j e s u s : ma r y o f na za r e th p e te r , s o n o f j o n a · 2020. 2. 10. · j e s u s : ma...

Post on 02-Feb-2021






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  • Jesus: Mary of Nazareth Peter, son of Jona: -Born in Bethlehem -Married Joseph -Fisherman by trade (Bethsaida) -Raised in Nazareth -Lived in Nazareth -Became an Apostle -Called ‘Messiah’ -Tradition a virgin when she conceived -Part of Jesus’ inner circle -Self-Identified as the Son of Man -Venerated as the Theotokos -Betrayed Jesus

    John the Baptist John, son of Zebedee: James, son of Zebedee: -Reminded people of Elijah -Fisherman by trade (Bethsaida) -Fisherman by trade (Bethsaida) -Predicted a Coming Spirit-Baptizer -Became an Apostle -Became an Apostle -Executed by Herod Antipas -Part of Jesus’ inner circle -Part of Jesus’ inner circle -Baptized crowds in the Jordan -Traditionally, author of a Gospel -Executed by Herod Agrippa

  • Herod the Great Herod Antipas Caiaphas, the High Priest -Idumean/Jewish King of Judea -Son of Herod the Great -High Priest from 18-36 CE -Empowered by Rome -Ruled Galilee and Peraea -Son-in-law of Annas -Refurbished the Temple -Executed John the Baptist -Oversaw (part of) Jesus’ trial -May have killed Bethlehem babies? -Participated in Jesus’ trial -His ossuary has been found

    Pontius Pilate Mary Magdalene Matthew, the Tax Collector -Prefect of Judea from 25-36 CE -Close associate/friend of Jesus -Worked for the Romans -Appointed by Emperor Tiberius -Probably from Magdala -Collected taxes from fellow Jews -Oversaw Jesus’ trial -First to see the resurrected Jesus -Became an Apostle -Removed by Emperor Caligula -Called ‘the Apostle to the Apostles’ -Traditionally, author of a Gospel

  • Paul of Tarsus Joseph of Nazareth Judas Iscariot -Aramaic name is ‘Saul’ -A tekton (construction worker) -Iscariot = sikarios? -A Pharisee -Married Mary, Jesus’ mother -Iscariot = from Kerioth? -Persecuted Jesus’ followers -May have saved the baby Jesus -Betrayed Jesus -Became an Apostle (to the Gentiles) -Missing from Jesus’ adulthood -Death by hanging? disembowelment?

    Satan Joseph of Arimathea James of Nazareth -Originates as ha Satan (Accuser) -Member of the Jewish Sanhedrin -A son of Mary and Joseph -A.k.a., ‘the devil’ -Secretly a disciple of Jesus -Troubled relationship with Jesus -Tempted Jesus in the wilderness -Preserved Jesus’ body after death -Believed after the resurrection -Seen as supreme demon -Provided family tomb for burial -Led the Church in Jerusalem

  • The Archangel Gabriel The Bethany Family Nicodemus the Pharisee -Name = ‘God (El) is my strength’ -From Bethany near Jerusalem -Came to Jesus secretly -Messenger angel -Includes Lazarus who died -Was a member of the Sanhedrin -Informs Mary of her conception -Includes Martha, the hard-worker -Was a Pharisee -Part of Jewish and Muslim traditions -Includes Mary, a disciple -Helped recover Jesus’ body

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