itm slides_compiled 27jan

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 ITM Slides_Compiled 27Jan


    Introduction to


  • 8/9/2019 ITM Slides_Compiled 27Jan


    Management GROUP 2

    Chew Hong Xian 19559 Choo Jia How 17203 Jeganesvaran a/l Balasundaram 17207 Sasithren a/l ush!!anathan 1""## $oo %ew Jen 1"900

    %ogessvaran a/l &e'nesvaran 1719#

  • 8/9/2019 ITM Slides_Compiled 27Jan


    It means understanding that each individual isunique, and recognizing our individual diferences.

    These can be along

    the dimensions o race, ethnicity, gender, sexualorientation, socio-economic status, age, physical

    abilities, religious belie s,

    political belie s, or other ideologies.

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    epresent a brea! rom equality concepts such as

    equal opportunity and a"rmative action.

    #Thomas, $%%& ' Thomas and (ly, $%%)*

    This concept appeared and gained momentum in

    the + in the mid-$% &s.

    Important or managersto understand

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  • 8/9/2019 ITM Slides_Compiled 27Jan


    Increased in Productivity & Creativity

    -diferent talents (achieving one goal)

    -positive efect on employees (ease, valued,

    e uality)

    -brings in their !ay o" thin#ing, operating and

    solving problems and decision ma#ing

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    Better Qua ity !anagement

    -e$posure to!ards colleagues

    -training together !ith mentors

    -synergy in team and enhancing communication

    s#ills among each other

    -increased in adaptability

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    Challenges %hat &anagers Face'n Wor#ing With iverse


    1. Changing Demographics

    a. Population and workforce grow slowly since1930s.

    b. A erage age of workforce increases.

    c. !ess young people enter the labor market.

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    d. "inorities makes up a larger share of new

    entrants into labor force.

    e. #mmigrants represents the largest share ofthe increase in the general population andworkforce "

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    $. %thnocentrism & 'ther (egati e Dynamics

    a. %thnocentrism . Judge other groups less favorably than our own.

    Related dynamics: Prejudice & Stereotype

    Prejudice is a preconceived judgment orassumption about a behavior or people.

    Stereotype is a ( !ve or ("!ve assessment of apeople or their perceived attributes.

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    b. Discrimination . #ct of treating an issue$ person or behavior

    unjustly on the basis of stereotypes andprejudices.

    %hese negative dynamics cause discomfortand stress for the judged individual.

    ormally$ discrimination occurs whenstereotypes affect hiring$ pay or promotionpractices

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    c . )okenism & 'ther Challenges

    %o'enism refers to being one of the members of your group in the organi ation.

    )%o'en* employees are given very high or lowvisibility in the organi ation.

    +hallenges facing minorities and women includethe pressure to conform to the organi ation,sculture.

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    -inorities are seen as )spo'espeople* who aresubject to high e pectations of their group.

    /n general$ ethnocentrism$ prejudices andstereotypes inhibit our ability to accuratelyprocess information.

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    3 . (egati e Dynamics and *pecific +roups

    a. ,omen 0igh e pectations women would have high

    pressure in wor' field.

    b. +ender -oles 1omen in organi ations face perceptions

    based on what the society believes are

    appropriate behaviors for men and women. 2oth genders find their self"e pression

    constrained by gender"role stereotyping.

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    c . )he +lass Ceiling and *e ual /arassment

    # serious form of discrimination affectingwomen is considered as the glass ceiling.

    %he glass ceiling refers to an invisible ceilingor barrier to advancement.

    /t is always assumed that householdmanagement is the primary responsibility forwomen$ in which this stereotype ma'es abarrier in their job promotion.

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    c. )he +lass Ceiling and *e ual /arassment

    %he glass ceiling refers to an invisible ceilingor barrier to advancement.

    /t is always assumed that householdmanagement is the primary responsibility forwomen$ in which this stereotype ma'es abarrier in their job promotion.

    Se ual harassment is unwanted se uallanguage which is another form of


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    d. "inorities

    +ultural minorities have been sociali ed to bemembers of the cultural groups which is 'nownas bicultural stress.

    Role conflict and role overload are commoncharacteristics of bicultural stress.

    e. *tereotypes and Pre udices 3in' age with senility$ incompetence and lac'

    of worth in labor mar'et.

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    #" 'lder ,orkers

    4lder wor'ers are valuable component of laborforce.

    -anager have to value older wor'ers and treatthem fairly.

    g. ,orkers with Disabilities

    +ompanies have to ta'e proactive steps toemploy wor'ers with disabilities as productiveemployees.

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    *trategies to romote

    iversity 'n +rgani ations$ . /udson #nstitute *trategies

    a. Stimulate balanced world growth.b. /ncreases productivity in service industries.c. -aintain dynamism of an aging wor'force.

    e. /mprove education and s'ills of all wor'ers.f. 5ully integrate wor'ers into the economy.g. Reconcile the conflicting needs of women$ wor'

    and families.

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    2" % ual %mployment and Affirmati e Action

    a. 6esigned to eliminate barriers and increaseopportunities for underutili ed individuals.

    b. %o promote diversity and provides opportunitiesfor both women and minority groups.

    c. -anagers have to view 78ual 7mployment4pportunity +ommission (774+! as a guidance tobuild organi ation diversity .

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    %" 'rgani2ational Commitment

    a. /gnoring differences.b. +omplying with e ternal policies.c. 7nforcing e ternal policies.

    d. Responding inade8uately.e. /mplementing ade8uate programs.f. %a'ing effective action.

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    4. Pluralism

    a. 9olden Rule approach 5ocus on individual morality.

    b. #ssimilation approach Shaping members to fit the e isting culture.

    c. Righting"the"1rong approach #ddress past injustices of a particular group

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  • 8/9/2019 ITM Slides_Compiled 27Jan


    (he )ole o*(he +anager

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    (he )ole o*(he +anager


    In1uencing 2ontrolling

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    1, lanning

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    e.nition /0n action proposed toachieve ob1ectives

    )roubleshoot and define areas that can be

    impro ed *elect di ersity training programs *et di ersity goals for employees Cooperate with /- to achie e organi2ation goal *et benchmark goals for each year

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    e.nition / %he process o" establishingorder y uses "or all resources

    /a e to work with /- in recruitment hiring

    *killfully using organi2ation4s resources %stablish task forces Allow fle ible work arrangement Assign work responsibilities e uitably

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    3, n*luen ing

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    e.nition / %he process o" guiding theactivities o" members inappropriate directions

    %ffecti e leadership style +ood communication skill 5nowledge on moti ating others

    6nderstanding of organi2ation4s culture *kill to ensure smooth operation

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    , Controlling

  • 8/9/2019 ITM Slides_Compiled 27Jan


    e.nition /

    0 set o" activities that ma#esomething happen asp anned

    % aluation acti ities are necessary

    )o measure outcome ariables of turno er (eed to continually monitor unit4s progress Create effecti e supports "entoring7Pro iding ob8related training

  • 8/9/2019 ITM Slides_Compiled 27Jan


    &anagement evelopment 2iversity %raining

    asic )hemes of Di ersity )raining eha ioral awareness

    Acknowledgment of biases and stereotypes :ocus on ob performance A oidance of assumptions "odification of policy and procedure manuals

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