Wez gunna kom

    back fer da trukk latterz" Whenchit said. Pain finished tie'n down the load and they were off...

    Soon they arrived back at the skull sign and the Grots came out to great them.. "Wez gots

    somm food, wez killt somm Orks an Klamp iz dedd" Wrenchit said in a loud voice as he stood

    on the hood of his buggy. A hush fell about the crowed of Grots as they set about unloading

    the buggy and stoking the fire pit. In no time Wrenchit learned all about how the Grots

    gathered here many years before and just bearly survive ..

    Wrenchit found out there were many rooms and chambers in the wreckage that the Grots

    have made homes in.. They told him there were vast places under the ground that have

    scarcely been explored... Wrenchit couldn't stand it, he was very excited to find out what was

    in these places and just what this mountain of rusted junk used to be...But before he could go

    off on an adventure like that he would have to teach the other grots how to use the weapons

    he had brought back incase more Orks wandered to close to the camp.. Wrechit drilled the

    Grots hard and they learned fast. a few of the grots were slaves of powerful Warboss's and

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    took to shooting and loading shootas easy. some were property of bossmeks like himself.

    Together they fixed up the old twin linked shootas up on the roll bar of the buggy. now they

    could use the buggy as a mobile firing platform to hunt Squigs as well as defend themselves

    from Orks.. Wrenchit had his lads paint a red star high on the skull sign to remember Klamp

    and as a sign of there Freedom.. Within days Wrenchit began to notice red stars everywhere,

    on clothing, painted on rocks, tattooed on arms legs and faces.. The Grots called him Gabbo

    witch Wrenchit took to mean Boss. He liked the sound of it.. They had gone back out in the

    desert to bring in the Ork trukk , Wrenchits new friend Rachit was bussy building it up as an

    armored vechicle capable of carrying 30 or forty grots.. The camp was buzzing with activity.

    The Grots seemed happy in there tasks at last they were doing something for themselves

    and were truly free..

    The Boyz had the camp looking great, they built seats and tables around the fire pit, they

    built underground storage lockers to keep meat longer.. They built a wall around the camp

    and a gate. They dug ditches and set spikes, they even dug a well! Its no longer a camp

    Wrenchit thought its a fort!.. He counted 71 Grots. This would never be enough to stop all theorks back at the big boss town if they came here. far to few weapons and to few boyz

    Wrenchit sighed... Then he got an idea, "PAIN!" he screamed so loud a few near by boyz

    messed themselves. "Getz 2z mo boyz, wez gonna pay da Orks a bits ov a visit!" They

    gathered up two more grots to go with them Rock and Rabbit.. "Really" Wrechit thought

    "Rabbit" and he chuckeled to himself. They loaded enough food for a week into the buggy.

    Rock buroght the water can and set it in the buggy "Tanx fo tak'n mez wif u Gobbo" Rock

    said with a nod.. Wrenchit answered him with a pat on the back "Get inz an hangz on ta

    somfink".. They all climed in, the gate swung wide and the boyz all waved as they sped out

    into the desert..

    The sun was setting as Wrenchit and his crew sped out onto the desert. it was getting dark

    fast but the stars and moon would be bright. The buggy bounced wildly over unseen rocks in

    the road. Rabbit stood up in the passenger seat to get a better view of the things ahead. He

    directed Wrenchit around a few of the big rocks that could be seen... Pain leaned forward

    from his spot in the back of the buggy "Doz da Gabbo ave's da plan?" he yelled in Wrenchits

    ear..Wrenchit turned a bit with a big grin. That was all Pain needed and he sat back in his

    seat giving Rock I quick thumbs up. They flew passed the spot where they buried Klamp and

    passed the spot where Wrenchit hid in the cave. Morning came and went, they only stopped

    to relive themselves and eat a bit of dried Squig meat.. On they pushed and the third day at

    dusk they could see the walls of the Big boss town... Wrenchit stopped the buggy about ahalf mile away and explained "Da plan" to the crew.. They were going in where Wrenchit had

    come out, under the fence in his boss's old junk yard. Then on to raid weapons lockers steel

    the boss's buggy, free any other Grots and create a spectacular deversion on the way out..

    "Dats a gudd plan Gabbo" said Rock.. "Nowz we waitz tillz daz all sleep'n" said Wrenchit and

    he pushed himself back in his seat and was asleep in no time.. Rabbit stood guard and

    watched the lights of the big boss town twinkle like stars in the distance as his buddies


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    At Midnight Rabbit shook the others awake.. "Time ta go Gabbo" he whispered. Wrenchit sat

    up rubed his eyes and started the buggy.. "Real easy like" Wrenchit said and the buggy

    lurched forward slowly. Soon they were just feet from the wall, finding the hole Wrenchit had

    gone through they rubed axel grease on there faces and sliped in. Rabbit was trying to saysomething, forgetting he held his knife between his teeth, he spit it out and started over.."No

    Squigs n dis yard Gabbo" " Gudd" Wrenchit said and they got up and ran to the side of the

    shop. He tried the door, it swung inward into the dark guys get all the guns you can

    carry and I will get the boss's buggy Wrenchit explained to the boyz.. Out the door Wrenchit

    went. He had just got to the buggy when the shop blew up be hind him! the force of the blast

    knocking him to the ground!! He could here Orks all around running here and there, his ears

    ringing ..Wrenchit was just getting up when Pain and Rock grabed him up, Rabbit passed

    them with a big box on his head, "Got da gunz Gabbo!!" and through the box into the back of

    the buggy.. They all jumped into the buggy and down the street they flew dodging confused

    Orks that were trying to put out fires.. "Waat apned in der?!" Wrenchit asked with a grin..."well" said Pain "Rock couldn't member ow a stick bomb werrked, soz Rabbit showz em!"

    bullets zipped past them in the dark, "daz shoot'n at us Gabbo" Rock shouted.. Wrenchit

    yelled "Drive dis ting Pain!" Pain slid into the drivers seat with the widest of grins and mashed

    on the gas pedal. Wrenchit pulled the tarp off weapon on the roll bar and was surprised to

    see rockets!! He turned the weapon around on the mount and fired a rocket back down the

    street the shots came from.. WOOMP!! BUILDING AND ORK PARTS FLEW INTO THE

    SKY!!."HAHAHA!!" Wrenchit cackeled . Aother buggy and a truck skidded from side streets to

    follow them sending big shoota slugs zinging over there heads...Wrenchit aimed the launcher

    as best he could and fired! WOOMP!! the rocket hit the ground and skidded down the street

    exploding under the truck lifting it into the air! "Gabbo wez gotz a problem!" Screamed Pain!Wrenchit looked up and saw the gate at the end of the street was closed.. Spinning the

    launcha forward he fired all most point blank at the gate! WOOMP!!! the gate disapeard into

    splinters and flaming chunks just as the buggy reached it. "Woohoo" Pain shouted fist

    pumping the air..."Head ta da uder buggy!" Wrenchit shouted.. In moments both buggys were

    far out into the desert...they bounced down the road as Rabbit and Rock watched the fires

    burning in the Big Boss Town getting further away..

    "Gabbo wez asta goz back" Rock said..Wrenchit hit the breaks hard and skidded to a stop

    looking at Rock in disbelief. Pain slid right up next to them in the other buggy with rabbit

    hanging on the launcha.."Wots up der Gabbo?!" Rabbit said.. "We needz ta goz back, wez

    didn't free da grots!" Rock shouted to the other buggy. "Daz gonna kill da lot of us Ifz wez goz

    back!" Pain said. Wrenchit said calmly "Dats whyz you aint go'n back, I don't wants all ov u's

    risk'n yer hidez! I will go dis one ALONE".. "ZOGG OFF" Was the last thing Wrenchit herd

    from Pain as the other buggy spun around and headed back towards the Ork town, Rabbit

    waving a single didgit.. Wrenchit grined as Rock said "Guess wez all go'n back Gabbo"..

    They headed for the gate they blew up earlier. Wrenchit could see Rabbit loading rockets in

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    the launcha. Rock slid up behind the big shootas and pulled the bolt back... Wrenchit wasn't

    sure exactly where the grot pens were as he was a personal slave to the old boss Mek, they

    had to be along the outer walls some place..Wrenchit mashed down on the gas and they

    roared through what was left of the still burning gate just ahead of Pain's buggy. Turning hard

    the buggy's raced down the first side street An Ork appeared in a doorway firing his sluga ,

    the bullets going through the hood and just missing Wrenchits left leg.. Rock turned the big

    shootas at the doorway and pulled hard on the triggers until only splinters and bloody boots

    remained.. Wrenchit made a hard left turn fallowing the outer wall of the town.. up ahead in

    the street he could see Orks setting up a road block, bullets flew all around them hitting the

    buggy tearing away parts of the hood and fenders..Wrenchit knew the buggy couldn't take

    much more punishment at that moment a rocket zipped past them and WOOMP! A flash of

    light and screams later they crashed through what was left of the barricade. Wrenchit could

    see a long pen looking building that had to be it he thought! Both buggys came to a stop

    outside the pen, Wrenchit ran for the gate screaming you grots gota get out now.. A dozen or

    more grots ran out of the ramshackeld building and out the pen gate.. "Climb up an'z ang

    on!" yelled Pain at the scrawny Grots. At the end of the street more Orks gathered bulletsbegan to rain down on the buggys. Wrenchit yelled to Rabbit "Make a hole n dat wall!!!" and

    instantly a buggy sized hole appeared, Rabbit bowed and said "Tank u'z tank u'z" with a grin

    so big you could count every tooth in his tiny head... Off like a shot they sped through the

    hole in the wall. Outside they ran into a truck blocking the road in the dark Wrenchits buggy

    bouncing off the heaver trucks fender and loosing his right front wheel! "ZOGG!!" Wrenchit

    said out loud as he fought to keep the buggy from rolling over.. Pain's buggy bounced off it

    too sustaining little damage and quickly passed them on the road.. The Orks in the truck

    opened up at them with a big shoota mounted on the truck Wrenchit's buggy was struck

    again and again. Blood splashed across the dashboard and one of the grots fell out of the

    limping buggy.. The truck was moving now and would soon over take them. More slugsslamed into the buggy grazing Wrenchits shoulder and his helmet at that moment Rock's

    return fire went silent and he slumped to the floor in the front of the buggy.. Another Grot took

    his place firing wildly until he too fell a hole clean through his scrawny body blood filling the

    floor boards of the buggy... Only two terrified grots remained with Wrenchit they cowered in

    the back of the buggy.. The ork truck was gaining on them Wrenchit mashed down on the

    gas to no avail, without a wheel they could never out run the Orks in the truck...

    The truck ramed the back of the buggy lifting Wrenchit up out of the drivers seat. The two

    Grots in the back were bounced into the front seat screaming they were all going to die!

    Drawing his sluga, Wrenchit stuck it to the first Grots forehead and said loud enough for the

    dead to hear "Ifs u'z don't gits up on dat gun Iz gonna kill u'z me self!" The Grot turned whitebut hopped up and pulled back on the triggers spraying bullets across the hood of the truck..

    Steam bellowed out from under the hood of the truck but it didn't keep it from ramming them

    again... This time Wrenchit couldn't keep the buggy under control and they spun out and the

    truck flew past... the buggy stalled.. The truck began a wide turn ,Wrenchit could hear the

    Orks laughing as they started there run to ram them again. "Gets out ov da buggy!" Wrenchit

    screamed as the truck smashed into them flipping the buggy high in the air! Wrenchit saw the

    buggy crash onto its nose and fall back on its wheels, gear and Grot bodies were flung on

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    the ground... The truck was making another wide turn and pooring slugs into the buggy. The

    two Grots were no where to be seen in the dark, picking up a stick bomb out of the sand

    Wrenchit pulled the pin and tossed it in the path of the truck. He dove over a pile of rocks and

    found the other two Grots dead ,staring into space. Wrenchit paused to close there eyes

    when he heared the expected WOOOMP! The truck roared past the rocks He was hiding

    behind "ZOGG" Wrenchit said out loud I missed!! Wrenchit had lost his sluga he fumbled

    around in the sand looking for a weapon.. The truck was coming back! Wrenchit picked up a

    bunch of rocks and leaped up on the rock pile, then he noticed a very strange light out over

    the desert. it was coming right at him the truck was coming at him from the other direction.

    The light got brighter and began to dance it seamed in the air it started to cork screw!

    Wrenchit jumped off the rock as the light streaked passed. With a deafening WOOOMP! and

    a blinding flash the truck flew apart! flaming parts flew everwhere lighting up the desert..

    Wrenchit poped his head up from behind the rocks and heard a faint moaning coming from

    what was left of the buggy.. He jumped up and ran to the buggy as Pain and Rabbit rolled

    into the fire light. "U'z ok Gabbo?" Rabbit asked " GITS OVA ERE AN ELP MEZ!!" yelled

    Wrenchit and the Grots piled out to help him.. Pulling debris out of the front of the buggy,there lay Rock. Yawning Rock asked "Wots go'n on Gabbo?"

    "Gader up all da gubbins from da wecks" Wrenchit told the new Grots. "Rock Iz tot uz was

    dead" Wrenchit said "Naw Gabbo daz gots me n da ead" Rock pointed to a big knot on his

    noggin. Pain chimed in "Dats why wez kallz em Rock Boss" Wrenchit laughed but only for a

    moment, no telling when more zoggin Orks could show up. Soon all of the useable

    equipment was picked up and loaded in Pains buggy."Tie a rope ta me busted buggy, wez

    gonna drag itz ome" Wrenchit instructed Rabbit. When that was done they all piled into Pain's

    buggy and off they went toward home. Wrenchit thought of the four Grots that climbed intohis buggy, they were all dead now. He was sad they couldn't burry them, he promised himself

    he would return and take care of there bones.. A new day dawned on the nine Grots in the

    crowded buggy. The day was hot and passed slowly with no event. Wrenchit tried to sleep

    but couldn't every time he closed his eyes he was staring into the lifeless eyes of dead Grots.

    He was tired and hungry they lost most of the food in the truck wreck last night. What food

    they had they gave to the new Grots.. They made it back to the fort the afternoon of the next

    day.. Wrenchit was so tired and banged up he could hardly move. He had forgotten about his

    shoulder wound it wasn't bad but it hurt him bad... The boyz carried him from the buggy to a

    darkened room in the mountain of wreckage and Wrenchit slept for three days..

    Wrenchit woke with a start.. He looked around the room memories slowly returning. How long

    had he been asleep he wondered.."Gabbo" said Pain as he slid back the door, "Guud ta see

    ya up" he said.."How long Iz I been nap'n" Wrenchit asked steping into his boots and putting

    on his helmet. "wez gotsa problem Boss" Pain explaind as they walked from the mountain of

    wreckage and out to the fort walls.. "See dat out der" Pain pointed out into the desert.

    Wrenchit climbed up to the top of the wall and looked out.. He could just make out flashes of

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    light in the dust clouds. "Daz fight'n go'n on ovr der!? Ready da boyz" Wrenchit said calmly to

    Pain. "ONZ ITZ BOSS!" Pain yelled back as he jumped down form the walls and started

    barking orders at every Grot in sight.. We need to know whats going on out there he thought

    to himself.. "Hey Gabbo" he heard familiar voices behind him, he turned to see Rock and

    Rabbit armed with everything they could carry. "Warz u'z go'n wit all dat?" Wrenchit grined.

    "Wit you Gabbo n dat" An engine roard to life and Pain rolled out in Wrenchits old buggy..

    "Made some enprovementz Boss!" Wrenchit could do nothing but grin as he gazed upon his

    buggy.. It had armor from front to back, a bigger crew compartment, a shield for the big

    shootas, another big shoota mounted in the passenger side front seat.. it had armor on the

    sides and an armored roof.. and four big new tires with armor plates on those too!.. what

    looked like a rocket launcha sticking out of the hood.. "Were did ya git all da new gubbins?"

    Wrenchit asked.. Pain motioned Wrenchit to fallow him, "Dis room waz founded twoz daz

    agoz Boss" Pain pushed a button and a huge door began sliding into the wall..When the door

    had disappeared Pain pressed another button and lights turned on one by one all down the

    walls of the room.."ZOGG!" Wrenchit said out loud, there was all manner of things that might

    have been in huge bins once, but now in one gigantic pile about eight feet high and goingback as far as the eye could see... "Iz gon'a gits a crew inz ere ta sortz itz all out Boss" Pain

    said.. Walking out of the room with a smile on his face Wrenchit said " Wez gonna goz on

    anov'a raid ta night Pain! paint a red star on da hood of me new buggy!" " Yes Boss allz

    ready onz Itz" Pain said fallowing him back outside..

    It was getting dark ,"Pile n'z boyz" Wrenchit shouted. He climbed into the buggy and saw his

    pointy stick on a rack behind his seat.. It made him smile. Wrenchit had picked three other

    Grots to go in his buggy tonight and he had Rock see to there duties on board. Teff road up

    front and operated the "Twins" he called them, twin linked big shootas with a stick bomb

    chucka added for that extra punch.. Weedy had a shoota mounted on the left side just behindWrenchit.. Skarz was on the right side shoota just behind Teff and below Rock who had the

    turret mounted Twins.. The rest of the buggy was filled with ammo some food, water and fuel

    cans.. Pains buggy was set up the same way Skorch, Moe and Tin were added to Pains crew

    and Rabbit to see that they did there jobs right.. The fort gate opened and they drove out into

    the desert. "Dis ting drivz guud" Wrenchit said to Rock.. Rock grined "Itz a guud'n Gabbo"..

    Wrenchit slowly depressed the gas pedal, the buggy responded slowly excelerating to

    speeds he had only dreamed of.. Far off in the distance Wrenchit could still see the flashes of

    light . The buggys roared through the desert . all at once they came upon a truck sideways to

    the trail Wrenchit hit the breaks hard and slid to a stop inches from the truck... Getting out

    Wrenchit pulled his sluga, his crew covering his every move.. There was an Ork in the driversseat with his head down on the steering wheel, Wrenchit pulled the Orks head up a round

    had passed the through it temple and out the other side popping the orks eyes out.. the Ork

    growned and moved back in his seat "Whoz der?!" it said. In his best Ork voice Wrenchit said

    "Itz da doc, Wotz go'n on ere?" The Ork responded "Kant see nofink! UMMIES!..UMMIES

    KAME FROM DA SKY!".. Ummies? Wrenchit thought what the zogg was a Ummie? In a

    deep voice Wrenchit said "If'n ya aint dedd wenz wez gits back I'l fix ya upz" he told the blind

    Ork. Razing his sluga over the orks head Wrenchit slamed it down on the Orks skull knocking

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    him unconscious .. Pain who had been out of his buggy and watching the Boss said "Why

    notz just killz em Boss?".. "Iz gotz planz fer dis u'n if Itz lives" Wrenchit said.. "Al da time yer

    tinking boss." and hey climbed back into the buggys and drove off.....

    The flashes in the distance grew brighter as the buggies sped through the dessert. Wrenchithit the breaks when they came upon some tall rock formations..Wrenchit and Pain climbed to

    the top of the tallest rock.. "Look Boss" Pain exclaimed as they got the first clear view of the

    flashing lights... "Doz gots ta bez dem Ummies dat Ork feller woz go'n on bout" Wrenchit

    said.. The two grots watched in wonder as what looked like a large flying truck slowly

    descended and more Ummies got out and then quickly rose into the sky and was gone.. "I

    fink I knowz whoz made our mountain ov scrap" Wrenchit said.. " Tink daz kame look'n fer Itz

    Boss?" Pain asked.. Wrechit didn't answer he was transfixed by the actions in the distance..

    He counted over 200 Ummies they had strange looking flashing guns and were told what to

    do buy a Ummie in a long black coat. They had made a pretty good fort Wrenchit thought,

    they could fight off the orks for years. There was a few what looked like premade buildings upagainst the cliffs with a lot of defense lines out in front of them, it was a fine fort Wrenchit said

    out loud... "Whaaat?" Pain asked. Just then a huge tracked machine rolled out of the furthest

    building, it had a turret on top with a huge cannon and smaller turrets on the sides with big

    shootas in them... With a defining thump its turret gun fired then with a thud the shell landed

    amoung the attacking Orks sending body parts flying.. Wrenchit almost cheered at the sight

    of dead orks and whispered to Pain "Wez must az dat!

    Climbing down from the tall rocks Wrenchit and Pain raced each other back to the fort.."Wez

    needz ta finda way in ta dat Ummie fort" Wrenchit said.. Pain nodded and sat down on a

    bench and put his fists under his chin..."Wot ifz wez waz birds Boss" Pain said after about anhour... Wrenchit looked at his friend and said "Dats da looniest ting I ave eva erd...Itz juss

    might wook!!" "I been finking bout dat Ummie fing dat floted off Boss an da bats dat live n da

    caves" Pain explained his views on flight with Wrenchit for hours... Then they went to

    work...days went by..hammering and cussing could be herd from the shop..."NO THATS NOT


    DONT AVE DA RIGHT BITS!!"...Then it went quiet.. Wrenchit and Pain came out of the

    shop.. They had desided to go exploring deeper into the wreckage... The next day they took

    a bunch of the glowing sticks they had found and headed into the unexplored parts of what

    Wrenchit believed to be a giant floty thing. Like the smaller one they saw at the Ummie fort..

    Rabbit brought a back pack full of tools and Rock brought a sack full of dried squig and a

    water can, both had knives and sluggas.. Wrenchit had his trusty pointy stick and his favorite

    slugga.. Pain brought a medi kit, a choppa and a shoota slung on his back..

    Wrenchit and the boyz walked for hours and deep into what Wrenchit now believed to be a

    giant Ummie spaceship..If the Hummies came looking for this there must be something really

    valuable hidden in here someplace thought Wrenchit. Along the walls were panels of still

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    blinking lights and buttons placed every 30' of witch rabbit could not keep himself from

    touching.."Rabbit!" Pain screamed as a door in the hallway slid open, "wait till we are ready!!"

    Wrenchit and Pain slipped into the darkened room and snaped a glow stick instantly casting

    an earie green glow to objects in the room..."Wots dis?" Pain asked a multitude of times..."I

    don't knowz" was Wrenchit's multitude of answers.. Then they spotted a large piece of glass

    "Hey! wotz dis!?" Pain asked "Lookz likes a Map ov da stars" Wrenchit said in a puzzled

    voice.."Dem Ummies iz smert ones Boss" Pain had to admit.."Yeah but wez ketch onz quik"

    Wrenchit said poking Pain in the ribs with his elbow.

    On they searched, down the dark hallway...Rabbit pushing buttons as they went...Another

    room door slid open..Wrenchit peered inside,the chamber was dimly lit with blue lights. He

    could see that the room was heavily damaged by the crash. The walls on the far side were

    torn away and he could see the stone of Mountains poking through but no day light..

    Boulders and rocks had spilled into the room and twisted metal lay in great hunks..Wrenchit

    stepped into the room with Pain,it was hard to walk there was so much debris "Gots da realmess n ere Boss!" Pain said quietly.. Pain wondered toward a darkened corner of the room,

    "I'z ere'n somfink Boss" at that moment yellow eyes appeared in the dark ,Pain was

    transfixed..Wrenchit drew his sluga as the thing sprang at Pain. A terrified Pain could only

    manage to say "BOSS?!" as he was knocked to the floor. Rabbit had been watching from the

    hallway and hurled himself past Wrenchit and jumped on the creature, Wrenchit had no shot!

    The creature stood up it was twice the size of a Grot! it had long arms and was covered in

    dark fur its yellow eyes seemed to glow in the slapped at Pain again and again.

    Rabbit was on its back stabbing it over and over with his knife.. Rock rushed in crashing into

    the fight knocking the creature off its feet. The beast slapped Rock and he fell limp among

    the rocks then cast Rabbit across the room, Rabbits knife still in its back. For a moment thecreature was clear, Wrenchit emptied his sluga into its chest! The beast flew backwards into

    the dark then sprang at Wrenchit. it pined him to the rock strewn floor. It looked down at Him

    with pain and contempt snarling, its warm blood driping onto Wrenchits face.. Wrenchit could

    see its gleaming fangs as its mouth widened into an evil grin he could smell its foul breath.

    The beast raised its right arm witch ended with a long fingered hand. Claws sprang out like


    With a swish the clawed hand of the beast flew from its arm..Wrenchit scrambled out from

    under the monster as it howled in pain..Rock was on his feet again choppa in hand. He

    struck the beast again in the back crushing the spine. The monster collapsed in a bloody

    lump on the floor and died...Wrenchit ran to where Pain lay bleeding "U'z gonna be ok"

    Wrenchit said as if to convince himself.. Rabbit was bleeding as well. Rock picked up Rabbit

    " I'z gots ya " he whispered.. Like wise Wrenchit scooped up Pain.. "Time ta go" Wrenchit

    said to Rock... "We needz ta fix'm up Boss" Rock answered back.. Down the corridor they

    went looking for stuff to fix the wounded grots... In the hallway rock pushed all the buttons on

    the panels as they hurried by until one door slid open...Wrenchet put Pain down and quickly

    reloaded his sluga "Watch ovr dem" He told Rock.. As before the room was lit with the blue

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    lights...Wrenchit saw boxes on shelves along the wall..He found some rags and some tape

    along with copper wire. Glancing around the room he saw another door and pushed the

    buttons next to it, the door slid into the wall with a swish... The room was bright. It had white

    lights that hurt Wrenchits eyes, he squinted as he looked around.. The room had a bunk in

    the corner and cabinets on its walls. Silver tools hung from the ceiling on wires and

    hoses...Wrenchit called out to Rock to bring them in here...Rock laid the 2 wounded grots on

    the cot one at each end. Wrenchit showed Rock what he had found and they went to work

    stiching up Pains wounds with the copper wire..Pain was in bad shape, the slashes on his

    chest and face were so deep Wrenchit could see Pains rib bones.. He has lost a lot of blood

    Wrenchit thought to himself daring not to believe he could loose his friend...Rock was

    finishing up with Rabbits wounds and said "I fink hez gonna be guud Boss"... "Wez gonna

    find out" Wrenchit said in a hushed tone...Then in the corridor they heard a noise..Wrenchit

    and Rock scrambled for there weapons and slipped into the other room.. A dark hunched

    figure stepped into the doorway from the hallway and two yellow eyes appeared...

    "Zogg! derz mor ov'm" Wrenchit screamed firing his sluga into the dark figure in the doorway..The yellow eyes disappeared and the dim blue lights in the corridor could be seen again.

    Wrenchit and Rock hid themselves behind boxes they pushed off the shelves. "I'z not ere'n

    nutt'n Boss" whispered Rock. "Ssshhhh" Wrenchit answered with a finger to his lips. "I getz

    its Boss no noisez" Rock answered like it was some sort of game and put a finger to his

    lips... Wrenchit shook his head and grinned "Mork blesst ya wid aff da brain ee gave ta da

    rest ov us". Rock nodded blissfully. Soon there was more noise in the hallway, scraping

    sounds, then growling.. A shiver ran down Wrenchits back and he remembered the time the

    scaley fing had him at the cave but there are no orks to get him out of trouble here.. Wrenchit

    looked at Rock.. Rock was bigger than most Grots, he was thicker and had more muscle but

    was slow minded. Wrenchit was glad to have Rock along on this adventure. The growlinggrew louder, Rock steadied his weapon on the top of the box, Wrenchit did the same. A

    snarling beast lept into the room fallowed by two more Rock stood up mashing his trigger the

    shoota began to glow red from the heat of bullets leaving its barrel. The first beast came

    apart in a gory spray and fell in pieces at Rocks feet.. Wrenchit fired and hit one of the next

    two. "Quickz Rock back n ta udder roomz!!" Wrenchit screamed. Together they ran for the

    door, Wrenchit slaped the buttons and the door shut behind them. There was a heavy thud

    on the door and howls of pure rage were muffled by its closing.. "Wotz a fella godda do ta git

    some quiet ere!?!" came a voice from the bunk.. "Rabbit!" Rock said surprised "Wez n a

    pinch" Rock went on to say. "And mez a weapon" Rabbit told his slow witted friend, Rock

    tossed him a shoota from a backpack on the floor.. "We needz a wayz outa ere" Wrenchitsaid as he looked around the room. "Over der Boss" Rabbit pointed to a small square screen

    on the floor near the corner. Another loud bang on the door followed by more howls left the

    door dented but still in its tracks.. Claws punched through the door and started to tear away

    at the metal.. Wrenchit kicked in the screen with his big orky boots and peered into the dark

    crawl space.. "We goz!"

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    Snapping a new glow stick Wrenchit shot into the crawl space, it was a bit tight in places but

    he made his way, the others fallowing him. Rock was dragging Pain behind him and Rabbit

    brought up the rear.. Wrenchit came to another vent and stopped to take a look.. This room

    seemed bigger than all the other rooms put together. It amazed Wrenchit to think someone

    built something so big.. He kicked out the vent screen and then listened, not hearing anything

    he slid out of the vent and stood up drawing his sluga. The others fallowed, standing in

    amazement they looked upward.... There in the darkness stood a Metal Giant, It towered

    over them it was a mountain all by its self Wrenchit thought.. "Datz a big u'n Boss" said Rock.

    "Wat iz itz" Rabbit said in awe. "Itz Zogg'n beuiefull" confessed Wrenchit.. Wrenchit began to

    climb the scaffolding that led right up to the Giants expressionless face "Derz a door ere" He

    yelled down to the others and motioned for them to come up...Rock picked up Pain and

    carried him up.. 'We sur iz igh up ere Boss" Rock gasped out of breath.."Can yaz git da dorz

    open Boss?" asked Rabbit. At that moment the door Wrenchit was messing with slid

    open..Wrenchit peered into Metal Giants head there were 3 seats and panels of blinking

    lights "Wez can hide n ere" Wrenchit said, and they hurried inside the Metal Giants head.

    Rock put Pain down by the seat in the back, Wrenchit sat in that seat next to Pain..Rabbitand Rock sat down in the two forward seats.."Wots dis do Boss?" said Rabbit as he began to

    press buttons and flip switches. On the arm of his chair was a stick with buttons and a trigger

    on it, as Rabbit snaped the stick back and forth the Giant began to lurch to the right and then

    to the left, Rabbit froze, "Did I'z do dat Boss?!" With grin Wrenchit said "Yes you did!!"

    Wrenchit knew he needed to get Pain to the healers back at the fort, was this metal Giant

    worth it he thought.. He could not risk dragging Pain around anymore it could kill him...

    Wrenchit decided to try and make this Gaint get them out of here..."Umm..Boss, wots dis"

    Rock said calmly. Rock pushed forward on the stick mounted on his chair and pushed thetrigger.. With a loud thud the Giant shuddered and the far end of the cargobay disappeared in

    dust and rubble.."Dats it!" Wrenchit shouted "Do dat agen Rock!".. Rock pulled the trigger a

    few more times and they could see day light at the far end of the room.. Now to get this

    beasty going! Wrenchit grabed the sticks mounted in his chair, pushing forward the Gaint

    took a step.."Dis Iz fun Boss" said Rock "Look dar"s a target onz dis screen" and Rock

    squeezed the trigger again wile Wrenchit walked the Giant slowly to the other end of the

    room..."Dats nofink" said Rabbit "Watch dis!" The left arm swung in a wide ark and tore great

    chunks of wreckage from the walls and ceiling with a massive chainsword that bit through

    metal and stone with ease...

    Wrenchit eased the Giant out of the huge hole in the mountain careful not to step onboulders and debris. Through the forward view ports they could see open desert.."Zogg!

    where r wez" Rabit said out loud.. Wrenchit slowly rotated the Giant around to the left.. "Look

    da skull thingy" Rock managed to get out. "I seez itz Rock" as Wrenchit walked the Giant

    over to the Fort walls..."Where iz ever one?" Rabbit asked..We needs ta get Pain down and

    to the healers Wrenchit explained.. Rabbit opened the door to the cab, "long wayz down

    Boss anz wez lost all da ropez"...Wrenchit sat back in his chair "Iz know'n wot ta do" he

    stepped over the fort gate and nuged the Giants head right up to the skull sign.."Open dat

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    door now" Wrenchit said.. Rabbit opened the door and gave the Boss a thumbs up..Rock

    picked up Pain and they all climbed down the skull sign.. Looking up at the Giant now in the

    day light Wrenchet thought "Wot Awesome Power"..

    Weeks went by before Pain was able to even sit up in his rack..Wrenchit came to see him

    every day. "Wez made lots of improvementz roun ere" he told Pain.. Wrenchit had sealed off

    all the passageways that led deep into the mountain so the demons couldn't get at them

    anymore...He had the Giant painted to look like scrap and added a few things to make it that

    much more killy.. "Wotz bout dem hummies an da Orks?" asked Pain..Wrenchit told him they

    were still fighting and far to busy to be looking around just yet and that they had been

    keeping an eye on them...Pain laughed a bit and grabbed his ribs. "Wots it?" asked

    Wrenchet... Pain explained how funny he thought it was to go in looking for something to help

    them fly like birds and they came out like Giants.

    "I seez somfink over der Boss" Rock pointed to a spot on the screen.."Magnit-fi da screen"

    was Wrenchits reply.."Lookn like a smashed buggy Boss" Pain said.."Dats wot I waz finking".

    Wrenchit eased the Scrapa to a walk.."Be look'n fer wot busted dat buggy boyz" he said


    A few more strides and they were at the wreck site.. Looking down they could see the 4 grots

    dead in the wreckage.."Wez gonna burry dem wif da mek boyz" Wrenchit said..."Makez us a

    propa grave" Wrenchit said to Rock.

    With a single stroke from the Scrapas chain chopa a ditch was made in the ground and with

    a huge foot Wrenchit sild the wreck into it.. 2 crew members slid the bodies of the mek boys

    off of the railing and down into the ditch where Wrenchit covered them all up with the foot ofthe Scrapa.

    "Hey Boss wez got somfink moven on da screen!" yelled Rock.."Extend da coils Rabbit!"

    Wrenchit yelled into the talky tube.. coils began to pop out of the arms and legs, head and

    shoulders of scrapa. "Camo onz" Wrenchit said. With a hum the parts of Scrapa that could

    be seen on the view screens began to appear as rock and sand.. Wrenchit eased Scrapa to

    its knees..."And nowz we waitz" said Wrenchit to Pain's amazement..

    "Boss its som kinda buggy" Rock said with excitement in his voice.."Easy Rock waitz till dem

    gits Iz kloser" Wrenchit answered..They cant see us Rabbit asked confused.."Haha! no wez

    is looken like a big Rock ta dem" Rock giggled.."Target thingy on Boss" Rock went on to saystill giggling. "FIRE!" Wrenchit screamed.. With loud KATHUMP the enemy buggy was blown

    to bits! "Nice shot Rock" Pain said..."Watch da skreen Rock. Kom on Pain letz sees wot we

    gots"..Wrenchit said with a grin...

    After climbing down from da Scrapa Wrenchit and Pain approached the smoldering wreck of

    a very large truck ... "Didn't look dis big on da skreen Boss" said Pain.. Wrenchit drew his

    slugga and spit on the ground "Daaz neva do"...

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    "Dez Hummies iz all dead Boss.." Pain said. "No gubbins evr" said Wrenchit. "Rock

    blasted dem all ta Gork" at that moment more trucks could be heard..."HE B!##"

    $elled Rabbit out a hatch in the bell$ o% the cra&a. He 'as &ointing %ranticl$ "We gots

    (om&an$##" Wrenchit and Pain scrambled u& into the control room.." lets err itz Rock)

    'atz out der*" Wrenchit said as he sat do'n in his command chair.."Derz one t'oz threez

    lots o+ trucks boss" rock said embarrassed he couldn+t count &ast three.. ",akes dis tingdisa&errz" Wrenchit said... Po&&ing u& %rom a hatch in the %loor Rabbit interru&ted "

    B! WE G!- B/G PR!B0E,#" 1ust then the control room shook and s&arks raineddo'n %rom 'ires above them..."Dats 'ot /+z tell+n $a Boss# 'ez cant get disa&&eared 'ez

    ov+r heat+n da engine#" Rabbit cried.. loud thud 'as %elt) then a de%%ning boom and the

    cra&a began to s'a$.."2ire Rock# %ire#" $elled Wrenchit as Rock let loose a torrent o%shots at the on coming Hummies. "Da target thing$ don+t 'ork" Rock com&lained.. -hud

    a%ter thud could be %elt through the hull. Wrenchit eased the cra&a %or'ard and tried to

    kee& it stead$ against 'ithering %ire. "Rabbit get on da Ri&&a" screamed Wrenchit.. the

    Ri&&a 'as a massive chain s'ord ca&able o% cutting a tank in t'o...&ushing his controls%or'ard the cra&a began to run) Wrenchit kne' the Giant machime couldn+t take much

    more... voice came u& %rom the talk$ tube in the %loor) "Da rodz iz bubble+n Boss#"ignoring 'hat he 3ust heard) in the vie' screen Wrenchit could see at least si4t$ tanks andthousand+s Hummie bo$s s&read out on the sand in %ront o% them. /n the distance he could

    see the hummie %ortress and Wrenchit began to grin...

    -he cra&a crested a small dune) still %iring the main cannon Rock 'as hitting ever$ tankin sight.."kee&z dat u& an 'ez might gets out ov dis 'i% R skinz" Wrenchit said calml$..

    "Get mez close nu%% ta cut som%ink Boss#" Rabbit screemed..Wrenchit eased the Giant

    do'n the dune and &ushed it to a %ull run... -he$ could still %eel the im&acted o% shells

    hitting its steel and ceramite hull. With onl$ a hal% mile to the Hummie %ortress Wrenchit$elled into the talk$ tube "bandon da zogen shi getz out bo$z##" Grots began to bail

    out o% the cra&a nearl$ getting stom&ed as the Giant ran along.. "Rabbit# getz do'n ta da

    engine room an make sure all da bo$z got outz# Den getz out $er sel%" Wrenchitordered..Rabbit looked like someone 3ust thre' cold 'ater on him but he did as he 'as

    told and disa&&eared through the hatch in the %loor...Parts began to %all o%% the cra&a no'

    its outside shielding had all most all been blasted a'a$..Without being told Pain took theDa Ri&&a seat as Rabbit disa&&eared and %ought to control the giant chain s'ord.. ards

    %rom the outer de%ences o% the Hummie %ort Wrenchit asked Pain and Rock to bail out and

    %ind the bo$z..

    Pain said 'ith out turning around in his seat "orr$ Boss / aint hear+n $a ov+a all dis noise

    ". "5mm / dont %ink /+z eer+n $a nether Boss#" Rock shouted as he ble' a massive hole inthe 'alls o% the %ort.. 1ust then a %amiliar voice on the talk$ tube said "Wez in da Red

    Boss# its going to blo'#" then silence) the$ all realized 'hat Wrenchit 'as going todo..2rom the talk$ tube came "Wez 'it $a Boss till da end"

    Wrenchit &ushed the cra&a dee&er into the Hummie %ort stom&ing buildings andvehicles as he 'ent.. "2ind da Plasma generatorz#" Wrenchit $elled.. "!v+r der#" Rock

    shouted back.. shell burst le%t the Ri&&a arm hanging li%eless as hot h$drolic oil s&ra$ed

  • 7/26/2019 It Was Cluttered and Dark Under the Boss


    out on the ground.. Rabbit sli&ed out o% the hatch in the %loor and sealed it) "Wez dont got

    an$z moe time Boss# gauge+s allz en da red##". W/-H -H5NDER!5 (R(6

    HE00 -!RE -HR!5GH -HE 2R!N- !2 -HE (RP ND E7/-/NG -HEB506HED B!8E WREN(H/-+ HED.. -he sound 'as de%ining Wrenchit+s vision

    blurred and he all most blacked out) he could %eel a 'arm mist in the air..the blast had

    knocked him out o% his command chair) he could see Rabbit and Pain on the %loor) 'i&inghis e$es he could see the cab 'as %illed 'ith &ink mist and there 'as blood on the

    bulkheads../n horror Wrenchit realized the shell had va&orized Rock.. "D,N 9!GG+N

    H5,,/E !59 G!NN+ D/E". Wrenchit cried as he scrambled to get back into hiscommand chair. -he 'ind 'histled through the ga&ing hole in %ront o% Rocks gore

    covered seat) the cra&a lurched and stumbled %or'ard as uto cannon shells tore more

    holes through the cab.. Pain shook himsel% a'ake) covered in blood he %elt his bod$ %or

    'ounds.. "-6E !8+R D (NN!N P/N#" Wrenchit &ointed to the no' em&t$ seat.-he sobbing Grot slid into Rocks seat lined u& his shot and %ired destro$ing the nearest

    building.. -he cra&a stumbled on into the &lasma generators) "ll most der Bo$z"

    Wrenchit muttered to himsel% as more bullets &assed through the bulkheads .. Rabbit

    li%ted himsel% o%% the %loor in time to see Wrenchit turn the groaning cra&a to'ardhome.. 2li&&ing a &anel on the arm o% his chair Wrenchit reviled a large red button.

    Balling u& his %ist he looked at Rabbit and said "H!0D !N - !,2/N6##" andsmashed the button.. -here 'as a rush o% air and a loud roar then an ear s&litting &o -he

    cab broke %ree o% the Giant and rocketed back out over the o&en desert## -he cra&a

    began to shudder and then to&&led into the generators. a moment later there 'as ablinding %lash then the sound o% a billion cannons all going o%% at once.. -he cab &icked

    u& s&eed as it 'as over come 'ith the shock 'ave and &lummeted into the desert sand

    %inel$ tumbling to a sto&.... taggering out o% the 'reckage his ears bleeding and his arm

    mangled Wrenchit 'atched the rising mushroom sha&ed cloud "D- 2!R R!(6#" hescreamed shaking his %ist in the air.. Wrenchit stumbled to 'hat 'as le%t o% the cab sank

    do'n to his knees s&iting blood and teeth in the sand.. 2alling %ore'ord his last thoughts

    'ere o% ho' 'arm the sand %elt on his %ace..

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